Bibliographie Agrégation Contre-culture – Théâtre Ouvrages


Bibliographie Agrégation Contre-culture – Théâtre Ouvrages
Bibliographie Agrégation Contre-culture – Théâtre
Ouvrages critiques
BECK, Julian, The Life of the Theatre: The Relation of the Artist to the Struggle of the
People, New York: Limelight, 1991.
Modern American Drama, 1945-1990, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, 1992.
A Critical Introduction to Twentieth-Century American Drama: Beyond
Broadway, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1985.
BLAU, Herbert, The Impossible Theater: A Manifesto, Collier Books, New York, 1964.
BRECHT, Stefan, Queer Theater, Surkhamp, New York, 1978.
*BROYLES-GONZALEZ, Yolanda, El Teatro Campesino: Theater in the Chicano
Movement, University of Texas Press, 1994.
CASE, Sue-Ellen, Feminism and Theatre, Methuen, New York, 1988.
*CARLSON, Marvin,
Performance: A Critical Introduction, Routledge, New York, 1996.
Theories of Theatre: A Historical and Critical Survey from the Greeks to the
Present, Cornell University Press, New York, 1984.
CLUM, John, Acting Gay: Male Homosexuality in Modern Drama, Columbia University
Press, New York, 1994.
DAVIS, R. G., The San Francisco Mime Troupe: The First Ten Years, Palo Alto, Calif.:
Ramparts Press, 1975.
DUVIGNAUD, Jean, Sociologie du théâtre, PUF, 1965.
ESSLIN, Martin, The Theatre of the Asburd, Anchor Books, New York, 1961/1969.
FABRE, Geneviève, Le théâtre noir aux Etats-Unis, CNRS, Paris, 1982.
GOLDBERG, Rose Lee, Performance Art: From Futurism to the Present, Harry N.
Abrams, New York, 1979/1988.
*JOTTERAND, Franck, Le nouveau théâtre américain, Seuil, Paris, 1970.
*KAPROW, Allan,
Assemblages, Environments & Happenings, New York: Harry Abrams, 1966.
Some Recent Happenings, Great Bear Pamphlet, New York: Something Else
Press, 1966.
*KIRBY, Michael, Happenings, E.P. Dutton & Co, New York, 1965.
KOURILSKY, Françoise, Le Bread and Puppet Theatre, Lausanne, L'Âge d'homme, 1971.
MARKOWITZ, Charles, Off-Broadway Plays, Volume 1, Penguin, London, 1970.
MALINA, Judith, The Diaries of Judith Malina 1947-1957, New York: Grove, 1984.
NEWTON, Esther, Mother Camp: Female Impersonators in America, University of
Chicago Press, Chicago, 1972/1979.
*PASQUIER, Marie-Claire, Le théâtre américain d'aujourd'hui, P.U.F., Paris, 1978.
*SAVRAN, David,
Taking It Like a Man: White Masculinity, Masochism, and Contemporary
American Culture, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1998. (Chapter
Communists, Cowboys and Queers: The Politics of Masculinity in the Work of
Arthur Miller and Tennessee Williams, University of Minnesota Press,
Minneapolis, 1992.
*SCHECHNER, Richard,
Between Theater and Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania Press,
Philadelphia, 1985.
*Environmental Theater, An Expanded New Version, Applause, London & New
York, 1973/1994.
Public Domain: Essays on the Theatre, Avon Books, New York, 1969.
SHANK, Theodore, Beyond the Boundaries: American Alternative Theatre, Ann Arbor, The
University of Michigan Press, 1982. (Part I)
TURNER, Victor, From Ritual to Theatre: The Human Seriousness of Play, Performing
Art Journal Publications, New York, 1982.
*TYTELL, John, The Living Theater: Art, Exile, Outrage, Grove, New York, 1995.
ALBEE, Edward,
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, 1963, Signet, New York, 1983.
The Zoo Story, in Strasberg, pp. 385-415.
BENTLEY, Eric, Round 2 or New York in the 70s, in Gay Plays: Four, ed., Michael
Wilcox, Methuen, London, 1990, pp. 1-43.
*BROWN, The Brig, + The Brig by Jonas Mekas, 1964 / 66' / 16 mm / nb / son (captation
d’une representation de la version du living theater)
CROWLEY, Mart, 3 Plays By Mart CrowleyAlyson, Los Angeles, 1996. [The Boys in the Band,
A Breeze from the Gulf, For Reasons that Remain Unclear.]
CLURMAN, Harold, ed., Famous American Plays of the 1960s, Laurel, New Nork, 1972.
HOFFMAN, Ted, ed., Famous American Plays of the 1970s, (1988, Paperback, Reissue),
Laurel, New York. [Contents: The basic training of Pavlo Hummel / David Rabe -Moonchildren / Michael Weller -- The taking of Miss Janie / Ed Bullins -- Same time, next
year / Bernard Slade -- Gemini / Albert Innaurato -- Buried child / Sam Shepard]
HOFFMAN, William M., ed., Gay Plays: The First Collection, Avon, New York, 1979. [TShirts, Boy Meets Boy, Confessions of a Female Disorder, Entertaining Mr. Slaone, A Late Snow, The Killing of Sister
George, Cornbury.]
INGE, William, Four Plays, Grove Press, New York, 1990. [Come Back ; Little Sheba ; Picnic ; Bus
Stop ; The Dark at the Top of the Stairs.]
INNAURATO, Albert, Best Plays of Albert Innaurato, Gay Press of New York, New York,
1988. [Coming of Age in Soho, Gemini, The Transfiguration of Benno Blimpie.]
*JONES, Leroi, (ou Imamu Amiri Baraka)
The Baptism & The Toilet, Grove Press, New York, 1966.
Dutchman and The Slave: Two Plays, Harper Perennia,
Four Black revolutionary plays, all praises to the Black man, Indianapolis,
Bobbs-Merrill [1969] (Experimental death unit #1.--A black mass.--Great
goodness of life.—Madheart)
KING, Woodie, MILNER, Ron, eds., Black Drama Anthology, Meridian Book, New York,
LUDLAM, Charles, Complete Plays by Charles Ludlam, eds. Steven Samuels, Everett
Quinton, Harper and Row, New York, 1989.
*MASON, Susan V., ed., The San Francisco Mime Troupe Reader, The University of
Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 2005.
SMITH, Jack,
Wait For Me at the Bottom of the Pool: The Writings of Jack Smith, J.
Hoberman and Edward Leffingwell, eds., New York and London: High Risk Books,
ICA/p.s. 1 new york/london.
"Rehearsal for the Destruction of Atlantis", 1965, in Theatre of the Ridiculous, eds.,
Bonnie Marranca, Gautam Dasgupta, PAJ Books, 1998, pp.13-8.
STRASBERG, Lee, ed., Famous American Plays of the 1950s, The Laurel Drama Series,
New York, 1962. [Camino Real ; The Autumn Garden ; Tea and Sympathy ; The Zoo Story ; A Hatful of Rain.]
WILSON, Lanford,
Collected Plays 1965-1970, Smith and Kraus, Lyme, NH, 1996. [Balm in
Gilead, The Sand Castle, The Rimers of Eldritch, The Gingham Dog, Lemon Sky]
5th of July, Hill and Wang, New York, 1978.
The Madness of Lady Bright, 1964, in Hoffman, pp.177-197.