Mireille de Lassus Resume oct 2015


Mireille de Lassus Resume oct 2015
Mireille de Lassus
[email protected] www.mireilledelassus.com
Art historian with 10 years of experience. Excellent research and inventory skills.
Trustworthy, autonomous, rigorous. Master of Arts, La Sorbonne, Paris.
Since July 2010
In process
Mireille de Lassus Fine Art Research & Consulting.
* Charles Camoin (1879-1965) Estate, catalogue raisonné.
Researching new exhibitions, bibliography and auctions for the catalogue raisonné.
* Paul Gallimard (1850-1929), Art collector and book-lover.
In-depth researching of extent of art collection and relationship to the artists.
Paris, France
Geneva, Switzerland
Brussels, Belgium
Madrid, Spain
* Book on a historical building at 26 rue des Plantes (Paris, France) (to be published by Editions du Félin).
Researched all the occupants of the 47 artist’s studios since the construction for the Art Deco building (1931).
* Book on the Equatorian poet Alfredo Gangotena (1904-1944).
Presentated his correspondence.
* Ruta Gangotena, Institut Cervantes, 2014.
Created an itinerary in Paris where Gangotena had his habits: literary periodicals, homes, friends, etc.
* Catalogue of Modern Painting (Izmir, Turkey) (to be published by the private museum)
Introduced texts for each chapter of the exhibition’s catalogue.
Musée de Lodève
* Bonnard, Renoir, Vuillard... chefs-d’œuvre de la collection Arkas, Musée de Lodève, 2013-2014.
Was in charge of 17 entries of the exhibition’s catalogue (out of a total of 61 entries).
* Théo Van Rysselberghe (1862-1926) L’instant sublimé, Musée de Lodève, 2012.
Was in charge of the "Theo Van Rysselberghe Illustrator" chapter for the exhibition’s catalogue, and of 16
entries of the catalogue (out of a total of 74 entries).
* Louis Valtat (1869-1952) A l’aube du fauvisme, Musée de Lodève, 2011.
Was in charge of all documentary researching for the exhibition: biography, critical success, bibliography,
April-June 2010
Sotheby’s. Inventory and Valuation Department. Replacement of maternity leave. Paris, France
* Inventoried and valued three collections (including but not limited to Contemporary and Modern art).
* Managed data and inventory of specialists’ estimates, pictures and leaflets.
* Following this position, was offered a permanent position as cataloguer in the Contemporary Art department.
2007 – 2010
Jean Sala, 1869-1918, Catalogue Raisonné, 2010.
France, Spain
Painter, emigrated to France in 1891, Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts member.
Germany, England
* Researched extensively for two years all artworks leading to contacts with
Denmark, Canada
museum directors, private collectors, galleries and auctioneers.
* Discovered many unknown documents and paintings relating to the artist through
comprehensive library researching.
* Analyzed, studied and curated all artworks and records (letters, contracts, exhibitions, sales).
* Handled all issues relating to the editing and publishing process: choice of publishing house, budgeting,
layout, graphics, printing, distribution.
* Managed all promotional aspects such as PR, national and specialized press coverage.
2005 - 2007
Modern and Contemporary Art Dealer, Marie-Laure de Cazotte.
Paris, France
* Researched artworks and presentation to collectors.
* Promoted various French photographers leading to exhibitions in Paris, Madrid and Brussels.
* Analyzed, updated and managed the archives of the gallery Rodrigues-Henriques.
Roger de Montebello, Catalogue Raisonné, manuscript.
Venice, Italy
Contemporary painter (born 1964).
* Processed, classified and referenced all archives.
* Digitally scanned photographs and transparencies.
* Developed and implemented a digital database for an automated multi-option cataloguing system for the
artist’s website: montebellopaintings.com
2004 – Master in Art History
Université de Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne.
Expertise: Modern and contemporary art.
2001 – Titre homologué par l’Etat niveau II IESA: Institut d’Etude Supérieur des Arts.
Specialization: French furniture.
Thesis: The Communication of Auction Sales.
Paris, France
Paris, France
Encyclia (catalogue raisonné), Enchères (auction), Mandragore (appointed-liquidator).
French – fluent (native language), Spanish – fluent, English – professional working proficiency.
- Le 26, 26 rue des Plantes, Paris, Editions du Félin, (2016 – to be published).
- "Le Post-impressionnisme", "Le néo-impressionnisme", "Le pointillisme", " L’Ecole de Pont-Aven", "Les Nabis", "Le
Cloisonnisme", "Les Fauves", Arkas Sanat Merkezi, (2016 – to be published).
- Sous le figuier de Port-Cros : Lettres à Gangotena, Paris, Nouvelles éditions Jean-Michel Place, 2014.
- http://paris.rutascervantes.es/ruta/gangotena (2014).
- "Notices", Bonnard, Renoir, Vuillard… Chefs d’œuvre de la collection Arkas, cat. exp., Lodève, musée de Lodève, 19
décembre 2013 - 30 mars 2014, Portait –sur-Garonne, Editions midi-pyrénéennes, 2013, p.14, 24, 54,
100-112, 124, 136, 152-154, 168-172.
- "Van Rysselberghe illustrateur. Art et Poésie en harmonie", "Arrêt sur image : Modulations sur la mer et la nuit",
L’Estampille l’objet d’art, Hors-série n°62, juin 2012, p.64-71.
- "Théo Van Rysselberghe l’illustrateur", "Notices", Théo Van Rysselberghe, l’instant sublimé, cat.exp., Lodève, Musée de
Lodève, 9 juin-21 octobre 2012, Portet-sur-Garonne, Editions midi-pyrénéennes, 2012, p.41-49 ; 134135 ; 140-143 ; 148-153 ; 156-159 ; 162-165 ; 172-173 ; 190-193 ; 196-197 ; 200-203.
- "Valtat aux Salons, 1893-1905", "Les céramiques d’André Metthey et le pinceau de Valtat", "Valtat, de galeristes en
collectionneurs", Dossier de l’Art, n°186, juin 2011, p.24-33 ; 34-35 ; 36-41.
- "Bio-chronologie", "Expositions", "Bibliographie", Louis Valtat à l’aube du fauvisme, cat.exp., Lodève, Musée de Lodève,
3 juin-16 octobre 2011, Portet-sur-Garonne, Editions midi-pyrénéennes, 2011, p.295-333 ; 341-350.
- "Brussels Art Days", "Louis Valtat : à l’aube du fauvisme", "L’Etoile Polaire", "Marrakech Art Fair", Artyparade, 2 octobre
2012, 5 juillet 2011, 22 mars 2010, 29 octobre 2010.
- Jean Sala 1869-1918 Catalogue raisonné, Deauville, La Librairie des Musées, 2009.
- "Bibliographie", "Expositions", Roger Vieillard Anita de Caro Le Trait et la Couleur, cat. exp., Yerres, Propriété Caillebotte,
20 septembre-30 novembre 2008, Montreuil, Gourcuff-Gradenigo, 2008, p.113-115 ; 124-127.
DVD, Théo Van Rysselberghe Du Nord au Sud, Movie from Raphael Dupouy, Réseau Lalan, 2012 (40 min).
Documentary with interviews of Catherine Gide (painter’s grand-daughter), Marina Ferretti (Archives Signac’s
director), Mireille de Lassus (Art Historian), Jean-Paul Monery (Saint-Tropez’s museum de l'Annonciade’s
conservator), etc.