Around Laronde 16 03 07


Around Laronde 16 03 07
Around Laronde
A weekly school update for Parents
Our commitment at École Laronde is to offer a fulfilling French experience while developing kind, respectful and responsible learners who are creative builders of their future. À l’École Laronde, nous nous engageons à offrir une riche expérience du français et à former des élèves gentils, respectueux et responsables qui sont les créateurs de leur avenir. Semaine du 7 mars / Week of March 7 Lundi / Monday 7 Semaine de la Francophonie – l’Afrique francophone Jackie Essombe artiste en résidence for African dancing all week Mardi / Tuesday 8 9-­‐11am Un goût d’Afrique Mercredi / Wednesday 9 1:37 Early dismissal for parent-­‐teacher interviews Jeudi / Thursday 10 Vendredi / Friday 11 Hot Lunch Spectacle danse africaine dans le gym – students perform -­‐ time TBA La franco-­‐manie de la semaine: À qui ça c’est à ! C’est à qui ça? ! Athletic Calendar for this week Lundi/Monday 7 Mardi/Tuesday 8 2:45-­‐4pm Gr. 7 Badminton practice 3pm Gr. 5/6 Badminton game – Home vs Rosemary Heights Mercredi/Wednesday 9 7:45-­‐8:35 Gr. 7 Badminton practice 11:52-­‐12:17 Gr. 5, 6, 7, Ultimate Frisbee Clinic 2:45-­‐4pm Gr. 5/6 Badminton practice Vendredi/Friday 11 Jeudi/Thursday 10 7:45-­‐8:35am Boys Basketball practice 7:45-­‐8:35 Gr. 5/6 Badminton practice 3pm Gr. 7 Badminton game at Chantrell Creek 2:45-­‐4pm Gr. 5, 6, 7 Ultimate Frisbee practice Report Cards and Parent-­‐Teacher Conferences Report cards have been issued on Friday and we have an early dismissal day this Wednesday, March 9 to facilitate parent-­‐
teacher conferences. Parents wishing to meet with their child’s teacher may book an appointment time online by logging in . If this time is not convenient for you, you may contact your child’s teacher directly to make alternate arrangements. La semaine de la Francophonie – l’Afrique Our special week is here!!! Students will participate in lots of fun activities and learn about French Africa all week long! Some of the activities include: daily African dance lessons with student performance on Friday afternoon, African exhibit around the hallways, djembe lessons during music lessons with Mme Ziolkioski, daily African proverbs, African station activities (games, crafts, stories), and African food tasting on Tuesday morning. If your family has African artifacts (masks, clothing, music, etc.) please let your classroom teacher know and make arrangements to share with the class. Walk For Water Our Leadership students were featured in the Peace Arch News this week. Please follow the link to the article. Boys’ Basketball Champions Our boys’ Basketball team was the winner of last week’s tournament at EMS where they defeated Peace Arch Elementary to claim first place! It has been an amazing season of skill and team building for the team. Well done boys! Grade 7 Chris was named MVP for Laronde. Not appearing in the photo are players Kilian and Emmett who had to leave earlier. We are very grateful for parent coach Lisa Lachance for her leadership with the team! Reading Link Challenge We had our school-­‐level challenge this week with seven teams participating. All teams did their best answering the three rounds of 10 questions. In the end only the team that earned the most points was allowed to move up to the south-­‐end st
challenge that will take place on April 1 . Congratulations to Isaac, Niamh, Lydia, Aila, Olivia and Ella who will represent our school! A big thank you to Mme McCormick to coordinating this activity for the students! La semaine prochaine La semaine prochaine, we are looking at a 2-­‐week break. Have a great spring break with your family! Lundi / Monday 28 Easter Monday – school closed Mardi / Tuesday 29 School reopens after spring break Mercredi / Wednesday 30 Booster juice Jeudi / Thursday 31 10:45 Grade 4-­‐7 students listen to Concours finalists in the gym 1pm Mathieu Mathématiques – piece de théâtre dans le gymnase – Merci PAC! Vendredi / Friday 1 Hot Lunch 1pm Reading Link Challenge – South Surrey challenge Bonne semaine! Community news and events below !
2016 South Fraser
Regional Science Fair
School Tours &
Public Viewing
Bring your students to the 2016 South Fraser Regional Science Fair and see this year's
projects by joining us in School Tours & Public Viewing! This year, the South Fraser
Regional Science Fair will be held at Simon Fraser University – Surrey Campus. We will be
celebrating the South Fraser Science Fair’s 10th Anniversary in conjunction with Simon
Fraser University’s 50th Anniversary.
School Tours are free and available from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm on Friday, April 8, 2016. If
you would like to bring a group or class of students to see the 100 plus science projects
and learn what their fellow BC students are discovering, we will gladly accommodate group
tours. Included is a short tour of SFU – Surrey’s facilities and stunning architecture.
Booking requests are accepted starting March 1, 2016. Please send your requests that
include the numbers of students and adults to [email protected]
Public Viewing is also free and available in the Galleria from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm and from
4:30 pm to 6:00 pm on Friday, April 8, 2016. Please come to see what Grade 7 – 12
students are doing in Inquiry Science Learning.
The Awards Ceremony occurs after Public Viewing from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Please
gather in the Mezzanine during this time to see the many awards and medals presented to
our participants. Furthermore, you’ll be able to see who will represent the South Fraser
Region at the Canada-Wide Science Fair in Montreal, Quebec from May 15 – 20, 2016.
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions. !