Read a sample of our Moyen Jardin`s weekly


Read a sample of our Moyen Jardin`s weekly
The Teddy Bear Club – Le club nounours
Le petit bulletin de la semaine
Semaine du 9 au 13 mars
Cette semaine au Moyen Jardin…
Academic Activities:
 The children will trace the uppercase letter Q by rubbing Quarters in their cahiers
 They will demonstrate our rhyming knowledge by identifying words that rhyme.
Math: We will make and identify patterns using different attributes of our bodies.
Science: Why is it so important to recycle? We will sort different items according to
material and place them in recycling receptacles. We will also reuse materials to
create a collage. Books: Caillou apprend à recycler de Kim Thompson; Where Does
the Garbage Go? by Paul Showers. Song: “3 Rs” by Jack Johnson.
French: The children will learn vocabulary related to the book Corduroy by Don
Freeman: la salopette (overalls), le bouton (button), le nounours (teddy bear), les
jouets (toys), and le policier (policeman). Livre: Un grand cerf de Virginie Guérin.
Chanson: “Promenons-nous dans les bois.”
Performing and Creative Arts:
Art: After reading the book Corduroy by Don Freeman, we will paint Corduroy the
bear and use different fabrics to give him overalls.
Drama: The Rainbow Fish- We will learn about the storyline and characters in this
book in preparation for our spring performance!
Practical Life: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle... Based on what the children have
learned so far about different recyclable materials, they will look for similar materials
throughout the classroom. Happy hunting!
Social Skills: After reading I'm Gonna Like Me by Jamie Lee Curtis, we will discuss selfesteem. What makes us special and feel good about ourselves?
Bonne semaine!
Le Moyen Jardin