

How to teach reading strategies ?
Presented by
Hedieh Badakhshan
Halton District School Board
[email protected]
How to teach French Second Language
students reading strategies ?
1. Explaining the different reading strategies
to students
2. Home reading folder to improve reading
3. Teaching phonetics through a series of
books to improve reading
4. Classroom activities to demonstrate the
different reading strategies
5. Online Reading websites
1. Reading strategies?
! What are reading strategies?
“C1.1 Using Reading Comprehensions Strategies:
identify a few reading comprehension
strategies and use them appropriately before,
during, and after reading to understand a
variety of French texts, with teacher support…
(p236)” (FI grade 3 expectations)
! In order for students to understand
what reading strategies are, it has to be
explained carefully.
Reading strategies poster
Reading strategies continuation
! Students in primary and junior level learn best by using
specific examples and repeating it several times.
! After teaching and explaining the reading strategies,
students will read a non­fiction book with a partner and
discuss three strategies and present to the class.
! Cloud activity example (non­fiction text)
! Once they understand the strategies they can improve
their reading and understanding in fiction and non­fiction
Cloud activity
! Reading a non­fiction texts
! Scholastic series with different reading
! Reviewing the reading strategies
! Individual work
! Do their own reading and write three
strategies they used and explain it to
the teacher through conferencing.
Non­fiction texts
! Connections to your life – fais des liens dans ta
vie personnelle.
Cloud activity example
2. Home reading (lecture à la maison)
! Home reading should starts term 1 and 2 depending on
the grade. The sooner the students can be engaged in
the reading at home program the better the result will be
at the end of the year.
! Determine the students level in the Fall through GB+
testing and test the level again in June.
! Grade 1 and 2 – Term 2, Grade 3 – Term 1 and 2 and
Junior – Grade 4 and 5 – in October
! It has to be consistent and there should be an
assessment done through conferencing at least once a
month. The assessment is important to make sure the
students are at the right level.
Example of Home reading folder
Duotang with name tag
A plastic sheet protector
A letter to parents
Example of reading responses to be modified
according to the grade
! Student will get a new book every week. They
will take the book home on Monday and return
by Friday.
! Assessment will be done through conferencing.
Reading folder example
! Example of parent letter
! Reading responses – it can be modified according to the
grade level
Alpha jeune readers
! Alpha Jeune readers are equivalent to the GB + level
! There are a series of fiction and non­fiction texts at the
same level.
Home reading books
! Levels 5 to 24 (grades 2, 3 and 4 FI)
Students with difficulties
For students who are reading below grade level, a different
series of books can be used with more pictures and few
sentences. Then gradually they will improve and move to
higher levels.
3. Teaching phonetics
! It is also important to teach phonetics in
the primary and junior levels.
! A series of books M. Pinceau teaches the
phonetics through stories.
! Follow up exercises, listening centers
(daily 5 – les 5 quotidiens) and practice
in class can make reading words in
French easier.
Phonetic story books
! Collection of Monsieur series
4. Classroom activities
Different classroom activities help students understand better the
reading strategies.
In pairs – sharing ideas and discussing in French
Table groups – Ask each group to find a reading strategy in the book
the teacher chooses and then present it. Give a different book to each
group and ask them to identify the connection, the inference or predict
what the story is going to happen.
The cube with different activities – See example – work in pairs
Circle time, ask each student to discuss the book they read and explain
the strategy that helped them read and understand the story better.
Teacher reads a story to the class and have a group discussion at the
carpet identifying the strategies.
The cube activity
5.Online Reading Activities & French Resources
Lecture Enfant http://lecturenfant.net/
University of Calgary http://fis.ucalgary.ca/RF/BigRS.html
(explains some reading strategies how to read words in French)
Carmen à la campagne Site de la TFO, avec activités y compris Carmen!
Fables et comptines - Poèmes et contes, avec musique
Hugo l'escargot - Comptines et chansons pour enfants
Madame Limace - Histoire interactive
Monde des Petits - Site des comptines et histoires pour enfants
Crée ta BD - Crée votre propre band dessinée
Cyber Léon - Suivez Léon et ses amis dans des nouvelles aventures sous formes de
bandes dessinées interactives
Les Dragouilles -Site web au sujet du série, Les Dragouilles, romans graphiques
Le pays du soleil et de la lune
La chanson de Cric Cric (reading)
Children's books forever! (in French)
Une histoire juste pour toi
Les Contes
Il était une histoire
Thank you et merci
for coming to my presentation
Email address:
[email protected]