For three years the toll collection reached over 451 million
For three years the toll collection reached over 451 million
For three years the toll collection reached over 451 million Euros Bratislava, 21 January 2013 – In the third year of its operation the electronic toll system on roads of the Slovak Republic earned 155.52 million Euros for the National Motorway Company. Yearto-year the sum collected increased by almost 1 %. For the three years of the toll system operation the collected sum was 451.39 million Euros. The month with the highest collected sum ever was October 2012 with 15.16 million Euros. For the use of specified road sections of motorways and expressways the toll collection reached the st sum of over 6.95 million Euros in December 2012. For the specified sections of 1 class roads it was almost 3.33 million Euros for the same period. Under the transit ticketing the toll collection earned 266.97 thousand Euros in December. Of the total amount collected in December 43.1 % was paid by foreign vehicle operators. The day of the month with the highest toll collection was, just as last year, th December 5 , when the collected sum reached 601,484 Euros. In December the specified road sections were daily used by 20,931 unique vehicles over 3.5 tons on average. In the third year of its operation the electronic toll system collected over 155.52 million Euros. The highest daily toll collection was achieved on 9 May 2012 with the generated sum of 699,164 Euros. For 2012 the specified sections of motorways and expressways earned 102.66 million Euros on toll st collection. Year-to-year it was 4.0% more. The specified sections of 1 class roads earned 52.65 million Euros, which compared to 2011 was 4.6% less. Of the total sum of the annual collection the transit ticketing contributed over 4.04 million Euros. Foreign hauliers paid 42.9% of the total sum collected for 2012. Among the foreign users of the specified road sections the highest sum was paid in 2012, just as last year, by vehicles from Poland (17%), the Czech Republic (8.6%) and Hungary (5%). In terms of payment regimes the share of the revenues under the prepaid toll regime was 68.9% of the total annual sum, which was 0.5% less than a year ago. The biggest share of the sum collected in 2012 was achieved by hauliers using vehicles in the weight category of over 12 tons with two axles, who paid 113.84 million Euros. That was 73.2% of the total annual collection. In terms of emission classes the biggest contribution to toll collection in 2012 was achieved by vehicles of EURO IV+ class with 69.62 million Euros and the share of 44.8%. A year ago they were second with the share of 36.3%. For the year they overtook vehicles of EURO III emission class, whose share in the course of 2012 decreased from 46.6% to 41.5%. As at 31 December 2012 there were 213,858 active OBUs registered in the electronic toll system. Of these 69.7% was used by foreign vehicles. In 2012 the specified road sections were daily used by 27,601 unique vehicles over 3.5 tons on average. Compared to 2011 their number decreased by 1.15%. Of the total number of registered vehicles 84.7% chose the prepaid toll regime, just as in 2011. Among the Slovak vehicle operators, 66.7% chose the prepaid toll regime, which is a share that did not change since the electronic toll system commissioning in January 2010. The highest sum, 5.59 million Euros, was collected on the specified section of the motorway D02-008: Kúty 1 – Malacky for 1.33 million crossings. In terms of the number of vehicles driving through a section, in 2012 the busiest specified motorway section with 2.04 million crossings was D02-004: Petržalka 1 – Petržalka 2, which earned 2.13 million Euros. The highest sum of tolls on expressways was collected on the section R01-022: Hronská Breznica – Šášovské Podhradie. In 2012 the section was crossed by vehicles subject to toll payment 923 thousand times and drivers paid 1.46 million Euros. The busiest specified expressway section was R01-003: Trnava - Modranka – Vlčkovce 1 with 1.33 million crossings and the collected sum of 0.62 million Euros. The specified section 011-013: st Žilina 1 – Žilina-Brodno 2 was the busiest among the 1 class road sections in 2012. It earned st 215.78 thousand Euros for 1.41 million crossings. The specified section of the 1 class roads with the highest toll collection in 2012 was 018-026a: (MK-a, I/18) – Strečno 2 with the collected sum of 1.06 million Euros for 1.21 million crossings. For the past year the mobile enforcement unites checked 2.18 million vehicles on the specified road sections and dealt with 7,194 cases of violation of Act on Electronic Toll Collection. The mobile enforcement units collected tolls from the checked drivers in the amount of 218.53 thousand Euros. The number of offences solved by the mobile enforcement units in 2012 increased year-to-year by 18.1%. In comparison with the first half of 2011, i.e. the period before reduction of the fines for toll offences, the average monthly number of offences in 2012 increased by 30.3%. In 2012 the customer service line received over 48.4 thousand calls. Drivers most often asked general questions regarding the toll system and the related legislation (9.9 thousand calls). The second spot was held by information about return of the OBUs (8.5 thousand calls) and the third spot the OBU settings (7.7 thousand calls). The toll web portal recorded 589 thousand visitors, most of them, almost 427 thousand, were from Slovakia. In 2012 SkyToll recorded the total of 2,932 filings by customers concerning the electronic toll collection operation, of which 1,333 were requests, 898 suggestions and 701 claims. Compared to 2011 the total number of filings decreased by 436, of which 210 filings were justified, which is 7.2%. The number of justified filings decreased year-to-year by 29 or 12%. Of the justified filings there were 101 claims (year-to-year -32.7%), 88 requests (+51.7%) and 21 suggestions (-27.6%). All the filings received in 2012 were also handled within 5 working days. Based on a request by the National Motorway Company, SkyToll in the course of 2012 made st adjustments to the network of the specified sections of motorways, expressways and 1 class roads with electronic toll collection. In 2012 the total number of specified road sections increased from 1,098 to 1,123 and their total length grew from 2,371 km to 2,422 km. All the new specified road sections st were added on 1 class roads with their total number being 1,004 as at 31 December 2012. The biggest increase of the overall length of the specified road sections occurred on the road I/75 Sládkovičovo – Galanta with 22 new specified sections and the length of 47.5 km. The number of the specified sections of motorways or expressways did not change in 2012. Contact for media: Anton Bódis Communication Strategy and PR Manager SkyToll, a.s. e-mail: [email protected] mobile: 0914 327 489