Pledge Bankers order - Holy Trinity Church


Pledge Bankers order - Holy Trinity Church
Yes, I/WE wish to contribute regularly to the maintenance of God's
work at Holy Trinity, Maisons-Laffitte.
My/Our contribution will be:
(please tick or check the appropriate boxes)
Euros each week)
Euros each month)
Euros each quarter)
I/We will pay by:
Banker's Standing Order
(please complete the form at the right, and return it to Max Genock)
Cash, or cheque payable to "Holy Trinity Church"
(envelopes will be provided)
Name (please print): ___________________________________
(Name and address of your bank)
(Your name and address)
Je vous prie, à partir du(1)
de transférer au compte de HOLY TRINITY CHURCH, chez la Banque
National de Paris, 78600 Maisons-Laffitte (voir ci-dessous)*, par débit de
mon/notre compte:
- le
sur vos livres, et ce :
de chaque mois
- le 1 janvier, 1 avril, 1 juillet et le 1 octobre de chaque année
la somme de(4)
(en toutes lettres :
Ces instructions sont valables jusqu'à révocation ou modification de ma part.
Veuillez agréer, Messieurs, l'expression de mes sentiments distingués.
Address: ____________________________________________
Telephone: _______________________
Signed: ______________________________ Date: ________
Please return to Max Genock, (see address book in Church) - or leave in a sealed envelope
addressed to him at Holy Trinity)
Date _____________________ Signature ________________________
Code Banque :
Code Guichet :
Clé RIB :
Compte numéro : 024478 12
Notes (1)
Date from which the Order is to take effect.
Your own bank account number.
Strike out the options not required and, where appropriate,
indicate the dates on which the transfers are to be made.
Amount of each payment in figures and (on the line below) in
Please send this form to Max Genock, (see address book in Church) or leave is a sealed
envelope for him at the back of the Church. He will forward it to your bank. He can
provide a relevé d'identité bancaire if needed.