DAMARTEX supports the reconversion of its employees


DAMARTEX supports the reconversion of its employees
DAMARTEX supports the reconversion of its
employees within the framework of a
relocation of its manufacture
In the years 2000, because of competition from emerging countries, the textile manufacturing activities in France
3. Relations / conditions de travail
DAMARTEX group has had to face, in 2002, then in 2007, a necessary reduction of its workforce in
Développement du capital humain
reconversion of its employees.
Taille de l'entreprise
Entreprise de plus de 500 salariés
were massively stopped or relocated, while the distribution and service activities continued to develop. The
manufacturing. While jobs in stores and retail sales continued to grow, the company invested to support the
> To maintain the sustainable profitability of the textile group with regards to competitors
> To facilitate the reconversion of people from manufacturing towards distribution or retail sales
Since 2002, 30 employees of the Despature Company, responsible for the manufacturing of the group's products,
Chiffre d'affaires
2011/2012 : 660 M€
4000 (2012)
have already been reconverted towards commercial or retail activities. In 2007, 87 employees are again
concerned by a necessary transfer. Most were relatively old, experts in their trade, but hardly adaptable.
Management establishes clear rules to support the transfer:
- as many vacancies listed in retail and distribution as eliminated manufacturing jobs, regardless of starting status
- no external recruitment, or tenure in the group for an available position if an employee undergoing reconversion
can get it after training
- the employee may accept or not to enter the mobility path
- unions support the approach
Involvement and training of all have been implemented:
- HR management is particularly involved: Monthly steering committee, follow-up of each employee by a referral
25, Avenue de la fosse aux chênes
agent (10 referral agent, 1 appt./month/employee).
- training sheets and trade video have been created.
- for each concerned employee: mobility preparation maintenance with the HRD; inventory of professional
preferences, know-how, training needs with the external BPI agency; selection of 2 to 4 positions from trade
sheets and video; observation of these positions on site during a discovery day; "help for change" training for 3
days; assignment to the chosen position following the proposal made by the HR, adjustment period with training
Entreprise Sponsor du World Forum
for a Responsible Economy 2016
and coaching by a tutor for the learning of the new job.
- 3580 hours of training were made available for employees and tutors alike.
- New managers cannot refuse or choose assigned employees, but the return to the former position or to an
equivalent position is possible if either party is not satisfied; the confirmation of transfer is final when the manager
Anne-Sophie DUJARDIN Mise à jour le
Mardi, 23 Février 2016
and employee agree, with possibly a new adjusted contract.
Facteur(s) clés du succès
> Involvement of the HR management and mobilization of all
> External financial support for a total cost of 950,000 Euros, 70% of training fees taken care of by the textile
union (Forthac)
> Approach organized over 3 years (positions available in 2007, 2008, 2009)
Contribution à la performance de l'entreprise
Sustainability of the group insured
Strategy of social support recognized by colleagues and the profession
Strengthening of the company
Customer image
Bénéfices sociaux, environnementaux et/ou de gouvernance
> Maintaining of employment in the textile group: over 87 concerned employees in 2007 (including 21 disabled);
34 reconverted to new positions within the group in 2008;
> Validation of Prior Knowledge Acquired via Experience (Validation des Acquis par l'Expérience) (VAE) for older
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manufacturing workers