spina bifida and hydrocephalus / spina bifida et d


spina bifida and hydrocephalus / spina bifida et d
Kaitlin Atkinson Family Resource Library / Bibliothèque de
ressources familiales Kaitlin Atkinson
Resource List / Ressources
Cerebral ventricular shunts: some questions, some answers -- Vancouver, BC: British Columbia's
Children's Hospital, 1996.
FAM RC 391 .C47
Children with spina bifida: a parent's guide -- Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House, 1999.
Written by an expert team, this book addresses common concerns of parents about their child's
development and condition.
FAM RJ 496 .S74 C476
A guide to hydrocephalus / McCowan, Anne Marie -- Toronto, ON: Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus
Association of Ontario, 1992.
This book explains what hydrocephalus is, the causes and the treatment. The book also covers
such topics as shunts and shunt failure; diagnostic tests; the consequences of hydrocephalus;
professionals involved; and medications commonly used for seizure disorders.
FAM RC 391 .M32
L'hydrocéphalie: grandir et vivre avec une dérivation / Boels, Nathalie -- Montréal: Éditions du
CHU Sainte-Justine, 2006.
Ce livre est destiné aux parents d'enfants hydrocéphales qui portent une dérivation ainsi qu'à
leurs enseignants. Il vise à les aider à mieux comprendre cet état et à leur fournir de l'information
médicale, des renseignements sur les conséquences de l'hydrocéphalie sur l'apprentissage, des
suggestions pour améliorer la vie de l'enfant et des réponses à leurs questions.
FAM RC 391 .B63 2006
Hydrocephalus: a guide for patients, families and friends / Toporek, Chuck -- Sebatopol, CA: O'Reilly
& Associates, 1999.
Families who read this book will encounter clearly explained medical facts, advice to ease daily life,
and tools for patient advocacy.
FAM RC 391 .T66
Living with spina bifida: a guide for families and professionals / Sandler, Adrian -- Chapel Hill, NC:
University of North Carolina Press, 1997.
Addressing the challenges raised by spina bifida in a positive and practical manner, this book will
aid anyone seeking the information necessary to build a strong, productive parent-professional
partnership. It will serve as a resource for families as well as for doctors, health care workers,
teachers, therapists, and other professionals involved in caring for children with spina bifida.
FAM RJ 496 .S74 S26
Spinabilities: a young person's guide to spina bifida -- Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House, 1997.
A guide to coping with the medical, self-care, and emotional issues of spina bifida, with an
emphasis on becoming as independent as possible
FAM RJ 496 .S74 S695
Understanding spina bifida -- Toronto: Bloorview MacMillan Centre, 1998.
Whether you are a parent, service provider, or an individual with spina bifida, you need accurate, up
to date information so you can make informed decisions regarding care, treatment and
management in the present, as well as anticipate and plan for the future.
FAM RJ 496 .S74 U52
Web Sites / Sites internet
CHEO – Bibliothèque Kaitlin Atkinson Library
Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus / Spina bifida et d’hydrocéphalie
Spina Bifida – MedlinePlus from the U.S. National Library of Medicine
Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus Canada / Spina-bifida & d’hydrocéphalie Canada
Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus Association of Ontario
L'Association de spina bifida et d'hydrocéphalie du Québec / Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of
Kids Health – Information for Kids, Teens and Parents from the Nemours Foundation
Spina Bifida Association of America
Spina Bifida Fact Sheet – National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Spina Bifida: Types, Treatment and After-Care – About Kids Health
Hydrocephalus – MedlinePlus from the U.S. National Library of Medicine
Pediatric Hydrocephalus Foundation
Hydrocephalus Fact Sheet – National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Hydrocephalus and Treatment: Shunts and Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy – About Kids Health /
Hydrocéphalie et traitement: Shunts et ventriculostomie endoscopique du troisième ventricule – About Kids
Hydrocephalus – Healthline
Local Contacts / Liaison régionale
Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus Ontario
Ottawa contact: 613-841-8173
[email protected]
CHEO – Bibliothèque Kaitlin Atkinson Library
Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus / Spina bifida et d’hydrocéphalie
Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of Québec / L'Association de spina bifida et d'hydrocéphalie du
[email protected]
This guide provides medical material for information purposes only and is not intended to replace
the advice of your physician. The information may not always apply to your individual situation.
The guide represents material available in the Family Resource Library collection at CHEO. It is not
intended to be an exhaustive list. Your local public library may also be able to provide you with
If you require materials in alternative formats, please contact the library at 613-737-7600 ext. 2157
or at [email protected].
Ce guide fournit du matériel médical pour informations seulement et ne vise pas à remplacer les
conseils du médecin. Ces informations pourraient ne pas toujours s'appliquer aux situations
Ce guide présente le matériel disponible à la bibliothèque de ressources familiales du CHEO. Ce
n'est pas une liste complète. Votre bibliothèque publique locale pourrait aussi être en mesure de
vous fournir des informations précieuses.
Si vous avez besoin des documents en formats alternatifs, s’il vous plaît contacter la bibliothèque au
613-737-7600 poste 2157 ou à [email protected].
Last Updated / Mise-à-jour: June 2016 juin
Links Tested / Liens vérifiés: June 2016 juin
CHEO – Bibliothèque Kaitlin Atkinson Library
Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus / Spina bifida et d’hydrocéphalie