Steamboat cycling advocate unhurt in Spring Creek bike crash


Steamboat cycling advocate unhurt in Spring Creek bike crash
Courtesy photo
Local cycling advocate Corey Piscopo was uninjured, but his bike was severely damaged after a
collision involving another cyclist Wednesday evening on Spring Creek Trail.
Steamboat cycling advocate unhurt in Spring Creek bike crash
By Matt Stensland Thursday, June 21, 2012
Steamboat Springs — A local cycling advocate involved in a scary collision Wednesday on the
popular Spring Creek Trail is urging fellow cyclists to ride responsibly.
Corey Piscopo, a Moots employee and founder of the Steamboat Stage Race, was not injured in the
collision involving another cyclist who was speeding downhill, but his bike was severely damaged.
His front wheel, fork and handlebars were destroyed in the crash.
Piscopo said he was about two miles up the
multiuse trail and heading toward Dry Lake
Campground on Buffalo Pass when a cyclist
came around a corner and crashed into his
front wheel.
“He took the front of my bike out, and I pretty
much went straight over him, which was
pretty fortunate,” Piscopo said. “He was
flying. It has to have been close to 20 miles
per hour.”
He said he feels lucky to walk away from the
collision. The other rider stopped, as well.
“He was just as stunned as I was,” Piscopo
He got the rider’s information, and Piscopo
said the man said he was going to take care
of the damage to the bike. The man Piscopo
collided with was not injured, and his bike
was fine.
Piscopo said he has a lot of respect for the
sport of downhill biking but that the Spring
Creek Trail is not the place to do it.
“It’s just not a trail to be driving up and riding
down fast,” Piscopo said. “It’s a multiuse
trail. To try to fly down it is crazy.”
To reach Matt Stensland, call 970-871-4247
or email [email protected]
Traduction partielle:
Steamboat Springs — Un responsable local pour le développement du Mountain Bike dans le
Colorado a été victime d’une dramatique collision avec un autre cycliste demande à tous d’âgir
Corey Piscopo, un employé de Moots Cycles et fondateur de la Course à étapes la “Steamboat
Stage Race” n’a pas été bléssé mais son vélo a subit quelques dommages : roues avant, fourche et
cintre détruits ! (le Cadre lui - indemne ! Un miracle non la qualité Moots!).
Piscopo raconte qu’il était engagé sur la piste ouverte à tous (cyclistes descendeurs et randonneurs,
marcheurs, chevaux et autres …) à environ 3 kilomètres de son point de départ quand un autre
cycliste a débouché d’une épingle pour venir le percuter.
Les deux s’en sont tirés indemnes.
Le descendeur a promis qu’il prendra soin des dégats occasionnés.
Il est souligné que ce ne sont pas des sentiers fait pour être uniquement descendu après avoir était
conduit au sommet en voitre ou en remonte pente.