
Legislative Update Report No. 2015-19
Federal Government
Canada Gazette, Part I, September 26, 2015:
Telecommunications Act
Notice No. SMSE-019-15 — Amendments to Declaration of Conformity DC-01 and
Procedure for Conformity Assessment Bodies CB-02
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions
Assessment of Pension Plans Regulations — Basic Rate
Canada Gazette, Part I, October 3, 2015:
Bank of Canada Act
Amendment to policy for buying and selling securities
Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999
Significant New Activity Notice No. 18010
Canada Gazette, Part I, October 10, 2015:
Allstate Insurance Company — Release of assets
Lumbermen's Underwriting Alliance — Release of assets
Canada Gazette, Part I, September 26, 2015:
Canadian International Trade Tribunal
Inquiry — Communications, detection and fibre optics
No entries for this issue
British Columbia
Referenced only on first reading
Workers Compensation Amendment Act (No. 2), 2015
Hon. Bond
Auditor General for Local Government Amendment Act, 2015
Hon. Fassbender
Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2), 2015
Hon. Anton
Franchises Act
Hon. Oakes
Provincial Immigration Programs Act
Hon. Bond
Natural Gas Development Statutes Amendment Act, 2015
Hon. Coleman
Building Act, 2015, SBC 2015, c 2
Sections 1 to 4, 6, 14 to 18, 19(1), (2) and (3)(a), 20, 21, 39 to 42, 45, 46, 48, 50 to 55 and
58 to 62 in force September 18, 2015 (BC Reg 172/2015)
Motor Vehicle Amendment Act, 2015, SBC 2015, c 13
Sections 18 and 19 in force September 22, 2015 (BC Reg 177/2015)
Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Statutes Amendment Act, 2015
Section 46 in force November 1, 2015 (BC Reg 151/2015
Sections 1, 8, 10 to 12, 15 to 17, 19, 22 to 24 , 26, 27, 29 and 48 in force July 28, 2015 (BC
Reg 150/2015)
British Columbia Gazette, Part I, October 8, 2015:
Minister of Natural Gas Development
Calling for tenders: Competition for the right to explore and develop Crown Petroleum and
natural gas resources, closes November 4, 2015
Manitoba Laws - Unconsolidated Regulations:
The Summary Convictions Act
Man Reg 158/2015
Offences Notices Regulation, amendment
The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Act
Man Reg 159/2015
Automobile Insurance Coverage Regulation, amendment
The Court of Queen's Bench Act
Man Reg 164/2015
Court of Queen's Bench Rules, amendment
Man Reg 165/2015
Court of Queen's Bench Rules, amendment
--3-The Electronic Commerce and Information Act
Man Reg 167/2015
Common Business Identifiers Regulation, amendment
New Brunswick
New Brunswick Royal Gazette, Part II, September 30, 2015:
Gas Distribution Act, 1999
NB Reg 2015-48
NB Reg 99-59, amendment
New Brunswick Royal Gazette, Part I, September 30, 2015:
An Act to Amend the Insurance Act, SNB 2015, c 30
Act in force September 8, 2015
Newfoundland and Labrador
Newfoundland and Labrador Gazette, Part II, September 25, 2015:
Pharmacy Act, 2012
NLR 73/15
Authorization to Prescribe Regulations
Newfoundland and Labrador Gazette, Part II, October 2, 2015:
Atlantic Provinces Harness Racing Commission Act, SNL 2014, c A-19.1
Act in force October 9, 2015 (NLR 82/15)
Northwest Territories
Referenced only on first reading
An Act to Amend the Child and Family Services Act, No. 2
Hon. Abernethy
An Act to Amend the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act, No. 2
Hon. Bouchard
--4-Northwest Territories Gazette, Part II, September 30, 2015:
Financial Administration Act
NWT Reg 081-2015
Contract of Indemnification Exemption Regulations, amendment
Safety Act
NWT Reg 085-2015
Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, amendment
Public Health Act
NWT Reg 088-2015
Disease Surveillance Regulations, amendment
Health Information Act
NWT Reg 089-2015
Health Information Regulations
Northern Employee Benefits Services Pension Plan Act
NWT Reg 091-2015
Northern Employee Benefits Services Pension Plan Regulations
Northwest Territories Gazette, Part II, September 30, 2015:
Health Information Act, SNWT 2014, c 2
Act in force October 1, 2015 (SI-006-2015)
Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia Royal Gazette, Part II, October 2, 2015:
Pension Benefits Act
NS Reg 326/2015
Pension Benefits Regulations, amendment
Petroleum Products Pricing Act
NS Reg 323/2015
Prescribed Petroleum Products Prices
NS Reg 325/2015
Prescribed Petroleum Products Prices
Nova Scotia Royal Gazette, Part II, October 2, 2015:
An Act to Amend the Change of Name Act and the Vital Statistics Act, SNS 2015, c 13
--5-Acts in force September 22, 2015 (NS Reg 327/2015)
Nunavut Gazette, Part II, September 27, 2015:
Northern Employee Benefits Services Pension Plan Act
Nu Reg 029-2015
Northern Employee Benefits Services Pension Plan Regulations
Nunavut Gazette, Part II, September 27, 2015:
Northern Employee Benefits Services Pension Plan Act, S Nu 2015, c 10
Act in force October 1, 2015 (SI-002-2015)
Referenced only on first reading
French Language Services in MPP Constituency Offices Act, 2015
Ms Gélinas
Capping Top Public Sector Salaries Act, 2015
Mr. Bisson
Pathways to Post-secondary Excellence Act (Post-secondary Educational Report), 2015
Mr. Barker
Business Corporations Amendment Act (Shareholder Meetings and Executive Compensation),
Mr. Takhar
Ontario Gazette, October 3, 2015:
Credits Unions and Caisses Populaires Act, 1994
O Reg 277/15
General, amending O Reg 237/09
Drug Interchangeability and Dispensing Fee Act
O Reg 285/15
General, amending Reg 935 of RRO 1990
Execution Act
O Reg 289/15
--6-Exemptions, amending O Reg 657/05
Health Insurance Act
O Reg 283/15
General, amending Reg 552 of RRO 1990
Insurance Act
O Reg 278/15
Life Insurance — Application of Part V of the Act
O Reg 279/15
Accident and Sickness Insurance — Application of Part VII of the Act
O Reg 280/15
Life Insurance — General
O Reg 280/15
Accident and Sickness Insurance — General
Ontario Drug Benefit Act
O Reg 284/15
General, amending O Reg 201/96
Ontario Gazette, October 10, 2015:
Environmental Protection Act
O Reg 294/15
Transfer of Containers to Brewers Retail Inc. and Others, amending O Reg 17/07
Ontario Gazette, September 26, 2015:
Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002, SO 2002, c F.36
Act in force April 1, 2016
Prosperous and Fair Ontario Act (Budget Measure), 2013, SO 2013, c 2
Schedule 8, sections 6-11, 20-25, which amend the Insurance Act in force July 1, 2016
Strong Action for Ontario Act (Budget Measures), 2012, SO 2012, c 8
Schedule 23, sections 3(1), 4-69, which amend the Insurance Act, in force July 1, 2016
Open for Business Act, 2010, SO 2010, c 16
Schedule 2, section 3(6)-(8), (12), which amend the Execution Act, in force December 1,
Releases, Speeches and Statements
Government and Consumer Services
September 30, 2015
New Ontario Film Authority to Oversee Classification and Theatres — Province Continuing to
Support Film and Theatre Industry
October 7, 2015
Applications Now Open for Smart Grid Projects — Province Supporting Ontario's Clean Energy
Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure
October 5, 2015
Ontario Ensuring Workplaces are Accessible by Launching Compliance Audits — Province Takes
Another Step Towards an Accessible Ontario by 2025
Prince Edward Island
Prince Edward Island Royal Gazette, Part I, September 26, 2015:
An Act to Amend the Environmental Tax Act, SPEI, 2015, c 5
Act in force September 26, 2015
Prince Edward Island Royal Gazette, Part I, October 3, 2015:
An Act to Amend the Workers Compensation Act, SPEI 2013, c 25
Section 20 in force October 1, 2015
Prince Edward Island Royal Gazette, Part I, October 10, 2015:
An Act to Amend the Maritime Provinces Harness Racing Commission Act, SPEI 2015, c 10
Act in force October 9, 2015
Prince Edward Island Royal Gazette, Part I, October 10, 2015:
Egg Producers of Prince Edward Island
Price Determination Order — Amendment (EPPEI 15-11)
Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2, 30 septembre 2015:
Loi sur la protection du consommateur
Décret 815-2015
Règlement modifiant le Règlement d’application de la Loi sur la protection du consommateur
Loi sur l’accès aux documents des organismes publics et sur la protection des renseignements
Décret 817-2015
Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur les frais exigibles pour la transcription, la reproduction et
la transmission de documents et de renseignements personnels
Code de la sécurité routière
--8-Décret 818-2015
Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur l’immatriculation des véhicules routiers
Décret 819-2015
Règlement sur les recycleurs de véhicules routiers
Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2, 7 Octobre 2015 :
Code des professions
Décret 835-2015
Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur les spécialités médicales
Décret 836-2015
Règlement modifiant le Code de déontologie des infirmières et infirmiers
Décret 837-2015
Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur les diplômes délivrés par les établissements
d'enseignement désignés qui donnent droit aux permis et aux certificats de spécialistes des ordres
Décret 838-2015
Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur les diplômes délivrés par les établissements
d'enseignement désignés qui donnent droit aux permis et aux certificats de
spécialistes des ordres professionnels
Loi médicale
Décret 839-2015
Règlement sur certaines activités professionnelles qui peuvent être exercées par une infirmière et
un infirmier
Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2, 14 Octobre 2015:
Loi sur les services de santé et les services sociaux
Décret 855-2015
Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur les conditions d'obtention d'un certificat de
conformité et les normes d'exploitation d'une résidence privée pour aînés
Décret 856-2015
Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur les conditions d'inscription d'un technicien ambulancier au
registre national de la main-d'oeuvre
Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2, September 30, 2015:
Consumer Protection Act
OC 815-2015
Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting the application of the Consumer Protection Act
An Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal
OC 817-2015
--9-Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting fees for the transcription, reproduction or
transmission of documents or personal information
Highway Safety Code
OC 818-2015
Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting road vehicle registration
OC 819-2015
Regulation respecting road vehicle recyclers
Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2, October 7, 2015:
Professional Code
OC 835-2015
Regulation amending the Regulation respecting medical specialties
OC 836-2015
Regulation amending the Code of ethics of nurses
OC 837-2015
Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting the diplomas issued by designated educational
institutions which give access to permits or specialist's certificates of professional orders
OC 838-2015
Regulation to amend the Regulations respecting the diplomas issued by designated educational
insitutions which give access to permits or specialist's certificates of professional orders
Medical Act
OC 839-2015
Regulation respecting certain professional activities that may be engaged in by a nurse
Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2, October 14, 2015:
An Act Respecting Health Services and Social Services
OC 855-2015
Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting the conditions for obtaining a certificate of
compliance and the operating standards for a private seniors' residence
An Act Respecting Pre-hospital Emergency Services
OC 856-2015
Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting the conditions for the registration of an ambulance
technician in the national workforce registry
Ordres Ministériels
Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2, 30 septembre 2015:
Code de la sécurité routière
AM 2015-11
Modifications à l’Arrêté ministériel concernant les chemins publics où peuvent être utilisés les
cinémomètres photographiques mobiles — Arrêté numéro 2015-11 du ministre des Transports et
de la ministre de la Sécurité publique
AM 2015-12
Approbation de nouveaux cinémomètres photographiques et de nouveaux systèmes
photographiques de contrôle de circulation aux feux rouges — Arrêté numéro 2015-12 du ministre
des Transports et de la ministre de la Sécurité publique
Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2, 14 octobre 2015:
Loi sur la distribution de produits et services financiers
--10-AM 2015-14
Règlement modifiant le Règlement relatif à la délivrance et au renouvellement du
certificat de représentant — Arrêté numéro D-9.2-2015-14 du ministre des Finances
Loi sur l'Agence du revenu du Québec
AM 2015
Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur la signature de certains actes, documents ou écrits de
l'Agence du revenu du Québec
Code de la sécurité routière
AM 2015
Arrêté numéro 2015-11 du ministre des Transports
et de la ministre de la Sécurité (Erratum)
Ministerial Orders
Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2, September 30, 2015:
Highway Safety Code
MO 2015-11
Amendments to the Ministerial Order concerning public highways where mobile photo radar
devices may be used — Order 2015-11 of the Minister of Transport and the Minister of Public
MO 2015-12
Approval of new photo radar devices and new red light camera systems — Order 2015-12 of the
Minister of Transport and the Minister of Public Security
Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2, October 14, 2015:
An Act respecting the distribution of Financial Products and Services
MO 2015-14
Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting the issuance and renewal of representatives'
certificates — Order number D-9.2-2015 of the Minister of Finance
An Act respecting the Agence du revenu du Québec
MO 2015
Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting the signing of certain deeds, documents and
writings of the Agency du revenu du Québec — Order of the Minister of Finance
Highway Safety Code
MO 2015
Order 2015-11 of the Minister of Transport and the Minister of Public Security (Erratum)
Projets de Règlement
Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2, 30 septembre 2015:
Loi sur les régimes complémentaires de retraite
Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur la soustraction de certains régimes de retraite à
l’application de dispositions de la Loi sur les régimes complémentaires de retraite
Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2, 7 octobre 2015:
Code des professions
Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur les autorisations légales d'exercer la profession de
médecin hors du Québec qui donnent ouverture au permis et au certificat de spécialiste du
Collège des médecins du Québec
--11-Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur les activités professionnelles pouvant être exercées
par des personnes autres que des infirmières et des infirmiers
Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2, 14 octobre 2015:
Loi modifiant l'organisation et la gouvernance du réseau de la santé et des services sociaux
notamment par l'abolition des agences régionales
Règlement sur la certification des résidences privées pour aînés
Loi instituant le nouveau Code de procédure civile
Règlement sur le registre des ventes
Code de procédure civile
Règlement de la Cour du Québec
Draft Regulations
Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2, September 30, 2015:
Supplemental Pension Plans Act
Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting the exemption of certain pension plans for
the application of provisions of the Supplemental Pension Plans Act
Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2, October 7, 2015:
Professional Code
Regulation amending the Regulation respecting the professional activities which may be
performed by persons other than nurses
Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting the professional activities that may be
engaged in by a clinical perfusionist
Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2, October 14, 2015:
An Act Respecting Health Services and Social Service
Regulation respecting the certification of private seniors' residence
An Act to Establish the New Code of Civil Procedure
Regulation respecting the sales register
Code of Civil Procedure
Regulation of the Court of Québec
Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2, 30 septembre 2015:
Loi sur les accidents du travail et les maladies professionnelles
Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur le financement
Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2, September 30, 2015:
An Act respecting industrial accidents and occupational diseases
Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting financing
Saskatchewan Gazette, Part II, October 2, 2015:
The Public Health Act, 1994
Sask Reg 81/2015
The Health Hazard Amendment Regulations, 2015
Saskatchewan Gazette, Part II, October 9, 2015:
The Traffic Safety Act
Sask Reg 83/2015
The Highway Worker and Flag Person Identification Amendment Regulations, 2015
Saskatchewan Gazette, Part I, October 9, 2015:
The Pharmacy Amendment Act, 2015, SS 2015, c 17
Act in force October 5, 2015
Yukon Gazette, Part I, October 15, 2015:
Residential Landlord and Tenant Act, SY 2012, c 20
Act in force January 1, 2016 (OIC 2015/192)
Yukon Gazette, Part II, October 15, 2015:
Motor Vehicles Act
OIC 2015/191
Ignition Interlock Device Regulation
OIC 2015/191
Interlock Device Designation (OIC 2000/160), repealed