MODEL TA-4/170-H DC Welding Generator
MODEL TA-4/170-H DC Welding Generator
MODEL TA-4/170-H DC Welding Generator • • • STICK TIG-Scratch Start Auxiliary Power INSTRUCTION MANUAL August 2,2002 MI118-06-01-06 Manual No. 0-2625/CSA 1 ref. TAF4170.TIF TA-4/170-H DC Welding generator 2 Proposition 65 WARNING: This product, when used for welding or cutting, produces fumes or gases which contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause birth defects and, in some cases, cancer. (California Health & Safety Code Sec.25249.5 et seq.) 3 WARNING Read and understand this entire Instruction Manual and your employer’s safety practices before installing, operating, or servicing the equipment. WARNING While the information contained in this Instruction Manual represent our best judgement, Thermal Arc assumes no liability for its use. Thermal Arc DC Welding Generator Model TA-4/170-H Instruction Manual Number 0-2625/CSA Published by: Thermal Arc 2200 Corporate Drive Troy OH USA 45373 Ph: (1) 937 440 0100 Copyright 1997 by Thermal Arc All right reserved. Reproduction of this work, in whole or in part, without written permission of the publisher is prohibited. The publisher does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any part for any loss or damage caused by any error or omission in the Thermal Arc DC Welding Generator Model TA-4/170-H Instruction Manual, whether such error results from negligence, accidental, or any other cause. August 1, 1997 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. GENERAL INFORMATION.....................................................................................................6 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Notes, Cautions and Warnings .........................................................................................................................6 Important Safety Precautions ...........................................................................................................................6 Publications......................................................................................................................................................8 Note, Attentions et Avertissement....................................................................................................................9 Precations De Securite Importantes .................................................................................................................9 Publications....................................................................................................................................................11 STATEMENT OF WARRANTY.............................................................................................13 TECHINICAL SPECIFICATIONS.........................................................................................15 FRONT PANEL DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................16 OVERAL DIMENSIONS WEIGHT BASE MOUNTING ....................................................18 SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................................................................................19 INSTALLING WELDING GENERATOR.............................................................................20 WARNING .................................................................................................................................21 GENERATOR AUXILIARY POWER SYSTEM..................................................................22 9.01 SELECTING EQUIPMENT..........................................................................................................................22 10. WIRING OPTIONAL 230 VOLT PLUG................................................................................23 11. GROUNDING THE GENERATOR TO A TRUCK OR A TRAILER FRAME ................24 12. GROUNDING THE GENERATOR WHEN CONNECTING TO HOME, SHOP, OR FARM WIRING ........................................................................................................................24 13. SELECTING AND PREPARING WELD OUTPUT CABLES............................................25 14. TYPICAL PROCESS CONNECTIONS .................................................................................26 15. POWER REQUIRED TO START MOTOR ..........................................................................26 16. SELECTING WELD CABLES SIZES ...................................................................................27 17. WELD OUTPUT CONNECTION...........................................................................................28 18. SEQUENCE OF OPERATION................................................................................................29 18.01 18.02 18.03 STARTING....................................................................................................................................................29 SHELDED METAL ARC WELDING (SMAW) .......................................................................................... 30 STOPPING THE ENGINE............................................................................................................................31 19. ROUTINE MAINTENANCE ...................................................................................................32 20. PARTS LIST ..............................................................................................................................35 20.01 TROLLEY 4 : TWO WHEELS TROLLEY WITH HANDLES (Optional accessory) .................................38 21. WIRING DIAGRAM ................................................................................................................40 5 1. GENERAL INFORMATION GASES AND FUMES Gases and fumes produced during the Arc welding/cutting process can be dangerous and hazardous to your healt. • Keep all fumes and gases from the breathing area. Keep your head out of the welding fume plume. 1.01 Notes, Cautions and Warnings Throughout this manual,notes,cautions,and warnings are used to highlight important information. These highlights are categorized as follows: • Use an air-supplied respirator if ventilation is not adeguate to remove all fumes and gases. • The kinds of fumes and gases from the arc welding/cutting depend on the kind of metal being used coatings on the metal, and the different process. You must be very careful when cutting or welding any metals which may contain one or more of the following: NOTE An operation, procedure, or background information wich requires additional emphasis or is helpful in efficent operation of the system. CAUTION A procedure which, if not properly followed, may cause damage to the equipment. Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper Lead Manganese Mercury Nickel Selenium Silver • Always read the Material Safety data Sheets (MSDS) that should be supplied with the material you are using. These MSDS will give you the information regarding the kind and amount of fumes and gases that may dangerous to your healt. WARNING A procedure which, if not properly followed, may cause injury to the operator or others in the operating area. • For information on how to test for fumes and gases in your workplace, refer to item 1 in Subsection 1.03, Publication in this manual. • Use special equipment, such as water or down draft welding/cutting tables, to capture fumes and gases. 1.02 Important Safety Precautions WARNING OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF WELDING EQUIPMENT CAN BE DANGEROUS AND HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALT. To prevent possible injury, read, understand, and follow all warnings, safety precautions and instructions bedore using the equipment. Call 1603-298-5711 or your local distributor if you have any questions. • Do not use the welding torch in an area where combustible or explosive gases or materials are located. • Phosgene, a toxic gas, is generated from the vapors of chlorinated solvents and cleansers. Remove all sources of these vapors. GENERAL INFORMATION 6 • Hydrogen gas may be formed and trapped under aluminium workpieces when they are cut underwater or while using a water table. DO NOT cut aluminium alloys underwater or on a water table unless the hydrogen gas can be eliminated or dissipated. Trapped hydrogen gas that is ignited will cause an explosion. ELECTRIC SHOCK Electric Shock can injure or kill. The arc welding process uses and produces high voltage electrical energy. This electric energy can cause severe or fatal shock to the operator or others in the workplace • Never touch any parts that are electrically • • • • • • “live” or “hot”. Wear dry gloves and clothing. Insulate yourself from the work piece or other parts of the welding circuit. Repair or replace all worn ar damage parts. Extra care must be taken when the workplace is moist or damp. Install and mantain equipment according to NEC code, refer to item 4 in Subsection 1.03, Publications. Disconnect power source before performing any service or repairs. Read and follow all the instruction in the Operating Manual. NOISE Noise can cause permanent hearing loss. Arc welding/cutting processes can cause noise levels to exceed safe limits. You must protect your ears from loud noise to prevent permanent loss of hering. • To protect your hearing from loud noise wear protective ear plugs and/or ear muffs. Protect others in the workplace. • Noise levels should be measured to be sure the decibels (sound) do not exceed safe levels. • For information on how to test for noise, see item 1 in Subsection 1.03, Publications, in this manual. FIRE AND EXPLOSION Fire and explosion can be caused by hot slag, sparks or the arc weld. • Be sure there is no combustible or flammable material in the workplace. Any material that cannot be removed must be protected. • Ventilate all flammable or explosive vapors from the workplace. • Do not cut or weld on containers that may have held combustibles. • Provide a fire watch when working in an area where fire hazards may exist. ARC WELDING RAYS Arc Welding/Cutting Rays can injure your eyes and burn your skin. The arc welding cutting process produces very bright ultra violet and infra red light. These arc rays will damage your eyes and burn your skin if you are not properly protected. • To protect your eyes, always wear a welding helmet or shield. Also always wear safety glasses with side shields goggles or other protective eye wear. • Wear welding gloves and suitable clothing to protect your skin from the arc rays and sparks GENERAL INFORMATION 7 Keep helmet and safety glasses in good condition. replace lenses when cracked, chipped or dirty. • Protect others in the work area from the arc rays. Use protective booths, screens or shields. • Use the shade of lens as raccomanded in Subsection 1.03, item 4. 7. AWS Standard A6.0, WELDING AND CUTTING CONTAINERS WICH HAVE HELD COMBUSTIBLES, obtainable from American Welding Society, 550 N.W. Lejeune Rd, Miami, FL33126. 8. NFPA Standard 51, OXYGEN-FUEL GAS SYSTEMS FOR WELDING, CUTTING AND ALLIED PROCESSES, obtainable from the National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269. 1.03 Publications Refer to the following standards or their latest revisions for more information: 9. NFPA Standard 70, NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE; obtainable from the National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269 1. OSHA, SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS, 29CFR 1910, obtainable from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. 10. NFPA Standard 51B, CUTTING AND WELDING PROCESSES, obtainable from the National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269. 2. ANSI Standard Z49.1, SAFETY IN WELDING AND CUTTING, obtainable from the American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Rd, Miami, FL 33126. 11. CGA Pamphlet P-1, SAFE HANDLING OF COMPRESSED GASES IN CYLINDERS, obtainable from the Compressed Gas Association, 1235 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 501 Arlington, VA 22202. 3. NIOSH, SAFETY AND HEALTH IN ARC WELDING AND GAS WELDING AND CUTTING, Obtainable from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. 12. CSA Standard W117.2, CODE FOR SAFETY IN WELDING AND CUTTING, obtainable from the Canadian Standards Association, Standards Sales, 178 Rexdale Boulevard, Rexdale, Ontario, Canada M9W 1R3. 4. ANSI Standard Z87.1, SAFE PRACTICES FOR OCCUPATION AND EDUCATIONAL EYE AND FACE PROTECTION, Obtainable from American National Standard Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018. 13. NWSA booklet, WELDING SAFETY BIBLIOGRAPHY obtainable from the National Welding Supply Association, 1900 Arch Street, Philadelphia PA 19103. 5. ANSI Standard Z41.1, STANDARD FOR MEN’S SAFETY-TOE FOOTWEAR, obtainable from the American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 1018. 14. American Welding Society Standard AWSF4.1, RECOMMENDED SAFE PRACTICES FOR THE PREPARATION FOR WELDING AND CUTING OF CONTAINERS AND PIPING THAT HAVE HELD HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES obtainable from the American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Rd, Miami, FL 33126. 6. ANSI Standard Z49.2, FIRE PREVENTION IN THE USE OF CUTTING AND WELDING PROCESSES, Obtainable from American National Standard Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018. 8 GENERAL INFORMATION Il faut communiquer aux opérateurs et au personnel TOUS les dangers possibles lisez, comprenez et suivez tous les avertissement, toutes les précautions de sécurité et toutes les consignes avant d’utilizer le materiel. Composez le +603298-5711 ou votre distributeur local si avez des questions. 15.ANSI Standard Z88.2, PRACTICE FOR RESPIRATORY PROTECTION, obtainable from American National Standards Instiute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018. 1.04 Note, Attentions et Avertissement FUMÉE et GAZ Dans ce manuel les mots “note”, “attention”, et “avertissement” sont utilises pour mettre en relief des informations à caractère important La fumée et les gaz produits par le procede de jet de plasma peuvent présenter des risques et des dangers de saté. NOTE • Eloignez toute fumée et gaz de votre zone de respiration. gardez votre tête hors de la plume de fumée proventant du chalumeau. • Utilisez un appareil respiratoire à alimentation en air si l’aération fournie ne permet pas d’éliminerla dumée et les gaz. • Les sortes de gaz et de fumée provenant de l’arc de plasma dépendent de genre de métal utilisé, des revêtements se trouvant sur le métal et des differents procédés. Vous devez prendre soin lorque vous coupez ou soudez tout métal pouvant contenir un ou plusieurs des éléments suivants : Toute opération, procedure ou reseignement général sur lequel il importe d’insister davantage ou qui ciìontribue à l’efficacité de fonctionnement du système. ATTENTION Toute procédure pouvant résulter l’endommagement du matériel en cas de nonrespect de la procédure en question. AVERTISSEMENT Antimoine Argent Arsenic Baryum Béryllium Vanadium Toute procédure pouvant provoquer des blessures de l’opérateur ou des autres personnes se trouvant dans la zone de travail en cas de nonrespect de la procédure en question. Cadmium Chrome Cobalt Cuivre Manganése Mercury Nickel Plomb Sélénium • Lisez toujours les fiches de données sur la sécurité des matéries (sigle américain “MSDS”); celle-ci devraient être fournies avec le matériel que vous utilisez. Les MSDS contiennent des renseignements quant à la quantité et la nature de la fumée et des gaz pouvant poser des dangers de santé. • Pour des informations sur la maniere de tester la fumés et les gaz de votre lieu de travail, ccnsultez l’article 1 et les documents cités à la page 5. • 1.05 Precations De Securite Importantes AVERTISSEMENT L’OPÉRATION ET LA MAINTENANCE DU MATÉRIEL DE SOUDAGE A L’ARC AU JET DE PLASMA PEUVENT PRÉSENTER DES RISQUES ET DES DANGERS DE SANTÉ. 9 GENERAL INFORMATION Utilisez un équipment spécial tel que des tables de coupe à débit d’eau ou à courant descendant pour capter la fumée et les gaz. • N’utilisez pas le chalumeau au jet de plasma dans une zone oú se trouvent des matiéres ou des gaz combustibles ou explosifs. • Le phosgène, un gaz toxique, est généré par la fumée proventant des solvants et des produits de nettoyage chlorés. Eliminez toute. Source de telle fumée. • Soyez certain qu’aucune matière combustible ou inflammable ne se trouve sur le lieu de travail. Protéges toute telle matière qu’il est impossible de retirer de la zone de travail. • Procurez une bonne aeration de toutes les fumées inflammable ou explosives. • Ne coupez pas et ne soudez pas les conteneurs ayant pu renfermer des matieres combustibles. • Prévoyez une veille d’incendie lors de tout travail dans une zone présentant des dangers d’incendie. • Le gaz Hydrogène peut se former ou s’accumuler sous les pièces de travail en aluminium lorsqu’elle sont coupées sous l’eau ou sur une table d’eau. NE PAS couper les alliages en aluminium sous l’eau ou sur une table d’eau à moins que le ga shydrogène peut s’echapper ou se dissipier. Le gaz hydrogène accunulé explosera si enflammé. CHOC ELECTRIQUE Les chocs électriques peuvent blesser ou même tuer. Le procédé au jet de plasma requiert et produit de l’énergie électrique haube tension. Cette énergie électrique peut produire des chocs graves, voire mortels, pour l’opérateur et les autres personnes sur le lieu de travail. • Ne touchez jamais une piéce “sous tension” ou “vive”; portez des gants et des vêtemets secs. Isolez-vous de la pièce de travail ou des autre parties du circuit de soudage. • Rérarez ou remplacez toute pièce usée ou endommagée. • Prenez des soins particuliers lorsque la zone de travail est humide ou moite. • Montez et maintenez le matériel au Code électrique national des Etats-Unis. (Voir la page 5, article 9). • Débranchez l’alimentation électrique avant tout tarvail d’entretien ou de réparation. • Lisez et respectez toutes les consignes du Manuel de consignes. RAYONS D’ARC DE PLASMA Les rayons provenent del’arc de plasma peuvent blesser vous yeux et brûler votre peau. Le procédé à l’arc de plasma produit une lumière infra-rouge et des rayons ultra-violets très forts. Ces rayon d’arc nuirontà vos yeux et brûleront votre peau si vous ne vous proteges pas correctment. • Pour protéger vos yeux, portez toujours un casque ou un écran de soudeur. Portez toujours des lunettes de sécurité minies de parois latérales ou des lunettes de protection ou une autre sorte de protection oculaire. • Portez des gants de soudeur et un vêtement protecteur approprié pour protéger votre peau contre les étincelles et les rayon de l’arc. • Maintenez votre casque et vos lunettes de protection en bon état. Remplacez toute lentille sale ou comportant fissure ou rognure. • Protegez les autrez personnes se trouvent sur la zone de travail contre les rayons de l’arc en fournissant del cabines ou del écrans de protection. • Respectez le teint de lentille racommandé dans le article4, page 5. INCENDIE ET EXPLOSION Les incendies et les explosion peuvent résulter des scories chaudes, des étincelles ou de l’arc de plasma. Le procédè à l’arc de plasma produit du métal, des étincelles, des scories chaudes pouvant mettre le feu aux matieres combustibles ou provoquer l’explosion de fumées inflammables. GENERAL INFORMATION 10 4. Norme ANSI Z87.1, PARTIQUES SURES POUR LA PROTECTION DES YEUX ET DU VISAGE AU TRAVAIL ET DANS LES ECOLES, disponible de l’ Institute Américain, des Normes Nationales (American National Standard Institute), 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018. BRUIT Le bruit peut provoquer une perte permanente de l’ouie. Les procédés de soudage à l’arc de plasma peuvent provoquer des niveaux sonores supérieures aux limites normalement acceptables. Vous dùvez vous protéger les oreilles contre les bruits forts afin d’éviter une perte permanente de l’ouïe. 5. Norme ANSI Z41.1, NORMES POUR LES CHAUSSURES PROTECTRICES, disponible auprès de l’American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 1018. • Pour protéger votre ouïe contre les bruits forts, portez des taòpons protecteurs st/ou des protections auriculaires. Protégez également les autres personnes se trouvant sur le lieu de travail. • Il faut measurer les niveaux sonores afin d’assurer que les décibels (le bruit) ne dépassent pas les niveaux sûrs. • Pour des renseignements sur la manière de tester le bruit, consultez l’article 1, page 5. 6. Norme ANSI Z49.2, PRÉVENTION DES INCENDIES LORS DE L’EMPLOI DE PROCÉDÉS DE COUPE ET DE SOUDAGE, disponible aupres de l’American National Standard Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018. 7. Norme A6.0 de l’Association Américaine du Soudage (AWS), LE SOUDAGE ET LA COUPE DE CONTENEURS AYANT RENFERMÉ DES PORDUITS COMBUSTIBLES disponible auprès de la American Welding Society, 550 N.W. Lejeune Rd, Miami, FL33126. 1.06 Publications Consultez les normes suivents ou les révisions les plus récentes ayant été faites à celles-ci pour de plus amples renseignements: 8. Norme 51 de l’Association Américaine pour la Protection contre les Incendies (NFPA), LES SYSTEMS A GAZ AVEC ALIMENTATION EN COUPE ET LES PROCÉDÉS ASSOCIÉS, disponible auprès de la National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269. 1. OSHA, NORMES DE SÉCURITÉ DU TRAVAIL ET DE LA PROTECTION DE LA SANTÉ, 29CFR 1910, disponible auprès du Superintenent of documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. 9. Norme 70 de la NFPA,CODE ELECTRIQUE NATIONAL, disponible aupres de la National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269 2. Norme ANSI Z49.1, LA SÉCURITÉ DES OPÉRATIONS DE COUPE ET DE SOUDAGE, disponible auprésde la Société Americaine de Soudage (American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Rd, Miami, FL 33126. 10. Norme 51B de la NFPA, LES PROCÉDÉS DE COUPE ET DE SOUDAGE, disponible aupres de la National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269. 3. NIOSH LA SÉCURITÉ ET LA SANTÉ LORS DES OPÉRATIONS DE COUPE ET DE SOUDAGE A L’ARC ET AU GAZ, disponible auprès du Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. 11. Brochure CGA P-1, LA MANIPULATION SANS RISQUE DES GAZ COMPRIMÉS EN CYLINDRES, disponible aupres de l’Association des Gaz Comprimes (Compressed Gas Association), 1235 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 501 Arlington, VA 22202. 11 GENERAL INFORMATION 12. Norme CSA W117.2, CODE DE SÉCURITÉ POUR LE SOUDAGE ET LA COUPE, disponible aupres de l’Association des Normes Canadiennes, Standards Sales, 178 Rexdale Boulevard, Rexdale, Ontario, Canada M9W 1R3. 13. Invret NWSA, BIBLIOGRAPHIE SUR LA SÉCURITÉ DU SOUDAGE, disponible auprès de l’Association Nationale de Fournitures de Soudage (National Welding Supply Association), 1900 Arch Street, Philadelphia PA 19103. 14. Norme AWSF4.1 de l’Association Américaine de soudage , RECOMMANDATIONS DE PRATIQUES SURES POUR LA PRÉPARATION A LA COUPE ET AU SOUDAGE DE CONTENEURS ET TUYAUX AYANT RENFERMÉ DES PRODUITS DANGEREUX, disponible auprès de l’American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Rd, Miami, FL 33126. 15.Norme ANSI Z88.2, PRATIQUES DE PROTECTION RESPIRATOIRE, disponible auprès de l’American National Standards Instiute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018. 12 GENERAL INFORMATION 2. STATEMENT OF WARRANTY LIMITED WARRANTY: Thermal Arcâ, Inc. A Thermadine Company, warrants that its products will be free of defects in workmanship or material. Should any failure to conform to this warranty appear within the time period applicable to the Thermal Arc products as stated below, Thernal Arc shall, upon notification thereof and substantiation that the product has been stored, installed, operated, and manteined in accordance with Thermal Arc’s specifications, instructions, recomandations and recognized standard industry practice, and not subjet to misuse, repair, neglet, alteration, or accident, correct such defects by suitable repair or replacement, at Thermal Arc’s sole option, of any components or parts of the product determinated by Thermal Arc to be defective. THERMAL ARC MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. THIS WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHERS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: Thermal Arc shall not under any circumstances be liable for special or consequential damages, such us, but not limited to, damage or loss of purchased or replacement goods, or claims of customers of distributor (hereinafter “Purchaser”) for service interruption. The remedies of the Purchaser set forth herein are exclusive and the liability of Thermal Arc with respect to any contract, or anything done in connection therewith such as the performance or breach thereof, or from the manufacture, sale, delivery, resale, or use of any goods covered by or furnished by Thermal Arc whether arising out of contract, negligence, strict tort, or under any warranty, or otherwise, shall not, except as expressly provided herein, exceed the price of the goods upon which such liability is based. No employee, agent, or rapresentative of Thermal Arc is authorized to change this warranty in any way or grant any other warranty. PURCHASER’S RIGHTS UNDER THIS WARRANTY ARE VOID IF REPLACEMENT PARTS OR ACCESSORIES ARE USED WHICH IN THERMAL ARC’S SOLE JUDGEMENT MAY IMPAIR THE SAFETY OR PERFORMANCE OF ANY THERMAL ARC PRODUCT. PURCHASER’S RIGHTS UNDER THIS WARRANTY ARE VOID IF THE PRODUCT IS SOLD TO PURCHASER CY NONAUTHORIZED PERSONS. Except with regards to the products listed below, this warranty shall remain effective there (3) years from from the date Thermal Arc’s authorized distributor delivers the product to Purchaser, but in no event more than (4) years from the date Thermal Arc delivers the product to the authorized distributor. Shorter warranty periods apply to the products listed below. On these products, the warranty is effective for the time stated below beginning on the date that the authorized distributor delivers the products to the Purchaser. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in no event shall the warranty period extend more that the time stated plus one year from the date Thermal Arc delivered the product to the authorized distributor. ALL OTHER POWER SUPPLIES POWER SUPPLIES P-WEE, PRO-LITE INVERTERS LABOR MAIN POWER MAGNETICS (STATIC & ROTATING) 3 YEARS 2 YEARS 1 YEAR ORIGINAL MAIN POWER RECTIFIER 3 YEARS 2 YEARS 1 YEAR CONTROL PC BOARD 3 YEARS 2 YEARS 1 YEAR 1 YEAR 1 YEAR 1 YEAR ALL OTHER CIRCUITS AND COMPONENTS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, CONTACTORS, RELAYS, SOLENOIDS, PUMPS, POWER SWITCHING SEMICONDUCTORS. ENGINES: ENGINES ARE NOT WARRANTED BY THERMAL ARC, ALTHOUGH MOST ARE WARRANTED BY THE ENGINE MANUFACTURER. SEE THE ENGINE MANUFACTURES WARRANTY FOR THE DETAILS. 1 YEAR 1 YEAR 1 YEAR CONSOLES, CONTROL EQUIPMENT, HEAT EXCANGES, AND ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT 180 DAYS 180 DAYS 180 DAYS TORCH AND LEADS 90 DAYS 90 DAYS 90 DAYS REPAIR/ REPLACEMENT PARTS GENERAL INFORMATION 13 Warranty repairs or replacement claims under this limited warranty must be submitted to Thermal Arc by an authorized Thermal Arcâ repair facility within thirty (30) days of the repair. No transportation costs of any kind will be paid under this warranty. Transportation charges to send products to an authorized warranty repair facility shall be the responsability of the customer. All returned goods shall be at the customer’s risk and expense. This warranty supersedes all previous Thermal Arc warranties. Thermal Arcâ is a Registred trademark of Thermadyne Industries Inc. Effective January 1,1998 14 GENERAL INFORMATION 3. TECHINICAL SPECIFICATIONS WELDING GENERATOR DC DC amperage range DC welding current DC welding current 40÷170 of continuous control stepless 170A 60% duty cycle 140A 100% duty cycle VOLTAGE CC 90V OCV AUXILIARY POWER 60Hz Single phase 115V 2kVA - 230 4kVA ENGINE Make/Type Model series Number of cylinders Displacement Power Engine speed Cooling system Starting system Oil capacity Fuel capacity Fuel consumption HONDA GX 270 1 270 cc. 9 HP 3600 r.p.m. Air Manual recoil 1,1 l. - 0,3 gl. 6 l. - 1,6 gl. 2,9 l/h - 0,76 gl./h 15 4. FRONT PANEL DESCRIPTION ref. TA1170C1.DWG 1 2 3 4 5 GFCI 115V Duplex Receptacle - Ground fault interrupt protection receptacles for 115V 60Hz power source 115V 20A Circuit Breakers - Push to reset. Controls 115V power source for the 115V duplex GFCI receptacle. 230V 15A Circuit Breakers - Push to reset. Controls 230V power source for the 230V receptacle. 230V/115V Single Phase Receptacle - Supplies 60Hz single-phase power at weld/power speed Hourmeter 16 FRONT PANEL DESCRIPTION ref. TA41702C.DWG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Earth Ground connection Welding socket : Work - Negative connection 120/170A Welding socket : Work - Negative connection 80/130A Fine adjustment - controls throttle for fine welding control of current CC. Rotating this control in a clockwise direction increases the amperage or voltage output. The scale surrounding the control represents approximate actual amperage. Welding socket : Work - Negative connection 40/90A Welding socket : Electrode - Positive connection Serial number 17 5. OVERAL DIMENSIONS WEIGHT BASE MOUNTING OVERALL DIMENSION Dimensions Height Width Lenght 510 mm 490 mm 730 mm 20.07 in 19.29 in 28.74 in Weight 93 Kg 205 lb ref. T41701.TIF MAXIMUM WELDING GENERATOR OPERATING ANGLES Do not exceed operating amgles while running or engine damage will occur. ref. TA41702.TIF 18 6. SPECIFICATIONS CAUTION DESCRIPTION CONTINUAL EXCEEDING OF DUTY CYCLE RATINGS can cause damage to the welding power source. The Thermal Arc TA-4/170 H is a gasoline engine driven DC welding generator. This unit is designed for use with Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) processes. • Do not exceed indicated duty cycles. NOTE Volt-ampere curves show the voltage and amperage output capabilities of the welding power source. Curves of other settings will fall between the curves shown. Volt-Ampere Curves DUTY CYCLE The duty cycle of a welding generator is the percentage of a ten minute period that welding generator can be operated at a given output without causing overheating and damaging of the unit. This unit is rated at 60 percent duty cycle when operated at 170 amperes. The unit can be operated at 170 amperes for six consecutives minutes, but it must operate at no load for the remaining four minutes to allow proper cooling. If the welding amperes decrease, the duty cycle increases. If the welding amperes are increased beyond rated output, the duty cycle will decrease. Ref. TA4170.TIF NOTE: Full output may not be achived before Engine break-in time. Engine break-in time is Approx. 80 hours. CAUTION EXCEEDING DUTY CYCLE RATINGS will cause the thermal overload protection circuit to become energized and shut down output until the cools to normal operating temperature. 19 7. INSTALLING WELDING GENERATOR 1. Lifting forks. 2. Trailer Install unit on trailer according to trailer manufacturing. Do not lift unit from Movement ref.TA41703.TIF 1 Airflow Clearance Location 500mm 19.7 in 500mm 19.7 in OR OR 500mm 19.7 in 500mm 19.7 in Ref. TA41704.TIF 2 Ref. TA41705.TIF 20 8. WARNING ENGINE FUEL CAN CAUSE FIRE OR EXPLOSION. - Stop engine before fueling. - Do not fuel while smoking or near sparks or flames. - Do not overfill tank-clean up any spilled fuel. REMOVE FUEL CAP SLOWLY-FUEL SPRAY MAY CAUSE INJURY. FUEL MAY BE UNDER PRESSURE. Rotate fuel cap slowly and wait until hissing stops before removing cap. Check all fluids daily. Engine must be cold and on a level surface. Add fresh fuel starting engine the first time. Wipe dipstick clean and check oil : if oil is not up to full mark, add oil. Full Gasoline only Ref. TA41706.TIF Full ref. TA500D8.TIF 21 9. GENERATOR AUXILIARY POWER SYSTEM 9.01 SELECTING EQUIPMENT WARNING 1. Auxiliary power receptacles. - Neutral bonded to frame. 2. 3-Prong plug from case. Grounded equipment. 3. 2-Prong plug from double insulated equipment. Be sure equipment has this symbol and/or wording. Double insulation ref. TA500D9.TIF Proper equipment to use Simultaneous welding and auxiliary power (Fine Current Control set at Maximum) Weld current DC 170 A / 26.8 V 120 A / 24.8 V 70 A / 22.8 V 0A/0V Auxiliary power single phase 115/230V 0.5 kVA 2 kVA 3.5 kVA 4 KVA 22 10. WIRING OPTIONAL 230 VOLT PLUG The plug can be wired for a 230V, 2-wire load or a 115/230V, 3-wire load. White - Neutral terminal. YYY - Load 1 terminal. XXX - Load 2 terminal. Green - Ground terminal. ref. TA500D17.TIF 23 11. GROUNDING THE GENERATOR TO A TRUCK OR A TRAILER FRAME 1. 2. 3. 4. Generator base. Metal vehicle frame. Equipment grounding terminal. Grounding cable. Use #10 AWG or larger insulated copper wire. Grounding methods Electrically bond generator frame to vehicle frame by metal-to-metal contactor. ref. TA41707.TIF 12. GROUNDING THE GENERATOR WHEN CONNECTING TO HOME, SHOP, OR FARM WIRING 1. Equipment grounding terminal. 2. Grounding cable. Use #10 AWG or larger insulated copper wire. 3. Water meter. 4. Metal water pipe. 5. Driven ground rod. Ground generator to system earth ground if supplying power to a permises (home,shop,farm) wiring system. ref. TA500D11.TIF Use metal water pipe or driven ground rod or other means as stated in electrical codes 24 13. SELECTING AND PREPARING WELD OUTPUT CABLES 1. Weld output cable. Determine total cable lenght in weld circuit and maximum welding amperes. Use shortest cables possible. Do not use damaged cables. 2. Welding socket: Negative connection. 3. Welding socket: Positive connection. Use lugs of proper amperage capacity and hole size for connecting to work clamp. 4. Insulated electrode holder. 5. Work clamp. Install onto work cable. ref. TA41708.TIF 25 14. TYPICAL PROCESS CONNECTIONS ref. TA62153.DWG 15. POWER REQUIRED TO START MOTOR 1. 2. 3. 4. Motor start code. Running amperage. Motor HP. Motor voltage. MOTOR START CODE kVA/HP AC MOTOR VOLT 230 AMPS COMPRESSOR HZ HP 2.7 PHASE VENTILATOR 4 2,5 60 1 COMPRESSOR 8 kVA/HPxHPx1000 = STARTING AMPERAGE VOLTS ref. TA500D13.TIF EXAMPLE : Calculate the starting amperage required for a 230 V, 2.7 HP motor with a motor start code of 8 for compressor. Volts = 230 HP = 2.7 Using table, Code for compressor result in kVA/HP = 8 8x2.7x1000 230 = 93.9 A Starting the motor requires 93.9 amperes 26 16. SELECTING WELD CABLES SIZES Welding Amperes 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 500 600 Total Cable (Copper) Lenght in Weld circuit Not Exceeding 100 ft. (30 m) 150 ft. 200 ft. 250 ft. 300 ft. 350 ft. (45 m) (60 m) (70 m) (90 m) (105 m) or Less 10 To 60% 60 Thru 100% 10 Thru 100% Duty Cycle Duty Cycle Duty Cycle 4 4 4 3 2 1/0 1/0 3 3 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 3 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 2-2/0 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 2-2/0 2-3/0 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 2-2/0 2-3/0 2-3/0 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 2-2/0 2-3/0 2-4/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 2-2/0 2-3/0 2-4/0 3-3/0 3/0 4/0 2-2/0 2-3/0 2-4/0 3-3/0 3-4/0 400 ft. (120 m) 1/0 3/0 4/0 2-2/0 2-3/0 2-4/0 2-4/0 3-3/0 3-4/0 Wels cables size (AWG) is based on either a 4 volts or less drop or a current density of more than 300 circular mils per ampere. 27 17. WELD OUTPUT CONNECTION CONNECTOR INSTALLATION Install the supplied male connectors onto proper cables. 1. Obtain cable of desired lenght and proper size for installation. 2. If the installation requires cable large than 3/0 AWG, prepare one end of 3/0 AWG pigtail no longer than 2 ft (0,61 m) for connector installation. The remaining end of the pigtail is connected to the main run of 3/0 AWG or larger weld cable. 3. Push weld cable through insulator. 4. Remove 0.79 in (20 mm) of insulation from end of cable. 5. Install supplied sleeve on stripped end of cable. 6. Insert cable with sleeve into connector boby so that cable is snug and against bottom of connector boby. 7. Install and tighten set screw with supplied hex wrench to secure connector boby onto cable. 8. Push insulator onto connector boby to cover set screw. Set screw Strip insulation approx. 0.79 in from end ref. TA500D16.TIF Connector body Sleeve Weld cable Insulator WARNING : electric shock can kill. Arcing can burn skin or damage electrical connections. WELD CABLE CONNECTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. Do not touch live electrical parts. Shut down unit before making any weld output connections. Do not charge position of the welding cable connectors while welding Be sure that the connectors are secure in receptacle before welding. 28 18. SEQUENCE OF OPERATION WARNING : Read and follow all safety precaution before proceding with operation. 18.01 STARTING 1. Turn the fuel valve to the On position. ref. F5180LH.TIF 2. Move the choke lever to the CLOSE Position. Note: Do not use the choke if the engine is warm or the air temperature is high. ref. F5180LH1.TIF 3. Turn the throttle knob until half way round. 4. Start the engine. -With recoil starter 5. Turn the engine switch to the ON position. ref. F5180LH2.TIF 29 6. Pull the starter grip lightly until resistance is felt, them pull brisckly. Caution: Do not allow the starter grip to snap back bagainst the engine. Return it gently to prevent damage to the starter. ref. F5180LH3.TIF 7. As the engine warms up, gradually move the choke leverto the open position. ref. F5180LH4.TIF 18.02 SHELDED METAL ARC WELDING (SMAW) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Install and connect unit according to the installation section. Wear gloves and clothing. Connect work clamp at workplace. Select power electrode. Select proper negative welding socket. Rotate the Fine adjust control, to desired position. Insert electrode into electrode holder. 30 18.03 STOPPING THE ENGINE To stop the engine in an emergency turn the engine switch the OFF position. Under normal condition, use the following procedure: 1. Disconnect the utilizers. 2. Turn the engine speed control to its lowest setting. 3. Turn the engine switch to the OFF position. ref. F5180LH5.TIF 4. Turn the fuel valve to the OFF position. ref. F5180LH6.TIF 31 19. ROUTINE MAINTENANCE ATTENTION : STOP ENGINE BEFORE MAINTENANCE ref. FILTER.TIF ref. FLUIDSLE.TIF ref. WELDTERM.TIF ref. CHANGEOI.TIF ref. CHANGEOF.TIF 32 ref. CLEANCS.TIF ref. CLEANSAC.TIF ref. REPLUL.TIF ref. REPLFF.TIF 33 ref. CHECKVC.TIF ref. CHECKSA.TIF ref. CHECKSP.TIF 1000 HOURS: Blow out or vacuum inside. DURING HEAVY SERVICE CLEAN MONTHLY. 34 20.PARTS LIST 35 SPARE PARTS LIST Item N° Thermal Arc Ord. n° 1 11-3000 2 11-4106 3 11-3002 4 11-3003 5 11-4107 6 11-4108 7 11-3006 8 11-4036 9 11-3061 10 11-3375 11 11-3010 12 11-3011 13 11-3012 14 11-3013 15 11-3014 16 11-3015 17 11-3016 18 11-3017 19 11-3018 20 11-3019 21 11-3020 22 11-3021 23 11-3022 24 11-3023 25 11-3024 26 11-3732 27 11-3581 28 11-4065 29 11-3047 30 11-4060 31 11-3030 32 11-3031 33 11-3032 34 11-3033 35 11-3034 36 11-3035 37 11-3036 38 11-3037 39 11-3038 40 11-3039 41 11-3040 42 11-4130 43 11-3534 44 11-3043 45 11-3044 Denomination Stator Engine connecting flange Tierod Shaft with rotor Tierod Flange with bearing seat Bearing 30/72/19 6306 Internal ring 12mm male insulator 115V 2x15A GFCI 5-15R single phase cover Fan Fan ring Rectifier assembly Fan cap Frame Shock absorber 40x40 Prisoner M5x27 Shock absorber 30x30 Shock absorberprotection Engine support Instrumental cover Terminal board 6 poles Shock absorber 15x30 Shock absorber 15x30 Capacitors support Capacitors plate 50µF capacitor Aluminium front plate 15A circuit breaker Throttle knob Throttle unit Earth clamp Welding outlet Plug for welding outlet Reactor Spacer H18,5 Right side cover Air deflector Three phase reactor Left side cover Spring Front cover Closing plate Top cover Left protection grate 36 Item N° 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Thermal Arc Ord. n° 11-3045 11-4124 11-3148 11-3048 11-3049 11-3050 11-3051 11-3052 11-4059 11-3054 11-3055 11-3056 11-3057 11-3058 11-3059 11-3060 11-4109 11-4110 11-4105 11-4131 Denomination Hourmeter 230V 50A 14-50 single phase outlet 20A circuit breaker Ring Circuit breaker cover 115V 2x15A GFCI 5-15R single phase outlet Resistance cover Resistance support Resistance Resistance plate Resistance Resistance terminal Resistance support 7mm insulating washer 22mm female female insulator 12mm insulating washer Frame flange Stator support Plate Self locking ring 37 20.01TROLLEY 4 : TWO WHEELS TROLLEY WITH HANDLES (Optional accessory) 38 SPARE PARTS LIST Item N° Thermal Arc Ord. n° - 11-2013 1 11-3063 2 11-3064 3 11-3065 4 11-3066 5 11-3067 6 11-3068 7 11-3069 8 11-3070 Denomination Trolley 4 assembly Rubber handle Bracket Handle Support Support Axle support Axle Wheel 39 21.WIRING DIAGRAM 40
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