How to Avoid the Flu at Work (ABC News, 2013)


How to Avoid the Flu at Work (ABC News, 2013)
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How to Avoid the Flu at Work
(ABC News, 2013)
The flu continued to move across the country again. Tonight we’re seeing the effects of the virus,
particularly in the workplace, and here’s ABC’s chief medical editor, Doctor Richard Besser, on that.
The office is now a flu obstacle course.
I’m sitting in my car now taking refuge from the people at my work who’ve come in coughing and
sneezing and sniffling.
(I’m) constantly washing my hands. Since I’m in sales, I press the flesh a lot and come into contact with
a lot of people.
All of my co-workers have already been sick this season.
Watch how many (people) touch the revolving door on the way to the office -- fourteen in just four
minutes! So what’s a healthy worker to do? Of course, you can wipe down any shared phones,
keyboards, wash your hands. But the flu is really about the air that you breathe. In office meetings one
cough could send a cloud of a thousand of flu droplets out into the shared air.
And those droplets? They can stay in dry, indoor air for fifteen to thirty minutes, so the next people who
walk into this room will breathe in the flu.
Try phone meetings for the next couple of weeks; don’t hang out at that water-cooler. Stay away from
people! The smartest way to head off this flu epidemic is this: if you’re sick, don’t go to work!
Doctor Richard Besser, ABC News, New York.
01. the flu
02. to move across the country
03. a flu obstacle course
04. taking refuge
05. coughing, sneezing and sniffling
06. since I’m in sales
07. I press the flesh
08. what’s a healthy worker to do?
09. to wipe down
10. shared
11. a cloud of a thousand of flu droplets
12. to breathe in the flu
13. try phone meetings
14. don’t hang out at that water-cooler
15. stay away
16. the smartest way
17. to head off the flu
la grippe
traverser le pays
un parcours d’obstacles pour éviter la grippe
(m)’abritant, me réfugiant
toussant, éternuant, reniflant
comme je travaille dans la vente
je serre la main (littéralement: je serre la chair)
Que doit faire un employé en bonne santé?
essuyer avec un désinfectant
un nuage d’un millier de gouttelettes
contenant le virus de la grippe
respirer/inspirer le virus de la grippe (dans les
Essayez de faire des téléconférences
ne trainez pas près de la fontaine d’eau
restez à l’écart
le meilleur moyen
parer à la grippe
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How to Avoid the Flu at Work
(ABC News, 2013)
Exercise: fill in the blanks with the correct words
The _f___________ continued to _m___________a____________ the country again. Tonight we’re
seeing the effects of the virus, particularly in the workplace, and here’s ABC’s chief medical editor,
Doctor Richard Besser, on that.
The office is now a flu _o______________c_______________.
parcours d’obstacles
I’m sitting in my car now _t___________r______________ from the people at my work who’ve come in
m’abritant / me réfugiant
_c______________ and _s__________________ and _s_________________.
(I’m) constantly washing my hands. _s________ I’m in _s____________, I _p_______the_f________
(je travaille)
dans la vente
serre la main
a lot and come into contact with a lot of people.
All of my co-workers have already been sick this season.
Watch how many (people) touch the revolving door on the way to the office -- fourteen in just four
minutes! So what’s a healthy worker to do? Of course, you can _w_________d_______________ any
_s________________ phones, keyboards, wash your hands. But the flu is really about the air that you
breathe. In office meetings one cough could send a _c____________ of a _t______________________
un millier
of flu _d_________________ out into the shared air.
And those droplets? They can stay in dry, indoor air for fifteen to thirty minutes, so the next people who
walk into this room will _b_____________i____________ the flu.
Try phone meetings for the next couple of weeks; don’t _h___________o____________ at that
(ne) trainez pas
_w__________-c__________. _S___________a_______ from people!
fontaine d’eau
Restez à l’écart
The _s______________w_____________ to _h__________o________ this flu epidemic is this: if you’re
(le) meilleur moyen
sick, don’t go to work!
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