Workplace Letter - Sudbury Catholic Schools
Workplace Letter - Sudbury Catholic Schools
May 4, 2009 Dear Workplaces: Re: H1N1 Flu Virus (Human Swine Influenza) The Sudbury & District Health Unit reported its first confirmed case of H1N1 flu virus (Human Swine Influenza) Monday, May 4. It would not be surprising if more confirmed cases appeared in our area. At the current time, there are no recommendations to exclude from school, workplaces, or other settings, well individuals who have travelled to areas affected by the H1N1 flu virus. H1N1 flu virus is a strain of influenza that usually affects pigs, but can also make people sick. It is a respiratory illness that causes symptoms much like those of the regular seasonal flu. These symptoms can include fever, fatigue, lack of appetite, coughing, and sore throat. Some children with H1N1 flu virus have also reported vomiting and diarrhea. To date, all confirmed cases in Ontario have had a travel history to Mexico or close contact with a confirmed case with a travel history. Enclosed please find two information sheets in English and in French about precautionary measures that everyone can take to prevent the spread of the virus: H1N1 Flu Virus (Human Swine Flu): What You Should Know and Handwashing. $% &' ! "# ( ) *# * *# & '( ' ' $ + ! + , $ & ' - On April 29, the World Health Organization raised the level of pandemic alert to Phase 5. This is a strong signal that a pandemic is imminent. * * * . /%0 ! 1 ! " ( 2 ) / ! " 3$% ' * 5' '6 ! # ( 4 ## 6 0% ' / 77 % / ' 8 ' 6 9 9&&'8 Please share this information with your employees and post the information sheets in your workplace. Handwashing is the single most effective and important way to prevent the spread of disease. &&'! The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care has information available on its website that will assist you in reviewing your workplace pandemic plan. Please visit Of particular importance is your Business Continuity Plan. As your workplace could face unusually high absenteeism during a pandemic, it is important that you have a plan to maintain essential services during a pandemic. The Sudbury & District Health Unit’s Pandemic Plan is available at Our website also has up-to-date information about H1N1 flu virus. If you have general questions about H1N1 influenza, please visit our website at; call our Control of Infectious Diseases Program at (705) 522-9200, ext. 301; or call the ServiceOntario INFOline at 1-800-476-9708. Sincerely, ** P. Sutcliffe, MD, MHSc, FRCPC Medical Officer of Health and Chief Executive Officer Enclosures An Accredited Teaching Health Unit Centre agréé d’enseignement en santé