Issue 4
Issue 4
Just JAM! Student news . . . straight from the source! December, 2014 Volume 3, Issue 4 Noël Québécois Photo by Sienna (2014). Alex B., Alexa and Sienna sang. One class even put on a short play with a student dressed as Santa Claus to end the show. A few classes made their own decorations such as a snowman and a Christmas tree, and used them as props for the show. They were all very cute. Excited students waited for their turn to sing in front of their parents. They were getting ready to perform at our annual Christmas concert. It took place on Tuesday, December 9th in the gym. The theme of this year’s concert was “Noël Québécois”. Ms. Bonneville worked extremely hard with the students for many weeks to put the show together. She had each class perform to a song or piece that went with the theme. Some of the classes danced, played instruments or Inside This Issue Christmas Concert p. 1 What’s Happening In ... p. 2 The Grinch’s Heart p. 3 Ornament Sale p. 3 Movie Time p. 3 Photo by Sienna (2014). These students were happy to be singing about snowflakes. Dancing to Québécois music was a lot of fun! The stage was made to look like the inside of an old style Québec house around winter time. The gym wall behind the stage was covered with beautiful snowflakes that came in all shapes and sizes. We had a dress rehearsal on Monday, the day before the concert. The next day, the students presented two shows. The gym was filled with happy parents and grandparents who brought an item of food for admission and took time to come see our wonderful show. Thanks to all those who attended, we were able to fill two giant boxes of food for those in need! Just JAM! JAM! Just December, 2014 Volume 3, Issue 4 p. What’s Happening In … Grades 1, 2 and 3 La Classe de Mme Annie Ms. Seath’s Class Alexa et Sienna Alexandro and Xavier Des magiciens, des clowns et des lions! Les 20 élèves de la classe de Mme Annie ont présenté leur spectacle aux élèves de maternelle et aux élèves en première et deuxième année le mercredi 10 décembre. Ce mois-ci, leur thème de classe est comme vous l’avez deviné… le cirque! Have you ever wondered what Ms. Seath’s class looks like? The class is well decorated with jolly Santa Claus posters, tiny little Christmas trees with lots of colourful lights and decorations, and wonderful artwork made by the kids. Ils travaillent très forts pour apprendre tous ce qu’ils peuvent sur les sons, les additions et soustractions, et la valeur de position en mathématiques. La classe de Mme Annie adore lire les livres sur le cirque, les princesses, les animaux et les monstres. Leurs activités préférées incluent les arts plastiques, les ateliers et lire des livres. Ils sont très occupés dans leur classe! You might be wondering what the 15 students are learning in Ms. Seath’s class. They’re learning some new Christmas vocabulary words, writing in their journals, practicing their reading skills by reading some interesting books and learning all about cursive writing. They are also learning about skip counting in math. Their preferred books are by Robert Munsch. The class is really excited to do some fun Christmas activities! Ils ont vraiment aimé aller au zoo Ecomuséum et faire le spectacle de cirque. Ils ont aussi très hâte d’aller au cinéma à la fin du mois. After Christmas, Ms. Seath’s students will either be doing a theme on space or fairy tales. We’ll have to wait to see which one it will be. La Classe de Mme Francine Brigitte Savais-tu que Noël approche? Les 20 élèves de la classe de Mme Francine ont tellement hâte à Noël! Ils ont décoré leur classe pour Noël. Les fenêtres sont décorés avec des sapins de Noël que les élèves ont fabriqués. Ils vont aussi faire un sapin de Noël pour leur porte avec des mains vertes qu’ils ont tracées et découpées. Les élèves en deuxième et troisième année apprennent leurs lettres attachés, la géométrie et les mathématiques. Ils étudient aussi les verbes. Leurs livres préférés en français sont Chester et les livres de Noël. Les élèves en troisième année étudient le mode de vie des Iroquoiens dans leur cours d’Univers Social. Aussi, la classe fait plusieurs projets et activités et ils adorent ça. 2 Just JAM! JAM! Just December, 2014 Volume 3, Issue 4 p. The Grinch’s Heart Noémie Did you notice that all the hearts placed on the big tree in front of the office disappeared? They were stolen by the evil Mr. Grinch at the beginning of December. Now, instead of our hearts, a 6’ tall Mr. Grinch is placed next to the big tree. To teach him a lesson, Mrs. Kim made this poem and placed it next to the Grinch: We forgive you Mr. Grinch, For stealing our hearts That was very unkind, you know! Learn from us; we are caring and kind And soon your heart will grow! Ornament Sale Alexandro and Xavier In the beginning of December all the classes were asked to make a Christmas ornament. All of the classes worked very hard to make ornaments. Some classes made reindeer, pinecone trees, sleighs, sheep, pinecone owls, and Santa Claus ornaments. The students had a lot of fun making their decorations! On Wednesday, December 17th we had our annual ornament sale. One at a time, all of the Movie Time Mia On Tuesday, December 16th, to celebrate the holiday season, the whole school went to the movie theater at Dix30 to watch The Penguins of Madagascar. We had to take 6 busses to bring us to the theater! Every day, the Grinch watched the kind students who passed next to him. A few days after the poem was placed, x-rays were taken showing the Grinch’s heart growing. The students were very happy to see that Mr. Grinch was becoming just like them! The Grinch learned how Maybe the Grinch’s heart to make his heart grow just by watching us. will become kind and caring, just like the students, in time for Christmas. classes got to go and buy a beautiful decoration. All of the ornaments cost $1 each. Many students were delighted to see so many wonderful ornaments to choose from. This year, we raised over $250 from the sale. All of the money that we raised went to the Christmas food baskets for those in need. Everyone was very happy to have raised so much money because at John Adam, we think about the people who need our help and give them what we can. Everyone was very excited to go see The Penguins of Madagascar. The students in English watched the movie in English and the students in the Immersion classes watched the movie in French. It was a very funny movie and everyone enjoyed it. Most students are looking forward to this tradition next year and who knows what movie we’ll go see? Junior Editor - Noémie Hébert Editor-in-Chief - Kim Jarvo 3