CSAE Ottawa-Gatineau Chapter Holiday Raffle Charitable Campaign


CSAE Ottawa-Gatineau Chapter Holiday Raffle Charitable Campaign
CSAE Ottawa-Gatineau Chapter Holiday Raffle
Charitable Campaign
We are quickly approaching the festive season and preparing for the CSAE Ottawa-Gatineau
Chapter Holiday Social & Dinner on Thursday December 9th, 2015 at the Ottawa
Conference & Event Centre.
We will be holding our very successful “gift box” raffle prize draw again this year with all funds
raised benefiting our chapter charity, Candlelighters. Candelighters services families in distress
in the Ottawa region who incur unexpected costs resulting from childhood cancer.
Our 2014 Christmas raffle raised over $4,600.00 for our charity. Donations included luxury
accommodations, airline tickets, weekend stays, and gift baskets, entertainment packages, such
as movie, theatre, museum, concert, hockey tickets, gift cards for books, coffee, and restaurants
and other fun and unique items. We hope that we count on the generous support of our CSAE
members and partners to work with us to create another memorable event.
We sincerely appreciate your past contributions to the association and look forward to your
participation once again. Donating partners will have their organization and prize donation
published on our website, in our program and Executive E-newsletter. We invite our partners to
“think outside the box” when considering their prize donation to help us create lots of buzz and
excitement. Should you have any questions do not hesitate to contact Kathryn Cyr, at 613-2711476.
Stephanie Seguin & Dennis Turpin
Co-Chair, CSAE O-G Special Events Committee
Donation Form/ Formulaire de don
Donors Name(s)/ Nom(s) et prénom(s) du donateur ou de la donatrice:
Primary Contact Name/ Nom de la personne-ressource :
Company :
Tel/ Tél.:
Email/ Courriel:
Donation Description/ Description du don :
Value of Donation/ Valeur du don: $ _______________
Please email/fax this Raffle Prize Donation Form and the certificates
by November 26th, 2015 to/ Veuillez envoyer le présent Formulaire de
don et les certificats pour le 26 novembre à:
Kathryn Cyr, CSAE Ottawa-Gatineau Secretariat
Secrétariat de la SCDA Section Ottawa-Gatineau
Mail/poste : P.O. Box #72024 Kanata North RPO, Kanata, ON K2K 2P4
Courier/Messager: 202 – 300 March Road, Ottawa, ON K2K 2E2
Fax : 613- 595-1155 Phone/ Téléphone : 613-271-1476
Email/ courriel : [email protected]
Thank you for your generous contribution.
Merci pour votre généreuse contribution.