
Yvonne FONT – Seismology - Tectonics
6 rue du Vallon, 06235 Villefranche-sur-Mer, France. tel : (33) 4 93 01 87 69
Born on May 28th, 1973. French
Sept. 2002 to Aug. 2004: Research and teaching post-doctoral position
Attachée Temporaire Enseignement et Recherche
Research project: Seismotectonics at subduction zones
Nice – Sophia Antipolis University (France)
Géosciences Azur lab - Observatoire Océanologique Villefranche
BP 48 – 06235 Villefranche-sur-Mer
mail : [email protected]
tel. : (33) 4 93 76 38 88
fax : (33) 4 93 76 37 66
7 publications (with reviewers, 4 as first author):
Geophys. J. Int., Terr. Atm. Ocean. Sci., Tectonophysics (3),
Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci., Bull. Soc. Géol. France
2 articles in preparation (1 as first author)
20 participations to international meetings: EGS, AGU, EUG, International Workshop, …
Detailed list on page 3.
• Oct. 1996 to Dec. 2001: Thesis from Montpellier University (FRANCE - 2001, Dec. 21st)
Title: Contribution à l’étude de la terminaison ouest de la subduction des Ryukyus au niveau de la
collision arc-continent à Taiwan : apports de la sismique réflexion et de la relocalisation
Supervisors: Dr Serge LALLEMAND (1)
1. Géophysique, Tectonique et Sédimentologie - Université de Montpellier 2.
• Sep. 1997 to Sep. 2001: Ph. D. at the National Taiwan University (TAIWAN – 2001, Sep. 24th)
Title: Modes of the ongoing arc-continent collisional processes in Taiwan: New insights from
seismic reflection analyses and earthquake relocation.
Supervisors: Prof. Char-Shine LIU (2) & Dr. Honn KAO (3)
2. Marine Geology and Geophysics Division, Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University
3. Seismology department, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica
• Oct. 1996 to Aug. 1997: Mandarin training Center – National Normal Taiwan University (TAIWAN)
• Sep. 1995 to June 1996: DEA Structure and Evolution of the Lithosphere (Master of Science).
Montpellier University (FRANCE).
Title: Etude de la sismicité au NE de Taiwan: Conséquences sur la déformation de la plaque
Philippine au front de subduction de la zone de collision.
Study of the NEstern Taiwan seismicity: consequences on the Philippine Sea Plate deformation at the collision front zone.
• Sep. 1993 to June 1995: Licence & Maîtrise (Bachelor degree) of Applied Oceanology.
Barcelona University (SPAIN) - Perpignan University (FR)
Postdoctoral scholarship: Fundaciò Credit Andorrà
Best Thesis Award – National Taiwan University
Ph. D. scholarship: Ministry of Education of Taiwan
M.S. scholarship: Ministry of Education of France
B.S. scholarship: Erasmus European Program
2002 (6 months)
Postdoct: Géophysique, Tectonique & Sédimentologie Lab of Montpellier University.
Research project: Onshore-Offshore Seismotectonic Approach of the Ryukyu
Subduction Zone Westernmost Extremity (Taiwan). Supervisor: Dr. S. LALLEMAND.
French-English translation, East and West Books Edition (children book)
French teacher (particular class). Taipei, TAIWAN.
Research assistant – Prof. Char-Shine LIU (National Taiwan University).
Seismic reflection data processing (using PROmax software)
Resume – January 2004
Yvonne FONT
Operating systems Unix, PC (windows), Linux, Mac OS
C, Fortran, shell
Earthquake hypocentral location program developed in C language
GMT, Word, Excel, Adobe Illustrator, PROmax, …
Fluent French, English, Spanish, Catalan. Chinese: spoken & understood (writing & reading: notions).
Binghamton, New-York State
Barcelona, Catalunya
5 years
1 month
9 months
• Oceanographic cruises (1997 & 1998): Seismic reflection offshore Taiwan.
Two one-week-long cruises, onboard R/V Ocean Researcher I. Coordinator: Char-Shine LIU.
1. Structural study of the Ryukyu Margin.
2. Prospecting study for Petroleum Company
• Installation of seismological network (2003): Nîmes Fault (FRANCE).
Coordinators: Nicole BETHOUX (Villefranche-sur-Mer, FR.), Frédéric MASSON (Montpellier, FR.)
• ESMERALDAS: Seismic active-passive experiment, onshore/offshore North-Andean active margin.
Programmed on March/April 2005 onboard the French R/V L’Atalante. Coordinators: Bernard
• BESTHYPO: Improvement of 3D absolute earthquake location in subduction zone.
Currently, in New Hebrides (Vanuatu) subduction zone.
• Serge LALLEMAND – Research Scientist
Lab. DL, UMR 5573, Univ. Montpellier 2.
[email protected]
tel.: (33) 4 67 14 33 01
• Jacques ANGELIER - Professor
Obs. Océanologique Villefranche. UPMC.
[email protected]
tel.: (33) 4 93 76 37 54
• Char-Shine LIU - Professor
Institute of Oceanography. National Taiwan University.
[email protected]
tel.: (8862) 23 63 60 40 ext. 204
• Honn KAO - Research Scientist
Seismology Geological Survey Canada
Pacific Geoscience Center
[email protected]
tel.: (01 250) 363 66 25
Resume – January 2004
Yvonne FONT
Font Y., H. Kao, S. Lallemand, C.-S. Liu and L.-Y. Chiao,. Hypocentral determination offshore Eastern Taiwan
using the Maximum Intersection method - Accepted to Geophys. J. Int. (minor corrections).
Font Y., Kao H., Liu C.-S. and Chiao, L.-Y, 2003. A comprehensive 3D seismic velocity model for the eastern
Taiwan-southernmost Ryukyu regions. Terr. Atm. Ocean. Sci., 14, (2): 159-182.
Font, Y., Liu, C.S., Schnurle, P. and Lallemand, S., 2001. Constraints on Backstop Geometry from the
Southwest Ryukyu Subduction based on Reflection Seismic Data. Tectonophysics, 333, (1-2):135-158.
Lallemand, S., Font, Y., Bijwaard, H. and Kao, H., 2001. Recent evolution and present-day interaction between
two opposite motion slabs near Taiwan. Tectonophysics, 333, (1-2): 229-253.
Angelier, J., Lee, J.-C., Chu, H.-T., Hu, J.-C., Lu, C.-Y., Chan, Y.-C., Lin, T.-J., Font, Y., Deffontaines, B., Tsai,
Y.-B., 2001. Le séisme de Chichi (1999) et sa place dans l'orogène de Taiwan. Comptes Rendus Académie
des Sciences, 333, 1, 5-21.
Font, Y., Lallemand, S. and Angelier, J., 1999. Etude de la transition entre l'orogène actif de Taiwan et la
subduction des Ryukyu - Apport de la sismicité. Bull. Soc. Géol. France, 170(3): 271-283.
Lallemand, S.E., Liu, C.S. and Font, Y., 1997. A tear fault boundary between the Taiwan orogen and the
Ryukyu subduction zone. Special issue of Tectonophysics on Active Collision in Taiwan, 274,(1-3):171-190.
Font Y., S. Lallemand, H. Kao and C.-S. Liu. Tectonic significance of the seismic faults offshore eastern
Taiwan. In prep.
K. Konstaninou, Y. Font, H. Kao, C.H. Lin, T. Liang. Faulting mechanism of the December 18th 2001
earthquake offshore eastern Taiwan and its possible implication to the seismotectonics of the southern Ryukyu
subduction zone. A soumettre à Tectonophysics.
Font, Y., 1996. Etude de la sismicité au nord-est de Taiwan: Conséquences sur la déformation de la plaque
Philippine au front de la zone de collision. Mémoire de DEA, Université de Montpellier 2, Montpellier, France,
46 pp, juillet 1996.
Font, Y., 2001a. Contribution à l'étude de la terminaison ouest de la zone de subduction des Ryukyus au
niveau de la collision active arc-continent à Taiwan: Apports de la sismique réflexion et de la relocalisation
hypocentrale. Thèse, Montpellier 2, 281 pp, Déc. 2001.
Font, Y., 2001b. Modes of the ongoing arc-continent collisional processes in Taiwan: New insights from
seismic reflection analyses and earthquake relocation. Ph. D. Thesis, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 281
pp, Sept. 2001.
March 2003
International workshop (invited): Ocean Bottom Seismometers, Technology and
Opportunities, on Monitoring seismic faults offshore eastern Taiwan
Academia Sinica, Institute of Earth Sciences, Taipei, TAIWAN.
July 2002
Seminar (invited) on Etude de la zone complexe de transition entre subduction
oblique et collision active au NE de Taiwan par relocalisation d’hypocentres.
Oblique subduction to active collision transition zone NE of Taiwan) from earthquake relocation.
Laboratoire Géosciences Azur, Villefranche-sur-Mer, FRANCE.
Oct. 2001
Seminar (invited) on Localisation hypocentrale – Méthode et Application.
Hypocentral location – Method and Application.
Laboratoire Détection et Géophysique, CEA/DASE/LDG, Bruyères-le-Châtel, FRANCE.
Resume – January 2004
Yvonne FONT
Font, Y., Kao, H., Liu, C.-S. and Lallemand, S., 2003. Earthquake hypocenter location offshore eastern Taiwan
by the Maximum Intersection Method. EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 06 - 11 April 2003.
Font, Y., Liu, C.-S., Lallemand, S. and Kao, H., 2003 - Monitoring seismic faults offshore eastern Taiwan.
Intern. Workshop., Ocean Bottom Seismometers, Technology and Opportunities. Academia Sinica, Institute of
Earth Sciences. Taipei, Taiwan, Mars 2003.
Font, Y., Kao, H., Liu, C.-S. and Lallemand, S., 2002. New MAXimum Intersection Method (MAXIM) Applied to
the Determination of Earthquake Hypocenter in a Structurally Complex Area, Offshore Eastern Taiwan,
abstract in AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
Font Y., Kao H., Lallemand S. and Liu C.-S., 2002. New 3-D hypocentral determination indicate the onset of
subduction reversal eastern Taiwan. EGS XXVII General Assembly, Nice, France.
Font Y., Lallemand S., Liu C.-S. and Kao H., 2001. Philippine Sea Plate insertion into the Eurasian Plate –
Tectonic consequences on the southernmost Ryukyu forearc ; extended abstract in NEWPMAGIC-SEAS
symposium, Taipei, September 25-27, 2001.
Lallemand S., Font Y. and Deschamps A., 2001. From passive to active margin in the southern Ryukyu Arc
and the birth of Taiwan ; extended abstract in NEWPMAGIC-SEAS symposium, Taipei, September 25-27,
Lallemand S., Dominguez S. and Font Y., 2001. Drilling onland a shallow subduction interface analog to deep
offshore seismogenic zones ; in Proceedings of ICDP Workshop on ChelungPu Drilling, 7 pp.
Font Y., Kao H., Liu C.-S., and Lallemand S, 2000. Seismogenic Patterns at the Plate Interface Vicinity of the
Ryukyu Subduction to Taiwan Collision Junction Area: Preliminary Results from 3-D Earthquake Relocation;
abstract in AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 15-19, San Francisco, California.
Lallemand S., Font Y., Bijwaard H. and Kao H, 2000. New insights on 3-D plates interaction near Taiwan from
tomography and tectonic implications; abstract in AGU Fall Meeting, Dec. 15-19, San Francisco, California.
Lallemand S., Font Y., Deschamps A., and Bijwaard H., 2000. Late Neogene tectonic evolution of the
northwestern border of the Philippine Sea Plate as revealed by tomography; abstract in AGU Fall Meeting,
Dec. 15-19, San Francisco, California.
Font, Y., Liu, C.S., Schnurle, P. and Lallemand, S., 1999. Ryukyu forearc area - A key for the evolution of the
collision in Taiwan. Mem. Geosciences Montpellier, Active Subduction and collision in SE Asia: data and
models, Montpellier, France, pp. 47-51.
Font, Y., Liu, C.S., Schnurle, P. and Lallemand, S., 1999. Shape of the southern Ryukyu basement from
seismic reflection data. Mem. Geosciences Montpellier, Active Subduction and collision in SE Asia : data and
models, Montpellier, France, pp. 271-273.
Lallemand, S., Kao, H., Font, Y. and Liu, C.S., 1999. Strain partitioning within a subducting plate? The case of
the southern Ryukyu subduction zone. Mem. Geosciences Montpellier, Active Subduction and collision in SE
Asia : data and models, Montpellier, France, pp. 53-57.
Lallemand, S., Malavieille, J., Font, Y., Dominguez, S. and Deschamps, A., 1999. Taiwan : un séisme
historique qui révèle une subduction continentale sous une plaque océanique. In Réunion spécialisée de la
SGF, Marges Océaniques et Magmatisme Associé, Villefranche/Mer, pp. 60.
Liu, C.-S., Chiao, L.Y., Schnurle, P., Lallemand, S. and Font, Y., 1999. Deformation of the Philippine Sea Plate
near Taiwan. Mem. Geosciences Montpellier, Active Subduction and collision in SE Asia : data and models,
Montpellier, France, pp. 39-42.
Angelier, J., Font, Y., Hu, J.C. and Lallemand, S., 1998. Earthquake distribution and mechanisms, lithospheric
structure and tectonic regimes : Taiwan. Soc. Symp., Solid Earth Geoph. & Geod., Annales Geophysicae,
EGS XXIII Gen. Assembly, Nice, France, pp. C96.
Font, Y., Lallemand, S., Angelier, J. and Liu, C.S., 1997. Deformation of the Philippine Sea plate at the junction
between the Ryukyu subduction and the Taiwan collision zone - Insights from seismicity, Tectonic East Asia
Conference, Chung-Li, Taiwan, pp144.
Font, Y., Lallemand, S.E. and Angelier, J., 1997. Distribution of earthquakes in a transition area between
subduction and collision: a case study off NE Taiwan. EUG 9, Fall Meeting, Strasbourg, France, pp. 339.
Schnurle, P., Liu, C.S., Font, Y. and Lallemand, S., 1997. Structural insight into Huatung basin: Does the
Taitung Canyon hide a basement fault?, NSC Ocean Science Conference, Nantou, Taiwan, pp. 12.