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Infobrief Taiwan,Bazaar Berlin Special Edition, 19.10.2015
Premium Partners 2015
Bazaar Berlin 2015 - A World full of Beauty
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Launched in 1962, Bazaar Berlin gathers arts and crafts retailers and
manufacturers in Berlin annually before Christmas with enthusiastic buyers of
high-quality ethnic and natural products for over 50 years. Year 2015,
Bazaar Berlin will take place from 18-22 November.
Bazaar Berlin has successfully presented a unique concept: "Global Market
for Local Products". Each year, arts and crafts retailers and manufacturers
meet in Berlin with enthusiastic buyers of high-quality ethnic and natural
products. This event is truly unique in terms of size, overall experience and
DEinternational Taiwan Ltd.
Vertriebsgesellschaft des Deutschen
Wirtschaftsbüro Taipei
Tel.: +886-2-8758-5800
Did you know?
Taiwan Pavilion at Bazaar Berlin 2015
German citizens are allowed to enter
172 countries without visa.
The National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute (NTCRI) is
the only officially recognized craft organization. The establishment of the
NTCRI has to go back to Nantou County in 1935.The institute had dedicated
to foster training and passing down tradition and heritage, as well as giving
Taiwanese citizens are allowed to enter
153 countries without visa.
counsels to the local handicraft industry on improving quality and quantity.
But aside from those previous goals, the institute had to quickly adapt to the
latest trend, and has topped their agenda to promote Taiwan Craft
characteristics, to cultivate the esthetics of the Taiwan people and to foster
international cultural exchange.It's ultimate goal has been to cultivate craft
appreciation ability among local citizens, bring forth beauty into the citizen’s
life and foster cultural exchanges with international craft community.
CompanyDirectory Taiwan
This year, National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute is
leading eight Taiwanese craftsmen to Bazaar Berlin and “Taiwan Pavilion”
will also be set up at hall 17, booth number 127. During the exhibition,
guided tours, live demo events by Taiwan craftsmen, DIY activities and
buyers meeting will be organized. The information of eight craftsmen are as
following. Mehr Informationen
Lin, Lung-chieh
The design concept comes from fresh
new buds sprouting from the soil. To make
the vase a great complement to the flower
arrangement, I design the flower holes on
both the opposite upper ends of the vase.
Therefore, it creates multiple-angles to
view the flower arrangement. Thus, it
makes the vase more functional in terms
of arranging flowers in the vase.
Heart and Leaves - vase
Lin, Sung-pen
Tung trees are very common sights all
over Taiwan. Every year around early
summer, and Tung trees are full of white
blossoms. It creates a common sight of
“Snow in May.” Every year, the Tung
Flower blossoms in May. And when the
wind blows, the petals of the blossoming
Tung flower fall down like snow.
8-Piece Tung Flower Tea Set
Liu, Wu
The work is made of bone china clay, and
the spinning tack is made of stainless steel.
It is painted with blue and white glaze, and
fired into the lovable blue and white piece.
The works come in different patterns, the
Hibiscus-patterned, the peony-patterned
and the daisy-patterned. Hibiscus
symbolizes glory, the peony represents
good fortune, and the daisy represents
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Blue and White Whipping Top
Zeng, Siang-Syuan
The work incorporates the contour beauty
of a woman wearing the Cheongsam into the
blue and white porcelain. It presents the
exquisite beauty of the female body and
Oriental imprints. With hand-made bas-relief
and blue and white paint, I try to blend in the
color, fragrance, and spirit of the blossom
into drawing on the delicate and smoothsurfaced bottle. Every brush and stroke is
like stitching a piece of embroidery, creating
a three-dimensional effect. The flower
symbolizes the wise beauty of the female. In
the past, the peony has been viewed as the
flower of love. In the language of flowers, the
peony symbolizes the commitment as well as
the affection and sorrow when lovers parting
each other.
A Suit of Blue and White
Wine Bottle
Linda Blechert
Assistant Manager Media &
Tel.: +886-2-8758-5809
E-mail: [email protected]
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Yi, Yu-an
In Chinese culture, circle symbolizes
harmony and good fortune. The color red
symbolizes happiness and prosperity. For
Chinese people, sun and moon represents
both time and the divine. The inside of the
red ball is inlaid with mother-of -pearl. The
radiant shell emitting the blue-purple sheen is
reminiscent of the galaxy. The work
embodies universal imagery and becomes
more complete.
Sun-Moon- Ball
Huang, Shu-ping
The concept behind is to present
the unique beauty of the Oriental
vision. The Zen aesthetics from
China is infused in design concept
and takes shape in the form. The
works is simple and elegant. Most
elements in my work come from
Nature. I turn the accessories into
micro-sculpture reminiscent of the
Sketchbook of Life
Tsai, Erh-jung
It combines Chinese paper craft of 1500year-old tradition with the Mazu worship in
Taiwan. The exhibition centers on the paper
statue of the Goddess Mazu. And there will
be smaller scale of paper-made works on
Bamboo Paper Statue of the
Goddess Mazu
Chan, Yuk-heung
There are three different color
arrangements, which bring out three
complete different emotions. The
end products are solidarity,
peacefulness and harmony.
Solidarity harmonizes the original
feeling of conflicts. And there is also
a sense of peacefulness, which
helps bring out tranquil comfort.
Finally, but not least, there is the
sense of harmony which
demonstrates ampleness.
Color Palette Hedgehog Clutch
Meetings with buyers and live demo events by Taiwan craftmen will be
arranged at "Taiwan Pavilion". Buyers seeking for business opportunities with
taiwanese craftsmen, please contact Ms. Angelika Weng. We will arrange
meeting for you.
Contact person: Ms. Angelika Weng
Tel: +886-2-8758-5836
Email:[email protected]
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Deutsches Wirtschaftsbüro Taipei
International Trade Bldg., 19F-9, No. 333, Keelung Rd., Sec. 1, Taipei 11012,
Tel.: +886-2-8758-5800, Fax: +886-2-8758-5833, info(at)taiwan.ahk.de
Linda Blechert, Assistant Manager Media & Communications
Tel.: +886-2-8758-5805, blechert.linda(at)taiwan.ahk.de
DEinternational Taiwan Ltd., Vertriebsgesellschaft des Deutschen
Wirtschaftsbüro Taipei International Trade Bldg., 19F-10, No. 333, Keelung Rd.,
Sec. 1, Taipei 11012, Taiwan
Tel.: +886-2-8758-5800, Fax: +886-2-8758-5833,
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