Historians and the Margins: from North America to Former - H-Net


Historians and the Margins: from North America to Former - H-Net
Conference Program: "Historians and the Margins: from
North America to Former Empires" (University Paris 13 –
June 18-19, 2015)
Discussion published by Matthieu Renault on Monday, May 18, 2015
La marge et les historiens : de l’Amérique du Nord aux anciens empires
Historians and the Margins: from North America to Former Empires
Université Paris 13 – 18-19 juin 2015/University Paris 13 – June 18-19, 2015
Institut Galilée, amphithéâtre Darwin
Jeudi 18 juin 2015 – Thursday 18 June 2015
Morning session/Matinée
Registration and welcome coffee/Accueil et café
Opening addresses/Discours de bienvenue : Michel Molin (directeur de l’UFR LLSHS, Université Paris
13), Françoise Palleau-Papin (directrice adjointe de Pléiade, EA 7338, Université Paris 13)
10:00 Plenary session/Conférence plénière : Partha Chatterjee (Centre for Studies in Social Sciences,
Kolkata; Columbia University)
Does Non-Western History Belong to the Margins?
Theorizing History, Margins and Race
Chair/Modérateur : Marie-Jeanne Rossignol (Université Paris Diderot)
Joan Bryant (Syracuse University): Whose Margin?: Blacks, Jews, and Historical Confrontations with Race in
Jay Garcia (New York University): Alain Locke as Historian of Literature and Empire
Matthieu Renault (Université Paris 13): L.R. James: Rethinking “World History” from the Margins
Lunch break/Déjeuner
Afternoon session/Après-midi
Citation: Matthieu Renault. Conference Program: "Historians and the Margins: from North America to Former Empires" (University
Paris 13 – June 18-19, 2015). H-Empire. 05-18-2015. https://networks.h-net.org/node/5293/discussions/69884/conference-progrm-historians-and-margins-north-america-former
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Parallel Sessions/Ateliers parallèles
Center and Margins (amphithéâtre Darwin)
Chair/Modérateur : Elikia M’Bokolo (EHESS)
Agnès Delahaye (Université Lyon II Lumière): From Periphery to Centre: Jeremy Belknap and the
Massachusetts Historical Society
Ambre Ivol (Université de Nantes): From the Margins to the Mainstream? Howard Zinn’s Controversial History
from the Bottom-up (1980-2010)
Olivier Maheo (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle): CLR James, from the Margins to the Center of a Renewed
Lorelle Semley (College of the Holy Cross): How Louis Joseph Janvier Made Haiti the Center of the World
Counter Narratives/Histories (room C213/salle c213)
Chair/Modérateur : Mélanie Torrent (Université Paris Diderot)
Andrea Germer (Kyushu University): Writing from the Margins, Aiming for the Centre: Dangerous Avenues in
Japanese Women’s History Writing
Marie-Theresa Hernández (University of Houston): Writing “What Cannot be Thought”: Counter Narrative and
the Production of History
Michelle M. Jacob (University of San Diego): Saint Kateri Tekakwitha and Reclaiming Indigenous Spirituality
from the Margins
Christiane Vollaire (revue Chimères): Howard Zinn face au déni de l’histoire populaire
Coffee Break/Pause café
Writing the History of the Community from Within
Chair/Modérateur : Claire Bourhis-Mariotti (Université Paris 8)
Nadine Golly (Leuphana University Lüneburg): Homestory Germany. Black Biographies in the Past and in the
Present: Re/Searching/Writing History from the Margins
Violet M. Showers-Johnson (Texas A&M University): More than Bedtime Stories: Women’s Accounts in the
History of the Afro-Caribbean Immigrant Experience in America in the First Half of the Twentieth Century
Book Presentations/Présentations d’ouvrages
Vanessa Castejon, Anna Cole, Oliver Haag and Karen Hugues (eds.): Ngapartji, Ngapartji. In turn, in turn: Egohistoire, Europe and Indigenous Australia, Canberra, ANU Press, 2014.
Nathalie Kouamé (dir.), Historiographies d’ailleurs : Comment écrit-on l’histoire en dehors du monde
occidental ?, Paris, Karthala, 2014.
Citation: Matthieu Renault. Conference Program: "Historians and the Margins: from North America to Former Empires" (University
Paris 13 – June 18-19, 2015). H-Empire. 05-18-2015. https://networks.h-net.org/node/5293/discussions/69884/conference-progrm-historians-and-margins-north-america-former
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Vendredi 19 juin 2015 – Thursday 18 June 2015
Morning session/Matinée
Pre-session coffee/Accueil et café
Plenary session/Conférence plénière : Odile Goerg (Université Paris Diderot)
ABC Sibthorpe, historien sierra-léonais : au centre ou à la marge ?
Men and Women at the Margins of the Historical Profession
Chair/Modérateur : Claire Parfait (Université Paris 13)
Marija Dalbello (Rutgers University): The Fantastic Historiography of Gypsies and People In-between and on
the Edges of Empires, and Their Permanent Liminality
Nicolas Kanellos (University of Houston): Writing Afro-Latino History from the Margins of Two Empires: Spain
and the American Republic
Cheryl Knott (University of Arizona): A Librarian on the Margins of History: The Authorial Career of Dorothy
Burnett Porter Wesley
Lunch break/Déjeuner
Afternoon session/Après-midi
Parallel Sessions/Ateliers parallèles
At the Margins of the Historical Narrative: Novels and Drawings (amphithéâtre Darwin)
Chair/Modérateur : Hélène Le Dantec-Lowry (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle)
Clara Dauler (IUT de Kourou, pôle Martinique): Écrire l’histoire depuis la marge : le cas de La catedral del
Lamia Dzanouni (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle): The Political Cartoon: a Committed Activist (1910-1934)
Amy H. Kirschke (University of North Carolina): Romare Bearden as Visual Historian:
Black Political Cartooning from the Margins
Aux marges des empires et des historiographies (room C213/salle c213)
Chair/Modérateur : Matthieu Renault (Université Paris 13)
Isabelle Denis (Université Sorbonne Paris 4): Comment écrit-on l’Histoire de Mayotte quand on est une
métropolitaine non racinée dans l’espace ultramarin?
Ary Gordien (Université Paris Descartes): Peau blanche, ancêtres colons: affirmer un passé et une identité
blancs créoles en Guadeloupe
Citation: Matthieu Renault. Conference Program: "Historians and the Margins: from North America to Former Empires" (University
Paris 13 – June 18-19, 2015). H-Empire. 05-18-2015. https://networks.h-net.org/node/5293/discussions/69884/conference-progrm-historians-and-margins-north-america-former
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Coffee break/Pause café
Preserving, Writing and Commemorating Women’s History
Chair/Modérateur : Martha Jones (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
Claire Delahaye (Université Paris-Est-Créteil): “The Last Relics”: Woman Suffrage Memory and Historiography
in the 1920s and 1930s
Ellen G. Garvey (New Jersey City University): Pasting Marginal Women’s Rights Histories into the Center of the
Fatma Ramdani (Université Paris 13): Neglected and Unrecognized Female Historians: The Case of Mary
McLeod Bethune
Presentations will be given in English or French. Please note that there will be no simultaneous translation/Les
communications seront faites en français ou en anglais sans traduction simultanée.
Citation: Matthieu Renault. Conference Program: "Historians and the Margins: from North America to Former Empires" (University
Paris 13 – June 18-19, 2015). H-Empire. 05-18-2015. https://networks.h-net.org/node/5293/discussions/69884/conference-progrm-historians-and-margins-north-america-former
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.