TEN program 2009-2010
TEN program 2009-2010
THE TECHNOLOGY EXPLOITATION AND NETWORKING GRANTS PROGRAM (TEN) / LE PROGRAMME DE VALORISATION TECHNOLOGIQUE ET DE RÉSEAUTAGE (VTR) Ongoing Projects / Projets en cours 1. Collaboration Grants / Subventions de collaboration Title / Titre Researchers / Chercheurs Partners / Partenaires Novel Fabrication Technology for High Efficiency Solar Cells Adaptive Optics Vincent Aimez, U. Sherbrooke Melanie Campbell, U. Waterloo Lawrence Chen, McGill U. Lawrence Chen, McGill U. David Clausi, U. Waterloo Daniel Côté, U. Laval Jérôme Genest, U. Laval Cyrium Technologies Sophie LaRochelle, U. Laval Offer Levi, U. Toronto Peter Norton, U. Western Ont. Joshua Pearce, Queen’s U. Li Qian, U. Toronto Palladium7 Tunable Silica-Based Planar Lightwave Circuits for Optical Signal Processing Development of Fiber-Based Components Using ZBLAN Fibre Generation of a 3D environment representation from a single video stream Stimulated Raman Hyperspectral Imaging with Novel highly Tunable Laser Source Advanced Referencing Subsystem and Algorithms for Fourier-Transform and Frequency Comb Spectrometers Mechanical Tuning of Compact MultiWavelength ibre laLser Fast Real Time Imaging System for Optical Brain Imaging Studies High Resolution Imaging for Molecular Cytogenetic Diagnosis Enhanced Spectral Response Measurement Systems Thermal Poling of Twin-Hole Fibres for Entangled Photon Generation ELCAN Optical Technologies CRC- Communications Research Centre IR Photonics 2G Robotics Inc. Optav Solutions Inc Telops Inc. Q Imaging Cytognomix Inc. Spectra-Nova Technologies Inc IVG Fiber Inc + INO Développement d'une source laser pour la génération d’impulsions dans les domaines spectraux des radiofréquences et de l'infrarouge moyen RF over Fibre: Development of an E-Band Radio System with Optical Fibre Gigabit Ethernet Interface SOI Back Reflectors for Enhanced Efficiency Silicon-Based Light Emitting Devices Novel Aerial Camera Calibration Optical Bench Development of Optical Spectroscopy for Inline Bio Diesel Fuel Process Monitoring A High Speed Miniaturized Sensor Interrogator Based on Mechanically Scannable Planar Optical Waveguides Ultra Broadband Supercontinuum Optical Source: Second Phase Martin Rochette, McGill U. INO Barry Syrett, U. Carleton DragonWave Inc. Garry Tarr, Carleton U. Simon Thibault, U. Laval Robert Weeks, Algonquin College Jianping Yao, U. Ottawa Group IV Semi-Conductors Xiupu (John) Zhang, U. Concordia O/E Land Inc. XEOS Imaging Inc. B-Con Engineering NRC-IMS + O/E Land 2. Exchange Program for Graduate Students / Programme d’échange étudiant Title / Titre Researchers / Chercheurs Students / Étudiants Conception et fabrication de photodétecteurs optimisés pour des applications biomédicales Vincent Aimez, U. Sherbrooke Design of Complex Waveguide Structures in Silica-on Silicon for Next Generation Telecommunication Systems Brazil Student Exchange Lawrence Chen, l McGill U. Charles Richard / Laurence Convert / Frédérique GirardBaril Payman Samadi at Opnext “Hollow-grams” Student Exchange for Nanowire Device Development Nicolas Ayotte Exchange Optical Coherence Tomography Based Imaging Catheter for Minimally Invasive Interventions Inside Body Vessels Raman Kashyap, É. Polytechnique Raman Kashyap, É. Polytechnique R.R.Lapierre, McMaster U. Sophie LaRochelle, U. Laval Victor Yang, Ryerson U. Bilel Bensalem Jérôme Poulin at Mexico P.K. Mohseni to U. Sao Paulo N. Ayotte to U. of Tech. Sydney T. Shoa to Ryerson 3. Technology Transfer Fellowship / Transfert ou partenariat technologique No ongoing projects 4. Technology Exploitation / Exploitation de la technologie Title / Titre Researchers / Chercheurs Partners / Partenaires Design and Fabrication of Sensor Chips Based on Long-Range Surface Plasmons All-Fibre Frequency Conversion Pierre Berini, U. Ottawa Nicolas Godbout, Polytechnique de Montréal Cynthia Goh, U. Toronto Sophie Larochelle, U. Laval Dennis Morris, U. Sherbrooke Michael Page, Ontario College of Arts & Design Réal Vallée, U. Laval Spectalis Corp. Nanoparticle Photocatalysts for Water Splitting Développement de réseaux de Bragg dans une fibre hautement multimode Fibre-Coupled THz Devices and Time-Domain THz Spectroscopy System Holographic RAIL Development of an Erbium-Doped All-Fibre Laser Operating at 2.94um Optav Solutions Inc. ViveNano Inc. CorActive INO Rabbit Holes Holdings Corp. ExOptix-Verre Fluoré-Sovar 5. Seminars, Conferences and Workshops grants / Subventions pour séminaires, conférences et ateliers Title / Titre Researchers / Chercheurs Location/ Lieu Workshop on Quantum Dynamic Imaging- QDI André Bandrauk, U. Sherbrooke CIPI-Admin. U. Laval Yves DeKoninck, U. Laval U. de MTL – Oct.19-23 2009 Canada-France-Germany Workshop Neurophotonics Summer School 2009 Germany – June/juin 14-18 2009 Québec – June/juin 1-10, 2009 6. National Facilities Access / Accès aux infrastructures nationales Title / Titre GeV Electron Generation at ALLS Researchers / Chercheurs Location/ Lieu Robert Fedosejevs, ALLS U. Alberta Student Participation in Nickel Nanowire X-Rays Robin Marjoribanks, ALLS at ALLS U. Toronto Photonic-Microfluidic-Integrated Flow Cytometer C-Q Xu, NRC-CPFC McMaster U.