2016-04 - CQDT - Centre de réadaptation en dépendance


2016-04 - CQDT - Centre de réadaptation en dépendance
Avril 2016
Aspect économique
Buxton, J. (2016). Drug crop production, poverty, and development. New York, NY : Open
Society Foundations.
London School of Economics & Political Science. (2016). After the drug wars: Report of the LSE
expert group on the economics of drug policy. [London, UK] : London School of Economics &
Political Science.
Aspect législatif
Eastwood, N., Fox, E. et Rosmarin, A. (2016). A quiet revolution: Drug decriminalisation across
the globe (2e éd.). [London, UK] : Release drugs the law and human rights.
Comorbidité dépendance/santé mentale
O'Neill, S. et Lapalme, M. (2016). Modèles de dispensation des soins et services aux personnes
présentant des troubles concomitants de santé mentale et de dépendance : avis. Québec,
Québec : Institut national d'excellence en santé et en services sociaux.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2015). Screening and
assessment of co-occurring disorders in the justice system. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse
and Mental Health Services Administration.
Consommation d’alcool
Éduc'alcool. (2016). Alcool et activité physique. [Montréal, Québec] : Éduc'alcool.
Enfants de parents dépendants
Addiction Suisse. (2011). Enfant dans une famille alcoolique. Lausanne, Suisse : Addiction
Addiction Suisse. (2016). Vivre avec un homme alcoolique = Vivre avec une femme alcoolique
(4e éd.). Lausanne, Suisse : Addiction Suisse
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2016). Assessing illicit drugs in
wastewater: Advances in wastewater-based drug epidemiology. Luxembourg, Luxembourg :
Publications Office of the European Union.
Milhet, M. (2015). Usages détournés de médicaments psychotropes par les adolescents et
jeunes adultes : revue de littérature. Saint-Denis, France : Observatoire français des drogues et
des toxicomanies.
Minorités sexuelles
Abdulrahim, D., Whiteley, C., Moncrieff, M. et Bowden-Jones, O. (2016). Club drug use among
lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) people. Earls Court, UK : Novel Psychoactive Treatment
UK Network.
Politiques gouvernementales
International Drug Policy Consortium. (2016). IDPC drug policy guide (3e éd.). [Londres, UK] :
International Drug Policy Consortium pub.
Réduction des méfaits
Cook, C., Phelan, M., Sander, G., Stone, K. et Murphy, F. (2016). The case for a harm reduction
decade: Progress, potential and paradigm shifts. London, UK : Harm Reduction International.
Morgan, N., Heap, D., Elliott, A. et Millar, T. (2016). New opiate and crack-cocaine users:
Characteristics and trends. London, UK : Open Government Licence.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (2016). Terminology and information on drugs (3e
éd.). New York, NY : United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
Trafic de drogues
Rolles, S., Murkin, G., Powell, M., Kushlick, D., Saunter, N. et Slater, J. (2016). The alternative
world drug report (2e éd.). [Bristol, UK] : Transform Drug Policy Foundation.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2013). Counselor's family
education manual: Matrix intensive outpatient treatment for people with stimulant use disorders.
Rockville, MD : Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. (2013). Substance abuse treatment for persons with cooccurring disorders. Rockville, MD : Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration (SAMHSA), Center for Substance Abuse Treatment.
National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2012). Principles of drug addiction treatment: A researchbased guide (3e éd.). [Bethesda, MD] : National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Traitement - Statistiques
Best, D., Albertson, K., Irving, J., Lightowlers, C., Mama-Rudd, A. et Chaggar, A. (2015). UK life
in recovery survey: The first national UK survey of addiction recovery experiences. Sheffield,
UK : Sheffield Hallam University, Helena Kennedy Centre for International Justice.
Laudet, A. (2013). Life in recovery: Report on the survey findings. Washington, DC : Faces and
Voices of Recovery.
Turning Point. (2015). Australian life in recovery survey. [Fitzroy, Australia] : Turning Point.
Centre québécois de documentation en toxicomanie
Centre de réadaptation en dépendance de Montréal – IU
950, rue de Louvain Est
Montréal (Québec) H2M 2E8
Téléphone : 514-385-3490 poste 1153
Courriel : [email protected]
Site web : http://cqdt.dependancemontreal.ca