Module 4 End of Level Proficiency Target - Arlington


Module 4 End of Level Proficiency Target - Arlington
Arlington Independent School District
PROFICIENCY:Acceptable Range for Student Performance
Novice Mid
Novice High
End of Level Proficiency Target: Intermediate Low
My Life and My Surroundings
Module Focus
Enduring Understandings
Learning another language enables people to communicate effectively with those who use that
Learning another language enables people to compare languages and cultures in order to broaden
their view of the world around them.
Learning another language helps people understand and appreciate diverse cultures.
Learning another language allows people to access information in that language and make
connections with other areas of life.
Learning another language helps people live and continually learn in a global society.
“I Can” Statements
I can describe my home, its rooms and its furnishings
I can compare a typical house in France to one in America
I can talk about my daily routine and getting ready for the day
I can talk about city life in general and describe my hometown, including buildings, activities, and
I can express what I like to do, where I like to go, and how I get there
I can talk about how I get around in the city
I can compare getting around my city to getting around a city in France
Novice High-Intermediate Low
(1) Interpersonal communication:
speaking and writing.
The student negotiates meaning
through the spoken and written
exchange of information in
rehearsed and unrehearsed
situations in a variety of contexts.
The student uses a mixture of short
statements and sentences with
appropriate and applicable
grammar structures and processes
at the specified proficiency levels.
The student is expected to:
(A) ask and respond to questions
about everyday life with simple
elaboration in spoken and written
Mon environnement
Instructional Resources
Module 4
Module 4_I Can Statements
Ma Chambre.ppt
Fr. 2 Ma Chambre 1.ppt
Ma Chambre 2.Writing.doc
Content of Rooms.ppt
Décris ta Chambre.ppt
Help students
acquire the
essential academic
language of this
lesson by
establishing the
terms for the
building blocks of
French grammar.
Ma Chambre Vrai ou Faux.ppt
Present Tense
Bedroom Furniture Review.ppt
Passé Composé
Reflexive Verbs
(B) express and exchange
personal opinions or preferences
with simple supporting statements
in spoken and written
Ma Maison.ppt
(C) ask and tell others what they
need to, should, or must do with
simple supporting reasons in
Fr. 2 Ma Maison Paired Interview.doc
II La Maison.ppt
Module 4 /
Assessment 2
Module 4 /
Assessment 2
Speaking Audio
Module 4
Speaking Rubric
Definite Article
Chez Moi.doc
® Arlington Independent School District, LOTE Department
2014 - 2015
Module 4 /
Assessment 2
spoken and written conversation;
(D)articulate requests, offer
alternatives, and develop plans
with simple supporting statements
in spoken and written
Furniture and Appliances.ppt.
(E) interact and react in spoken
conversation using culturally
appropriate expressions, register,
and gestures; and
Les Endroits.ppt
(F) interact and react in writing
using culturally appropriate
expressions, register, and style.
City Vocabulary Wordsearch.doc
(2) Interpretive communication:
reading and listening.
The student comprehends simple
connected statements from
culturally authentic print, digital,
audio, and audiovisual materials
as appropriate within
contextualized situations and
sources. The student uses the
interpretive mode in
communication with appropriate
and applicable grammatical
structures and processes at the
specified proficiency levels.
The student is expected to:
(A) demonstrate an
understanding of culturally
authentic print, digital, audio, and
audiovisual materials in everyday
(B) identify the main idea, theme,
and supporting details from fiction
and nonfiction texts and audio
and audiovisual materials;
(C) infer meaning of unfamiliar
words or phrases in highly
contextualized texts, audio, and
audiovisual materials; and
(D) identify cultural practices from
authentic print, digital, audio, and
audiovisual materials.
(3)Presentational communication:
speaking and writing.
The student presents information
orally and in writing using a
mixture of phrases and sentences
with appropriate and applicable
grammar structures and processes
at the specified proficiency levels.
Module 4 /
Assessment 2
Module 4 Comprehension Practice 1- House.doc
Activités en Ville Passé-Composé.ppt
Module 4 /
Assessment 2
Writing Rubric
Following Directions: Map.doc
Interpretive Listening: Following Directions: MapTeacher’s Guide.doc
Giving Directions Part 1.ppt
Giving Directions Part 2.ppt
Ma Ville: Describing Arlington.ppt
Module 4 Interpersonal Speaking Practice.doc
Module 4 Interpretive Listening Practice.doc
Module 4 Interpretive Listening Practice Video
Module 4 Interpretive Reading Practice 1.doc
Module 4 Interpretive Reading Practice 2.doc
Module 4 Interpretive Reading Practice 3.doc
Module 4 La Maison de Mme Leusse (LAITS UTA)
Video Clips 1-4 La Maison de Mme Leusse (LAITS
UTA) (see AISD LOTE Webpage FRENCH Tab)
Vocabulary List (LAITS UTA)
Que Fais-je Tous Les Jours.ppt
Presentational Writing Practice 1 Ma Journée
The student is expected to:
(A) express and support an
opinion or preference orally and
in writing with supporting
statements; and
(B) describe people, objects, and
situations orally and in writing
using a series of sequenced
sentences with essential details
and simple elaboration.
Presentational Writing Practice 2 Ma Maison.doc
Les Sites Web Utiles Culturels1.doc
Les Sites Web Culturels2.doc
Discovering French Nouveau – Blanc 2
TE p. 269B Une mini-histoire
p. 290-291 Jérome se léve
® Arlington Independent School District, LOTE Department
2014 - 2015
p. 292 Questions Personnelles
p. 295 Act 5 Expression personnelle
Act. 7 Conversation
p. 297 Questions Personelles
TE p. 317A Le Trésor à Ma Maison
p. 324 Act. 3 Chaque Chose à Sa Place
Act. 4 Déménagements
p. 325 Act 4 Chez 4 ; Act. 5 Ma Chambre
p. 327 Une Année à Paris
TE p. 330 Où Vivez-Vous ?
p. 331 Act. 3 Conversations
Review : À Votre Tour
Bedroom Furniture Review.ppt
p. 297 La routine quotidienne
p. 334 Act. 1 Une Devinette
p. 335 Lecture Qu’est-ce qu’ils achètent ?
Lecture : Pauvre M. Bernard p. 298-299
p. PA 5 La Toilette
p. PA6 À l’agence immobilière
( At the Real Estate Office)
Games :
TE p. 297 Un Jeu : Dans la salle de bains
TE p. 334 Un Jeu : Qui est-ce ?
See shared content folder: Module 4
Teacher Created Activities Folder for
projects, videos, music, and internet
Paris Map: Arrondissements
Discovering French Nouveau – Blanc 2
p. 97A Une Voyage à Paris
L’Histoire de Paris
TE p. 321 Cross Cultural Observation
p. 322 Note Culturelle
® Arlington Independent School District, LOTE Department
2014 - 2015
Les Sites Web Utiles Culturels1.doc
Les Sites Web Culturels2.doc
Activité: Google Earth
Webquest:: Les Meubles
Discovering French Nouveau – Blanc 2
p. 327 Au Jour le Jour
Thinking Maps -- French
Activité: Google Earth
Plan a Trip on the Paris Metro
A Trip To Paris Project.ppt
A trip to Paris: Rubric and Teacher’sGuide – see
Lote Website French II Module 4
Discovering French Nouveau – Blanc 2
p. 292 Language Comparison
TE p. 293 Teaching Note : Cartoon
p. 321 Comparaisons Culturelles
p. 333 Language Comparison
® Arlington Independent School District, LOTE Department
2014 - 2015
Discovering French Nouveau – Blanc 2
TE p. 269A Aidez-Moi
TE p. 317A Le Témoin ; Mon Journal
TE p. 317B Les Albums
Useful Internet Links:
Les Sites Web Utiles Culturels1.doc
Les Sites Web Culturels2.doc
Activité: Google Earth
® Arlington Independent School District, LOTE Department
2014 - 2015