Résumé pour la Nouvelle Orléan


Résumé pour la Nouvelle Orléan
Effect of organic fertilizers on genetic and functional diversity of soil
R. Calbrix(1), K. Laval(1), S. Barray(2)
(1) Laboratoire BioSol, ESITPA, 13 rue du Nord 76000 Rouen
(2) Laboratoire de Microbiologie Du Froid, université de Rouen 76820 Mont saint
Aignan cedex
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Organic matters are currently recycling by farming practices. Those organic
matters come from farming activities and also from urban waste such as green waste, and
sewage sludge.
The aim of this study is to observe the influence of organic improvement on soil
microbial communities. In order to analyse the impact of four types of improvement
(sewage sludge, poultry manure, compost and mineral) on microbial communities,
molecular and traditional tools are used: biomass is estimated by microbial carbon
fumigation-extraction method, by total extracted soil DNA quantification and by
enumeration of cultivable micro-organisms, (ii) microbial community diversity is
characterized with molecular fingerprints and metabolic profiles (Biolog). Actually, our
results seem to show a transient increase of total biomass according to total extracted
DNA and cultivable micro-organisms methods witch appear more sensitive than carbon
extraction-fumigation method that reveals no variation. Statistical analysis of metabolic
profiles and genetic diversity are still under process.