Tanaidacea Literature, February 21, 2013


Tanaidacea Literature, February 21, 2013
Tanaidacea Literature, February 21, 2013, Page 1
Tanaidacea Literature, February 21, 2013
Below is a list of citations relating to Tanaidacea, prepared on the date above. The list has been compiled from the
interactive database available at http://peracarida.usm.edu/; many of these references are annotated there. This list may
be cited as:
Anderson, G. 2013. Tanaidacea Literature, February 21, 2013. http://peracarida.usm.edu/TanaidaceaLit.pdf.
Efforts underway relating to this project are directed toward verification, correction, and annotation of the items in this
list and the interactive database. If you are aware of corrections or additional items that should be included, please bring
them to my attention. Also, I would appreciate being added to your reprint distribution list. Thank you in advance.
Best wishes,
Gary Anderson
AAAS (A.S. Pearse). 1947. Zoological Names/ A List of/ Phyla, Classes, and Orders. Durham, North Carolina, USA.
Abele, L. 1982. Biogeography. Pages 241-304, In: Abele, L.G. (ed.), Systematics, the Fossil Record, and Biogeography.
Volume 1, In: Bliss, D.E. (ed.), The Biology of Crustacea. Academic Press, New York.
Aboul-dahab, H.M., M.A. Hussein, F.E. Soliman, & T.G. Ismail. 2001. Reproductive aspects on the peracarid
crustaceans Leptochelia erythraea and Cyproidea ornata, from the Red Sea, Egypt.-- Bulletin of the Faculty of Science.
E, Zoology (Assiut University) 30: 23-36.
Acloque, A. 1899. Faune de France Contenant la Description des Espècies Indigènes. Baillière, Paris.
Aguirre-León, A., & S. Diaz-Ruiz. 2000. Estructura poblacional, madurez gonadica y alimentacion de Eugerres
plumieri (Gerreidae) en el sistema fluvio-deltaico Pom-Atasta, Mexico [Population structure, gonadal maturity and
feeding habits of Eugerres plumieri (Gerreidae) in the Pom-Atasta fluvial-deltaic system, Mexico].-- Ciencias Marinas
26 (2): 253-273.
Aguirre-León, A., & S. Diaz-Ruiz. 2006. Estructura de tallas, madurez gonádica y alimentación del pez Diapterus
rhombeus (Gerreidae) en el sistema fluvio-deltaico Rom-Atasta, Campeche, México [Size structure, gonadic
development and diet of the fish Diapterus rhombeus (Gerreidae) in the Pom-Atasta fluvial-deltaic system,
Campeche, Mexico].-- Revista de Biología Tropical 54 (2): 599-611.
Ajmal-Khan, S., et al. 1975. Bottom fauna in two regions of the Vellar-Estuary. Pages 255-272, In: Naatarajan, R.,
Recent Researches in Estuarine Biology. Hindustan Publ. Corp.
Akoumianaki, I., & A.J. Hughes. 1997. The macrofauna of the shallow hydrothermal vents at Paleohori Bay, Milos.
Practica 5ou Panellhnion Snmpo Oceanograyiaz & Alieiaz, 1997 - TOMOS I.
Albano, M., J.S. Pon, & S. Obenat. 2006. Macrozoobentos asociado a los agregados de Phyllochaetopterus socialis
Caparède, 1870 en el puerto de Mar del Plata, Argentina [Macrobenthos associated with Phyllochaetopterus socialis
Claparède, 1870 aggregates in Mar del Plata harbour, Argentina].-- Investigaciones Marinas 34 (2): 197-203 (in
Spanish with English abstract).
Albertelli, G., M. Chiantore, N. Della Croce, & N. Drago. 1992. Pantelleria ed isole Pelagie: macrobenthos. Universita
de Genova, Istituto de Scienze Ambientali Marine, rapporta tecnico no. 43.
Allanson, B.R., B.J. Hill, R.E. Boltt, & V. Schultz. 1966. An estuarine fauna in a freshwater lake in South Africa.-Nature 209: 532-533.
Alldredge, A.L., & J.M. King. 1980. Effects of moonlight on the vertical migration patterns of demersal zooplankton.-Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 44 (2): 133-156.
Allee, W.C. 1923a. Studies in marine ecology: I. The distribution of common littoral invertebrates of the Woods Hole
region.-- The Biological Bulletin 44 (4): 167-191.
Allen, E.J., & R.A. Todd. 1900. The fauna of the Salcombe estuary.-- Journal of the Marine Biological Association of
the United Kingdom, (N.S.), 6: 151-217.
Almeida, Z. da Silva de, J.L.S. Nunes, & M. das Graças F.S. Alves. 2005. Dieta alimentar de Genyatremus luteus
(Bloch, 1790)- (Teleostei, Perciformes: Haemulidae) na baía de São José, Maranhão, Brasil.-- Atlântica, Rio Grande 27
(1): 39-47.
Almeida, M.V.O. 1994. Kalliapseudes schubarti Mañé-Garzon, 1949 (Tanaidacea-Crustacea): dinâmica populacional e
interações com a macrofauna bêntica no Saco do Limoeiro, Ilha do Mel (Paraná, Brasil). Tese de Mestrado,
Universidade, Federal do Paraná, Curitiba.
Alvarez-Cadena, J.N., M.E. Islas-Landeros, & E. Suárez-Morales. 1996. A preliminary zooplankton survey in a
Mexican Caribbean eutrophic coastal lagoon.-- Bulletin of Marine Science 58 (3): 694-708.
Tanaidacea Literature, February 21, 2013, Page 2
Alvaro, M.C., M. Blazewicz-Paszkowycz, N. Davey, and S. Schiaparelli. 2011. Skin-digging tanaids: the unusual
parasitic behaviour of Exspina typica in Antarctic waters and worldwide deep basins.-- Antarctic Science 23 (4): 343348.
Amanieu, M., & C. Cazaux. 1962. Animaux rares observés dans la région d´Arcachon en 1961-1962.-- Procès-Verbaux
Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux 99: 74-86.
Amanieu, M. 1969. Recherches écologiques sur les faunes des plages arbitées de la région d´Arcachon [Ecological
research on the faunas of the sheltered beaches of the region of Arcachon].-- Helgoländer Wissenschaftliche
Meeresuntersuchungen 19 (4): 455-557 (in French with English abstract).
Amar & Cazaubon, 1978. Une nouvelle espèce de Synapseudes (Crustacea, Tanaidacea) des Cotes Méditerranéennes.- Téthys 8: 327-333.
Amar, R., & M.-L. Roman 1973 (1974). Invertébrés marins des XIIème et XVème expéditions Antarctiques Françaises
en Terre Adélie. 14. Tanaidacés et Isopodes.-- Tethys 5: 561-600.
Amson, J.E. 1988. The Tampa Harbor Project: a major monitoring success.-- Marine Pollution Bulletin 19 (11B): 637646.
Anadón, R. 1975a. Aportación al conocimiento de la fauna bentónica de la ría de Vigo (NW de España) I.
Pycnogónidos y crustáceos de Panjón [Contribution to the knowledge of the bottom fauna of the Ría of Vigo (NW of
Spain). I. Pycnogonids and Crustacea of Panjon].-- Investigación Pesquera 39 (1): 199-218.
Anadón, R. 1975b. Claves Para los Isópodos Marinos y Tanaidáceos de la Península ibérica. Universidad
Complutense, Madrid, Spain.
Andersson, Å., & F.D. Por. 1977. Karl Georg Herman Lang (1901-1976).-- Crustaceana 33 (2): 210-215.
Andersson, A., E. Hallberg, & S.-B. Johnson. 1978. The fine structure of the compound eye of Tanais cavolinii MilneEdwards (Crustacea: Tanaidacea).-- Acta Zoologica 59: 49-55.
Anger, K. 1975. Benthos und Abwässer die Auswirkung Kommunaler Abwässer auf ein Ufernahes Partialökosystem
der Westlichen Ostsee. Dissertation, University of Kiel.
Angsupanich, S., & R. Kuwabara. 1995. Macrobenthic fauna in Thale Sap Songkhla, a brackish lake in southern
Thailand.-- Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management 1: 115-25.
Angsupanich, S., & R. Kuwabara. 1999. Distribution of macrobenthic fauna in Phawong and U-Taphao canals flowing
into a lagoonal lake, Songkhla, Thailand.-- Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management 4: 1-13.
Angsupanich, S., S. Somsak, & J. Phrommoon. 2005. Stomach contents of the catfishes Osteogeneiosus militaris
(Linnaeus, 1758) and Arius maculatus (Thunberg, 1792) in the Songkhla Lake.-- Songklanakarin Journal of Science
and Technology 27 (Supplement 1): 391-402.
Angsupanich, S., A. Siripech, and M. Charoenpornthip. 2005b. Macrobenthic fauna community in the Middle
Songkhla Lake, Southern Thailand.-- Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 27 (Supplement 1): 365-390.
Angsupanich, S. 2001. A new species of Pagurapseudopsis (Tanaidacea, Pagurapseudidae) from Songkhla Lake,
Thailand.-- Crustaceana 74: 871-882.
Angsupanich, S. 2004. A new species of Longiflagrum (Tanaidacea, Parapseudidae), from Songkhla Lagoon,
Thailand.-- Crustaceana 77 (7): 849-860.
Annichiarico, R. 1978. Appunti naturalistici preliminari sulla "Palude del Capitano" (Lecce).-- Thalassia Salentina, No.
8: 73-78.
Anokhina, L.L. 2005. Seasonal dynamics of diel changes in inshore benthopelagic communities of the Black Sea by the
example of the Golumaya Bay (Gelendzhik Town).-- Biology Bulletin 32 (3): 288-300.
Anokhina, L.L. 2006. Influence of moonlight on the vertical migrations of benthopelagic organisms in the near-shore
area of the Black Sea.-- Oceanology 46 (3): 385-395.
Anonymous. 1971. An ecological survey of the north and south Newport Rivers and adjacent waters with respect to
possible effects of treated kraft mill effluent. Marine Institute, Sapelo Island.
Appellöf, A. 1912 (1965 reprint). Chapter VIII. Invertebrate bottom fauna of the Norwegian Sea and North Atlantic.
Pages 457-560, In: Murray, J., & J. Hjort (eds.), The Depths of the Ocean. Macmillan and Co., London (reprint by J.
Cramer, Weinheim).
Apstein, C. 1909. Die Isopoden (Asselkrebse) der Ostsee.-- Schriften des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für
Schleswig-Holstein 14: 34-50.
Araújo-Silva, C.L., & K. Larsen. 2010. Tanaidacea from Brazil. II. A revision of the subfamily Hemikalliapseudinae
(Kalliapseudidae; Tanaidacea; Crustacea) using phylogenetic methods.-- Zootaxa 2555: 30-48.
Araújo-Silva, C.L., & K. Larsen. 2012. Tanaidacea (Tanaidacea: Crustacea) from Brazil. IV. A new genus and two new
species from the family Leptocheliidae.-- Zootaxa 3523: 1–19.
Tanaidacea Literature, February 21, 2013, Page 3
Araújo-Silva, C.L., & K. Larsen. 2012b. Tanaidacea from Brazil. III. New records and description of a new species
collected from REVIZEE-NE Program.-- Nauplius 20 (2): 87-105.
Araújo-Silva, C.L., P.A. Coelho, & K. Larsen. 2013. Tanaidacea (Peracarida) from Brazil. V. Two new species of
Apseudes Leach, 1814 from the northeastern coast of Brazil.-- Crustaceana 86 (2): 221-245.
Araújo, F.J. 1984. Hábitos alimentares de três espécies de trés bagres marinhos (Ariidae) no estuário da Lagoa dos
Patos (RS), Brasil.-- Atlântica 7: 47-63.
Argano, R., F. Ferrara, L. Guglielmo, S. Riggio, & V. Ruffo. 1995. Fasciolo 30. Crustacea Malacostraca II. (Tanaidacea,
Isopoda, Amphipoda, Euphausiacea). Pages 1-52, In: Minelli, A., S. Ruffo, & S. La Posta (eds.), Checklist Delle Specie
Della Fauna Italiana. Calderini, Bologna (checklist compiled by S. Riggio).
Ariani, A.P., M.M. Camassa, and K.J. Wittmann. 1999b. Faunistic and biocenotic aspects of a semi-hypogean water
system: the 'Spunnulate' of Torre Castiglione (Apulia, southern Italy). Page 31, In: Holcer, D., & M. Sasic. Abstracts of
the 14th International Symposium of Biospeleology, Makarska, Croatia.
Ariani, A.P., M.M. Camassa, and K.J. Wittmann. 2000. The dolinas of Torre Castiglione (Gulf of Tarent, Italy):
environmental and faunistic aspects of a semi-hypogean water system.-- Mémoires de Biospéologie 27: 1-14.
Ariyama, H., & M. Ohtani. 1990. Record of tanaidacean Crustacea Sinelobus stanfordi (Richardson) from the Yodo
River in Osaka.-- Nankiseibutu 32: 23-26 (in Japanese with summary in English).
Arnaud, P.M., & J.C. Miquel. 1985. The trophic role of the stone crab, Lithodes murrayi, in the benthic ecosystem of
the Crozet Islands. Pages 381-388 In: Siegfried, W.R., P.R. Condy, & R.M. Laws (eds.), Antarctic Nutrient Cycles and
Food Webs. Springer Verlag, Berlin.
Arnaud, P.M. 1974. Contribution a la bionomie marine benthique des régions antarctiques et subantarctiques.-Téthys 6 (3): 467-653.
Arntz, W.E. 1999. Magellan - Antarctic: Ecosystems that drifted apart. Summary Review.-- Scientia Marina 63
(Supplement 1): 503-511.
Arocena, R., 2007. Effects of submerged aquatic vegetation on macrozoobenthos in a coastal lagoon of the
southwestern Atlantic.-- International Review of Hydrobiology 92 (1): 33-47.
Arroyo, N.L., M. Maldonado, R. Pérez-Portela, & J. Benito. 2004. Distribution patterns of meiofauna associated with a
sublittoral Laminaria bed in the Cantabrian Sea (north-eastern Atlantic).-- Marine Biology 144: 231-242.
Asmus, M.L. 1984. Estrutura da comunidade associada à Ruppia maritima no estuário da Lagoa dos Patos, Rio
Grande do Sul. Tese de Mestrado, Fundação Universidade do Rio Grande.
Audouin, V. 1826. Explication sommaire des planches de Crustacés de l´Égypte et de la Syrie. Pages 77-98, In:
Savigny, J.C., Déscription de l´Égypte, ou Recueil de Observations et des Recherches qui ont été Faites en Égypte
Pendent l´Éxpéditioin de l´Armée Française. Histoire Naturelle (1. Auflage). Impériale, Paris.
Audouin, M.V. 1829. Deuxiéme Partie. Crustacés. Pages 95-195, In: Audouin, M.V., Histoire Naturelle des Annélides,
Crustacés, et Arachnides, In: Audouin, M.V., & H. Milne Edwards, Résumé d´Entomologie, ou d´Histoire Naturelle
des Animaux Articulés Vol. 1. Bureau de l´Encyclopédie Portative, Paris.
Avcin, A., N. Meith-Avcin, A. Vukovic, & B. Vriser. 1974. Primerjava bentoskih zdruzb Strunjanskega in Koprskega
zaliva z ozirom na njihove polucijsko pogojene razlike [A comparison of benthic communities of Strunjan and Koper
bays with regard to their differing exposure to pollution stress].-- Bioloski Vestnik 22: 171-208.
Ax, P. 1952. Eine Brackwasser-Lebensgemeinschaft an Holzpfählen des Nord-Ostsee-Kanals (Beitrag zur Besiedlung
sekundärer Hartbodengebiete).-- Kieler Meeresforschungen 8: 229-243.
Bacescu, M., & R.S. Absalao. 1985. Hemikalliapseudes cavooreni n.sp. and a few remarks on the Brazilian
Apseudoidea.-- Travaux du Muséum National d´Histoire naturelle "Grigore Antipa" 27: 49-54.
Bacescu, M., & A. Carausu. 1947. Apseudopsis ostroumovi n.sp. dans la Mer Noire (morphologie, affinités
phylogénètiques, écologie).-- Bulletin de la Section Scientifique, Académie Roumaine 29: 366-383.
Bacescu, M., & M. Gutu. 1971. Contributions à la connaissance du genre Apseudes de la Méditerranée. Fageapseudes
n.g. et Tuberapseudes n.sg.-- Travaux du Muséum National d´Histoire naturelle "Grigore Antipa" 11: 59-70.
Bacescu, M., & M. Gutu. 1974. Halmyrapseudes cubanensis n.g., n.sp. and Halmyrapseudes Bahamensis n.sp.,
brackish-water species of Tanaidacea (Crustacea).-- Travaux du Muséum National d´Histoire Naturelle "Grigore
Antipa" 15: 91-101.
Bacescu, M., & M. Gutu. 1975. A new genus (Discapseudes n.g.) and three new species of Apseudidae (Crustacea,
Tanaidacea) from the northeastern coast of South America.-- Zoologische Mededelingen 49 (11): 95-113.
Bacescu, M., & M. Gutu. 1991. On the systematic place of genus Francapseudes Bacescu, 1981 (Crustacea,
Tanaidacea).-- Travaux du Muséum National d´Histoire naturelle "Grigore Antipa" 31: 323-326.
Tanaidacea Literature, February 21, 2013, Page 4
Bacescu, M., & C. Margineanu. 1959. Éléments méditerranéens nouveaux dans la faune de la Mer Noire, rencontrés
dans les eaux de Roumélie (Nord-Ouest-Bosphore). Données nouvelles sur le problème du peuplement actuel de la
Mer Noire.-- Archivio di Oceanografia e Limnologia 11 (Supplement): 63-74.
Bacescu, M., & R. Mayer. 1960. Nouveaux cas de commensalisme (Colomastrix et Tritaeta) et de parasitisme
(Rhizorhina) pour la Mer Noire et quelques observations sur l´Ampelisca des eaux prébosphoriques.-- Travaux du
Muséum National d´Histoire naturelle "Grigore Antipa" 2: 87-96.
Bacescu, M., & Z. Muradian. 1972a. Trois espèces nouvelles de Procampylaspis (Cumacea) des eaux de la Mauritanie
(Atlantique tropical de l´est).-- Revue Roumaine de Biologie. Série de Zoologie 17 (1): 3-13.
Bacescu, M., & Z. Muradian. 1977c. Contribution a la connaissance des Peracarides des eaux du nord-est de Libye.-Rapports et Procès-Verbaux des Réunions Commission Internationale pour l´Exploration Scientifique de la Mer
Méditerranée, N.S., 24 (4): 111-112.
Bacescu, M., & E.L. de Queiroz. 1985. The contribution of Cumacea in the feeding of the Rajidae Sympterygia acuta
and S. bonapartei from Rio Grande do Sul - S. Brasil.-- Travaux du Muséum d´Histoire Naturelle "Grigore Antipa" 27:
Bacescu, M., & E. Williams. 1988. Pectinapseudes carolinensis, new gen., n. sp. (Tanaidacea) discovered in continental
slope waters of North and South Carolina (USA).-- Revue Roumaine de Biologie. Série de Biologie Animale 33 (1): 36.
Bacescu, M., H. Dumitrescu, V. Manea, F. Pór, & R. Mayer. 1957. Les sables a Corbulomya (Aloidis) maeotica Mil.base trophique de premier ordre pour les poissons de la Mer Noire. Aspect hivernal de la biocénose à Corbulomya
des eaux roumaines.-- Travaux du Muséum National d´Histoire naturelle "Grigore Antipa" 1: 305-374.
Bacescu, M., E. Dumitrescu, A. Marcus, G. Paladian, & R. Mayer. 1963. Données quantitatives sur la faune pétricole
de la Mer Noire à Agigea (secteur Roumain), dans les conditions spéciales de l´année 1961.-- Travaux du Muséum
National d´Histoire Naturelle "Grigore Antipa" 4: 131-155 (in French).
Bacescu, M., G.I. Müller, & M.-T. Gomoiu. 1971. Tanaide. In: Alaliza cantitativa, calitativa si comparata a faunei
bentale pontice.-- Ecologie Marina 4: 216-218.
Bacescu, M., J. Sieg, & L.B. Holthuis. 1983. Anuropodidae in Crustacea Isopoda and in Crustacea Tanaidacea:
proposal to remove the homonymy. Z.N.(S.)2429.-- Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 40: 58-59.
Bacescu, M. 1938. Primele Tanaide gasite în apele marine românesti.-- Buletinul Societatii Naturalistilor din Románia
12: 24-29.
Bacescu, M. 1939. Les premiers Tanaidacés recueillis dans les eaux Roumaines de la Mer Noire.-- Annales
Scientifiques de l´Université de Jassy. 2. Ptie., Sciences Naturelles 25 (1): 205-208.
Bacescu, M. 1940. Les Mysidacés des eaux roumaines. Etude morphologique, taxonomique et bio-économique.-Annales Scientifiques de l´Université de Jassy. 2. Ptie., Sciences Naturelles 26 (2): 453-804 (4 plates).
Bacescu, M. 1949. Données sur la faune carcinologique de la Mer Noire le long de la côte Bulgare.-- Travaux Station
Biologique Maritine de Varna (Bulgarie) 14 (1948): 1-24 (in French).
Bacescu, M. 1950c. Capturi de Cumacei facute in apele Românesti si studiui, a doua forme mai aparte; Bodotria
Arenosa Mediterranea (Steuer) si Schizorhynchus Scabriusculus Danubialis n.f.-- Lucrarile Sesiunii Generale
Stiintifice 1950: 742-755 (in Romanian with summaries in French and Russian).
Bacescu, M. 1956. Spicuiri din realizarile institutului de cercetari piscicole la mare, in cursul anului 1955 - Perspective,
nevoi de viitor.-- Buletinul Institutului de Cercetari Piscicole 15 (1): 11-22 (1 plate).
Bacescu, M. 1960a. Cîteva animale necunoscute înca în Marea Neagra si descrierea unor Malacostracei noi
(Elaphognathia monodi n.sp. si Pontotanais borceai n.g. n.sp.) provenind din apele pontice prebosforice.-- Academia
Republicii Populare Romîne, Studii si Cercetari de Biologie seria Biologie Animala 12 (2): 107-124 (also published
elsewhere as Bacescu, 1960b and Bacescu, 1960c).
Bacescu, M. 1960b. Quelques animaux encore inconnus dans la Mer Noire; description de deux Malacostracés
nouveaux Elaphognathia monodi n. sp., et Pontotanais borceai n. g., n. sp. provenant des eaux pontiques proches du
Bosphore.-- Revue de Biologie 5 (3): 233-248.
Bacescu, M. 1960c. Novye vidy vyssich rakov, obnaruzennye v pribosforskich vodach cernogo morya.-- Revue de
Biologie 5: 233-248. [This is the Russian title of Bacescu, 1960a.]
Bacescu, M. 1961. Contribution a la connaissance des Tanaidacés de la Méditerranée Orientale- 1. Les Apseudidae et
Kalliapseudidae des côtes d´Israel.-- Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel. Section B, Biology and Geology 10B
(4): 137-170.
Bacescu, M. 1961b. Deux espèces nouvelles de Makrokylindrus sous-genre Vemakylindrus n.sg. (Crustacés Cumacés)
des eaux tropicales du Pacifique (côte Américaine).-- Revue de Biologie 6 (3): 325-333.
Bacescu, M. 1963. Contribution a la biocoenologie de la Mer Noire l´étage périazoïque et le faciès dreissenifère leurs
caractéristiques.-- Rapports et Procès-Verbaux des Reunions 17 (2): 107-122.
Tanaidacea Literature, February 21, 2013, Page 5
Bacescu, M. 1965. Bibliographie Roumaine de la Mer Noire. Commission Nationale de la République Populaire
Roumaine Pour l´Unesco, Bucarest.
Bacescu, M. 1971. Les Spongiaires; un des plus intéressants biotopes benthiques marins.-- Rapports et Procès-Verbaux
des Réunions (International Commission for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea) 20 (3): 239-241.
Bacescu, M. 1972c. 7. Substratum 7.3 Animals. Pages 1291-1322, In: Kinne, O. (ed.), Marine Ecology, Vol. 1 (3)
Environmental Factors. Wiley-Interscience.
Bacescu, M. 1973. Rapport sur le Travaux Paris, entre 1968 et 1970, sur le benthos de Mediterranee, ses Mers annexes
y comprises et la mer Rouge.-- Rapports et Procés-Verbaux des Réunions 21 (9): 549-576.
Bacescu, M. 1974. Bibliographia Tanaidaceorum.-- Travaux du Muséum National d´Histoire naturelle "Grigore
Antipa" 15: 69-90.
Bacescu, M. 1975. Archaic species of Tanaidacea from the Tanzanian waters with the description of a new genus,
Tanzanapseudes.-- Revue Roumaine de Biologie 20 (2): 81-91.
Bacescu, M. 1976a. Contribution to the knowledge of the family Pagurapseudidae (Crustacea- Tanaidacea) occurring
in the infralittoral area of the west Indian Ocean (Tanzanian waters).-- Revue Roumaine de Biologie. Série de Biologie
Animale 21 (1): 3-11.
Bacescu, M. 1976b. Representatives of the family Synapseudidae (Crustacea, Tanaidacea) from the Tanzanian coral
reefs: one new genus (Curtipleon) and three new species of Synapseudes.-- Travaux du Muséum National d´Histoire
Naturelle "Grigore Antipa" 17: 51-63.
Bacescu, M. 1976c. Three new genera and six new species of Monokonophora (Crustacea, Tanaidacea) from the coral
reefs of Tanzania.-- University Science Journal (University of Dar es Salaam) 2 (1): 3-24.
Bacescu, M. 1977a. Heterotanais longidactylus n. sp. and Synapseudes mediterraneus n. sp., Tanaidacea new for the
eastern Mediterranean fauna.-- Revue Roumaine de Biologie. Série de Biologie Animale 22 (2): 119-125.
Bacescu, M. 1978a. Contribution to the knowledge of Monokonophora (Crustacea: Tanaidacea) from the NW of the
Indian Ocean.-- Memoriile Sectiunii Stiintifice, Series 4, 1: 197-220.
Bacescu, M. 1978b. Atlantapseudes nigrichela n.g., n.sp., Tanaïdacé nouveau capturé par le navire "Thalassa" dans les
eaux portugaises.-- Cahiers de Biologie Marine 19 (3): 317-322.
Bacescu, M. 1979. Kalliapseudes gianucai, a new Tanaidacea from the Brazilian waters.-- Revue Roumaine de
Biologie. Série de Biologie Animale 24 (1): 3-8.
Bacescu, M. 1980a. Apseudes bermudeus n. sp. from caves around Bermude [sic] Islands [Apseudes bermudeus n.sp.
iz pecina oko Bermudskih Otoka].-- Acta Adriatica 21 (2): 401-407.
Bacescu, M. 1980b. Contributions to the knowledge of some Kalliapseudidae (Crustacea, Tanaidacea) from the NW of
the Indian Ocean.-- Travaux du Muséum National d´Histoire Naturelle "Grigore Antipa" 22 (2): 359-379.
Bacescu, M. 1980c. Anuropoda francispori, genre nouveau et espèce nouvelle de Monokonophora (Crustacea,
Tanaidacea) des eaux de la Méditeranée levantine.-- Travaux du Muséum National d´Histoire naturelle "Grigore
Antipa" 22: 381-384.
Bacescu, M. 1980d. Contribution à la connaissance des Monokonophora (Crustacea, Tanaidacea) de la mer
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Gutu, M. 1996d. Tanaidaceans (Crustacea, Peracarida) from Brazil, with description of new taxa and systematical
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Gutu, M. 1996e. The synoptic table and key to superspecific taxa of recent Apseudomorpha (Crustacea, Tanaidacea).-Travaux du Muséum National d´Histoire naturelle "Grigore Antipa" 36: 135-146.
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Gutu, M. 1998a. Regarding the origin of the pseudosquama in some species of Sphyrapidae (Crustacea, Tanaidacea).- Travaux du Muséum National d´Histoire naturelle "Grigore Antipa" 40: 131-135.
Gutu, M. 1998b. Importance of the pereopodal microstructures for the identification of some apseudomorphan
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Gutu, M. 1998c. Description of a new species belonging to genus Pugiodactylus (Crustacea, Tanaidacea) from
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Gutu, M. 1998d. New data on genus Parapseudes G.O. Sars, 1882 (Crustacea, Tanaidacea) and the description of the
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Antipa" 40: 165-177.
Gutu, M. 1998e. Description of three new species of Tanaidacea (Crustacea) from the Tanzanian Coasts.-- Travaux du
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Gutu, M. 1998f. Malacostraca-Peracarida. Tanaidacea. Pages 549-557, In: Young, P.S. (ed.), Catalogue of Crustacea of
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Gutu, M. 2001a. Emendations on the description of Thetispelecaris remex Gutu and Iliffe, 1998 and the diagnosis of
the Order Bochusacea (Crustacea: Peracarida).-- Travaux du Muséum National d´Histoire naturelle "Grigore Antipa"
43: 47-57.
Gutu, M. 2001b. Appearance and reality in the knowledge of the Tanaidacean crustaceans from the Mediterranean
Basin.-- Travaux du Muséum National d´Histoire naturelle "Grigore Antipa" 43: 59-63.
Gutu, M. 2001c. New changes in the systematics of the suborder Apseudomorpha (Crustacea: Tanaidacea).-- Travaux
du Muséum National d´Histoire naturelle "Grigore Antipa" 43: 65-71.
Gutu, M. 2001d. Identification of two species of the genus Pagurapseudopsis Shiino, 1963 making use of the
microstructures of pereiopod V (Crustacea, Tanaidacea, Apseudomorpha).-- Travaux du Muséum National
d´Histoire naturelle "Grigore Antipa" 43: 73-77.
Gutu, M. 2001e. Ansphyrapus, a new genus of the family Sphyrapidae (Crustacea: Tanaidacea: Apseudomorpha).-Travaux du Muséum National d´Histoire naturelle "Grigore Antipa" 43: 79-84.
Gutu, M. 2001f. Description of the first interstitial species belonging to the order Tanaidacea (Crustacea: Peracarida).-Travaux du Muséum National d´Histoire naturelle "Grigore Antipa" 43: 85-92.
Gutu, M. 2002a (2003). Contributions to the knowledge of the genus Apseudes Leach, 1814 (Crustacea: Tanaidacea,
Apseudomorpha) from the Mediterranean Basin and North African Atlantic.-- Travaux du Muséum National
d´Histoire naturelle "Grigore Antipa" 44: 19-39.
Gutu, M. 2002b (2003). New apseudid and metapseudid taxa (Crustacea: Tanaidacea) from the Gulf of Mexico, and
new diagnoses of some genera.-- Travaux du Muséum National d´Histoire naturelle "Grigore Antipa" 44: 41-68.
Gutu, M. 2004. Regarding the position of the fossil Superfamily Cretitanaoidea in the tanaidacean systematics
(Crustacea: Peracarida).-- Travaux du Muséum National d´Histoire naturelle "Grigore Antipa" 46: 25-28.
Gutu, M. 2006a. New Apseudomorph Taxa of the World Ocean: Crustacea, Tanaidacea. Curtea Veche, Bucharest,
Gutu, M. 2006b. A new metapseudid genus and species (Crustacea: Tanaidacea) from the northeast of the Hispaniola
Island (Dominican Repuplic).-- Travaus du Muséum National d´Histoire Naturelle "Grigore Antipa" 49: 49-57.
Gutu, M. 2006c. Description of the second species of the family Numbakullidae Gutu and Heard (Crustacea:
Tanaidacea) from Sri Lanka.-- Travaux du Muséum National d´Histoire Naturelle "Grigore Antipa" 49: 59-67.
Gutu, M. 2007. Contribution to the knowledge of the Indo-West-Pacific Apseudomorpha (Crustacea: Tanaidacea).-Travaux du Muséum National d´Histoire Naturelle ”Grigore Antipa” 50: 47-86.
Gutu, M. 2007a. Muramurina, a new name for Muramura Gutu, 2006 (Tanaidacea: Apseudoidea) preoccupied by
Muramura Pledge, 1987 (Mammalia: Diprotodontia: Vombatoidea).-- Journal of Crustacean Biology 27 (3): 520.
Gutu, M. 2008a. On the systematic position of the genera Trichapseudes Barnard and Hoplomachus Gutu, and the
description of a new metapseudid subfamily (Crustacea: Tanaidacea: Apseudomorpha).-- Travaux du Muséum
National d´Histoire Naturelle ”Grigore Antipa” 51: 71-77.
Gutu, M. 2008b. New data on the genus Paradoxapseudes Gutu, 1991, including the description of a new species, the
synonymysation of Gollumudes Bamber, 2000 with Paradoxapseudes and the description of a new apseudid genus
(Crustacea: Tanaidacea).-- Travaux du Muséum National d´Histoire Naturelle ”Grigore Antipa” 51: 17-42.
Gutu, M. 2008c. A revision of the family Parapseudidae, with description of a new tribe and three genera. The
diagnoses and the key of the superspecific taxa (Crustacea: Tanaidacea: Apseudomorpha).-- Travaux du Muséum
National d´Histoire Naturelle ”Grigore Antipa” 51: 43-70.
Gutu, M. 2009. A contribution to the knowledge of metapseudids. Description of a new genus and three new species
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