ESERA Executive Meeting


ESERA Executive Meeting
European Science Education Research Association
ESERA Executive Meeting
January 18, 2010 (12 to 5:30 p.m. incl. Lunch break))
January 19, 2010 (9 a.m. to 3 p.m. incl. Lunch break)
Lyon, France
January 18, 2010 (12 to 5:30 p.m. incl. lunch break at INRP)
Location : INRP (National Institute of Pedagogical Research)
Subway : Debourg
Justin Dillon, Manuela Welzel-Breuer, Koos Kortland, Costas Constantinou, Margareta
Ekborg, Jens Dolin, Marisa Michelini, Fatih Tasar, Catherine Bruguiere, Domitille Tricou
(LIP) Andrée Tiberghien, Pierre Clément, Maryline Coquidé, (INRP), Hervé Tugaud
(INRP), Jonathan Simon (University of Lyon), Patricia Marzin (University of Grenoble ),
Eric Triquet (University of Grenoble), Philippe Jaussaud (University of Lyon)
1. Developing the organisation, SIGs and strands (Costas)
2. Proposals for new conference formats: Pre-conference Teacher Development
Workshops (Costas), more focused thematic conferences (Koos)
3. ESERA 2011 : the scientific programme (Catherine)
• members of scientific board,
• review procedure,
• review criteria,
• plenary talks,
• young researchers,
• publication of papers,
• evaluation of conference
- 6 p.m
Cultural Visit
January 19, 2010 (8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. incl. Lunch break at Restaurant)
Location : University of Lyon 1 (Bât Atrium)
Tramway 1 : Condorcet
- 8:30 to 11 a-m
Justin Dillon, Manuela Welzel-Breuer, Koos Kortland, Costas Constantinou, Margareta
Ekborg, Jens Dolin, Marisa Michelini, Fatih Tasar, Catherine Bruguiere
4. Next ESERA Summer School 2010 in Udine, Italy: status of preparation and
next steps (Marisa)
5. ESERA Summer School in general: do we need annual Summer Schools?
(Koos). Summer Schools for mid-career researchers (Justin)
6. Communications within the organisation: Website/E-News (Justin, Koos)
7. Travel awards 2009/2010: status (Costas & Justin)
8. ESERA constitution: Are changes needed? (Manuela)
9. Co-operation with other associations (e.g. NARST, GIREP, IOSTE) (Justin)
10. Special issue of CSSE (for Volume 6, Issue 1 (early 2111 in hard copy) (Justin)
11. World Education Research Association (WERA) (Justin)
12. Proposal for establishing a book series on Advances in Science Education
Research (Costas)
13. Recent developments and information
14. Next meeting of the Executive: Data and topics
- 11 to 12 a-m
Justin Dillon, Manuela Welzel-Breuer, Koos Kortland, Costas Constantinou, Margareta
Ekborg, Jens Dolin, Marisa Michelini, Fatih Tasar, Catherine Bruguiere, Domitille Tricou,
Jonathan Simon (University of Lyon), Daniel Guinet (University of Lyon), Florence Le
Hébel (University of Lyon), Karine Robinault University of Lyon), Mohamed Soudani
University of Lyon) Michèle Prieur (INRP), Réjane Ansaldi (INRP), Floriane Blanc
(University of Lyon)
15. ESERA 2011 : organisational aspects (Catherine)
• location
• website
• application
• allocation of session formats
• structure of the programme,
16. internet approach