Hervé Piégay (DR CNRS, UMR 5600 Environnement Ville Société


Hervé Piégay (DR CNRS, UMR 5600 Environnement Ville Société
Research director at the National Centre
for Scientific Research (CNRS, France)
UMR 5600 EVS / Site ENS - LSH
15 Parvis René Descartes
Bureau R. 241 - Bat. Recherche
BP 7000
69342 Lyon cedex 07 – FRANCE
Mail : [email protected]
Phone : 33 (0)4 37 37 63 51
Fax : 33 (0)4 37 37 63 47
Research topics
Title : Fluvial geomorphology
Keywords : Riparian forest, contemporary channel changes, human impacts, dynamics of woody
debris, remote sensing, fluvial system, river management and restoration
Current research interests
Contemporary channel changes (mainly narrowing) due to afforestation and damming
Bedload transport measurement using PIT-tags and floodplain sedimentation (Radionuclide
activity, dendrogeomorphology)
Cascading effects of human impacts on channel forms, riparian tree growth and plant
Caracterisation of fluvial features and grain morphometry from remote sensing
Dynamic of large wood in the hydrographic networks
River restoration and management (monitoring, planning)
1996 Lyon Young Scholar Price (Humanities)
1996 Henry Milon Prize, French Hydrotechnic Society (PhD distinction)
1998 CNRS Bronze Medal (distinction for an international scientific activity)
More than 80 MS published in peer review journals and edited books
International cooperation and scientific projects
Administrative tasks
Teaching activities
In charge of teaching courses at ENS-LSH and in the Universities of Lyon 1, Lyon 2 and
Lyon 3 (undergraduate and master level courses)
Management of hydrosystems,
fluvial geomorphology,
natural hazard,
river restoration and regulation,
concepts and methods in fluvial geomorphology,
introduction to field survey and statistics
Supervisor of Master and PhD dissertations (Cotutelle grant)