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TRIBUTE TO 2013 Vanguard Award INFOS & RESERVATION 514 - 882 - 3334 36 - - - - - Une présentation de Presented by CLOSING FILM Première canadienne / Canadian Premiere 25$ Cinéma Impérial, DENIS - Lionel Bailliu created. He made his directo- - Par deux fois, Vincent a cru rencontrer la femme de sa vie. Par deux fois, elles l’ont quitté pour le même homme... Denis. Main Anna, sa seule crainte est que l’histoire se répète. Alors il va tenter de comprendre : Mais gueule, amateur de chemises bariolées, qui enseigne le catch comme une philosophie ? and the made-for-TV movie, Meurtres, in Saint-Malo. Vincent thought he met the love of his life... twice. But both times, his girlfriends dumped him for the same guy, Denis. Now that Vincent is happily in love with Anna, his only fear is that Denis will steal her away. Vincent goes on a quest to understand how women keep falling for a loudmouth who wears tacky shirts and teaches wrestling as though it were