Vincent Pfammatter Attorney at Law, LL.M. (UC Berkeley) sigma


Vincent Pfammatter Attorney at Law, LL.M. (UC Berkeley) sigma
Vincent Pfammatter
Attorney at Law, LL.M. (UC Berkeley)
sigma legal
10, rue de Berne
1201 Geneva
[email protected]
Tel.: +41 22 715 00 55
Fax: +41 22 715 00 50
Speaking engagements
La place philanthropique suisse à l’heure de la transparence, organized by the Geneva
Supervisory Authority of foundations (ASFIP), 2 & 14 June 2016, Fédération des
entreprises romandes, Genève
Philipp Fischer / Vincent Pfammatter, U.S. DOJ’s Program for Swiss banks: A unicorn
or the new template for cross-border investigations?, Revue européenne et
internationale de droit fiscal 2016/1(Bruylant), April 2016
Vincent Pfammatter, Après la place financière, la place philanthropique suisse dans
l’oeil du cyclone?, Le Temps, 9 November 2015
Vincent Pfammatter, Right of foreign family foundation to file claim before Swiss court,
International Law Office, 12 July 2011