Niveau : 6èmeLV1


Niveau : 6èmeLV1
Niveau : 6èmeLV1
Jeudi 11 mai 2006 - Durée 45 minutes
- L’épreuve est individuelle. Les livres et dictionnaires sont interdits.
- Il n’y a qu’une seule bonne réponse par question. Avec un stylo noir ou un feutre
noir coche dans la GRILLE DE REPONSES, pour chaque question, la case correspondant à la bonne réponse. Les
questions N°1 à N°18 rapportent 4 points pour chaque bonne réponse. Les questions N°19 à N°36 rapportent 5 points
pour chaque bonne réponse. Les questions N°37 à N°54 rapportent 6 points pour chaque bonne réponse. Une mauvaise
réponse fait perdre un quart de sa valeur en points. Si aucune réponse n’est donnée à une question, elle rapporte 0
point. Si plusieurs réponses sont données à une question, elle rapporte 0 point.
1. ........... is English.
(A) I
(B) She
14. “Are his shoes brown?” “No, ...........................”
(C) We
(D) They
2. I .............. happy.
(A) aren't
(B) isn't
(C) is
(D) they
(C) sixteen
(D) twenty
6. “.................. is your school?” “It's in London.”
(A) How
(B) Where
(C) What
(D) Who
7. How ................ is your sister?
(A) you
(B) old
(C) age
(D) name
8. “How ............... you?” “Very well, thanks.”
(A) well
(B) fine
(C) old are
(D) are
9. The British flag is ...........................................
(A) red and blue
(B) red, white and blue
(C) blue, white and yellow
(D) black, white and red
10. The ...................... are at school.
(A) classroom
(B) children
(C) teacher
(D) desk
11. This is my father. .............. name is Bill.
(A) He
(B) Her
(C) How old is
(D) What time is
13. My ......................... eyes are blue.
(A) mothers'
(B) mothers
(C) King Arthur
(D) Harry Potter
(C) mother's
(D) sisters
(C) Why are
(D) Where are
17. May is in .........................
(C) spring
(D) winter
18. My school .................... twenty classrooms.
(A) have got
(B) got
(C) is
(D) has got
19. Thirty pounds fifteen pence = .......................
(A) £13.50
(B) £30.50
(C) £13.15
(D) £30.15
20. Look at John! ................... a mouse in his pocket!
(A) She's
(B) They're
(C) There's
(D) It's got
21. Jennifer is ................................
(A) Pat's husband
(B) Paul's wife
(C) Steven's uncle
(D) Susan's brother
22. “How ..................... it?” “£1.50.”
(A) much is
(B) old is
(C) many is
(D) much are
23. ........................ two posters in my bedroom.
(A) They are
(B) It has got
(C) Are they
(D) There are
24. ........................... is in England.
(A) Liverpool
(B) Dublin
(C) His
(D) He's
12. “....................... it?” “It's half past two.”
(A) Who is
(B) What is time
(A) How are
(B) What is
(A) autumn
(B) summer
5. Eleven + nine = .........................
(A) twelve
(B) twenty-one
(A) Robin Hood
(B) Superman
16. “...................... you happy?” “Because it's my birthday!”
(C) yellow
(D) grey
4. Peter and Jane ............. at home.
(A) are
(B) am
(C) it isn't
(D) they are
15. Who is not an English hero?
(C) 'm not
(D) not
3. The sun is ...............
(A) blue
(B) green
(A) they aren't
(B) he isn't
(C) Edinburgh
(D) Ireland
25. Pronunciation: “hamburger” = O o o ; “computer” = ......
(A) O o o
(B) o O o
(C) o O o o
(D) o o O
26. There aren't any clouds. It's ............................
(A) raining
(B) sunny
(C) cloudy
(D) snowing
THE BIG CHALLENGE - 24, rue de Liège 75008 Paris -
Jeudi 11 mai 2006 - Niveau 6ème LV1
27. It's my birthday .............. Monday!
(A) to
(B) in
28. .............. I open the window, please?
(A) Have
(B) Can
(C) Am
(D) Then
29. “Boat” rhymes with “.....................”
(A) boot
(B) about
(C) note
(D) eight
30. .......................... video games have you got?
(A) How are
(B) How many
(C) How old
(D) How much
31. Complete the “family” of words: sheep, cow, horse, ......
(A) sock
(B) pig
33. The car park is ........................ the station.
(A) in front
(B) behind
(C) between
(D) front of
34. I ................... like spiders. They're horrible!
(A) don't
(B) doesn't
(C) haven't
(D) 's not
35. .................... at the singer! She's got a lovely dress.
(A) Listen
(B) Write
(C) Look
(D) Play
36. ............. your brother work in a bank?
(A) Has
(B) Do
(C) Does
(D) Is
37. .......................................... is not celebrated in England.
(A) Christmas Day
(B) Thanksgiving
(C) New Year's Day
(D) Guy Fawkes' Night
38. Her uncle speaks German, ........................?
(A) isn't he
(B) doesn't she
(C) doesn't he
(D) does she
39. Go to the baker's and buy ............. bread, please.
(A) a
(B) some
(C) any
(D) two
40. I like animals but I haven't got ............ pets.
(A) any
(B) some
(A) It's very
(B) I've got
(C) I'm very
(D) I'm not
43. English people often eat .......................... at Christmas.
(A) Christmas crackers
(B) turkey
(A) at
(B) to
(C) in
(D) on
45. We .......................... to the supermarket on Saturdays.
(C) are always
(D) never goes
46. He's got a very long ..................
(C) hair
(D) legs
47. ..................... your teeth before you go to bed!
(A) Brush
(B) Watch
(C) Wash
(D) Leave
48. Be quiet! I ............................ to the teacher.
(A) am looking (C) listening
(B) listen
(D) am listening
49. “..................... pen is that?” “It's William's.”
(A) Whose
(B) Who's
(C) Who is
(D) His
50. Cornwall is an English ............................
(A) city
(B) river
(C) county
(D) country
51. Pronunciation: “November” = o O o; “impossible” = .....
(A) o o O o
(B) o O o o
(C) O o o o
(D) o o o O
52. ..................... the light, please. It's dark in here.
(A) Turn off
(B) Stand up
(C) Take off
(D) Switch on
53. The “a” in “April” sounds the same as the “a” in “.........”
(A) watch
(B) Andrew
(C) David
(D) cinema
54. The United Kingdom is England, Scotland, Wales and ....
(A) Northern Ireland
(B) the Republic of Ireland
(C) a
(D) of
(C) presents
(D) carols
44. Go ............ the board and write your name!
(A) knee
(B) nose
(C) goes
(D) likes
(C) we're
(D) ear
42. ....................... thirsty. Can I have a glass of water?
(A) always do
(B) always go
(C) bag
(D) rain
32. My grandmother .................. in a small village.
(A) lives
(B) live
41. “Bear” rhymes with “.......................”
(A) car
(B) there
(C) on
(D) at
Jeudi 11 mai 2006 au soir
Les corrigés des questions seront disponibles sur le minitel 3615 BIG (0,34 € /mn)
et par téléphone au 0 892 233 244 ou 0 892 233 BIG (0,34 € /mn à partir d’un poste fixe)
où l’on peut également s’inscrire pour recevoir ses résultats par SMS.
(C) Southern Ireland
(D) Eire
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