Chapitre_4_files/C4 - homework_1
Chapitre_4_files/C4 - homework_1
Chapter 4, homework Exercice 1 Compléter les phrases en conjugant les verbes entre parenthèses et en vous servant des indications de temps. 1 – The knight ........................ (defeat) a dragon ................................. (un mois) 2 – Sleeping Beauty ....................................................... (wake up – 15 minutes) 3 – The giants .................. (eat) magic beans ........................................ (2 jours) Répondez aux questions en vous servant des indications entre parenthèses. 4 – When was the last time Cinderella ... to a party? (go – 3 ans) ............................................................................................................................... 5 – When was the first time Red Riding Hood ... a wolf? (meet – 3 semaines) ............................................................................................................................... Exercice 2 Ecrivez les descriptions suivantes d’une manière différente. 1 – A man with a long beard. ................................................................................ 2 – A goblin who has got pointed ears. ................................................................ 3 – A witch who has got a kind heart. ................................................................... 4 – A woman with big blue eyes. .......................................................................... 5 – A monster which has got bat-like wings (ailes)............................................... Exercice 3 Comparez les éléments suivants en vous servant des adjectifs entre parenthèses. 1 – The Evil Queen is …………………………...……. Snow White. (+dangerous) 2 – A fairy ……………………………………………......... a princess. (=attractive) 3 – A unicorn ……………………………………................. a horse. (+small) 4 – A dwarf ……………………………………………...… an ogre. (not = silly) 5 – A wolf …………………………………………… a dragon. (- scary) Chapter 4, homework Exercice 4 Complétez les phrases en vous servant du contexte et en utilisant les adjectifs entre parenthèses. 1 – The sun is setting. It is getting …………………………………….... (+&+dark) 2 – Monsters keep coming. The situation is becoming ….……………………………………... (+&+dangerous) 3 – The unicorn is galloping …………………………………………….... (+&+fast) 4 – Gandalf is old and he has got less power than he used to have. He is ………………………………………………………. (-&-powerful) 5 – The Queen couldn’t stand Snow White, she got ………………………………. (+&+mean) to her. 6 – As you grow old, you become …………………………………... (-&-attractive) Exercice 5 Complétez les phrases à propos de ce que les personnages étaient en train de faire quand le Chaperon Rouge se rendait chez sa grand-mère. 1 – The lumberjack ………………………………. (not cut) wood. 2 – ……. the three little pigs ………………………. (build) their houses. 3 – The wolf …………………………………….. (eat) Riding Hood’s grandma. 4 – Shrek and Fiona ……………………………….. (not hide) in the forest. 5 – ……. Cinderella ………………… (make) a love potion for Prince Charming? Exercice 6 Complétez les phrases avec le mot de liaison qui convient. 1 – The knight was brave, …………………. he could not defeat the dragon. 2 – The seven dwarves liked Snow White, ………………….. they welcomed her in their house. 3 – ………………….. she doesn’t believe fairy tales are true, she believes giants exist. She is crazy. 4 – Cinderella is a blond-haired girl ………………….. Snow White has got black hair. 5 – The wolf ate Riding Hood’s grandmother ………………….. she was in the forest.