Using On-Line Thesaurus in Machine
Using On-Line Thesaurus in Machine
From: AAAI Technical Report SS-93-02. Compilation copyright © 1993, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Thereforeoncethe general meaningis understood,the thesauruscan help the user to formulatethe best equivalence. USINGON-LINE THESAURUS IN MACHINE-AIDEDTRANSLATION SYSTEMS 1, Fr(}d6rique SEGOND, Sylvie REGNIER 2 Shirley THOMAS (position paper) Thescopeof this paperis machine-aided translation (MAT)as opposed to fully automatictranslation systems.Wepoint out the importanceof thesaurusin the translation processandsuggest incorporating an on-line thesaurusin MAT systems. As weare adressingthe questionof translationweconsiderit essentialto consultprofessionaltranslators and interpreters. When translating, they do not only rely on bilingual lexicons,although bilingual dictionaries are needed to provide themwith vocabulary.Anothertool many translators find veryhelpful, andwhose organisation reflects that of the translation process,is the thesaurus. Thetranslationprocessin fact involves understanding perfectly the meaningof the sentencein the languageA, if necessaryby usinga mono-lingualdictionary containing semanticdefinitions andonly then finding the best equivalencein languageB. And this is thepoint: to translateis notto find direct correspondences betweentwo texts (or words,or phrasesor sentences)but 3. In other words,to find find equivalences the right wordsor combinationof words whichwill be able to producethe same effect on the readeras they do in language A. Fromthis angleit appearsobviouswhya thesaurusis needed.It enablesan ideabased rather than word-based search.In a thesaurusinformationis organisedunder one general heading, whichis then subdividedinto different grammatical categorieswhichall provide differentvariantsof the original entry. ! A6rospatiale Louis-Bleriot joint research center 12, rue PasteurBP76 92152Suresnescedex France 21nstitut NationaldesT61dcommunications 9, rueCharles Fourier 91011Evry cedex France email:segond at 3Thisis the approach adopted at ESIT(Ecole Sup6rieure d’lnterpr~teset deTraducteurs), Paris. 59 Whichproblemsare raised whenonly bilingual dictionaries are used?Let us considerthe following example4:"... sdlectionner et mettre en oeuvredes projets visant ~ valoriser le patrimoine audiovisueleuropden..." Let us imaginethat weonly havea bilingual lexiconandwewantto translate",~ valoriser". Thedictionary proposes "to valorise", whichwith its associations of financeandpricingis not at all suitablein this context. If however weconsulta monolingualdictionary in languageA, we seethat "valoriser" is definedas "adding value". Consultinga thesaurusin the target languageunder the heading"value" we cometo the idea of "usefulness"and amongthe equivalencesproposedwe find "to makeeffective use of" whichconveys far better the idea expressed in the source language.A possibletranslation could be: "... select andimplement projects intended to make effective use of European broadcastingarchives...". At presentmostof existing on-line thesauri are designed for specific technical sublanguageand havetwo mainpurposes: documentindexing and information retrieval. Theyconsistof a list of controlled keywords, selectedfor representativity and precision purposes,integrated in semantic networksbut their generalorganisation doesnot reflect that of the generalpurpose paper-basedthesaurus(such as Roget). Theydo not take into accountthe textual andtranslational dimensions whichplay a crucialrole in translationactivities. This paperformspart of a researchproject aimedat developinga MATsystem,called "TRUCHEMENT"5.The main idea of this project is to providetools whichenablea user whois a native speakerof languageB and having someknowledgeof language A, to translatea writtentext in a specific technicalfield with whichhe/sheis familiar (for instancecoursematerial),fromA to 41NA. Plaquette publicitaire. 5 Truchementstands for Dragoman, which is the role of a translatorin thetranslation process,of an interpreterin that of interpretation. This project is conducted at the Institut Nationaldes T(~l~communications (INT), France. Blbliographle LISTEAD J.-L. "Specifications for thesaurus software", Informationprocessingand management, Vol. 27, Nos2/3, pp. 165175, 1991. AITCHISON J., GILCHRIST A., "Construire un thdsaurus- Manuelpratique", ADBS, Paris, 1992. LONG B. "Linguistique et indexation", Documentaliste, vol. 17, n°3, mai-juin 1980. 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