David GUMBS Ar t - Mu lt i me d i a - Photo g r aphy w w w. d av idgu mbs. c om Artist statement My artistic approach is based on a famous quotation from XVII th century French philosopher and chemist Antoine Lavoisier : «Mass is neither gained nor lost, merely transformed». Thus, life’s cycle, infinite scale, memory, and the Sacred, are themes that emerge from larger topics of interest such as landscape, inner landscape, body landscape, field of vision, and off frame. Concepts close to Chris Marker’s « In Memory », Ernest Pignon Ernest’s « Arborigènes », Desiree Dolron « Sacred Conversation » and Karl Blossfeldt life’s work. But what primary impulsion, what necessity, drives me to express such diverse, hybrid creative universes ? Both the vital need of random drawing, painting, interactive video art, computer generative art, and the process of creative accidents, nourish my research. The shape revealing random gesture in my drawings and paintings is a reflection of a wandering quest. Where are questioned : phenomenology of perception through the visible and the invisible, the Macrocosm and the Microcosm, and the genesis. These points of interests compelled me to leave the French West Indies around 2001. Where I searched for signs of the « unseen » shown for example by hominoid trees, or by clouds with figurative shapes and In-situ surreal like automatic drawing. From Paris, Cuba, Japan my wandering process is sometimes expressed by macro photography stills of life (see «Macrotidien» series), aging walls, faces of time and more. My painting and drawing universes are shaped from thousand of interlaced lines. Often born from the center of the art board they grow in a circular process, just like life’s growth. These immersed spaces reveal personal mental projections from the unconscious. This process is the result of an automatic drawing act. Which is sometimes the witness of a runoff discharge. The interlaced texture created with and without colour, plays an interactive rhizome plot of each visitor’s unconsciousness. VDO - Interactive video Soleil Magma - Interactive video Indicible Camouflage - Interactive video Indicible Camouflage - Interactive video I Am Caribbean - Interactive Video Singular Moment Series - Video DEEP, Interactive video installation in work in Progress ◆ Left Magma, digital painting, Paris 2006 ◆ Right Fractal Folies, computer generative art, Paris 2009 www.cytoplasme.com, vidéo, net art Archéologie mentale, vidéo, net art, www.artchipel.org Untitled, acrylic on paper 36x47cm, Paris 2006 Interior Jungle, pen on paper 36x47cm, Paris 2006 Séries Vibration, acrylique, 2011 ◆ Left Emergences, Latitudes 2009, Paris City Hall. 900cm x 300cm ◆ Right Project The Rising. 800cm x 500cm Festival Croisée d’artistes 2007 Untitled, acrylic on paper 500x180cm Wall Design Martinique, 2011 ◆ Left Ecorc(é) series, Various size ◆ Right Surreel, Various size My photography work (shot in the caribbean, Europe and Asia), and my net art, reflect the living. They sometimes suggest embodied composite creatures hidden deep in our unconsciousness (see « Ecorc(é) » series). These mystical «presences» question metaphorical interactive journeys in the human body seen in my « DEEP » interactive video installation. The trees from our childhood stories reveal hominoid shapes, sometimes a bestiary, sometimes orgy scenes, romanticism postures, or Goya like paintings. Other times they appear as vertical impulses celebrating celestial beings. As time goes there are more and more beings. Just like a fellow traveller, I call them my wandering friends, the vegetable kingdom souls, the forest Gods. David Gumbs Born in Pointe-à-Pitre Guadeloupe on March 15th 1977 2004 - FRED FOREST “Internet à la loupe”, Fête de l’Internet, Online Worldwide launch. 2003 - Paysage Envisagé, Cité des Sciences et de l’industrie National Museum,Paris France. Education Award / Grants 2002 - Master in New Media Conception & Design, Les Ateliers/ENSCI, Paris. 2001 - DNSEP Art, 5th year diploma Visual arts school, IRAVM Martinique. 1999 - DNAP Art , 3rd year diplôma, Visual arts school, IRAVM Martinique. 1996 - Baccalauréat S, Lycéee Polyvalent des îles du nord, Saint Martin. Solo Exhibitions 2010 - From this point on, Galerie The Shore, St Martin. 2008 - Mythologie 1, private hosting, Paris France. Selected Group Exhibitions 2012 - Prome Encuentro Bienal Arte contemporaneo di Caribe, Aruba. 2011 - Caraïbe en Expansion, CCR Fonds St Jacques, Martinique. 2009 - Latitudes 2009, Hotel de ville de Paris, Paris France. 2009 - Wall Design, Dune, Paris France. 2009 - David Gumbs & Carole Arrat, Dune, Paris France. 2009 - Entre-Vues, Photographie contemporaine en Caraïbe, Fondation Clément, Martinique. 2008 - Panorama 8, Le Fresnoy, Tourcoing France. 2007 - Festival Croisées d’artistes, Ile-de-France France. 2006 - Festival Variations caraïbes, Paris France. 2005 - Festival Arborescence, Ecole d’art d’Aix, Aix en Provence France. 2004 - Paysage Envisagé, Espace Landowski, Boulogne – Billancourt France. 2012 - Aide Individuelle à la création, DAC Martinique Workshops University of Versailles St Quentin en Yvelines, 2006 Visual arts school of Orléans, 2005/06 Visual arts school of Martinique Art Résidencies La Saline Royale, Arc et Senan 2009 Visual arts school of Besançon, Besançon 2009 L’avant-Rue, Paris 2007 La Cité des Sciences et de l’industrie, Paris 2004 Websites www.davidgumbs.com www.artchipel.org www.cytoplasme.com Création David Gumbs - 0696 33 86 15 - www.davidgumbs.com
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