tallow in milk replacers offered to preruminant lambs


tallow in milk replacers offered to preruminant lambs
Original article
Effects of substitution of tricaprylin or coconut oil for
tallow in milk replacers offered to preruminant lambs
B. Aurousseau
M. Martinaud G. Moins
M. Vermorel
1 M. Theriez
A. Vezinhet
F. Duboisset J.P. Donnat Y. Garambois, S. Gasnet,
R. Souchet
INRA, laboratoire d’etude du metabolisme 6nerg6tique, CRZV Theix, 63122 Ceyrat
INRA, laboratoire de production ovine INRA — CRZV Theix, 63122 Ceyrat,
3 Ecole Nationale
Supdrieure Agronomique, laboratoire de physiologie animale, centre de
recherches de Montpellier, 9 Place Viala, 34060 Montpellier Cedex, France
(received 25 October 1988, accepted
15 March
Summary — The effects of tricaprylin or coconut oil on the digestibility of milk-substitute
constituents, nitrogen balance, growth-rate and feed efficiency before weaning have been studied in
2 successive trials using 12 male Charmois (trial 1) and 20 male Limousin and Romanov x
Limousin preruminant lambs (trial 2).
In trial 1, 3 different diets (C
, T,a, T,b) containing 230, 161 or 92 g tallow and 0, 69 or 138 g
tricaprylin per kg dry matter (DM) were prepared. Digestibility of the milk-substitutes was studied in
2- and 3-week-old lambs, and growth-rate and feed efficiency were studied up to weaning.
In trial 2, 3 other diets (C
, C0
2 and T
) containing 249, 166 or 166 g tallow, 0, 83 or 0 g coconut
oil, and 0, 0 or 93 g tricaprylin per kg DM, were prepared. They were used for digestibility and
nitrogen balance determination in 3- and 6-week-old lambs. Growth rates and feed efficiency were
obtained between 10 days and weaning.
In trial 1, the level of intake was 14 and 29% higher in lambs fed T1 a and Ti b than in lambs fed
Ci . Apparent digestibility of the diets was significantly higher (P < 0.05) after tricaprylin substitution
for part of the tallow. The extent of the effect increased with the level of tricaprylin (P < 0.025). Mean
apparent respective digestibilities of energy and nitrogen were 0.907, 0.947 or 0.971 and 0.924,
0.961 or 0.972, growth rates 195, 265 or 282 g/day (P < 0.05) and feed efficiency 670, 797 or 725 g
gain/kg DM intake, respectively with C
, T,aor T!b milk substitutes.
In trial 2, tricaprylin intake did not have any effect; coconut oil led to a slight increase in nitrogen
digestibility, but only in 6-week-old lambs (from 0.970 to 0.979; P < 0.05). Mean apparent respective
digestibilities of energy and nitrogen were 0.967, 0.969 or 0.972 and 0.965, 0.971 or 0.967
respectively for C
, C0
2 or T
. Coconut oil diet led to a 13 or 19% (P < 0.01) higher nitrogen balance
respectively in 3- or 6-week-old lambs; tricaprylin resulted in a slight increase of nitrogen balance in
3-week-old lambs (+ 11 %, P < 0.10). Growth-rates and feed efficiency were respectively 179, 211 or
199 g/day and 25.8, 26.7 or 27.0 g gain/MJ GE for C
, C0
2 or T
preruminant lamb &mdash; tricaprylin
coconut oil
Résumé &mdash; Effets de la substitution de tricapryline ou d’huile de coprah à une partie du suif
dans les aliments d’allaitement offerts à des agneaux préruminants. Les effets de
l’incorporation de tricapryline ou d’huile de coprah à des laits de remplacement sur leur utilisation
digestive, la fixation d’azote dans les tissus, la vitesse de croissance des agneaux et l’efficacité
alimentaire avant sevrage ont été étudiés au cours de 2 études successives mettant en jeu 12
agneaux mâles préruminants de race charmoise (essai 1) et 20 agneaux mâles préruminants de
race Limousine ou Romanov x Limousine (essai 2).
Dans l’essai 1, 3 régimes différents (C
, T!a, T!b) comportant 230, 161 ou 92 g de suif et 0, 69
ou 138 mg de tricapryline par kg de matière sèche (MS), ont été préparés. La digestibilité de ces
laits de remplacement a été mesurée à 2 et à 3 semaines et la croissance des agneaux et
l’efficacité alimentaire étudiées jusqu’au moment du sevrage.
Dans l’essai 2, 3 autres régimes (C
, C0
2 et T2) comportant 249, 166 ou 166 g de suif, 0, 83 ou
0 g d’huile de coprah, et 0, 0 ou 93 g de tricapryline par kg MS, ont été préparés. La digestibilité et
le bilan de l’azote ont été mesurés à 3 et à 6 semaines. La vitesse de croissance des agneaux et
l’efficacité alimentaire ont été étudiées entre le dixième jour et le moment du sevrage.
Dans l’essai 1, les agneaux ont consommé respectivement 12 et 49% de plus avec les aliments
T!a et T!b qu’avec l’aliment C
. La digestibilité a augmenté de façon significative avec la quantité
de tricapryline substituée à du suif de l’aliment de départ (P < 0,05), elle est passée de 0,907 à
0,947 ou 0,971 pour l’énergie et de 0,924 à 0,961 ou 0,972 pour l’azote, respectivement dans le cas
des régimes C
, T!a et T!b. Les vitesses de croissance ont été de 195, 265 ou 282 gljour (P <
0,05) et l’efficacité alimentaire 670, 797 ou 725 g gainlkg MS ingérée.
Dans l’essai 2, l’utilisation de tricapryline n’a eu aucun effet significatif sur la digestibilité.
L incorporation d’huile de coprah dans les aliments a permis d’accroître légèrement la digestibilité
de l’azote, mais seulement en sixième semaine (de 0,970 à 0,979; P < 0,05). La digestibilité
apparente moyenne a été de 0,967, 0,969 ou 0,972 pour l’énergie et de 0,965, 0,971 ou 0,967pour
l’azote, respectivement avec les régimes C
, C0
2 ou T
. L aliment contenant l’huile de coprah a
conduit à une augmentation de 13 ou de 19% (P < 0,01) de la fixation d’azote dans les tissus,
respectivement à 3 ou à 6 semaines. Avec l’aliment contenant la tricapryline la fixation d’azote a
légèrement augmenté à 3 semaines (1 i %; P < 0,10). Les vitesses de croissance et l’efficacité
alimentaire ont été respectivement de 179, 211 ou 199 gljour et de 25,8, 26,7 ou 27,0 glMJ avec les
aliments C
, C0
2 ou T
agneau préruminant
huile de
Many newborn lambs are small for date,
due to underfeeding of ewes bearing
multiple foetuses (Alexander, 1974;
Robinson et aL, 1977; Tissier & Theriez,
1978) and must be weaned and reared
with milk replacers because the ewes
cannot provide enough milk for 3 or 4
lambs. The small for date lambs need
specific feedstuffs more readily digested
than triglycerides of long-chain fatty acids.
Carbohydrates cannot be used by the
organism of the newborn without limitation, and excess can lead to digestive or
metabolic disorders (Walker & Faichney,
1964; Glimp, 1972), but medium chain
triglycerides (MC! are more easily
disposed of in the digestive tract of
domestic newborn mammals, being
readily hydrolysed in the stomach under
the action of salivary lipases and partially
absorbed in this organ (Leat & Harrison,
1975; Perret, 1980) and completely
hydrolysed and absorbed in the intestine
(Walker & Stokes, 1970; Gibney & Walker,
Application of coconut oil in the
constitution of milk replacers offered to the
preruminant lamb has been beneficial for
the growth of the lambs and for the
composition of adipose tissue at slaughter
(Aurousseau et aL, 1973), but leads to
deposition of higher amounts of adipose
(Theriez et al., 1973). A purified
MCT, tricaprylin (TC8), has been shown to
sustain adequate growth for long periods
in the rat (Harkins & Sarett, 1968; Saxena
et al., 1972) in the preruminant calf
(Namiotkevicz, 1973; Aurousseau et al.,
1984), or in the infant (Gracey et al.,
1970; Guy-Grand &
Bour, 1970;
Tantibhedhyangkul & Hashim, 1975). The
rapid and efficient digestion of MCT is
followed by a rapid oxidative catabolism
(Perret, 1980; Jensen et aL, 1986), and
therefore MCT appear as an interesting
source of energy for the small for date
lamb. However, the usual mixture of MCT
is not always well tolerated by the
organism of the infant (Okamoto et aL,
1982; Henderson & Dear, 1986). Some
adverse effects on animal health have
also been reported in the calf given MCT
(from margarine or pure C8 and C10) rich
diets (Roy et al., 1973), but we did not
observe such trouble in two consecutive
experiments on the same animal
(Aurrouseau et al., 1984a, 1984b).
The effects of MCT on nitrogen
balance and feed efficiency are also
disputed. Some observations thus
showed increased nitrogen deposition and
feed efficiency in the organism of the newborn mammals with tricaprylin (Harkins &
Sarett, 1968; Aurousseau & Vermorel,
1971, in the rat; Namiotkevicz, 1973;
Aurousseau et aL, 1984b, in the calf;
Ghadimi et aL, 1973; Putet & Senterre,
1983; Senterre et aL, 1983, in the infant).
Others showed no effect other than a
decreased energy deposition (Newport et
al., 1979, in the pig; Huston et al., 1983, in
the infant).
We therefore developed a series of
intended to investigate the
effects of tricaprylin intake on milk
digestion, energy utilisation, nitrogen
balance and feed efficiency at different
Milk replacers
In a preliminary experiment (trial 1), 3 different
diets (C
, T!a, T
b) with a protein content and a
lipid content of 259 and 230 g/kg dry matter
(DM) respectively, were prepared.
In a further experiment (trial 2), 3 other diets
, C0
), with a protein and a lipid content
of 263 and of 249 g/kg DM, respectively, were
Tallow was the unique source of fat in C
and C
, and was partially replaced by
tricaprylin in T
a and T
2 (30%) and in Tibb
(60%), or by coconut oil in C0
2 (30%). The
different ingredients were mixed and incorporated by means of spray drying in both trials,
except for tricaprylin in trial 1 added as such in
the liquid diet. The composition of the different
diets is given in Table I. The liquid milk was
reconstituted in each instance at a rate of 160 g
Animals and management
The synopsis of the 2 successive trials is given
in Table II. Trial 1 involved the utilization of 12
male Charmois preruminant lambs, on which
digestion studies were carried out at 2 and 3
weeks, and which were thereafter suckled in
groups up to weaning.
Trial 2 involved the utilization of 20 male
preruminant lambs used, after being allowed to
adapt to artificial rearing in groups, for digestion
and nitrogen balance determinations at 3
weeks of age (10 purebred Limousin and 10
crossbred Romanov x Limousin), and at 6
weeks (6 lambs of each breed).
The lambs
weaned from the
being allowed to suckle their mother for 24 h. In
trial 1, they were fitted with the equipment for
faeces collection and installed in small wooden
pens, as described by Brisson et al. (1970). In
trial 2, the lambs, fitted with the same
equipment, were installed in metallic pens, and
urine was collected in flasks containing 100 ml
6 N sulfuric acid (to prevent any ammonia
loss), with the help of rigid plastic funnels held
under the wire floor of the crates. Crate floors
and funnels were washed twice daily and
representative samples of urine and water
used for washing were taken for analysis.
amounts of milk offered and refused
Milk substitute was offered ad libitum in
flasks equipped with nipples fitted with plastic
tubing which reached to the bottom of the
flasks. Fresh milk was offered twice daily. The
milk and refusals were gathered every day for
analysis. The lambs were also weighed at birth,
at the beginning and at the end of the digestion
periods, and in trial 1 every week thereafter.
controlled, and representative samples of the
Chemical and mathematical analysis
Milk refusal and faeces were freeze-dried and
the dry weight controlled after equilibration in
air-tight dessicators under vacuum. An
additional correction for dry matter content was
obtained after heat drying the powders for 48 h
at 80 °C. Energy content was obtained with the
help of a Gallenkamp adiabatic calorimeter and
lipid content of the ingesta was determined
gravimetrically after extraction according to the
method of Folch et al. (1957). Nitrogen was
determined on the same samples as well as on
urine and wash water according to the Kjeldahl
method. Statistical analysis of data involved 3
and 4 factor variance analysis (Snedecor &
Cochran, 1971) and the use of non-parametric
tests according to the procedure of Kruskal &
Wallis (1952) and Mann & Witney (Schwartz,
C0 or T
Digestibility of the diets
to the
Kruskal-Wallis test and to the Mann&mdash;
Whitney U-test showed that in trial 1
(Table IV), except for nitrogen digestibility
in 3-week-old lambs offered T1 a diet,
tricaprylin significantly (P < 0.05) increased the apparent digestibility of diet
constituents, by 2.2 to 5.1 points in the
case of Tia, or by 4.5 to 6.6 points in the
case of T1 b diet. Moreover, increasing the
level of tricaprylin led to significant (P <
0.05) increases in energy digestibility in 2week-old lambs and of DM, energy and
nitrogen digestibility in 3-week-old lambs.
Analysis of the data according
digestibilities of DM, energy and
nitrogen from C
2 and T
2 milks were
, C0
very homogenous (Table IV), and, except
Food intake, live
weight gain and feed
slight increase in nitrogen
digestibility in 6-week-old lambs fed the
In trial 1, compared to the values obtained
in lambs fed C
, feed intakes were 12.4
and 29.6% higher respectively in lambs
fed T
aand T
b (Fig. 1). The Kruskal and
Wallis test showed a dose-dependent
effect of tricaprylin in 2- and 3-week-old
lambs. Statistical analysis could not be
performed in the following period, since
lambs were fed in groups after the third
week. Growth rates of the lambs fed
feed efficiency in lambs fed
diets (Table 111).
significantly (P
enhanced (+ 35 and + 44.6% respectively
in lambs fed T
a and T
b compared to
lambs fed T
feed efficiency
(+ 20 and + 8% respectively).
In trial 2 however, only minor
differences in food intake were observed
between lambs fed C
, C0
2 and T
2 (Table
III). However, no significant differences
were observed between growth rates or
C02 diet, were not influenced by the type
of lipid or the breed of the lambs.
However, age had a significant effect (P <
0.005) on nitrogen digestibility and
significant interactions between age and
type of milk (P < 0.025) were observed for
energy digestibility (Table IV).
with T2
Nitrogen balance (trial 2)
The following relationships were observed
between nitrogen balance (NB, g dI per
kg ),
l5 metabolizable energy intake
(ME, J d-1 per kg W°.
5), and age of the
lambs (A, d) :
with C2
to the values obtained in
of lambs fed C2, adjusted
nitrogen balances (Table V), were thus
increased by 13.5 or 18.8% (P < 0.01) in
lambs fed C0
, respectively in 3- or 62
week-old lambs, or by 11.1 (P < 0.01) or
5.5% (NS) in lambs fed T2 diet.
However, the effects of tricaprylin intake
milk constituent digestibilities were not
clear-cut as the effects of tricaproin
The increase in feed intake observed in
trial 1 with tricaprylin rich diets was not
obtained in trial 2. These contradictory
results can be compared to the effects
that we obtained previously with tricaproin
(Aurousseau, 1984) : an increase in feed
intake was observed with high levels of
proteins in the diet (320 g/kg DM) but not
with moderate levels (260 g/kg DM).
Similarly, coconut oil (30% of the total fat)
did not alter food intake, as opposed to
the results obtained previously (Theriez
et al., 1973). Apparently, increases in
food intake were observed only when the
design of the wooden crates, in which 6
lambs were facing each other, allowed for
emulation in suckling the milk replacers.
Tricaprylin effect on milk constituent
digestibility was obvious only in trial 1. In
that case, control milk digestibility was
lower (0.90&mdash;0.93) than
observed (0.947&mdash;0.957, Theriez et al.,
1973) or than in trial 2 (0.959-0.974).
However, Bouchard & Brisson (1970)
reported similar values (0.88&mdash;0.92). This
low tallow digestibility was not explained
by different C18:0 or C18:1 contents, but
may be due to a poor emulsification in
trial 1. Replacement of a poorly digestible
(tallow) by a highly
(tricaprylin being entirely
and absorbed in the digestive
tract of the lamb according to Walker &
Stokes, 1970 or Gibney & Walker, 1977)
was thus likely to increase efficiently
energy digestibility. This was not the case
in trial 2, where the digestibility of tallow
was already high. According to this result,
due to a reproducible high digestibility,
tricaprylin application to the milk substitutes fed to newborn animals would
appear to be more reliable than conventional milk substitutes, the digestibility of
which can achieve relatively low values.
(Aurousseau et al., 1983b).
As already described for coconut oil
(Walker & Stokes, 1970; Theriez et aL,
1973) or tricapoin (Aurousseau et al.,
1983b), tricaprylin (trial 1) or coconut oil
(trial 2) incorporation also increased
nitrogen digestibility (Table IV). Medium
chain triglyceride hydrolysis in the
stomach of the preruminant animal,
facilitating a more pronounced degradation of protein of the milk clot has been
put forward to explain this phenomenon
(Ternouth et al., 1975). Caprylic acid has
also been reported to alter membrane
organization and facilitate absorption of
large molecules (Kajii et aL, 1986).
Changing the redox state of the mitochondria by easily metabolized substrates
also lead to an increase in the energy
in the intestinal cell (Kimura &
Warshaw, 1988), which could facilitate the
energy-linked absorption of amino acids.
In trial 2, substitution of coconut oil for
part of the tallow in the milk increased
nitrogen balance both in 3- or in 6-weekold lambs (+ 13.5 or + 18.8% respectively). The effects were of the same order
as those (+ 12.6 to + 13.2%) observed in
the preruminant calf (Aurousseau et aL,
1983a, 1984b). Substituting tricaprylin for
a similar amount of tallow than in the case
of coconut oil led to a lower effect on
nitrogen balance (+ 11.1 and + 5.5
respectively in 3- or 6-week-old lambs), as
previously observed in calves (Aurousseau et al., 1984). The effect of tricaprylin
on nitrogen balance also appeared lower
than the previously reported effect of
tricaproin (Aurousseau, 1988). The
decrease in the effect of tricaprylin when
the lambs grew older, compared well with
the effects of &dquo;tallow&mdash;coconut oil&mdash;
tricaprylin&dquo; milk replacers on the rate of
growth in calves, stimulated only over a
period of 5 weeks (Aurousseau et al.,
Finally, the 19% increase in feed
efficiency observed in lambs fed Tia
compared to lambs fed C
1 diet compared
well with the 15% increase observed
previously in lambs fed a &dquo;coconut-oil&dquo;
milk replacer compared to lambs fed a
(Thierez et al., 1973). Similar differences
of level of intake were obtained in both
experiments, but those differences are not
likely to play a major role in feed
efficiency, since increases in level of
intake ( + 10 to + 40%) did not alter feed
efficiency in previously reported results
(Molenat et al., 1971; Penning et al.,
1973). The absence of any effect of type
of milk on feed efficiency in trial 2 is more
difficult to understand, since significant
positive effects on nitrogen balance were
These results confirm the interest of the
application of medium chain fatty acids to
the nutrition of the small for date lamb.
Caprylic acid, as previously reported for
coconut oil and for caproic acid, is well
tolerated by the newborn lamb, and can
allow for an increase in level of food
intake, has an efficient digestibility and
can increase deposition of body protein
and growth rate of the lambs during the
first part of their life, as does coconut oil.
The adverse effects on health reported
in some infants were not seen in any of
the lambs used, but the effects of caprylic
acid were not as clear-cut as those
obtained with caproic acid, which had
already been observed in preruminant
calves. More information on the effects of
these components on the metabolism of
the different tissues is needed to explain
why molecular species, differing only by a
2-carbon unit and otherwise presenting
very close metabolic features, finally lead
to noticeably different effects on diet
digestibility or growth.
The high price of
pure MCFA makes
suitable for infant feeding.
However, the positive contribution of
coconut oil in regard to the nutrition of the
small for date lamb born from multiple
foetus-bearing ewes should not be
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