HT2 Year 7 French Independent Learning Grid


HT2 Year 7 French Independent Learning Grid
HT2 Year 7 French
Independent Learning Grid
Total VIVOs this HT:_________
Complete the Independent Learning task set every two weeks by the deadline
given. Try your best to achieve the highest level of challenge.
On the weeks when you do not have a task you should aim to learn the
Every half term you should aim to do a Super Challenge – these are in addition
to the set tasks.
Deadline week (W/C)
Level of
Mon 3 Nov to last lesson of week
beginning Fri 14 Nov
Mon 17 Nov to last lesson of week
beginning Fri 28 Nov
Mon 3rd Dec to last lesson of week
beginning Fri 12 Dec
Learn the key words to do with family
– meanings and spellings. You must
achieve at least 7+ out of 10 to pass.
Learn the key words to do with pets –
meanings and spellings. You must
achieve at least 7+ out of 10 to pass.
You must also draw and label all the
Revise for the end of unit test.
Research how Christmas is celebrated
in France? Create a poster informing
me of this – can be in English.
Draw a family tree of your family,
label in French and write sentences
underneath in French describing what
each person is called e.g. mon oncle
s’appelle Bob.
Create a lost pet poster. In it you
must state: the type of pet lost, the
name of the pet, the age, the colour,
his likes and dislikes
Revise for the end of unit test.
Research how Christmas is celebrated
in France. Create a poster detailing
this. Also state what are the
similarities between Christmas
celebrations in France and England.
Create a powerpoint presentation to
describe your family in detail. You
must write about at least three
different people in your family in
French and describe their name, likes
and dislikes.
Create a presentation detailing what
you think of at least 10 pets. You
must give reasons for your opinions.
Revise for the end of unit test.
Research how Christmas is celebrated
in France. Create a poster detailing
this. Also state what are the
similarities between Christmas
celebrations in France and England. In
French say which Christmas you
prefer and why.
Use in a
Super Challenge
See vocab
section on the
next page
Compile a list of useful youtube links to songs and tutorials about everything we are
doing this half term, evaluate them out of 10 for next year’s students to use
independently to help them.
HT2 Year 7 French
Independent Learning Grid
Total VIVOs this HT:_________
Level of
Deadline week (W/C)
Key vocabulary for weeks 1-2
Key vocabulary for weeks 3-4
Other words covered in this topic
Mon père (my dad), mon
grand-père (my granddad),
mon frère (my brother),
mon oncle (my uncle), mon
cousin (my male cousin),
ma mère (my mum), ma
grand-mère (my grandma),
ma tante (my aunt), ma
cousine (my girl cousin),
ma sœur (my sister)
Il s’appelle = he is called
Elle s’appelle = she is called
Il / elle adore = he/she
il / elle déteste
= he/she hates
Dans ma famille j’ai / je n’ai
pas = in my family I have / I
don’t have
Un chat (a cat), un chien (a
dog), un cheval (a horse),
une araignée (a spider), un
hamster (a hamster), un
cochon d’Inde (a guinea
pig), un lapin (a rabbit), une
tortue ( a tortoise), un
perroquet (a parrot) , un
oiseau (a bird)
J’ai les cheveux marron (I’ve got brown hair)/
blonds (blonde) / noirs (black) / blancs (white) /
longs (long) / mi-longs (mid length) / courts (short)
/ frisés (curly) / raides (straight)
J’ai les yeux bleus (I’ve got blue eyes) / verts
(green) / bruns (brown)/ gris (grey)
J’ai une moustache (I have a moustache) / une
barbe (a beard) / des taches (freckles) / un
chapeau (a hat)
Je (ne) suis (pas) grand (I am (not) tall)/ petit
(small) / de taille moyenne (mediunm sized)/
bavard (chatty)/ sportif (sporty) / généreux
(generous) / gros (fat)/ mince (thin) / intelligent
(clever) / stupide (stupid) / triste (sad) / content
Je voudrais être (I would like to be) / je voudrais
avoir (I would like to have)
Il s’appelle = he is called
Il a ____ ans = he is … years
Il est …..He is
Il adore / déteste = He
loves / hates
Complete the Independent Learning task set every two weeks by the deadline
given. Try your best to achieve the highest level of challenge.
On the weeks when you do not have a task you should aim to learn the
Every half term you should aim to do a Super Challenge – these are in addition
to the set tasks.
Super Challenge
Use in a
Compile a list of useful youtube links to songs and tutorials about everything we are
doing this half term, evaluate them out of 10 for next year’s students to use
independently to help them.