The Washington Indian Gaming Association (WIGA) recently


The Washington Indian Gaming Association (WIGA) recently
WIGA Awards 42 Scholarships to Native American Students
May 29, 2014
The Washington Indian Gaming Association (WIGA) is pleased to announce that $75,000 will be
awarded to 42 Native American students for scholarships in the 2014-15 school year. Scholarship
recipients are students who come from or attend school in Washington State.
“We are pleased to contribute to young tribal members’ education,” said WIGA chairman, W. Ron
Allen. “We had so many qualified applicants to choose from this year. While it made our selection
process difficult, it also reflects the growing qualification among tribal members to attend institutions
of higher education.”
WIGA educates the Indian gaming community, the public and all levels of government about gaming
issues in Indian country. The WIGA Scholarship Program is designed to promote tribal selfsufficiency by providing scholarships for Native American students in Washington seeking to
advance their own self-sufficiency and broaden their personal and professional potential through
higher education.
Enrolled members of the WIGA tribes, and state residents enrolled in other tribes, are eligible. The
scholarships are awarded to students pursuing degrees at community and technical colleges, fouryear colleges, and post-graduate and professional schools.
WIGA scholarships awarded seven community college students, 27 undergraduates and eight
graduate students.
Community College and Technical School Scholarship Winners ($1,000 each)
Elizabeth Lawrence, Makah Tribe, Whatcom Community College
Kolby Marchand, Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, Wenatchee Valley
Ida Moses-Hyipeer, Yakama Indian Nation, Yakima Community College
Cierra Moss, Makah Tribe, Peninsula Community College
Carly Peters, Squaxin Island Tribe, Tacoma Community College
Joycelle Sieg, Makah Tribe, Peninsula Community College
Henry Strom, Quinault Indian Nation, Columbia Basin Community College
University Scholarship Winners ($2,000 each)
Stormy Aikman, Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe, Northwest Indian College
Walter Arnold, Makah Tribe, John Hopkins University
Shallee Baker, Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe, Northwest Indian College
Evan Bowechop, Makah Tribe, Stanford University
Shannon Bowden, Yakama Nation, Southern Columbus University
Dorris Boyer, Lummi Nation, San Diego State University
Elsie Cree, Yakama Nation, Washington State University
Mathew Demmert-Fletcher, Tlingit and Haida, Stanford University
Chehalsi Dorman, Snoqualmie Tribe, Seattle University
Kelci Douglas, Swinomish Tribe, Chapman University
Karina Farr, Squaxin Island Tribe, Emory and Henry College
Heather Keirns, Cowlitz Tribe, Central Washington University
Mackenzie Kutz, Cowlitz Tribe, Whitworth University
Sandra Langford, Cowlitz Tribe, University of Washington
Sean Lawrence, Lummi Nation, Northwest Indian College
Thomas Lawrence, Makah Tribe, University of Washington
Daneka McFetridge, Samish Indian Nation, Queens University
Talicia Miller- Poole, Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, Western Washington
Mathew Mohr, Makah Tribe, University of Washington
Kayla Peters, Squaxin Island Tribe, Western Washington University
Rion Ramirez Jr., Quinault Nation, Stanford University
Jared Remington, Quileute Nation, University of Washington
Toni Sandoval, Yakama Nation, Washington State University
Nakota Strom, Quinault Nation, University of Washington
Julia Wilson-Peliter, Turtle Mountain Chippewa, Western Washington University
Graduate Program Scholarship Winners ($2,200 each)
Jacob Adams, Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, University of Washington
Sonja Elofson, Lower Elwha Clallam Tribe, Pacific University
Jeffery J. James, Lummi Nation, Trident University International
Raychel Larsen, Yakama Nation, Western Governor’s University of Washington
Rhylee Marchand, Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservations, University of IdahoCollege of Law
Jocelyn McCurtain, Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, Seattle University School of Law
Chantal McFetridge, Samish Indian Nation, McMasters University
Thomas Miller, Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, Harvard School of Law
2014 Bob Bojorcas Memorial Scholarship
In addition to these scholarship winners who applied through the WIGA Scholarship program, the
Washington Indian Gaming Association will award a $1,000 scholarship to the Bob Bojorcas
Memorial Scholarship Fund, administered by the Shoalwater Bay Tribe, in Tokeland, WA.