Scholarships and social benefits


Scholarships and social benefits
Scholarships and social benefits
Here, you will find informations on :
Scholarships of a social naturel
Social benefits
Social workers
Requests for a scholarship based on social criteria should be made online on the website of the CROUS of PARIS between
January 15th and April 30th. The validation of the scholarship is done automatically during administrative registration.
Before making their administrative registration, students are invited to go to the welcome desk with their conditional
scholarship opinion of the current year, to get an exoneration voucher for registration fees and social security expenses.
The students who were not able to provide their conditional scholarship opinion at the time of registration must, as soon as
they get it, go to the welcome desk to have their status validated.
Reimbursement of registration fees can then be claimed upon presentation of the definitive scholarship decision, of the annex
of the student card and of their banking information. You can ask here for the reimbursement request form.
A similar request can be made with the social security authorities (URSSAF), to be reimbursed of student social security
expenses, with the enclosed form . You must send your form at :
URSSAF de PARIS région parisienne - Direction de Paris Sud
Service 8122/1037
3, rue de Tolbiac
75701 PARIS CEDEX 13
Tél. 08 20 01 10 10
Fax 01 49 20 81 66
The Solidarity and Development Fund of Student Initiatives (FSDIE), thanks to its social dimension, can help university
students who encounter temporary financial difficulties.
A select social commission of the educational establishment meets about every month and a half to examine the different
claims. Aid application files on the FSDIE can be withdrawn from and dropped at the university head office:
Direction des Etudes et de la vie universitaire (DEVU)
Service de la vie étudiante
Bureau d’accueil des étudiants
Aile droite du bâtiment – Porte A1
12, rue de l’Ecole de Médecine
Contact : Alain Bernard
Phone: 01 76 53 17 50
Log on to the university website (ENT ), section Jobs and Student Ads to learn about the date of the next commission.
Their key tasks consist in:
Helping students who go through social, familial or personal difficulties
Restoring social contact when there is a risk of disruption of social bonds or marginalization
Supporting them in their academic project
Providing access to basic rights and directing students to University services and outside partners; serving as a
bridge between the Crous services and the university.
Investigating financial aid application files
Attending various welfare bodies and commissions in our university
Two social workers provide services to the University Paris Descartes students
For all university faculties except the University Technological Institute (IUT) : Ms COX and Ms LALISSE will meet
with students
Pour toutes les composantes sauf l’IUT : Ms COX and Ms LALISSE will meet with students
12, rue de l’École de Médecine - Left wing of the building 1st floor Paris 6e - M°Odéon
Call to make an appointment at + 33 (0)1 76 53 19 19
For the Technological Institute (IUT): Ms LALISSE will meet with students every Friday morning.
Call to make an appointment at +33 (0)1 76 53 19 19
Social workers are bound by professional secrecy.
Planning of the social workers