program/programme - Canadian Association of Midwives
program/programme - Canadian Association of Midwives
PROGRAM/PROGRAMME 13th Annual General Meeting, Conference & Exhibit 13ieme AGA, Congrès & Exposition November 6-7-8, 2013 Ottawa Marriott Hotel Ottawa, Ontario THANK YOU TO OUR INDUSTRY SUPPORTERS! MERCI À NOS COMMANDITAIRES ! Executive Supporting Partners Table of Contents / Table des matières TABLE OF CONTENTS / TABLE DES MATIÈRES CAM President / Présidente ACSF p. 02 Board Members / Membres Du Conseil p. 03 Special Thanks / Remerciements p. 03 Floor Plans / Plans du site p. 04 Sponsors & Exhibitors / Commanditaires & Exposants p. 05 Conference at a Glance / Résumé du programme p. 14 Schedules & Presentation Summaries / Horaires & Résumés p. 16 Wednesday / Mercredi, November 6th, 2013 p. 16 Thursday / Jeudi, November 7th, 2013 p. 17 Friday / Vendredi, November 8th, 2013 p. 22 Poster Abstracts / Résumés des affiches p. 27 Biographies p. 28 Ads from our Sponsors / Publicités p. 32 1 CAM President / Présidente ACSF WELCOME / BIENVENUE 2 Welcome to the 13th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Midwives / Association canadienne des sages-femmes! On behalf of the CAM/ACSF Board of Directors, I am delighted to welcome so many midwives, maternity care professionals and students from across the country in our nation’s capital. This year’s conference program promises interesting topics, thought provoking issues, inspiring speakers, a fabulous social event and, of course, dancing! The theme of the 2013 CAM Conference is A Midwife for Every Woman. As you enjoy the activities of the next three days, we invite you to let your imagination be inspired - envision a Canada where every woman who wants a midwife has access to one in her own community! Share your vision and ideas with us by writing them down on the suggestion cards located throughout the conference venue. CAM/ACSF will soon be updating the association’s Strategic Directions and Goals and we need to hear from you, the members. Here, in Ottawa, we have a unique opportunity to turn the eyes of our country’s leadership toward midwives and the importance of midwifery services in the delivery of primary health care to women and newborns in every province and territory throughout Canada. Our opening night will feature a VIP lounge where visiting Members of Parliament will be able to meet with midwives from their riding. Key political figures have been invited to speak at the opening ceremony, and they will also hear midwifery keynote speakers describe the very reasons that midwives are vital for health care delivery in Canada and globally. Throughout the conference, your CAM/ACSF Executive members will be taking advantage of opportunities and political engagements to address important issues and raise the profile of midwifery at a national level. What can you do to help? Speak with your MP, help us achieve a record number of midwives present at Opening Night and join us to make sure the voices of midwives are heard in every corner of Canada! Thank you for joining us here in Ottawa. Please enjoy the conference program as well as the opportunity to reconnect with old friends and meet new friends and colleagues from across the country. I look forward to meeting each and every one of you over the next few days! Au nom de l’Association canadienne des sages-femmes, c’est Bienvenue au 13e Congrès annuel de l’Association canadienne des sages-femmes/ Canadian Association of Midwives! Au nom des membres du conseil d’administration de l’ACSF, c’est avec un grand plaisir que je souhaite la bienvenue à tant de sages-femmes, de professionnels de la santé maternelle et d’étudiantes venues des quatre coins du pays à la Capitale Nationale. Cette année, le programme du congrès annonce des sujets plus passionnants que jamais, des enjeux portant à réflexion, des conférenciers inspirants, une activité sociale fantastique et bien sûr, l’occasion de danser toute la soirée! Le thème du Congrès 2013 de l’ACSF est Une sage-femme pour chaque femme. Tandis que vous prenez part aux activités durant les trois prochains jours, nous vous invitons à laisser votre imagination prendre son envol et rêver à un Canada où chaque femme qui souhaiterait profiter des soins d’une sage-femme pourrait avoir accès à celle-ci au sein de sa communauté. Partagez votre vision et vos idées avec nous en les laissant à notre attention dans les boîtes à suggestions disposées un peu partout dans les salles de conférence. L’ACSF procèdera bientôt à une mise à jour des Objectifs et orientations stratégiques de l’Association et, pour ce faire, nous avons besoin d’entendre la voix de nos membres. Notre présence à Ottawa représente une occasion unique de nous faire entendre des leaders canadiens et de leur faire prendre conscience de l’importance de la pratique sagefemme dans la prestation de soins de santé primaire offerts aux femmes et aux nouveau-nés dans chaque province et chaque territoire, partout au pays. Dans le cadre de notre soirée d’ouverture, députés et sages-femmes des circonscriptions associées pourront d’ailleurs se rencontrer au salon VIP monté pour l’occasion. Des personnalités politiques clés ont été invitées à prendre la parole au cours de la cérémonie d’ouverture. Ces dernières auront en outre la chance d’écouter les premiers conférenciers exposer les raisons pour lesquelles les sages-femmes jouent un rôle crucial dans la prestation des soins de santé au Canada et partout dans le monde. Pendant toute la durée du congrès, la direction de l’ACSF profitera de diverses occasions et rendez-vous politiques pour discuter d’enjeux importants et braquer les projecteurs sur la pratique sage-femme sur le plan national. Que pouvez-vous faire pour donner un coup de main? Parlez à votre député, aidez-nous à battre le record du nombre de sages-femmes présentes à la soirée d’ouverture et joignez-vous à nous pour que les voix des sages-femmes résonnent partout au pays! Nous vous remercions d’avoir accepté notre invitation à vous joindre à nous ici, à Ottawa, et nous espérons que vous apprécierez le programme du congrès. Profitez de votre séjour pour retrouver vos amis et collègues de partout au pays. Pour ma part, j’ai déjà hâte de rencontrer chacun d’entre vous dans les prochains jours. Joanna Nemrava, RM President, Canadian Association of Midwives Joanna Nemrava, RM Présidente, Association canadienne des sages-femmes Board Members / Membres Du Conseil BOARD MEMBERS / MEMBRES DU CONSEIL Joanna Nemrava, President/présidente Emmanuelle Hébert, Vice-President/vice-présidente Jane Erdman, Treasurer/trésorière Katrina Kilroy, Secretary/secrétaire Aisia Salo, Alberta Misty Wasyluk, British Colombia Lisa Harcus, Manitoba Nathalie Pambrun, New Brunswick / NACM Ann Noseworthy, Newfoundland & Labrador Lesley Paulette, North West Territories Leslie Niblett, Nova Scotia Amanda Tomkins, Nunavut Lisa Weston, Ontario Joyce England, Prince Edward Island Claudia Faille, Québec Maud Addai, Saskatchewan Kathleen Cranfield, Yukon Maryelle Boyes, Student Representative, British Colombia SPECIAL THANKS / REMERCIEMENTS CONFERENCE PROGRAM PLANNING COMMITTEE / COMITÉ DE PROGRAMMATION Patricia McNiven (McMaster) Céline Lemay (UQTR) Helen McDonald (McMaster) Martha Aitkin (ON) Lisa Weston (ON, CAM Board) Zuzana Betkova (ON) Jenni Huntly (ON) Tonia Occhionero (CAM Executive Director) EXHIBITOR AND SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM / PROGRAMME DE COMMANDITES Jill DeWeese-Frank, CAM Events Coordinator Julie Surprenant, CAM Events Coordinator (maternity leave replacement) ABSTRACT REVIEW COMMITTEE / COMITÉ SCIENTIFIQUE Josée Lafrance (UQTR) Caroline Paquet (UQTR) Emmanuelle Hébert (UQTR) Jude Kornelsen (UBC) Karyn Kaufman (McMaster) Manavi Handa (Ryerson) Mary Sharpe (Ryerson) Susan James (Laurentian) REGISTRATION / INSCRIPTIONS Annie Hibbert, CAM Administrative Assistant VOLUNTEER PROGRAM / PROGRAMME DES BÉNÉVOLES Jill DeWeese-Frank, CAM Events Coordinator Julie Surprenant, CAM Events Coordinator (maternity leave replacement) Annie Hibbert, CAM Assistant Administrator SOCIAL EVENT / ÉVÉNEMENT SOCIAL Jill DeWeese-Frank, CAM Events Coordinator Julie Surprenant, CAM Events Coordinator (maternity leave replacement) TRANSLATIONS / TRADUCTIONS Michèle Matte Sophie Perrault Claire Valade Andrea Zanin AUDIO VISUAL / AUDIO-VISUEL Frishkorn FINAL PROGRAM / PROGRAMME FINALE Jill DeWeese-Frank, CAM Events Coordinator Julie Surprenant, CAM Events Coordinator (maternity leave replacement) AND A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO OUR VOLUNTEERS! / ET UN GROS MERCI À NOS BÉNÉVOLES! 3 Floor Plans / Plans du site FLOOR PLANS / PLANS DU SITE 4 2013 Partners & Exhibitors / Commanditaires & Exposants PARTNERS & EXHIBITORS / COMMANDITAIRES & EXPOSANTS Flora Health & Salus Haus Why do so many of us constantly feel tired or fatigued? Perhaps the reason is iron deficiency, the most prevalent nutrient deficiency worldwide. Iron deficiency is the leading cause of fatigue among women between the time of menstruation and menopause. It is estimated that up to 26% of menstruating women are iron deficient. Women of childbearing age and adolescent girls need to regularly replace the iron that is eliminated through monthly blood loss. The elderly are also at risk because they no longer absorb iron from foods as efficiently as when they were younger. Vegetarians and those who eat little or no red meat may also be iron deficient. Endurance athletes and those who exercise regularly lose iron through perspiration, putting them at risk for deficiency and decreased endurance. Floravit® is a yeast-free, gluten-free liquid iron supplement that is specially formulated for easy absorption and assimilation. In fact, over 98% of the iron is available for quick potential absorption. The daily use of Floravit® helps normalize low iron levels to boost energy, vitality and optimal health. Floravit® is especially important before and during pregnancy, and while breastfeeding. Pourquoi sommes-nous si nombreuses à nous sentir constamment fatiguées ou épuisées ? C’est peut-être parce que nous avons une carence en fer, la carence nutritive la plus répandue au monde. La carence en fer est la principale cause de fatigue chez les femmes pendant la période qui s’étend de l’apparition des règles jusqu’à la ménopause. On estime que 26 % des femmes qui ont leurs menstruations ont une carence en fer. Les femmes en âge de procréer et les adolescentes doivent régulièrement remplacer le fer éliminé par la perte de sang qui survient chaque mois. Les femmes plus âgées sont également à risque car elles n’absorbent plus le fer contenu dans les aliments aussi bien que lorsqu’elles étaient plus jeunes. Les végétariens et personnes qui mangent peu ou pas de viande rouge peuvent aussi souffrir d’une carence en fer. Les athlètes d’endurance et les personnes qui s’entraînent régulièrement perdent du fer par la transpiration, ce qui peut causer un manque et réduire leur endurance. Floravit® est un supplément de fer liquide sans levure et sans gluten spécialement formulé pour être facilement absorbé et assimilé. En fait, plus de 98 % du fer est disponible pour une absorption potentielle rapide. L’usage quotidien de Floravit® aide à normaliser les faibles niveaux de fer, redonne de l’énergie et de la vitalité et optimise votre santé. Il est particulièrement recommandé de prendre Floravit® avant et pendant la grossesse et pendant l’allaitement. 5 2013 Partners & Exhibitors / Commanditaires & Exposants HIROC HIROC is Canada’s leading provider of healthcare liability insurance offering a broad range of insurance products and services, including risk management programs and claims management expertise. HIROC also works with its subscribers to bring about meaningful and productive change resulting in greater safety and a reduction in claims and incidents. HIROC, organisme sans but lucratif, est le principal fournisseur d’assurance responsabilité au Canada. HIROC est constitué de 500 organismes. Il est la propriété des organismes assurés et sous leur contrôle. WorkAround Software, Inc. WorkAround Software is a Canadian-owned and operated software company that develops, hosts and supports software applications. WorkAround has provided services in the healthcare sector for over 10 years. WorkAround currently provides hosting, training and support services for the open-source OSCAR EMR to a number of midwifery practices in Ontario. 6 We are also proud to announce our purpose-built health record software, EHRFlow. Using our years of experience in technology and healthcare we have set out to build an EHR system that is easy to use and simply powerful. EHRFlow is specifically designed to meet the needs of all healthcare practitioners such as midwives, rather than forcing all healthcare practitioners to adapt to M.D. specific software. All the while, EHRFlow still adheres to government standards for EHRs. Visit our booth to sign up as a pilot user and help us make EHRFlow the best EHR for midwives! Aiken Medical Supplies Inc. Aiken Medical Supplies is located in Milton , Ontario. We are a small, female owned and operating since 1997. We manufacture a Canadian made Female Urine Collection Aid: Uri-Aid. The Uri-Aid is a patented, anatomically designed funnel that screws onto a 90 mL standard urine collection container. The Uri-Aid eliminates spillage and contamination of the urine sample, hands and surroundings. As a unit it becomes leak-proof and it can hold up to 200mL of urine, any excess can be poured out. Once the urine sample has been collected the lid is then applied and the sample is ready for safe, sanitary handling and transport. As you probably know, women have difficulty when collecting urine samples in the small container provided by the lab. Presently this causes spillage on the hands, container and surroundings, women are faced with the unpleasant task of cleaning after themselves and others. Although all women can benefit from using the Uri-Aid, it is particularly useful when assisting the elderly, the infirm, children and during pregnancy. 2013 Partners & Exhibitors / Commanditaires & Exposants Appleton Studio / Adrian Baker Adrian Baker has been painting and exhibiting her art work nationally & internationally since 1980. Her paintings have been featured on the covers of magazines such as Reader’s Digest (US), the Canadian Medical Journal, The Practicing Midwife (UK), and Homebirth Network (Australia). In 2009 Adrian exhibited a series of birthing paintings at Dale Smith Gallery in Ottawa as a fundraiser for the White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood, an organization working to help reduce the shockingly high maternal death rates in developing countries. Adrian’s work can be found in numerous public and private collections across Canada, the USA, and abroad. Her paintings can be viewed on her website: www. Best Start Resource Centre The Best Start Resource Centre supports service providers working on preconception health, prenatal health and early child development. We provide consultations, respond to inquiries, deliver training and professional development (e.g., webinars, workshops, conferences, online courses), supply you with evidencebased resources and keep you connected (e.g., e-bulletins, electronic networks). Le Centre de ressources Meilleur départ vise à faciliter le travail des intervenants dans les domaines de la santé avant et pendant la grossesse et du développement de la petite enfance. Nous offrons des consultations, formation et perfectionnement professionnel (ex. webinaires, ateliers, conférences, apprentissage en ligne), nous répondons aux demandes, nous offrons des ressources fondées sur des données probantes et nous vous tenons au courant (ex. bulletins, réseaux). Birth Pool in a Box The first and only FDA-approved birth pool, “Birth Pool in a Box” was designed in careful consultation with mothers and midwives. The result is a leap forward in the development of birthing pools, and has been used at more than 7,000 home and hospital births. Now there is no compromise between performance and price for mothers and midwives. Choices Childbirth Services is proud to distribute “birth pool in a box” in Canada. “Choices” is also known in its local community for its prenatal education, waterbirth education, and labour support services. La première et seule piscine d’accouchement qui a été approuvé par l’association américaine « FDA », les piscines « Birth Pool in a Box » ont été conçues en consultation avec nombreuses mères et sages-femmes. Ces études ont aidé à avancer le développent des piscines d’accouchement. Elles ont été utilisées dans plus de 7000 accouchements dans l’eau, dans des hôpitaux, des maisons de naissance et dans des résidences privées. Les mères et sages-femmes d’aujourd’hui ne sont pas obligées de compromettre le bon fonctionnement à cause du prix. Choices Childbirth Services sont fiers d’être les seuls distributeurs Canadiens des piscines « Birth Pool in a Box ». Choices est aussi reconnu localement pour leurs cours de préparation à l’accouchement, leurs cours d’accouchement dans l’eau, et leurs services d’accompagnement à la naissance « doula ». 7 2013 Partners & Exhibitors / Commanditaires & Exposants Boiron Canada Inc. BORN BORN is Ontario’s pregnancy, birth and childhood registry and network. Established in 2009 to collect, share and rigorously protect critical data about each child born in the province, BORN Ontario manages an advanced database that provides reliable, secure and comprehensive information on maternal and child care. BORN est un registre et un réseau provincial qui recueille les données sur les grossesses, les naissances et l’enfance des jeunes de l’Ontario. Créé en 2009 pour réunir, partager et protéger consciencieusement les données critiques sur chaque enfant né dans la province, le Registre BORN Ontario administre une base de données de fine pointe qui fournit des renseignements fiables, sécuritaires et complets sur les soins donnés aux mères et à leurs enfants. The Canadian Red Cross (CRCS) 8 2013 Partners & Exhibitors / Commanditaires & Exposants Cuso International Cuso International is an international development organization that works through volunteers. We work in over 20 countries and seven focus areas, including: Education, HIV and AIDS, Disability, Health and Social Well-being, Secure Livelihoods, Participation and Governance and Environment and Natural Resource Management. Cuso International recruits skilled professionals from a variety of professional backgrounds to work in partnership with local or national organizations around the world. Volunteers are matched to placements that meet the direct requests of our overseas partners. They work to share skills and experiences with local colleagues, so their impact continues long after they return home. Cuso International est un organisme de développement international et d’envoi de coopérants-volontaires. Nous travaillons dans sept domaines : l’éducation, le VIH et le sida, la condition des personnes handicapées, la santé et le bien-être social, les moyens de subsistance durables, la participation et la gouvernance ainsi que l’environnement et gestion des ressources naturelles. Nos coopérants-volontaires remplissent des mandats qui répondent aux demandes des nos partenaires outre-mer. Les coopérants-volontaires collaborent à des programmes conçus et gérés localement, de sorte à ce que la population locale profite des fruits de leur travail et des connaissances qu’ils ont transmises longtemps après leur départ. Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS), Government of Nunavut The Department of Health is responsible for health services and social programming in Nunavut. Staff at the Department of Health work to improve the health and well-being of Nunavummiut by addressing the differing needs of each community through culturally appropriate programs and services. Le ministère de la Santé est responsable des services de santé et des programmes sociaux au Nunavut. Le personnel du Santé s’efforce d’améliorer la santé et le bien-être des Nunavummiut en répondant aux divers besoins de chaque collectivité grâce à des programmes et services adaptés à leur culture. Homeocan Inc Iota Birthing Stools Iota Birthing Stools, a family run business, are the makers of fine maple birthing stools and Pinard horns. Our design has become a favorite among birth professionals for its removable legs, adjustable size, and ease of cleaning and transport. 9 2013 Partners & Exhibitors / Commanditaires & Exposants Lansinoh Lansinoh offers a wide-range of premium breastfeeding and baby products that enable moms to feed, pump, and store their breastmilk safely including: Affinity® Pro Double Electric Breast Pump, Manual Breast Pump, NaturalWave™ Nipple featuring the mOmma bottle, HPA® Lanolin, Soothies® Gel Pads, TheraPearl 3-in-1 Breast Therapy Gel Packs, Disposable Nursing Pads, Breastmilk Storage Bags and storage containers, and Clean and Condition™ Baby Wipes. For more details: Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international medical humanitarian organization working in more than 80 countries to assist people whose survival is threatened by violence, neglect, or catastrophe. Every day, MSF aid workers from around the world provide lifesaving assistance to people affected by disaster, conflict, epidemics, or exclusion from healthcare. MSF works independently of political, religious or other motivations, delivering medical aid based on human need, often in difficult geographical or political contexts, where others cannot or choose not to go. 10 Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) est une organisation humanitaire internationale qui est présente dans plus de 60 pays afin d’offrir de l’assistance médicale à des individus et des populations négligés et menacés par des conflits, des maladies ou des catastrophes. Tous les jours, des travailleurs humanitaires MSF du monde entier fournissent une assistance vitale aux personnes touchées par des catastrophes, des conflits, des épidémies, ou qui n’ont pas accès à des soins de santé. MSF travaille sans aucune discrimination quant à la race, la religion, les opinions philosophiques ou politiques, pour fournir une aide médicale en fonction des besoins humains, souvent dans des contextes géographiques ou politiques difficiles, là où d’autres ne peuvent ou ne veulent pas aller. Midwifery Supplies Canada Equipment for midwives & new moms. 2013 Partners & Exhibitors / Commanditaires & Exposants Mothers Choice Products Mothers Choice Products is a national distributor of mom and infant products including the WHO Code compliant breastfeeding company Ameda. Mothers Choice Products knows how much breastfeeding matters to moms and their babies and that is why we strive to educate and support the professional community. Mothers Choice Products is also a distributor of TENS products which provide natural labour pain relief and pelvic floor exercisers for optimal women’s health. Mothers Choice Products est un distributeur national de produits pour mamans et nourrissons, incluant la marque Ameda, manufacturier de produits d’allaitement se conformant au code de l’OMS. Mothers Choice Products connait l’importance de tout ce qui a trait à l’allaitement pour les mamans et leurs bébés, et c’est pourquoi nous nous efforçons d’éduquer et de soutenir la communauté professionnelle. Mothers Choice Products est également le distributeur canadien des produits TENS qui offrent un soulagement naturel de la douleur liée à l’accouchement ainsi qu’un exerciseur du plancher pelvien favorisant une santé optimale chez la femme. Natasha Smoke Santiago She:kon, I am Natasha Smoke Santiago, and I make artwork. My work makes me feel, and I hope it makes you feel. As you may see, my art is heavily influenced by the symbols, stories and history of my culture. This is not only native american art, but Haudenosaunee Art, distinct and full of deep meaning, meaning that I try to share with the world and also with my family. I am carrying on traditions handed to me by Elders and I hope to hand that knowledge to my children through living the culture. Most of my works have a story connected with them, and as time goes by, more of those stories will be shared here. Not every work is that deep, some are just pretty, and I hope those bring you joy as well! Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Health and Social Services Promote, protect, and provide for the health and well-being of the people of the NWT Parentbooks PARENTBOOKS’ selection of books and DVDs for midwives is unequaled. PARENTBOOKS also offers the most comprehensive selection of parenting resources available anywhere. Our knowledgeable staff can help you and your clients find the resources you need. PARENTBOOKS offre une incomparable sélection de livres & DVD en anglais peur sages-femmes. En plus, PARENTBOOKS offre las plus vaste & complet sélection de ressources pour parents qui est disponible. Compter sur notre personnel expert pour vous aider à trouver tout ce qu’il vous faut. 11 2013 Partners & Exhibitors / Commanditaires & Exposants Platinum Naturals Platinum Naturals is a premium vitamin and supplement company built on the principle of using onlyhigh quality ingredients that are as close to nature as possible. Platinum Naturals utilizes a proprietary Omega Suspension Technology (OST®) that suspends active ingredients in omega oils were they can be more effectively absorbed. Platinum Naturals produces a line of prenatal products that contain no artificial colours, preservatives or ingredients. Just vitamins and minerals. Platinum’s firm belief is “You are what you absorb™”. PureMidwifery Equipment & Supplies Ltd. PureMidwifery Equipment & Supplies Ltd. is dedicated to providing midwives, and those within the midwifery community, with the highest quality and best selection of equipment and supplies. PureMidwifery is known for unsurpassed customer service, knowledge and expertise. I am passionate about midwifery care and am thrilled to work closely with midwives to ensure they have the best of what is available. I don’t sell to other sectors of healthcare… PureMidwifery is dedicated to midwives. 12 PureMidwifery Equipment & Supples Ltd. est dédié à fournir des sages-femmes, et celles au sein de la communauté des sages-femmes, avec la meilleure qualité et la meilleure sélection de équipement et de fournitures. PureMidwifery est réputé pour son service clientèle inégalé, de connaissances et d’expertise. Je suis passionné par les soins de sage-femme et je suis ravie de travailler en étroite collaboration avec les sages-femmes pour s’assurer qu’ils ont le meilleur de ce qui est disponible. Je ne vends pas à d’autres secteurs de la santé ... PureMidwifery est dédié aux sages-femmes. Rinovum Women’s Health The Stork® conception aid by Rinovum® Women’s Health is designed to be a non-invasive treatment option for patients that are trying to conceive. This FDAcleared product helps couples who are trying to conceive from the privacy of home using cervical cap insemination. The Stork is intended to assist the patient population that has been diagnosed with common difficulties such as: diminished sperm count, sperm motility issues, hostile vaginal environment and unexplained infertility. Patients today are seeking out less-invasive, more affordable options to complement their path to becoming pregnant. Many patients are using diagnostic tools to enhance their chances for conception. The Stork can provide these patients with a natural option designed to complement their fertility treatment path, whether they are just thinking about starting their family or have been trying for longer. The product is priced at $79.99 per device, The Stork provides the patient with a more economical, “first-step” treatment option to try before advancing into further assisted reproductive treatments. 2013 Partners & Exhibitors / Commanditaires & Exposants SeeMore Imaging Canada SeeMore USB ultrasound probes are affordable & application-specific abdominal, endocavity, vascular access, MSK, and regional nerve block. The system is compatible with most laptop, netbook & tablet computers running Windows; all software is included and can be downloaded to any number of computers – the ultimate in portability. Les sondes d’échographie Seemore USB sont abordables et servent à de multiples applications ; abdominale, endocavitaire , vasculaire, musculosquelettique et bloc nerveux régional. Ce système est compatible avec la plupart des ordinateurs portatifs, mini-portables et tablettes utilisant Windows. Tous les logiciels sont inclus et peuvent être téléchargé à tous vos ordinateurs – donc la portabilité ultime. The Stevens Company Ltd Medical Equipment, Emergency Preparedness Supplies, Pandemic Planning and Training, Diagnostic Instruments, Catheters and Tubing, Incontinence & Ostomy Products, Laboratory Equipment & Supplies, Procedure Trays & Packs, Respiratory Therapy Equipment, Bariatric Products, Chiropody Instruments, Gloves, Masks & Face Protection, Soap, Shampoo & Skin Care, Gels, Antiseptics and Injectables, Surgical Instruments, Sports Trainer’s Kits, Physio & Rehabilitation Supplies, Urological Products, Woundcare Products, Medical Apparel, Funeral Supplies, Engraved Urns, Veterinary Supplies and much more. 13 Conference at a glance / Résumé du programme WEDNESDAY / MERCREDI, NOVEMBER 6TH, 2013 (PAGE 16) 8:00AM-12:30PM DALHOUSIE SALON – 3RD FLOOR The Association of Ontario Midwives (AOM) Emergency Skills Workshop (ESW) 8:00AM-3:00PM RECEPTION AREA – 2ND FLOOR On-site registration for AGM, Pre-Conference, Workshops and Conference 9:00AM-12:00PM Pre-Conference Workshops / Ateliers pré-congrès 1:30PM-4:00PM VICTORIA NORTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR CAM Annual General Meeting Assemblée générale annuelle 6:00PM-7:00PM – RECEPTION AREA – 2ND FLOOR On-site registration for Conference 7:00PM-8:30PM – VICTORIA NORTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Opening Ceremonies / Cérémonie d’ouverture – Keynote Speaker: Professor Mary Renfrew, BSc, RN, RM, PhD, Director, Mother and Infant Research Unit School of Nursing and Midwifery and Director of Applied Health Research College of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing University of Dundee, Scotland Midwifery and quality care: the story of the Lancet Series on Midwifery / La profession de sage-femme et la qualité des soins : l’histoire de la série Lancet sur la pratique sage-femme 8:30PM-11:00PM – VICTORIA NORTH AND SOUTH BALLROOMS – 2ND FLOOR Welcome Reception with Exhibits / Réception avec les exposants THURSDAY / JEUDI, NOVEMBER 7TH, 2013 (PAGE 17) 7:00AM-7:45AM – BALLROOM GALLERY – 3RD FLOOR Morning Yoga 7:30AM-8:30AM – VICTORIA SOUTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Breakfast / Exhibits / Posters 8:30AM-8:45AM – VICTORIA NORTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Presidents’ Welcome / Mot de bienvenue – Joanna Nemrava, RM CAM President 14 8:45AM-9:15AM – VICTORIA NORTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Plenary Session: Vicki Van Wagner, RM, PhDc – Defining Normal Birth / Définir l’accouchement normal 9:15AM-10:00AM – VICTORIA NORTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Keynote Speaker: Eugene Declercq, PhD, Boston University School of Public Health Perspectives on mothers and midwives: who’s choosing a midwife? Perspectives sur les mères et les sages-femmes : qui choisit une sage-femme ? 10:00AM-10:30AM – VICTORIA SOUTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Nutritional Break / Exhibits / Posters 7:00AM-5:00PM RECEPTION AREA – 2ND FLOOR On-site registration for Conference 10:30AM-11:15AM – VICTORIA NORTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Panel Discussion – A Midwife for Every Woman: Why Midwifery-Led Research is Key / Une sage-femme pour chaque femme : Pourquoi la recherche menée par les sages-femmes est essentielle 11:15AM-11:45AM – VICTORIA NORTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Plenary Session: Lorna McRae RM, MSW – Social Determinants Inform and Improve Clinical Practice / Les déterminants sociaux informent et améliorent la pratique clinique 12:00PM-1:30PM – VICTORIA SOUTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Lunch / Exhibits / Posters 1:30PM-3:00PM Concurrent Sessions 3:00PM-3:30PM – VICTORIA SOUTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Nutritional Break / Exhibits / Posters 3:30PM-4:00PM – VICTORIA NORTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Plenary Session: Nathalie Pambrun, SF; Rachel Olson, PhD Protecting the Future of Aboriginal Communities: Exploring the Path of the National Aboriginal Council of Midwives Protéger l’avenir des communautés autochtones : explorer le cheminement du Conseil national des sages-femmes autochtones 4:00PM-4:45PM – VICTORIA NORTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Keynote Speaker: Michèle Taïna Audette, President Native Women’s Association of Canada Giving Life, Teaching Life / Donner la vie, enseigner la vie 4:45PM-5:00PM Announcements / annonces 7:30PM-1:00AM – SOCIAL EVENT – SUMMIT ROOM – 27TH FLOOR An evening of good food, fun and dancing! / Une soirée remplie de plaisirs, de danse et de bonne bouffe Conference at a glance / Résumé du programme CONFERENCE AT A GLANCE / RÉSUMÉ DU PROGRAMME FRIDAY / VENDREDI, NOVEMBER 8TH, 2013 (PAGE 22) 7:00AM-7:45AM – BALLROOM GALLERY – 3RD FLOOR Morning Yoga 7:30AM-8:30AM – VICTORIA SOUTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Breakfast / Exhibits / Posters 8:45AM-9:15AM – VICTORIA NORTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Plenary Session: Amy McGee, RM, PhD Addiction, Harm Reduction and a Nice Glass of Red: Substance use Considerations for Mothers and Midwives Dépendance, réduction des risques et un bon verre de rouge : théorie pour l’ouverture du cœur 9:15AM-9:45AM – VICTORIA NORTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Plenary Session: Nadya Burton, PhD; Claire Dion Fletcher, RM; Cheryllee Bourgeois, RM Birth and its Meanings: Collaborations in the Creation of Indigenous Curriculum in Midwifery Education La naissance et ses significations : collaborations dans la mise en place d’un contenu autochtone au sein des programmes de formation de sages-femmes 7:00AM-3:00PM RECEPTION AREA – 2ND FLOOR On-site registration for Conference 9:45AM-10:00AM – VICTORIA NORTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Announcements, Poster Prize 10:00AM-10:30AM – VICTORIA SOUTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Nutritional Break / Exhibits / Posters 10:30AM-11:00AM – VICTORIA NORTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Isabelle Brabant, SF Social perinatal period at the Maison Bleue: an innovative practice model / Périnatalité sociale à la Maison Bleue : un modèle de pratique novateur 11:00AM-12:00PM – VICTORIA NORTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Breeching the Barriers Presented by the Coalition for Breech Birth – Summary: Ten energetic Ottawa women, members of the Coalition for Breech Birth will come together to re-enact how breech birth was brought back to Ottawa. 12:00PM-1:30PM – VICTORIA SOUTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Lunch / Exhibits / Posters 1:30PM-3:00PM Concurrent Sessions 3:00PM-3:30PM – RECEPTION AREA – 2ND FLOOR Nutritional Break 3:30PM-4:00PM – VICTORIA NORTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Plenary Session: Kellie Thiessen, CNM, PhDc Factors Influencing Utilization of Midwifery Services in the Canadian Province of Manitoba Les facteurs influençant l’utilisation des services de sages-femmes dans la province canadienne du Manitoba 4:00PM-4:30PM – VICTORIA NORTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Plenary Session: Amy Romano, MSN, CNM “Midwifery Model” Decision Support: Implementing Shared Decision Making in Maternity Care Le soutien décisionnel dans « le modèle de pratique sage-femme » : instaurer la prise de décision partagée dans les soins de maternité 4:30PM-5:00PM – VICTORIA NORTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Closing Ceremonies / Mots de la fin Simultaneous translation will be available for all plenary presentations in Victoria North and for French Concurrent Sessions / La traduction simultanée sera disponible pour toutes les présentations dans la salle Victoria North ainsi que pour toutes les présentations en français. 15 Wednesday / Mercredi, November 6th 2013 SCHEDULES & PRESENTATION SUMMARIES/ HORAIRES & RÉSUMÉS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6TH, 2013 Le mercredi 6 novembre, 2013 16 8:00AM-12:30PM DALHOUSIE SALON – 3RD FLOOR 1:30PM-4:00PM VICTORIA NORTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR The Association of Ontario Midwives (AOM) Emergency Skills Workshop (ESW) CAM Annual General Meeting (Free of charge, for CAM members only) 8:00AM-3:00PM RECEPTION AREA – 2ND FLOOR Assemblée générale annuelle On-site registration for AGM, Pre-Conference, Workshops and Conference 9:00AM-12:00PM Pre-Conference Workshops / Ateliers pré-congrès WORKSHOP 1: RIDEAU SALON – 3RD FLOOR DR. TANYA SMITH, TCM, FABORM Applying Acupressure in Labour, Birth and Postpartum WORKSHOP 2: ALTAVISTA SALON – 2ND FLOOR JOAN FISHER, RN, BN, MED, IBCLC When Breastfeeding is Difficult: What Helps? WORKSHOP 3: WELLINGTON SALON – 3RD FLOOR DR. CRAIG CAMPBELL Improve and Broaden your Suturing Skills: Suturing for Midwives 6:00PM-7:00PM RECEPTION AREA – 2ND FLOOR On-site registration for Conference 7:00PM-8:30PM VICTORIA NORTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Welcome Remarks & Greetings Mots de bienvenue KEYNOTE SPEAKER: PROFESSOR MARY RENFREW, BSC, RN, RM, PHD, DIRECTOR, MOTHER AND INFANT RESEARCH UNIT SCHOOL OF NURSING AND MIDWIFERY AND DIRECTOR OF APPLIED HEALTH RESEARCH COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, DENTISTRY AND NURSING UNIVERSITY OF DUNDEE, SCOTLAND Midwifery and quality care: the story of the Lancet Series on Midwifery This presentation will describe the forthcoming Lancet Series on Midwifery. This series is the result of work by a group of 35 co-authors from five continents. It brings together evidence from systematic reviews and meta-syntheses, statistical modelling, and country-level case studies to examine the global impact of midwifery on the survival, health, and well-being of women and infants. The history of the development of the series will be presented, along with preliminary findings, including an evidence-based framework for quality maternity care that can inform planning and evaluation of care provision in all settings. Please note: this presentation contains prepublication material, and it is requested that you do not disseminate the findings presented. Thursday / Jeudi, November 7th, 2013 La profession de sage-femme et la qualité des soins : l’histoire de la série Lancet sur la pratique sage-femme Cette communication nous informera sur la future publication des « Lancet Series on Midwifery », une série de documents qui résulte de la collaboration de 35 auteurs en provenance de cinq continents. Ces publications mettront en lumière les preuves issues de revues systématiques et de méta-synthèses, de modélisations statistiques ainsi que d’études de cas de certains pays qui illustrent l’impact de la pratique sage-femme sur la survie, la santé et le bien-être des femmes et de leurs nourrissons au niveau planétaire. L’histoire de l’élaboration de cette série sera partagée en même temps que les trouvailles préliminaires, y compris un cadre théorique fondé sur les preuves visant à assurer des soins de maternité de qualité et à faciliter la planification et l’évaluation de la fourniture des soins dans tous les milieux de pratique. Veuillez noter qu’au cours de cette communication, de l’information pré-publication sera partagée, alors nous vous prions de ne pas diffuser les résultats présentés. 8:30PM-11:00PM VICTORIA NORTH AND SOUTH BALLROOMS – 2ND FLOOR Welcome Reception with Exhibits Réception avec les exposants THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7TH, 2013 Le jeudi 7 novembre, 2013 7:00AM-5:00PM RECEPTION AREA – 2ND FLOOR On-site registration for Conference 7:00AM-7:45AM BALLROOM GALLERY – 3RD FLOOR Morning Yoga 7:30AM-8:30AM VICTORIA SOUTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Breakfast / Exhibits / Posters 8:30AM-8:45AM VICTORIA NORTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Presidents’ Welcome, Joanna Nemrava, RM 8:45AM-9:15AM VICTORIA NORTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR PLENARY SESSION: VICKI VAN WAGNER, RM, PHDC Defining Normal Birth A multiplicity of “normal birth statements” exist but often have contradictory meanings and serve different purposes. It is important to explore the implications for midwives in this move to define and use categories of normal pregnancy and birth and consider how they may enhance or hinder our clinical and professional goals. Définir l’accouchement normal De nombreux “énoncés de principe sur l’accouchement normal” circulent actuellement mais souvent les définitions sont contradictoires et ces énoncés visent des buts différents. Il est essentiel d’explorer les implications, pour les sages-femmes, de cette recherche de définition et d’utilisation de catégories relatives à l’accouchement normal et d’évaluer comment ces énoncés peuvent améliorer ou entraver nos buts cliniques et professionnels. 9:15AM-10:00AM VICTORIA NORTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR KEYNOTE SPEAKER: EUGENE DECLERCQ, PHD, BOSTON UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH Perspectives on mothers and midwives: who’s choosing a midwife? After an initial examination of contextual differences in maternity care between the US and Canada, the presentation will examine both U.S. national birth certificate data and the results of a series of national surveys of mothers entitled Listening to Mothers to examine trends in the characteristics and attitudes of mothers who choose a midwife for prenatal care and attendance at birth in the US. Perspectives sur les mères et les sages-femmes : qui choisit une sage-femme ? Cette pré0sentation portera en premier lieu sur les différences contextuelles relatives aux soins de maternité entre les États-Unis et le Canada. Par la suite, nous examinerons les données tirées des certificats de naissance aux É.-U. et les résultats d’une série de sondages nationaux américains intitulés Listening to Mothers (Écoutons les 17 Thursday / Jeudi, November 7th, 2013 femmes) afin de cerner les caractéristiques et les attitudes des mères ayant choisi une sage-femme pour leur suivi de grossesse et leur accouchement. 10:00AM-10:30AM VICTORIA SOUTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Nutritional Break / Exhibits / Posters 10:30AM-11:15AM VICTORIA NORTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR FACILITATOR: PATRICIA MCNIVEN, RM, PHD PRESENTERS: EILEEN HUTTON, RM, PHD, MARY RENFREW BSC, RN, RM, PHD, LIZ DARLING, RM MSC PHD(C) A Midwife for Every Woman: Why Midwifery-Led Research is Key Support for midwifery care comes from many sources including client feedback and political awareness. But one of the most powerful tools to support and evaluate the impact of midwifery care comes from well-designed research. It is important for midwives to take leadership roles in the research process. The panel will address the ways in which midwife-led research contributes to the conference theme of a midwife for every woman. 18 Une sage-femme pour chaque femme : Pourquoi la recherche menée par les sages-femmes est essentielle L’appui à la pratique sage-femme vient de plusieurs sources, mais la recherche reste un des outils les plus puissants pour appuyer et évaluer l’impact des services sage-femme. Il est important pour les sages-femmes de prendre des rôles de chef de file dans le domaine de la recherche. Les panellistes présenteront les façons que la recherche sage-femme contribue au thème du congrès : une sage-femme pour chaque femme. 11:15AM-11:45AM LORNA MCRAE RM, MSW Social Determinants Inform and Improve Clinical Practice Social determinants of health are useful as organizing principles for clinical approaches in midwifery care. Over many years of experience working with women adversely affected by lack of income, unstable housing, scarce nutrition, early life stresses, gender inequities, and racism we have found clinical work improves when working from a solid base of understanding of the structural dynamics of inequity. This workshop focuses on how to integrate a thorough understanding of the risks, vulnerabilities and resiliencies with excellence in clinical practice. Three clinical scenarios will be discussed in detail as examples on how to practice from this perspective. Les déterminants sociaux informent et améliorent la pratique clinique Les déterminants sociaux de la santé sont utiles en tant que principes pour l’organisation des approches cliniques dans le cadre de la pratique sage-femme. Au cours de nos années d’expérience de travail auprès de femmes qui sont négativement touchées par le manque de revenu, une situation de logement instable, un manque de ressources alimentaires, des facteurs de stress pendant l’enfance, des iniquités face au genre et du racisme, nous avons constaté une amélioration de notre travail clinique lorsque nous travaillons à partir d’une compréhension solide des dynamiques structurelles de l’iniquité. Cet atelier vise à montrer les façons d’intégrer cette compréhension approfondie des risques, des vulnérabilités et des résiliences à une pratique clinique de qualité. Nous discuterons en détail de trois études de cas afin d’illustrer comment exercer notre profession à partir de cette perspective. 12:00PM-1:30PM VICTORIA SOUTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Lunch / Exhibits / Posters CONCURRENT SESSIONS (1:30PM-3:00PM) GROUP A: ALTAVISTA SALON – 2ND FLOOR 1:30PM-2:00PM NATHALIE PAMBRUN, SF Working as a midwife with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Manitoba native Nathalie Pambrun is a trained midwife currently living in New-Brunswick. The proposed presentation seeks to familiarize participants with the daily challenges a midwife faces in international humanitarian aid. Nathalie will share her first hand experience of a 6 month assignment in Chad and draw parallels between her work in Canada and her work in Chad with Doctors without Borders. Travailler comme sage-femme avec Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Native du Manitoba, Nathalie Pambrun est une sage-femme diplômée qui vie présentement au Nouveau Brunswick. La présentation proposée cherche à familiariser les participants avec les défis quotidiens rencontrés par une sage-femme dans le cadre d’un travail humanitaire international. Nathalie partagera son expérience en tant que sage-femme dans le cadre d’une mission de 6 mois au Chad. Nathalie fera un parallèle entre son travail au Canada et son travail au Chad avec Médecins Sans Frontières. Thursday / Jeudi, November 7th, 2013 2:00PM-2:30PM TONYA MACDONALD, RM; MARIE CARMELE CHARLES, SF Pwojè Piti Wazo- A Qualitative Exploration of Maternal Mortality in a Rural Haitian Community A visual presentation will introduce workshop participants to the background of “Pwojè Piti Wazo”, population of interest, methods and findings of this qualitative study on maternal mortality. Within the presentation, there will be an opportunity to critique the study, and to discuss research issues regarding maternal mortality and strategies to achieving Millennium Development Goal 5. Pwojè Piti Wazo - Une exploration qualitative de la mortalité maternelle dans les communautés rurales haïtiennes Une présentation visuelle introduira les participantes de l’atelier aux antécédents du « Pwojè Piti Wazo », la population ciblée, les méthodes et les découvertes de cette étude qualitative sur la mortalité maternelle. Il y aura possibilité au cours de la conférence de critiquer l’étude et de discuter des résultats obtenus face à la mortalité maternelle et des stratégies pour atteindre l’Objectif 5 des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement. 2:30PM-3:00PM CATHY ELLIS, RM, BFA, MSC Partnerships in Global Midwifery Care This presentation will focus on UBC Midwifery’s international maternity care partnerships, mutual benefits and short comings, using both empirical and experiential findings. The “Students for Global Citizenship” program at the Midwifery Division, UBC has developed partnerships in several countries over the last nine years. Data gathered will help to direct our ethical considerations for global midwifery engagement and to develop future directions for our global work. Partenariats des services de sages-femmes dans le monde Cette conférence ciblera les partenariats internationaux pour des soins de maternité établis par le département d’études de formation de sages-femmes de l’université de la Colombie-Britannique (UBC), en mettant en lumière leurs avantages et défauts mutuels par le biais de conclusions empiriques et expérientielles. Au cours des neuf dernières années, le programme de la direction de pratique sagefemme de l’UCB intitulé « étudiantes pour une citoyenneté planétaire » a mis sur pied plusieurs partenariats dans différents pays. Les données recueillies serviront à guider nos considérations éthiques pour un engagement international en pratique sage-femme et à développer les futures avenues de notre travail planétaire. GROUP B: RIDEAU SALON – 3RD FLOOR 2:00PM-2:30PM KARLINE WILSON-MITCHELL, RM, RN, CNM, MSN; JOANNA BENNETT, RM, RN, PHD Factors Associated with Adolescent Pregnancy, Psychological Distress and Suicidal Behavior: An Exploratory Study Adolescent pregnancy and psychosocial health have been priorities for both the International Confederation of Midwives and the World Health Organization. Research within the Caribbean and Latin America has noted psychological distress and suicidal behaviors reaching prevalence of between 13 and 67% amongst pregnant adolescents (Pinheiro, Coelho, Silva, Quevedo, Souza, Castelli, Matos, Mollborn, Morningstar & the Jamaican global School-based Health Survey-2010). This study, which explores the self-reported perceptions of pregnant adolescents, seeks to inform policy and practice as it pertains to adolescent maternity healthcare. Les facteurs associés à la grossesse, la détresse psychologique et le comportement suicidaire chez les adolescentes : une étude exploratoire Parmi les priorités de la Confédération internationale des sages-femmes et de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé, on compte la grossesse et la santé psychosociale durant l’adolescence. Des recherches effectuées dans les Antilles et en Amérique latine démontrent que la prévalence de la détresse psychologique et de comportements suicidaires chez les adolescentes enceintes se situe entre 13 et 67 % (Pinheiro, Coelho, Silva, Quevedo, Souza, Castelli,Matos, Mollborn, Morningstar & The Jamaican global School-based Health Survey-2010). La présente étude, qui explore les perceptions rapportées par les adolescentes enceintes, cherche à informer les décideurs et les cliniciens sur cette problématique qui touche aux soins de maternité offerts aux adolescentes. 2:30PM-3:00PM MANAVI HANDA, RM, MSC Interim Federal Health Plan Cuts and Implications for Pregnant Women – Experiences from Toronto This presentation will provide an overview of the recent changes to the Interim Federal Health Plan and implications these changes have on pregnant women. An overview of literature on refugee status and uninsured status on pregnancy and outcomes will be provided. Finally this presentation will discuss experiences from Toronto and some strategies midwives in Ontario have utilized to provide care to this uniquely vulnerable population. 19 Thursday / Jeudi, November 7th, 2013 Les coupures intérimaires au plan des soins de santé du gouvernement fédéral et leurs implications pour les femmes enceintes – Expériences à Toronto Cette allocution donnera un aperçu des changements récents au Plan intérimaire des soins de santé du gouvernement fédéral et de leurs répercussions sur les femmes enceintes. Une revue des recherches actuelles sur le statut de réfugiée et sur l’absence de couverture par le programme d’assurance-maladie et leurs conséquences y sera diffusée. À la fin de la présentation, nous discuterons de certaines expériences à Toronto et des stratégies utilisées par des sages-femmes ontariennes dans la fourniture des soins à cette population spécialement vulnérable. GROUP C: WELLINGTON SALON – 3RD FLOOR 1:30PM-2:00PM BARBARA KATZ ROTHMAN, PHD 20 Fragmentation: Putting the Pieces back together The work of the midwife, like so much work in the contemporary world, is being fragmented, broken into its component parts. While the women themselves may have come to appreciate the range of specializations, there are costs both hidden and overt to this challenge to the ‘continuity of care’ model midwifery historically presented. This paper will draw out the implications of the complicated web which surrounds, and sometimes entraps, the birthing woman. Fragmentation : Remettre les morceaux ensemble Le travail d’une sage-femme, à l’image du milieu du travail dans notre monde contemporain, est devenu fragmenté, décomposé en ses diverses composantes. Même si les femmes elles-mêmes peuvent apprécier la gamme de spécialisations, cela entraîne des coûts inhérents cachés et constitue un défi au modèle de «continuité de soins» offerts par les sages-femmes tel que présenté historiquement. Cette présentation mettra en lumière toutes les implications de cette toile compliquée qui entoure, et parfois prend au piège, la femme en travail. 2:00PM-2:30PM BETTY-ANNE DAVISS, RM, MA Informed Choice and the "Tyranny" of the Brownie Promise Attending Brownies and swearing in our childhood promises to “do my best to God and the Queen, to help other people at all times,” might have had more influence than we know on how to both fight for our ideals and still fit into status quo society. This presentation will draw a parallel to the work of Lord and Lady Baden Powell and the history of the development of idealist ideologies around which midwifery was formed in Canada and the UK. Résumé disponible seulement en anglais 2:30PM-3:00PM SARAH MUNRO, PHDC Models of Rural Maternity Care: Barriers and Attributes of Interprofessional Collaboration with Midwives Interprofessional collaboration as currently conceptualized at the policy level does not reflect the reality of relationships between midwives and other primary care providers in rural and remote British Columbia. The most significant barriers to collaboration in our study were (1) inequitable funding and (2) differences in scopes of practice. Considering these barriers, we propose alternative models of rural maternity care involving midwifery developed through integrated knowledge translation with key stakeholders and study participants. Modèles de soins de maternité en zone rurale : les barrières à une collaboration interprofessionnelle avec des sagesfemmes et revue des particularités de ces modèles Dans les zones rurales et éloignées de la ColombieBritannique, la collaboration interprofessionnelle élaborée actuellement au niveau politique ne reflète pas la réalité des relations entre les sages-femmes et des autres intervenants de soins de santé primaires. Selon notre étude, les obstacles les plus importants à une collaboration sont (1) le financement insuffisant et (2) les différences entre les champs de pratique. Après avoir considéré ces obstacles, nous proposons des modèles alternatifs de soins de maternité pour les régions rurales incluant les services de sages-femmes grâce à un transfert du savoir intégré aux intervenants-clés et aux participants à la recherche. GROUP D: DALHOUSIE SALON – 3RD FLOOR 1:30PM-2:00PM KELLY KLICK, RM PIIPC Midwives Bring Prenatal Care to Inner City Women through an Innovative Research Based Collaborative Care Model The new Partners in Inner-city Integrated Prenatal Care (PIIPC) project in Winnipeg is an exciting multidisciplinary collaborative care model. One of the PIIPC initiatives has midwives (dubbed ‘PIIPC Gypsies’) providing care to women who are at risk of inadequate prenatal care. Midwifery care offered at Healthy Baby / Healthy Start sites is coordinated with acute care and obstetrical services, and a Pregnancy Passport and other facilitators are used to decrease the barriers to care. Les sages-femmes du PIIPC fournissent des soins prénatals aux femmes du centre-ville par le biais d’un modèle de soins collaboratifs innovateur, fondé sur les preuves Le nouveau projet de partenariat pour des soins prénatals intégrés dans le centre-ville (PIIPC) de Winnipeg constitue un modèle stimulant de soins collaboratifs multidisciplinaires. Thursday / Jeudi, November 7th, 2013 Une des initiatives du PIIPC est la contribution des sagesfemmes (appelées les « gitanes » du PIIPC) dans la prestation de soins prénatals à des femmes qui sont à risque de ne pas recevoir un suivi prénatal adéquat. La coordination des soins offerts par les sages-femmes aux centres de Bébés en santé/bon départ (Healthy Start) est assurée par les services d’obstétrique et de soins actifs. Des outils de facilitation comme le passeport de grossesse sont utilisés en vue de réduire les barrières aux soins. 2:00PM-2:30PM RAYMONDE GAGNON, SF, MSC, CAND.PHD Measures for reducing recourse to avoidable obstetrics procedures for low-risk women The Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux du Québec (INESSS), along with its obstetrics partners including midwives, has taken up the issue of increased obstetrics procedures with a view to formulating recommendations on procedures that may be avoidable. The results of the in-depth study of electronic fetal surveillance, labour inducement and acceleration, Caesareans, epidural anaesthetic and non-pharmacological methods for pain management provide encouraging possibilities for action in order to reduce obstetrics procedures. Mesures pour diminuer le recours aux interventions obstétricales évitables pour les femmes à faible risque L’Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux du Québec (INESSS) s’est penché avec ses partenaires en obstétrique, dont les sages-femmes, sur la problématique de l’augmentation des interventions en obstétrique dans la perspective d’émettre des recommandations sur les interventions qui seraient évitables. Les résultats de l’étude approfondie de la surveillance fœtale électronique, du déclenchement et de l’accélération du travail, de la césarienne ainsi que de l’analgésie péridurale et les méthodes non pharmacologiques de la gestion de la douleur fournissent des pistes d’actions encourageantes afin de réduire les interventions obstétricales. 2:30PM-3:00PM BEVERLEY O`BRIEN, RM Efficacy and Safety of Water Immersion to Promote Maternal Comfort during Labour / Birth: Retrospective Chart Review A “Shared Care” project was implemented by physicians, midwives and community / maternity nurses to meet maternity needs at an Alberta community health centre. The majority of women chose to labour and birth in warm baths to promote their comfort particularly if their birth was attended by a midwife. Shorter labours and less pharmaceutical interventions were reported without an increase in maternal or newborn adverse events. L’efficacité et la sûreté de l’immersion dans l’eau afin de favoriser le confort de la mère durant le travail et l’accouchement : une revue rétrospective de dossiers Des médecins, des sages-femmes et des infirmières en obstétrique et en santé communautaire ont mis sur pied un «projet partagé» afin de répondre aux besoins spécifiques des soins de maternité dans un centre de santé communautaire de l’Alberta. La plupart des femmes ont choisi d’utiliser un bain chaud durant leur travail et leur accouchement comme méthode de confort particulièrement lorsqu’elles étaient assistées par des sages-femmes. On a observé une réduction de la durée du travail et du recours à des interventions pharmaceutiques, sans pour autant observer une augmentation des issues défavorables chez les mères ou les nouveau-nés. 3:00PM-3:30PM VICTORIA SOUTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Nutritional Break / Exhibits / Posters 3:30PM-4:00PM VICTORIA NORTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR PLENARY SESSION: NATHALIE PAMBRUN, SF; RACHEL OLSON, PHD Protecting the Future of Aboriginal Communities: Exploring the Path of the National Aboriginal Council of Midwives This multimedia presentation will showcase the National Aboriginal Council of Midwives’ work in supporting the development of diverse Aboriginal midwifery services across Canada. Through print materials, videos, the development of an interactive toolkit and consultations with Aboriginal communities across Canada, the diversity of histories, current settings and future visions for restoring midwifery in Aboriginal communities is apparent. Protéger l’avenir des communautés autochtones : explorer le cheminement du Conseil national des sages-femmes autochtones Cette présentation multimédia montrera le travail du Conseil national des sages-femmes autochtones visant à encourager le développement des divers services de sages-femmes autochtones à travers le Canada. La diversité de leurs histoires, les arrangements actuels et les visions futures pour restaurer la pratique sage-femme dans les communautés autochtones seront partagés par le biais de matériel imprimé, de vidéos, d’une boîte à outils interactive nouvellement créée et des consultations avec les communautés autochtones du Canada. 21 Friday / Vendredi, November 8th, 2013 4:00PM-4:45PM VICTORIA NORTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR 4:45PM-5:00PM KEYNOTE SPEAKER: MICHÈLE TAÏNA AUDETTE, PRESIDENT NATIVE WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION OF CANADA 7:30PM-1:00AM SOCIAL EVENT – SUMMIT ROOM (27TH FLOOR) Giving Live, Teaching life Promoting the expansion of current health policy to offer midwifery as an essential health service through informed choice for Aboriginal women is part of the agenda of the Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) Health Unit. Through work with essential partners and government policy makers, NWAC is working on promoting the encouragement of more women to become Aboriginal midwives and birth attendants to answer the call for safe, culturally appropriate birthing options for Aboriginal women. Announcements / Annonces An evening of good food, fun and dancing! Une soirée remplie de plaisirs, de danse et de bonne bouffe Donner la vie, enseigner la vie Résumé disponible en anglais seulement FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8TH, 2013 22 Le vendredi 8 novembre, 2013 7:00AM-3:00PM RECEPTION AREA – 2ND FLOOR On-site registration for Conference 7:00AM-7:45AM BALLROOM GALLERY – 3RD FLOOR Morning Yoga 7:30AM-8:30AM VICTORIA SOUTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Breakfast / Exhibits / Posters 8:45AM-9:15AM VICTORIA NORTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR PLENARY SESSION: AMY MCGEE, RM, PHD Addiction, Harm Reduction and a Nice Glass of Red: Substance use Considerations for Mothers and Midwives Fiction and traditional academic prose will be used to discuss substance use and consumption. I will build an argument for the ubiquity of substance use, the source of harm, and the utility of harm reduction as an instrument for midwives and mothers. Dépendance, réduction des risques et un bon verre de rouge : théorie pour l’ouverture du cœur La fiction et la prose académique traditionnelle seront utilisées pour discuter de la consommation de substances. Je mettrai en lumière l’omniprésence de l’utilisation de substances, des risques qu’elle engendre et de l’utilité de la réduction des risques en tant qu’instrument à l’intention des sages-femmes et des mères. 9:15AM-9:45AM VICTORIA NORTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR PLENARY SESSION: NADYA BURTON, PHD; CLAIRE DION FLETCHER, RM; CHERYLLEE BOURGEOIS, RM Birth and its Meanings: Collaborations in the Creation of Indigenous Curriculum in Midwifery Education This paper explores the success and challenges of a project carried out by the Midwifery Association of Indigenous Students (MAIS) designed to integrate Indigenous content and pedagogy into the curriculum of an elective Midwifery Education Program course Birth and its Meanings at Ryerson University. The paper reflects on the ways in which Indigenous content and perspectives are often silent and invisible in many areas of teaching in the university (in Midwifery Education as much as elsewhere), and reflects on the applicability of this project to other midwifery education settings. Friday / Vendredi, November 8th, 2013 La naissance et ses significations : collaborations dans la mise en place d’un contenu autochtone au sein des programmes de formation de sages-femmes Cette communication présentera le succès remporté par un projet mis en place par l’association des étudiantes sages-femmes autochtones (MAIS) et des défis rencontrés. Ce projet a été conçu pour intégrer un contenu et un enseignement autochtone au plan du cours facultatif « La naissance et ses significations » (trad. libre) dans le cadre du programme en pratique sage-femme de l'université Ryerson. Cette démarche se veut une réflexion sur le manque de visibilité et du silence entourant le contenu autochtone et ses perspectives dans plusieurs domaines d’enseignement à l’université (autant au département de formation de sagesfemmes qu’ailleurs) et se penche sur l’applicabilité de ce projet dans les autres programmes en pratique sage-femme. 10:00AM-10:30AM VICTORIA SOUTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Nutritional Break / Exhibits / Posters 10:30AM-11:00AM VICTORIA NORTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR PLENARY SESSION: ISABELLE BRABANT, SF Périnatalité sociale à la Maison Bleue : un modèle de pratique novateur Exploration de la notion de périnatalité sociale telle que pratiquée à la Maison Bleue et des spécificités du rôle de la sage-femme au sein d’une équipe proposant des services interdisciplinaires intégrés de santé, psychosociaux, éducatifs et communautaires, de manière intensive, dans un environnement de proximité à taille humaine. Social perinatal period at the Maison Bleue: an innovative practice model Exploration of the idea of the social perinatal period as practiced at the Maison Bleue and the specificities of the midwife’s role within a team that offers integrated interdisciplinary health, psychosocial, educational and community services with an intensive approach, in a human-scale setting that’s close to home. 11:00AM-12:00PM VICTORIA NORTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR PLENARY SESSION Breeching the Barriers Presented by the Coalition for Breech Birth Ten energetic Ottawa women, members of the Coalition for Breech Birth will come together to re-enact how breech birth was brought back to Ottawa. Résumé disponible en anglais seulement 12:00PM-1:30PM VICTORIA SOUTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Lunch / Exhibits / Posters CONCURRENT SESSIONS (1:30PM-3:00PM) GROUP A: ALTAVISTA – 2ND FLOOR 1:30PM-2:00PM DR. VYTA SENIKAS BSC, MDCM, FRCSC, MBA Alcohol Use and Pregnancy: What is the Issue The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada has led the development of a consensus report on screening and recording alcohol use in women of child-bearing age and pregnant women, and published a national consensus guideline on Alcohol Use and Pregnancy. Given the confusion surrounding thresholds of alcohol use in pregnant women and women of child-bearing age, there was a need to reconcile the information and to provide clear direction to healthcare providers. This presentation will highlight definitions, consumption statistics, screening and counseling tools as well as recommendations from the Alcohol Use and Pregnancy consensus guideline. La consommation d’alcool durant la grossesse : quelle est la problématique ? La Société des obstétriciens et gynécologues du Canada, qui a dirigé l’élaboration d’un rapport de consensus sur le dépistage de la consommation d’alcool chez les femmes en âge de procréer et les femmes enceintes et sa consignation, a publié une directive clinique de consensus national sur la consommation d’alcool et la grossesse. En raison de la confusion observée par la suite au sujet des seuils de consommation d’alcool pour les femmes enceintes et les femmes en âge de procréer, il a été jugé nécessaire de concilier l’information et de fournir des directives claires aux intervenants de la santé. Cette communication mettra en lumière les définitions, les statistiques de consommation, le dépistage et les outils de counselling ainsi que les recommandations issues de la Directive clinique de consensus sur la consommation d’alcool et la grossesse. 2:00PM-3:00PM SHAWNA CLOUTHIER, BSC; WENDY MOULSDALE, RN; KRISTEN KEILTY How Midwives can Help Sustain Women, Motherhood, and Family in the Face of Pregnancy and Infant Loss In this engaging presentation, increased awareness will be gained on the uniqueness of pregnancy and infant loss from the perspective of a bereaved mother, NICU Nurse, and student midwife / funeral director. How midwives might offer support to woman and their families will be explored. 23 Friday / Vendredi, November 8th, 2013 La manière dont les sages-femmes peuvent soutenir les femmes, la maternité et la famille lors de la perte d’un enfant durant la grossesse et après la naissance Cette communication nous amènera vers une conscientisation accrue de la dimension unique de la perte d’un enfant durant la grossesse et après la naissance par le biais de la perspective d’une mère endeuillée, d’une infirmière de l'unité de soins intensifs néonatals, d’une étudiante sage-femme et d’un directeur de maison funéraire. Nous explorerons quel type de support les sages-femmes peuvent offrir aux mères et à leurs familles. GROUP B: RIDEAU SALON – 3RD FLOOR 1:30PM-2:00PM SUZANNAH BENNETT, MHSC; TASHA MACDONALD, RM, MHSC; ANNA MEUSER, MPH 24 Group B Streptococcus: Postpartum Management of the Neonate This session will highlight research from the Association of Ontario Midwives’ clinical practice guideline on Group B Streptococcus: postpartum management of the neonate (2013). Considerations for developing a care plan for the asymptomatic newborn born to GBS positive mothers with different clinical scenarios will be explored. Les streptocoques du groupe B : prise en charge du nouveau-né en postnatal Cette présentation mettra en lumière les recherches tirées de la directive clinique de l’Association des sages-femmes de l’Ontario sur les streptocoques du groupe B (SGB) et la prise en charge du nouveau-né en postnatal (2013). Nous explorerons, à l’aide de diverses études de cas, les paramètres pour élaborer un plan des soins à donner aux nouveau-nés asymptomatiques dont la mère est porteuse du SGB. 2:00PM-2:30PM BETH MURRAY-DAVIS, RM, PHD Development of a Standardized Clinical Outcome Review Tool for Improving Patient Safety Our project modified and evaluated a computer application developed in the UK and adapted it for a Canadian context to aid in the systematic review of events with the aim of identifying factors resulting in substandard client care, and of forming action plans for preventing future adverse events. The systematic review of adverse events is a key process in promoting patient safety. Développement d’un outil de revue des résultats cliniques standardisé pour améliorer la sécurité des patients Notre projet visait à modifier et à évaluer un logiciel développé en Grande-Bretagne, à l’adapter au contexte canadien dans le but d’améliorer la revue systématique des événements afin d’identifier les facteurs causant la prestation de soins sous-optimaux aux patients et à élaborer des plans d’action pour prévenir de futurs événements indésirables. La revue systématique des événements indésirables constitue un processus essentiel afin d’assurer la sécurité des patients. 2:30PM-3:00PM GISELA BECKER, RM SOGC Guideline for Health Professionals Working with First Nations, Inuit and Métis This Guideline was developed in collaboration with the National Aboriginal Health Organization in order to provide health professionals in Canada with the knowledge and tools to provide culturally safe care to First Nations, Inuit and Métis women and through them to their families. The Aboriginal Health Initiative Committee of the SOGC, along with select experts in First Nations, Inuit and Métis health, convened to develop the updated guideline, with a particular focus on the social determinants of health. The Guideline includes socio-demographic, cultural and historical context, clinical tips, case studies and evidence-based recommendations. Topics covered include: demographics; social determinants of health; health systems, policies and services; women’s sexual and reproductive health; maternal health; mature women’s health; and changing outcomes through culturally competent care. Directive clinique de consensus à l’intention des professionnels de la santé oeuvrant auprès des Inuits, des Métis et des Premières Nations de la SOGC Cette directive clinique a été élaborée en collaboration avec l’Organisation nationale de la santé autochtone en vue d’informer et d’outiller les professionnels de la santé du Canada pour qu’ils puissent offrir des soins sécuritaires en concordance avec la culture aux femmes autochtones, inuites et métis et à travers elles, à toutes leurs familles. Il y eut entente entre le Comité sur la santé des Autochtones de la SOGC et une sélection d’experts en santé sélectionnés parmi les Autochtones, Inuits et Métis pour élaborer une mise à jour de la directive clinique axée particulièrement sur les déterminants de la santé. Cette directive clinique présente le contexte sociodémographique, culturel et historique, des études de cas, des conseils cliniques et des recommandations basées sur les preuves. Parmi les sujets traités, on retrouve les aspects démographiques; les déterminants sociaux de la santé ; les systèmes, les politiques et les services de santé; la santé sexuelle et reproductive des femmes; la santé maternelle; la santé des femmes mûres; et l’observation de changements au niveau des résultats émergeant de soins en harmonie avec la culture. Friday / Vendredi, November 8th, 2013 GROUP C: WELLINGTON SALON – 3RD FLOOR 1:30PM-2:00PM MANAVI HANDA, RM, MSC; JAY MACGILLIVRAY, RM Social Justice as a Core Tenet of Midwifery Care in Canada This presentation will discuss that social justice has been a core tenet of midwifery care within Canada and that it should explicitly be incorporated into midwifery statements of philosophy. The presenters will discuss their own experiences on the front lines of providing care to marginalized women from a variety of different vulnerable populations. The presentation will open up discussion with the audience to include perspectives on social justice, care for marginalized women and some of the challenges and future possibilities for midwives throughout Canada. La justice sociale comme principe central de la pratique sage-femme au Canada La présentation portera sur le fait que la justice sociale a toujours été au cœur des soins offerts par les sagesfemmes au Canada et qu’elle devrait être incorporée de façon explicite dans les principes philosophiques de la profession sage-femme. Les présentatrices partageront leurs propres expériences sur le terrain lorsqu’elles dispensent des soins aux femmes marginalisées issues de populations vulnérables variées. La discussion sera ensuite ouverte à l’auditoire et inclura des perspectives sur la justice sociale, les soins offerts aux femmes marginalisées et quelques-uns des défis et possibilités futures concernant les sages-femmes à travers le Canada. 2:00PM-2:30PM KAREN LAWFORD, RM, AM Invisible Policies: Just ‘cause you can’t see them, doesn’t mean they’re not there The purpose of the presentation is to create a linkage between policy and a midwifery scope of practice. I will highlight the presence of invisible policy and use a case study to demonstrate the impacts of invisible policy on midwives and women. Les politiques invisibles : ce n’est pas parce que vous ne les voyez pas qu’elles n’existent pas Le but de cette allocution est de créer un lien entre les politiques et le champ de pratique des sages-femmes. Je mettrai en lumière la présence de politiques invisibles et utiliserai une étude de cas pour démontrer les répercussions de ces politiques sur les sages-femmes et les femmes. 2:30PM-3:00PM MARY SHARPE, RM, MED, PHD Exploring Spaces: A Way to Resist the Force towards Institutionalization The inner and outer spaces of midwives and the women with whom they work will be explored in light of the inevitable forces towards institutionalization. The paper looks to understand how space both constrains and enables midwives and women as a way to find renewed ways of being. Explorer les espaces : Une façon de combattre le courant qui mène à l’institutionnalisation Nous explorerons les espaces de travail internes et externes des sages-femmes et des femmes qu’elles suivent à la lumière des courants inévitables menant à l’institutionnalisation. Cette communication vise à mieux comprendre comment l’espace limite les sages-femmes et les femmes tout en leur permettant de s’ouvrir aux possibilités de renouveler les façons d’être. GROUP D: DALHOUSIE SALON – 3RD FLOOR 1:30PM-2:00PM HOLLIDAY TYSON, RM, RN Can Virtual and Simulated Clerkship Components Improve Preparation for Live Workplace Experience? There is an urgent need in Canadian midwifery education to develop innovative approaches to introduction to and assessment of competencies which are not clinical placement dependent, both because of the design based limitations of these placements and the chronic shortage of them. This evidence based presentation introduces CAM members to new virtual and simulation based approaches to standardizing and improving midwifery education at the clerkship level. La simulation et l’apprentissage virtuel durant l’internat : une partie de la solution en vue d’améliorer la préparation des étudiantes à l’expérience réelle du milieu du travail ? Les programmes de formation de sages-femmes au Canada doivent élaborer de façon urgente de nouvelles méthodes innovatrices destinées à présenter et à évaluer les compétences qui ne sont pas dépendantes des stages cliniques, en raison des limites de conception de ces stages et du manque chronique de milieux de stages. Cette allocution fondée sur les recherches présentera aux membres de l’ACSF de nouvelles méthodes de simulation et d’apprentissage virtuel qui permettront de standardiser et d’améliorer la formation des sages-femmes à l’étape de l’internat. 25 Friday / Vendredi, November 8th, 2013 2:00PM-2:30PM CÉLINE LEMAY, SF, PHD Active Management of the Third Stage: Time for a Commentary This presentation is the résumé of a commentary about the active management of third stage of labour in the context of an emergency skills workshop for midwives. Research and discourses have to be criticized and the ethos of the profession reaffirmed. Gestion dirigée lors du troisième stade : voici l’occasion d’un commentaire Cette présentation est l’abrégé d’un commentaire traitant de la gestion dirigée lors du troisième stade du travail dans le contexte d’un atelier de formation en urgences obstétricales à l’intention des sages-femmes. Il est essentiel de développer un sens critique envers les recherches et les discours ainsi que de réaffirmer l’ethos de la profession. 2:30PM-3:00PM ANN NOSEWORTHY, RM, RN, MA, PHDC 26 A Relational Research Methodology for Midwifery The session presents a relational research methodology developed during my PhD (Midwifery) study. It is also suggested that this methodology may have relevance for midwifery practice. Une méthodologie de recherche relationnelle pour la pratique sage-femme Cette allocution présentera la méthodologie d’une étude relationnelle élaborée pendant mon doctorat en pratique sage-femme. Il s’agit également d’une invitation à considérer cette méthodologie comme un outil approprié dans le cadre de la pratique sage-femme. *2:00PM-3:00PM FILM – VICTORIA NORTH – 2ND FLOOR A Mother is Born We are a group of three medical students from the University of Alberta (U of A) who have come together to create an educational documentary about “woman-centered care” that focuses on the various birthing options available for lowrisk obstetrics. Our mission is to bridge the gap between doulas, midwives, nurses and physicians with a focus on interprofessional education. We want to discover where common ground exists. 3:00PM-3:30PM RECEPTION AREA – 2ND FLOOR Nutritional Break 3:30PM-4:00PM VICTORIA NORTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR PLENARY SESSION: KELLIE THIESSEN, CNM, PHDC Factors Influencing Utilization of Midwifery Services in the Canadian Province of Manitoba A critical analysis of the utilization of regulated midwifery services will be discussed. The most seminal factors influencing the implementation and utilization of regulated midwifery services in Manitoba will be presented. Finally, specific future strategies will be presented for discussion regarding necessary collaborative efforts to facilitate access to midwifery services for women who would like the choice of midwifery care. Les facteurs influençant l’utilisation des services de sages-femmes dans la province canadienne du Manitoba Nous ferons une analyse critique de l’utilisation des services de sages-femmes réglementées. Nous présenterons les facteurs les plus déterminants qui influencent la mise sur pied et l’utilisation des services de sages-femmes réglementées au Manitoba. Finalement, nous discuterons ensemble des futures stratégies spécifiques concernant les efforts collaboratifs nécessaires pour faciliter l’accès aux services de sagesfemmes aux femmes qui souhaitent un suivi sage-femme. 4:00PM-4:30PM VICTORIA NORTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR PLENARY SESSION: AMY ROMANO, MSN, CNM “Midwifery Model” Decision Support: Implementing Shared Decision Making in Maternity Care Shared decision making (SDM) has been called “perfected informed consent” because it brings together best evidence with an explicit exploration of the individual’s values, concerns, and preferences to arrive at the right plan of care. This session will provide an overview of SDM, examine the rationale for implementing SDM in maternity care, and explore implementation models for various types of midwifery practices. Le soutien décisionnel dans « le modèle de pratique sage-femme » : instaurer la prise de décision partagée dans les soins de maternité On a baptisé la prise de décision partagée (SDM) le « consentement informé perfectionné » parce qu’elle associe meilleures preuves et exploration explicite des valeurs individuelles, préoccupations et préférences pour en arriver à un plan de soins adéquat. Cette présentation fera un survol de la prise de décision partagée (SDM), examinera comment concrétiser son implantation dans les soins de maternité et explorera divers modèles d’instauration pour les différents types de pratique sage-femme. 4:30PM-5:00PM VICTORIA NORTH BALLROOM – 2ND FLOOR Closing Ceremonies Mots de la fin Poster abstracts / Résumés des affiches POSTER ABSTRACTS / RÉSUMÉS DES AFFICHES REGISTRATION AREA – 2ND FLOOR TITLE AUTHOR Is Natural Birth A Luxury in Canada? Rivka Cymbalist, BA, CD(DONA) Alcohol Use and Pregnancy: What are the issues? Vyta Senikas, MD; George Carson, MD; Lori Vitale Cox, PhD; Joan Crane, MD Improving maternal health in Tanzania, Africa – Introducing the midwifery model of care Leesha Mafuru, RM Midwife Assisted Births: Fine for you but not for me Sarah Sangster; Karen Lawson, PhD Application of Adult Education Theories to Promote Effective Teaching of Shoulder Dystocia Management. Basak Ardalani, RM CPGs at your Service Anna Meuser, MPH Quels rôles pour les relais communautaires et les accoucheuses traditionnelles en santé maternelle au Mali ? Valérie Perrault, SF The effect of emergency obstetric care use and skilled birth attendant coverage on maternal survival in India Ann Montgomery, PhD(c) Stigmatized by Association: Challenges for Providers and researchers Dr Patience Aniteye (PhD), Dr Susanah Mayhew (PhD), Dr Beverley O'Brien (PhD) 27 Keynote and plenary speakers / Conférenciers KEYNOTE AND PLENARY SPEAKERS / CONFÉRENCIERS Professor Mary Renfrew BSc, RN, RM, PhD Director, Mother and Infant Research Unit School of Nursing and Midwifery and Director of Applied Health Research College of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing University of Dundee, Scotland 28 Having first studied social science and nursing at the University of Edinburgh, Mary qualified as a midwife in 1978, and gained her PhD in 1982. She moved to the University of Lethbridge in 1984, where she helped to establish the Alberta Association of Midwives, becoming its first spokesperson and acting President. On her return to the UK, she established and led the national Midwifery Research Initiative at the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit in the University of Oxford, where she contributed to the Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth project, and became a founding co-editor of the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group. In 1996 she founded the multidisciplinary Mother and Infant Research Unit (MIRU) in the University of Leeds; MIRU’s research has been used to inform and shape policy and practice in maternity care and infant feeding nationally and internationally. Mary moved to the University of Dundee in 2012, where she is leading programmes of work on reducing inequalities in health and on improvement science. In addition to over 120 academic journal publications, Mary has written widely about maternity care and infant feeding, and is author and editor of books for academic, professional and lay audiences. She was appointed an inaugural Senior Investigator with the National Institute for Health Research, and has been Chair of the WHO Strategic Committee for Maternal and Newborn Health. She is a member of the ICM Research Standing Committee and the WHO working group on quality of care in midwifery, and is currently leading a global alliance to write a Special Series on Midwifery for the Lancet, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Eugene Declercq, PhD,Boston University School of Public Health Declercq, Eugene PhD - Professor of Community Health Sciences and Assistant Dean for DrPH Education at the Boston University School of Public Health and professor on the faculty of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Boston University School of Medicine. He has served as lead author of national reports on women’s experiences in childbirth and in the postpartum period entitled Listening to Mothers I, II & III and New Mothers Speak Out. He was a technical advisor to the film documentary, The Business of Being Born and developed and presented the short film, Birth by the Numbers and a companion website of the same name (www. He is one of the Principal Investigators for the Massachusetts Outcomes Study of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (MOSART) an NIH funded study of infant and maternal outcomes associated with assisted reproductive technologies Keynote and plenary speakers / Conférenciers Audette, Michèle Taïna: President Native Women’s Association of Canada Hailing from the Innu community of Mani Utenam, next to the town of Sept-Îles on the North shore of the St. Lawrence River, Michèle Audette followed in the footsteps of her mother, respected Innu activist Evelyne St-Onge. Working with Quebec Native Women Inc. since 1990, Audette was elected President of this organization in November 1998. Endorsing her predecessors’ equal rights commitments, Audette was also a strong advocate of women’s positions on a number of issues such as Bill C-7 (which dealt with First Nations governance) on the division of matrimonial real property. Nemrava, Joanna RM Joanna Nemrava has been an active member of the Board of Directors of the Midwives Association of B.C. since 2004 and the Canadian Association of Midwives since 2008. Joanna received her midwifery training though the Midwifery Education Program at the University of British Columbia. She now lives in Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, where she is Head of the Department of Midwifery at Royal Inland Hospital and runs a community based midwifery clinic. Joanna is also a clinical educator for the UBC Midwifery Education Program since 2009. Bourgeois, Cheryllee RM Cheryllee is a Cree / Metis working with Seventh Generation Midwives Toronto since 2007. She is a sessional instructor in the Ryerson Midwifery Education Program and active supporter of aspiring and current Indigenous midwifery students. Cheryllee is currently working as Midwife Co-Lead in the establishment of a Midwife-Led and Indigenous governed Birth Centre in Toronto. Cheryllee is a proud mother of three children. Brabant, Isabelle SF Sage-femme depuis plus de 30 ans, Isabelle Brabant s'est impliquée tout au long du processus de reconnaissance et de développement de la profession de sage-femme au Québec. Passionnée par toutes les questions entourant la périnatalité, elle donne des ateliers et des conférences au Québec, en France et ailleurs dans le monde. Elle travaille présentement à la Maison Bleue, auprès des femmes vivant en contexte de vulnérabilité. Burton, Nadya PhD Nadya Burton PhD is a sociologist and Assistant Professor in the Midwifery Education Program, where she has been teaching at both Ryerson and McMaster Universities since 1999. Her teaching is primarily dedicated to helping future midwives work competently, compassionately and effectively across differences of class, race, ethnicity, sexuality, religion, ability and language, as well as to thinking critically about midwifery in a broader social and cultural context. Her research focuses on midwifery as social change; equity and diversity in midwifery; provision of midwifery care to women without health care insurance; and genetic testing, informed choice and disability rights. 29 Keynote and plenary speakers / Conférenciers Darling, Liz RM MSc PhD(c) Liz Darling has been a registered midwife in Ontario since 1997, and currently practices in Ottawa. She is an Assistant Professor in the Midwifery Education Program at Laurentian University. She has a Master’s degree in Health Research Methodology from McMaster University. She is currently a doctoral candidate in Population Health at the University of Ottawa and is supported by a Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship from CIHR. Her doctoral research is an investigation of the impact of universal hyperbilirubinemia screening in Ontario. She was actively involved in the creation of Ontario’s perinatal registry (BORN-Ontario) which incorporates midwifery data, and continues to play an ongoing role in BORN’s research and quality improvement endeavors. She has also been involved with perinatal surveillance at the national level since 2008 through the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System (CPSS), and is currently a member of the CPSS’s Expert Advisory Committee. Fletcher, Claire Dion RM Claire Dion Fletcher is an Aboriginal (Potawatomi and Lenape) midwife. She graduated from the Ryerson Midwifery Education Program in April 2013. Previous to midwifery, she received a Bachelor of Science degree in Microbiology/ Immunology and International Development Studies from Dalhousie University, where her focus was gender, healthcare and development. While at Ryerson She helped start the Midwifery Association of Indigenous Students. Claire has participated in research projects in Gender and Women’s Studies, Gender and Education, and Aboriginal Midwifery. Hutton, Eileen RN, RM, PhD 30 Professor Hutton is Assistant Dean in the Faculty of Health Sciences and Director of Midwifery at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada and member of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and associate member of the Department of clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics. She is Professor of Midwifery Science at Vrije University in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She has expertise in clinical trials, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, clinical epidemiology, and implementing evidence-based practice. Her particular interest is in normal childbirth, external cephalic version, time of clamping the umbilical cord in term neonates, sterile water injections for labour pain relief and place of birth. McGee, Amy RM, PhD My name is Amy Campbell McGee and I am a researcher and midwife living in Ottawa. I have previously worked as an art therapist, social worker and as a wilderness instructor. I have three kids and a polar explorer in my family McRae, Lorna RM, MSW BA (Hons) Political Science; Master of Social Work; BHSc (Midwifery) Over 12 years working as a social worker in antiviolence work, community development and homelessness; mental health. Over 12 years working as a Registered Midwife. Founding co- partner in Access Midwifery and Family Care, serving a diverse population, many of whom are negatively and severely affected by social determinants of health. Part time Instructor UBC Midwifery for the past 6 years. Participant in the Students for Global Citizenship project as a supervisor in Ugandan placements for midwifery students. Olson, Rachel PhD Rachel holds a PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Sussex. Her research focuses on Aboriginal midwifery, maternal health, and childbirth in First Nations communities. Rachel is a citizen of the Tr’ondek Hwech’in First Nation from Yukon, Canada. Rachel is a Director of the Firelight Group Research Cooperative and has been conducting research in First Nation communities since 1998, working on various projects, from oral history, traditional land use and traditional knowledge to First Nations health issues. University of Sussex, Anthropology, Brighton, United Kingdom. Keynote and plenary speakers / Conférenciers Pambrun, Nathalie SF Registered Midwife: Co-Chair of the National Aboriginal Council of Midwives (NACM), Nathalie is a Métis midwife from the Red River Valley in Manitoba. In 2004, she graduated from Laurentian University in Sudbury. Since then, she practiced as a midwife for 7 years in Winnipeg, working primarily with adolescent Aboriginal mothers. In 2011, she relocated to New Brunswick with her family where she is actively working on the recognition and funding of midwifery services. Under her leadership as co-Chair of the National Aboriginal Council of Midwives (NACM), Aboriginal midwifery has gained important visibility in many regions across the country. In 2012, Ms Pambrun led community based consultations with several Aboriginal communities in British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Ontario, bringing direct support to close to 10 communities interested in rematriating birth and midwifery practice for the women and families of their communities. Romano, Amy MSN, CNM Amy Romano has worked in the maternity care field as a clinician, research analyst, educator, and consumer advocate since 2001. From 2010-2013, she directed the Transforming Maternity Care Partnership, a national effort to improve maternity care quality in the United States. She now consults to private and nongovernmental organizations working to improve maternity care quality and value through clinical and health system innovation. Romano has practiced midwifery in the home, birth center, and hospital settings and taught in the nurse-midwifery program at the Yale School of Nursing. An accomplished writer, Romano was also a member of the editorial team for the 9th edition of the landmark women’s health book, Our Bodies, Ourselves, released in 2011, and co-authored Optimal Care in Childbirth: The Case for a Physiologic Approach, published in 2012. Thiessen, Kellie CNM, PhDc Kellie is prepared as both a nurse and a midwife and has an extensive clinical background in maternal health care. She obtained her Master of Science in Nursing and Midwifery from Georgetown University in 2002. Kellie will complete her doctorate from the University of Manitoba in fall of 2013, in the Applied Health Sciences Program. Her research focus relates to access in health policy and its impact on delivery of programs, especially to women and their families. She has worked in the United States, Brazilian, and Canadian health care systems. Van Wagner, Vicki RM, PhDc Vicki is a midwife in Toronto and in Nunavik, Quebec, an Associate Professor at the Ryerson University Midwifery Education Program, staff at Mount Sinai Hospital and member of the Ontario Maternal and Newborn Advisory Committee. Her PhD research explores the application of evidence-based practice in maternity care and her research interests include northern and aboriginal midwifery, normal birth and clinical education. 31 SOCIAL EVENT! Événement Social! Thursday November 7/ Jeudi le 7 novembre 7:30pm - 1:00am / 19h30-1h00 We promise you an evening of good food, fun and of course dancing! 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Julie Surprenant, CAM Events Coordinator