Easter 2009 Transcri..


Easter 2009 Transcri..
Transcript for French Revision FORM 3 (Irregular Verbs)
Le pré
présent – quelques verbes utiles
Je suis
Tu es
Il est
Elle est
Bonjour, on this CD you will hear 12 of the most important irregular verbs in French
I will begin by reciting each verb in French. You can repeat the verb after me. Then I will say the
verb again and spell it and tell you it’s meaning. When we have gone through all the verbs I will give
you a little practice exercise to see if you have learnt them. Remember practise makes perfect!
Good luck and enjoy your learning.
Verb 1 is Avoir the verb to have
Verb 2 is Être the verb to be
I have
Je suis
I am
Tu as
You (singular) have
Tu es
You (singular) are
Il a
He has
Il est
He is
Elle a
She has
Elle est
She is
On a
One has
On est
One is
Nous avons
We have
Nous sommes
We are
Vous avez
You (plural) have
Vous êtes
You (plural) are
Ils ont
They (masculine) have
Ils sont
They (masculine) are
Elles ont
They (feminine) have
Elles sont
They (feminine) are
Verb 3 is Aller the verb to go
Je vais
I go / I am going
Tu vas
You (singular) go/ you (singular) are going
Il va
He goes / he is going
Elle va
She goes / she is going
On va
One goes / one is going
Nous allons
We go /we are going
Vous allez
You (plural) go / you (plural) are going
Ils vont
They (masculine) go /they (masculine) are going
Elles vont
They (feminine) go / they (feminine) are going
Verb 4 is Venir the verb to come
Je viens
I come / I am coming
Tu viens
You (singular) come / you (singular) are coming
Il vient
He comes / he is coming
Elle vient
She comes / she is coming
On vient
One comes / one is coming
Nous venons
We come / we are coming
Vous venez
You (plural) come / you (plural) are coming
Ils viennent
They (masculine) come / they (masculine) are coming
Elles viennent
They (feminine) come / they (feminine) are coming
Verb 5 is Faire the verb to do / to make
Je fais
I do / I make / I am doing / I am making
Tu fais
You (sing) do/ you (sing) make / you (sing) are doing / you (sing) are making
Il fait
He does/ he makes/ he is doing/ he is making
Elle fait
She does/ she makes/ she is doing/ she is making
On fait
One does/ one makes/one is doing/one is making
Nous faisons
We do / we make / we are doing / we are making
Vous faites
You (plural) do / you (pl) make/ you (pl) are doing / you (pl) are making
Ils font
They (mas) do/they (masc) make/they (mas) are doing/ they (mas) are making
Elles font
They (fem) do/they (fem) make/they (fem) are doing/ they (fem) are making
Verb 6 is Pouvoir the verb to be able to
Je peux
I am able to / I can
Tu peux
You (singular) are able to / You (singular) can
Il peut
He is able to / he can
Elle peut
She is able to/ she can
On peut
One is able to / one can
Nous pouvons
We are able to / we can
Vous pouvez
You (plural) are able to / you (plural) can
Ils peuvent
They (masculine) are able to/ they (masculine) can
Elles peuvent
They (feminine) are able to/ they (feminine) can
Verb 7 is Vouloir the verb to want
Je veux
I want
Tu veux
You (singular) want
Il veut
He wants
Elle veut
She wants
On veut
One wants
Nous voulons
We want
Vous voulez
You (plural) want
Ils veulent
They (masculine) want
Elles veulent
They (feminine) want
Verb 8 is Prendre the verb to take
Je prends
I take / I am taking
Tu prends
You (singular) take / you (singular) are taking
Il prend
He takes / he is taking
Elle prend
She takes / she is taking
On prend
One takes / one is taking
Nous prenons
We take / we are taking
Vous prenez
You (plural) take / you (plural) are taking
Ils prennent
They (masculine) take / they (masculine) are taking
Elles prennent
They (feminine) take / they (feminine) are taking
Verb 9 is Voir the verb to see
Je vois
I see
Tu vois
You (singular) sees
Il voit
He sees
Elle voit
She sees
On voit
One sees
Nous voyons
We see
Vous voyez
You (plural) see
Ils voient
They (masculine) see
Elles voient
They (feminine) see
Verb 10 is Écrire the verb to write
I write / I am writing
Tu écris
You (singular) write / You (singular) are writing
Il écrit
He writes / he is writing
Elle écrit
She writes / she is writing
On écrit
One writes/ one is writing
Nous écrivons
We write/ we are writing
Vous écrivez
You (plural) write/ you (plural) are writing
Ils écrivent
They (masculine) write/ they (masculine) are writing
Elles écrivent
They (feminine) write/ they (feminine) are writing
Verb 11 is Lire the verb to read
Je lis
I read/ I am reading
Tu lis
You (singular) read / you (sing) are reading
Il lit
He reads / he is reading
Elle lit
She reads /she is reading
On lit
One reads / one is reading
Nous lisons
We read/ we are reading
Vous lisez
You (plural) read/ you (plural) are reading
Ils lisent
They (masculine) read/ they (masculine) are reading
Elles lisent
They (feminine) read/ they (feminine) are reading
Verb 12 is Dire the verb to tell or to say
Je dis
I tell/ I say / I am telling / I am saying
Tu dis
You (sing) tell/you (sing) say / you (sing) are telling / you (sing) are saying
Il dit
He tells/he says/ he is telling/ he is saying
Elle dit
She tells/she says/ she is telling/ she is saying
On dit
One tells/one says/one is telling/one is saying
Nous disons
We tell/ we say / we are telling / we are saying
Vous dites
You (plural) tell / you (pl) say/ you (pl) are telling/ you (pl) are saying
Ils disent
They (mas) tell /they (masc) say/they (mas) are telling/ they (mas) are saying
Elles disent
They (fem) tell /they (fem) say/ they (fem) are telling/ they (fem) are saying
Hope your learning is going well. Now do this exercise to see how may you can get right. I will say
the English verb and you can say and spell the French verb.
He can
Il peut
She goes
Elle va
You (pl) do / you make
Vous faites
You (pl) have
Vous avez
They (mas) are
Ils sont
You (pl) say
Vous dites
I say/ I tell
Je dis
You (sing) write
Tu écris
They (fem) write
Elles écrivent
We are
Nous sommes
You (sing) take
Tu prends
He does/ he makes
Il fait
She wants
Elle veut
We read
Nous lisons
We go
Nous allons
They (fem) can / they (fem) are able to
Elles peuvent
One has
On a
You (pl) take
Vous prenez
I see
Je vois
We come
Nous venons
You (sing) come
Tu viens
They (mas) see
Ils voient
She is able to / she can
Elle peut
We want
Nous voulons
Remember – keep practising!