FRENCH III HONORS PROGRAM / SUMMER 2016 Welcome to French III Honors class. Your decision to continue with the language demonstrates your dedication to further your knowledge of French. Philosophy: Reading and writing in French during summer vacation will help retard the erosion of these skills, maintain interest in French, enhance individual responsibility for learning and increase communication. Students entering French III Honors in the fall of 2016 are required to do the following assignments. Credit for the SUMMER WORK will be included in the first quarter grade. Review Packet: Students will complete all exercises in the attached review packet. These exercises review the form and function of essential grammar structures in French III Honors. It is expected that this packet will be completed with accuracy, and all students should have a command of the grammar structures included. When we meet in the fall, no revision time will be given—the pace will be quick, and command of previously learned grammar is essential to success in the course. Thank you for supporting the French Honors Program and for taking interest in your education. If you have any questions or problems concerning these assignments, you can email me at [email protected] . I hope that these activities will help you increase your knowledge of French. Please sign, date, and ask a parent to sign the bottom part of this sheet and return it ASAP. Merci! Amusezvous bien! Sincerely, Madame Alana Bendetta _____________________________________________________________________________ My parents and I have read the above information about the French III Honors Program summer work. I intend to do my best to continue to increase my knowledge in French during summer break. _____________________________ ________________ _________________________ STUDENT DATE PARENT My email address is ____________________________________________________________ FIII Honors Verb Review Nom: Part A: Complete the following sentences in English. 1. The present tense is used to indicate actions that are __________________________. 2. The passé composé indicates ______________________________. 3. The imparfait indicates __________________________. 4. The difference between the passé composé and the imparfait __________________________________________________________________ 5. The future indicates ___________________________________. 6. The conditional is used to indicate _____________________________________. Part B: Please give the present tense conjugations of the following verbs: 1. tu/ aller ______________________________ 2. ils/ faire _____________________________ 3. vous/devoir ______________________________ 4. elle/dire _________________________________ 5. je/conduire _________________________________ 6. nous/pouvoir _______________________________ 7. elles/sortir _________________________________ 8. tu/choisir ___________________________________ 9. il/savoir ______________________________________ 10. nous/ manger ___________________________________ Part C: Please give the passé compose form of the following verbs: 1. nous/tomber _______________________________ 2. il/être _____________________________________ 3. elles/devoir _________________________________ 4. je/voir ______________________________________ 5. tu/aller ______________________________________ 6. vous/lire _____________________________________ is: 7. ils/connaître ___________________________________ 8. elle/venir _____________________________________ 9. vous/boire ____________________________________ 10. je/avoir _________________________________________ Part D: Please give the imparfait form of the following verbs: 1. il/venir __________________________________ 2. nous/etudier ________________________________ 3. vous/partir __________________________________ 4. elles/grossir _________________________________ 5. je/vouloir ___________________________________ 6. tu/pouvoir ___________________________________ 7. elle/être _____________________________________ 8. vous/connaître _________________________________ 9. ils/savoir _____________________________________ 10. tu/faire _______________________________________ Part E: Please give the future form of the following verbs: 1. je/vouloir _____________________________________ 2. nous/conduire ____________________________________ 3. ils/venir _____________________________________ 4. vous/prendre ____________________________________ 5. elle/devoir ______________________________________ 6. il/sortir _________________________________________ 7. tu/avoir __________________________________________ 8. vous/être _________________________________________ 9. elles/montrer _______________________________________ 10. je/faire ____________________________________________ Part G: Please give the conditional form of the following verbs: 1. nous/aller _________________________________________________ 2. ils/boire ___________________________________________________ 3. vous/devenir _______________________________________________ 4. elle/partir __________________________________________________ 5. nous/vouloir ________________________________________________ 6. elles/avoir __________________________________________________ 7. nous/venir __________________________________________________ 8. je/lire ______________________________________________________ 9. tu/pouvoir _________________________________________________ 10. il/voir _____________________________________________________ Part H: Give the meanings of the following verbs in English: 1. voir _____________________________ 2. sortir ____________________________ 3. aller _____________________________ 4. être ______________________________ 5. lire _______________________________ 6. dire _______________________________ 7. pouvoir ____________________________ 8. connaître ___________________________ 9. revenir _____________________________ 10. savoir _____________________________ Part I: Translate the following sentences into English—pay close attention to tense choice! 1. Je vais au cinéma avec mes amis. __________________________________________________________________ 2. Nous pourrons visiter Paris. _______________________________________________________________________ 3. Il faisait beau et chaud. _______________________________________________________________________ 4. Vous avez lu ce livre? ________________________________________________________________________ 5. Il sera dentiste après l’université. _____________________________________________________________________ 6. Alain s’amuserait au parc. ____________________________________________________________________ 7. Coco deviendra chanteuse—peutêtre elle gagnera American Idol! _____________________________________________________________________ 8. Tu es sorti hier soir. _____________________________________________________________________ Part J. Write a paragraph using the passé compose and imparfait to discuss your favorite vacation, real or imaginary. Be sure to be as descriptive as possible and use effective transitions, as well as an introduction and conclusion. You must write at least eight complete sentences.
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