Mountain Hiking Rating Form
Mountain Hiking Rating Form
COMPAGNIE DES GUIDES DE CHAMONIX 190 place de l’église - 74400 Chamonix – France - Tél : 00 33(0)450 53 00 88 Département randonnée pédestre - e-mail : [email protected] Mountain Hiking Rating Form Your fitness : The fitter you are the more you will enjoy the hike. Making uphill sections enjoyable is essential to appreciate surrounding views at best. Finally, saving energy on the way up will make the way down much easier and more fun ! Your technical ability : It is based on how you deal with the type of terrain, trail conditions and steepness. Hiking experience usually increases technical ability. Our rating scale is bases on the following criteria : Length of the hike (Hiking time and number of hiking days) Elevation gain (Positive and negative vertical gain) Weight of your backpack Type of terrain (type of trails, steepness, altitude, …) At everyone’s reach, from 6 years old and over. 2 to 4 hours of hiking daily, with a maximum vertical gain of 300m (1000ft) each day. Hiking on wide and well-maintained trails, showing a gentle grade. No prior experience required. It is a trek for any fit people. 4 to 6 hours of hiking daily, and 400 to 600m (1200 to 2000ft) of average vertical gain each day. Hiking on comfortable trails without specific difficulty. We carry a light backpack for the day hike. This program is ideal to experience multiday hike. For active people, from 9 years old and over, with some hiking experience on mountain trails. It is a moderate trek. 5 to 7 hours of hiking daily, and 700 to 900m (2300 to 3000ft) of average vertical gain each day. Hiking on generally well-maintained mountain trails, sometimes including easy out-of-trail sections. For active people who don’t mind training to prepare for the hike. A great multiday hike for people with trekking experience. It is a strenuous trek. 6 to 8 hours of hiking daily, and 800m to 1000m (2600ft to 3300ft) of average vertical gain each day. Hiking on maintained trails with off trail hiking sections, in scree and bouldery areas. Mountain terrain can involve difficult and exposed trails, for sure-footed hikers. Good physical training and multiday hiking experience on mountain trails are required. (optional) Each hiker carries all his personal belongings, and the picnic along the entire trek. It is a strenuous and demanding trek. 7 to 9 hours of hiking daily with over 1000m (3300ft) of average vertical gain every day. Some days may be long and demanding, involving altitude and high mountain passes (min.2800m). Hiking on mountain trails and terrain showing exposed and difficult sections. These trips generally require carrying a backpack with personal belongings throughout the trek. For expert hikers only. For very active, well-trained people with a solid experience in alpine trekking. COMPAGNIE DES GUIDES DE CHAMONIX MONT-BLANC, 190, place de l’église 74 400 CHAMONIX ; SAS au capital social de 364 400€ - R.C.S Annecy - SIRET 448 519 306 00014 - Code APE 7911 Z TVA intercommunautaire FR 23 446 519 306 - Immatriculation ATOUT France IM074 150011 Responsabilité civile professionnelle : MMA IARD - 14 Bd Marie et Alexandre Oyon - 72 000 LE MANS - Police 125 901 025 Garantie financière : GROUPAMA ASSURANCE - 5, rue du Centre - 93199 NOISY-le-GRAND Cedex - Contrat n°4000713874/1