Scholarship Opportunities for Peruvian Students 2015 ES
Scholarship Opportunities for Peruvian Students 2015 ES
WBCAMPUS : the agency for promoting higher education of Wallonia-Brussels abroad WBCAMPUS : the agency for promoting higher education of Wallonia-Brussels abroad Postdoctoral Research Wallonia-Brussels International Excellence Grants Scholarship opportunities for Peruvian students and researchers The Wallonia-Brussels International Excellence Grants Programme (IN WBI) enables the Universities of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels to receive foreign researchers for Postdoctoral studies or Postdoctoral research programs. Eligible candidates Foreign nationals holding a Ph.D. from an accredited foreign institution of higher education. Do you want to STUDY, RESEARCH, CREATE and EXCHANGE your ideas in prominent universities in the heart of Europe? Then discover the possibilities of scholarships and the very attractive financial incentives opportunities for individuals interested in pursuing studies and research in Wallonia and Brussels (Belgium). Offered Scholarship Programs There are two types of grants : • • Wallonia-Brussels offers scholarship program designed to enable qualified international students to pursue advanced degrees and research in specially focused areas of increasing importance to the world. • • • • • • Transport and logistics Mechanical engineering Life sciences Agro industrial sciences Aeronautical and spatial sciences Environmental technology Priority will be given to these special focus areas of studies, however, other fields of studies – arts & sciences, basic sciences, applied sciences – also will be seriously considered The scholarships will be made available to support work towards : • • • Ph.D. and Master’s degrees Postdoctoral research Short course, Internship and Specialised Master Programmes Find all information you need to prepare your period of study in Wallonia-Brussels on Postdoctoral level grants of a minimum duration of 1 year for Postdoctoral studies in Wallonia-Brussels (renewable once) Short-term Research grants of a duration of 1 to 3 months for Postdoctoral research programs in Wallonia-Brussels Financial terms • • • • • Monthly stipend 1.200 € for long-term scholarship and 1.300 € for short-term scholarship One round-trip airfare ticket Medical insurance for non-European citizens Repatriation insurance Administration fees (up to 500 €) Application All the necessary information and application forms are available on the site Contact : Laurie DELCOURTE : [email protected] If interested, go to: Find all information you need to prepare your period of study in Wallonia-Brussels on WBCAMPUS : the agency for promoting higher education of Wallonia-Brussels abroad WBCAMPUS : the agency for promoting higher education of Wallonia-Brussels abroad Master’s and Ph.D. Degrees Ph.D. degrees Pronabec – Higher Education and Research Academy (ARES) convention FONDECYT Scholarships PRONABEC has signed a convention with the Higher Education and Research Academy (ARES), providing scholarship opportunities for Master’s and Ph.D. degrees in the Federation Wallonia-Brussels to talented Peruvian students and researchers in order to promote scientific, cultural, academic, economic and social development in Peru. Offered scholarship programs Master’s and Ph.D. degrees in the following priority fields: • Biological sciences, biotechnologies, nanotechnologies • Supply chain • Health sciences • Camelid • Earth, environmental and forest sciences • Food technologies • Physics, chemical sciences, mathematics, pharmaceuticals sciences and biochemical sciences • Education • Public administration, public management, public policies and economics (Sciences and technology field) • Engineering Financial terms • • • • • Tuition fees One round-trip airfare ticket Monthly stipend for support Annual stipend for study materials French courses Involved universities By now, this convention involves three of our universities: • Université de Liège ( • Université Libre de Bruxelles ( • Université Catholique de Louvain ( Willing to increase the amount human resources for research and development, FONDECYT provides grants to individuals for undertaking doctoral studies in foreign universities. Eligible candidates Nationals from Peru may apply for the scholarship if they meet the following criteria : • Being younger than 35 years old at the time of application • Holding an undergraduate degree from a Peruvian university • Having been admitted to a doctoral program or pursuing a Ph.D. • Not having received any scholarship from the Peruvian state before Offered Scholarship Programs Ph.D. scholarships abroad, with a maximum duration of three years (which may exceptionally and after evaluation be extended up to two additional years). Please note that • The proposed Ph.D. must fall into one of the following fields : Science, Engineering and Management or Sciences, Technology and Innovation policies • The proposed university will have to be one of the first 150 universities of the world and / or of the 50 first universities in the ranking of this specific field. Financial terms The estimated amount for each scholarship FONDECYT grant is calculated, based on the budget presented by the applicant, costs provided by the university and market study on the cost of living in the city where the beneficiary will conduct its Ph.D. • The maximum amount funded will be US $ 210.300. • The grant funds can be used in the following categories of expenses: tuition fees; one round-trip airfare ticket ; health insurance; food support; study materials such as books, supplies, laptop, among others ; costs for via ; travel insurance and mobilization costs (placements, internships, participation in events, workshops, courses, related). Application All the necessary information is available on the site : Contact : [email protected] If interested, go to: ; Find all information you need to prepare your period of study in Wallonia-Brussels on Make your application via the online platform available on the website: Find all information you need to prepare your period of study in Wallonia-Brussels on WBCAMPUS : the agency for promoting higher education of Wallonia-Brussels abroad WBCAMPUS : the agency for promoting higher education of Wallonia-Brussels abroad • • International Internship and Specialised Master Programmes Higher Education and Research Academy (ARES) Grants • • • • • • Within the framework of the Belgian policy for development cooperation, the Higher Education and Research Academy (ARES) offers grants to young professionals from developing countries for participating into International Specialised Master and Internship Programmes. Eligible candidates Nationals from Peru may apply for an ARES grants if they meet the following criteria : • • • • • • • • Living and working in Peru at the time of application If applying for a Specialised Master Programme, the candidate must be younger than 40 years old at the beginning of the programme. If applying for an Internship Programme, the candidate must be younger than 45 years old at the beginning of the programme. Holding a 2nd cycle-degree (master). 2-year professional experience upon termination of their studies. 3-year professional experience is required if the candidate is holding a 3rd cycle-degree (Ph.D.) from an industrial country. Good knowledge of French (written and spoken). Pease note that if the programme is taught in another language than French, good knowledge in writing and speaking of this language is also required. Candidates are not allowed to apply for more than one programme. Please note that depending on the programme, other rules of admissibility may be defined. • • Master de spécialisation en gestion des risques et des catastrophes Master de spécialisation en gestion intégrée des risques sanitaires dans les pays du Sud Advanced Master in International and development Economics Master de spécialisation en médecine transfusionnelle European Master in Microfinance Master de spécialisation en production intégrée et préservation des ressources naturelles en milieu urbain et péri-urbain Specialized Master in Public Health Methodology Master de spécialisation en sciences de la santé publique - méthodes de recherche appliquées à la santé globale Master de spécialisation en sciences et gestion de l’environnement dans les pays en développement Master de spécialisation en transport et logistique International Internship Programmes • • • • • Stage en contrôle qualité et assurance qualité des médicaments et produits de santé Stage d'initiation à la recherche pour le renforcement des systèmes de santé Stage en système d'information géographique libre Stage en valorisation des ressources secondaires pour une construction durable Stage méthodologique en appui à l'innovation en agriculture familiale Financial terms ARES offers full grants (tuition fees, costs for visa and passport, accommodation, etc.) Application All the necessary information and application forms are available on those sites ; (EN) Contact : Maryvonne Aubry - [email protected] Offered Scholarship Programs For the academic year 2016-2017, ARES Grants may be offered for the following International Internship and Specialised Master Programmes : International Specialised Master Programmes • • • If interested, go to: ; Please note that candidates can apply for the an ARES grants without having obtained admission to one of the universities in the Federation Wallonia-Brussels first. Master de spécialisation en développement, environnement et sociétés Master de spécialisation en droits de l’homme Master de spécialisation en gestion des ressources aquatiques et aquaculture Please note that applying for a ARES scholarship is absolutely free of charge. ARES does not charge any fee at any stage of the application or selection process. Find all information you need to prepare your period of study in Wallonia-Brussels on Find all information you need to prepare your period of study in Wallonia-Brussels on WBCAMPUS : the agency for promoting higher education of Wallonia-Brussels abroad WBCAMPUS : the agency for promoting higher education of Wallonia-Brussels abroad • Master’s and Ph.D. degrees European Union Erasmus Mundus Grants • MEREMMC Erasmus Mundus Master Course in Marine Environment and Resources - Université de Liège EMPHID erasmus Mundus Master Course in Public Health in Disasters - Université Catholique de Louvain Erasmus Mundus Joint Ph.D. programmes in the Federation Wallonia-Brussels Follow an integrated Masters Course or Doctoral programme in two or more universities ! Within the framework of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s and Ph.D. Programmes, the European union offers Ph.D. and Master grants for foreign students. Some of them enable you to come and study or research in the Federation Wallonia-Brussels. • • • Eligible candidates • All students from Peru are eligible to apply for scholarships to all Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Degrees and Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorates. • • Offered Scholarship Programs • EDEEM European Doctorate in Economics Erasmus Mundus - Université Catholique de Louvain EMJD-GEM Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate on “Globalization, Europe & Multilateralism" - Université libre de Bruxelles IDS-FunMat International Doctoral School in Functional Materials for Energy, Information Technology, and Health - Université de Liège/Université Catholique de Louvain Nanofar : European Doctorate in nanomedicine and pharmaceutical innovation Université de Liège/Université Catholique de Louvain Joint Doctorate in Distributed Computing - Université Catholique de Louvain ITABIDC Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate Information technologies for Business Intelligence-Doctoral College - Université Libre de Bruxelles SEED International Doctorate Program in Computational Mechanics - Université Libre de Bruxelles Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's programmes in the Federation Wallonia-Brussels • • • • • • • • • • • • AFEPA European Master in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Policy Analysis Université Catholique de Louvain MERIT Master of Science in Research on Information and Communication Technologies - Université Catholique de Louvain NOHA Joint Master's Degree Program in International Humanitarian Action Université Catholique de Louvain EUROPHILOSOPHIE Philosophies allemande et française dans l'espace européen Université Catholique de Louvain MCEMESV Master Conjoint Erasmus Mundus en Etude du Spectacle Vivant Université libre de Bruxelles European Master's Programme in Information Technologies for Business Intelligence (IT4BI) - Université libre de Bruxelles EMSHIP European Education in Advanced Ship Design - Université de Liège FAME Functionalised Advanced Materials and Engineering - Université de Liège/Université Catholique de Louvain THRUST Erasmus Mundus Master's Course in TurbomacHinery aeRomechanic UniverSity Training - Université de Liège TROPIMUNDO Erasmus Mundus Course in Tropical Biodiversity and Ecosystems Université Libre de Bruxelles 4CITIES-UNICA Erasmus Mundus in Urban Studies - Université Libre de Bruxelles EMERALD Erasmus Mundus Master Course in Georesources Engineering Université de Liège Find all information you need to prepare your period of study in Wallonia-Brussels on Application and financial terms Those interested in an Erasmus Mundus grant must apply directly to the consortium that awards the Erasmus Mundus Master’s or Doctorate and undergo a selection process organised by the partners involved. Each consortium defines its own criteria for the selection of the applicants (see below for the Erasmus Mundus programme in Wallonia-Brussels). To find out more, contact the coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus consortium that proposes a joint Master’s or Doctorate. Useful links Erasmus Mundus Joint Programmes in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation: Site of the European Commission: Site of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency responsible for the management of the Erasmus Mundus program: Find all information you need to prepare your period of study in Wallonia-Brussels on WBCAMPUS : the agency for promoting higher education of Wallonia-Brussels abroad WBCAMPUS : the agency for promoting higher education of Wallonia-Brussels abroad Short Courses and Master’s degrees All Level of study Institute of Tropical Medicine DGD Scholarships Bilateral Agreements between universities in the Federation Wallonia-Brussels and Peruvian universities With the financial support of the Belgian Directorate for Development Co-operation (DGD), the Institute of Tropical Medicine offers scholarships to candidates from developing countries for Master’s degree and Short courses in the field of public health and diseases. Many agreements, conventions and joined collaborations have been made or reiterated between the universities in the Federation Wallonia-Brussels and Peruvian universities. If interested, researchers, students and teachers should ask the international department of their University. Eligible candidates Nationals from Peru under the age of 46 years old can apply for the scholarship. Before applying for the scholarship, candidates must have been admitted to one of the following programs. All Level of study Grants awarded by the applicant’s country of origin Offered Scholarship Programs Scholarships are available for the following courses : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Master in Public Health - Health Systems Management and Policy Master en Santé Publique - Politiques et Management des Systèmes de Santé Master in Public Health - Disease Control Master en Santé Publique - Contrôle des Maladies Master of Science in Tropical Animal Health Master of Science en Santé Animale Tropicale Master of Science in Public Health - Orientation International Health Short Course on Health Policy Formation Courte en Politiques de Santé Short Course on Strategic Management of Health Systems Formation Courte en Management Stratégique de Systèmes de Santé Planning and Management of Reproductive Health Programmes Planning et Gestion des Programmes de Santé de la Reproduction Planning and Management of Tropical Diseases Control Programmes Planning et Gestion de Programmes de Controle de Maladies Tropicales Short Course on Anti-Retroviral Therapy (SCART) Short Course in Clinical Research & Evidence-Based Medicine (SCREM) In order to fund your planned studies in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, it is possible that subsidies may be granted by the government or a national body of your country of origin. Find out more from your home institution! Have a look at these sites providing information about scholarship opportunities for Peruvian students and researchers. • • • • • APCI: OBEC: BECAS.COM ALTILLO UNIVERSIA Application If interested, go to: Find all information you need to prepare your period of study in Wallonia-Brussels on Find all information you need to prepare your period of study in Wallonia-Brussels on
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