North African Steel - Industrial Minerals


North African Steel - Industrial Minerals
Register ONLINE before
23 April 2010
3 Annual
North African
8-10 June 2010
Cairo Marriott Hotel and
Omar Khayyam Casino, Egypt
complète et
simultanée en
Conférence sur l’acier en Afrique du Nord
The international gathering that connects the
steel markets of Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco
and Tunisia with the rest of the world
Expert speakers include:
Lead sponsor
M. Abdelilah Kouider, Commercial and Strategy
Manager, Delattre Levivier Maroc, Morocco
Ralph Leszczynski, Research Manager, Banchero
Costa & C. Spa, China
Ammar Chaib, CEO, Elfouladh, Tunisia
Ahmed Ashry, Chartering Manager,
Arab Shipping and Trading Group, Egypt
George Matta, Corporate Marketing Director, Ezz
Steel, Egypt
between French
and English
Joachim Schröder, CEO, Rcg-ag, Austria
Duncan Pell, Commercial Director, Interpipe,
Dr. Sherine El-Shawarby, Senior Country
Economist, The World Bank, Egypt
Görkem Bolaca, Flat Steel Division Head, Promeks
Steel, Turkey
Eng Sherif Habib, Director of Purchasing,
The Arab Contractors, Egypt
Ricard Hugas, Corporate Commercial Director,
Celsa Group, Spain
Amr Assal, Chairman, Industrial Development
Authority, Egypt
Noura Laroussie, Directrice Générale des Industries
Manufacturières, Ministère Industrie, Tunisa
Vincent Le Gouic, CEO, Arcelor Mittal Annaba,
Siddhartha Sengupta, Managing Consultant, Hatch
Bedows, UK
Richard White, CEO, ISSB – Iron & Steel
Statistics Bureau, UK
Media partners
Official publication
For more information and to register please visit
etal Bulletin Events’ annual North African Steel
Conference is the premier international gathering of
the region’s steel industry, regularly attracting the top
executives from around the world. Assembling the key
companies and individuals involved in the regional steel,
the conference provides the perfect forum to discuss and
analyse the opportunities and challenges related to all
sectors of the market.
The conference will bring together the key representatives
from the Moroccan, Egyptian, Tunisian, Algerian and Libyan
steel industries and provide delegates with a clear picture of
the region’s diverse markets. The event offers attendees an
ideal opportunity to reconnect with established trading
partners and forge new links with the key players who will
drive the region forward over the coming decade.
Now in its third year, the conference regularly attracts a
wide range of industry experts across the whole chain of
production and supply – mills and steel companies, asset
producers, traders, freight specialists, construction firms
and technology providers. The conference will provide
simultaneous translation into French to ensure
representation from the entire market.
Key topics
Key reasons to attend
l The outlook and expansion plans of the region’s major
steel producers
l Global iron ore: what the future holds for prices
and supply
l The effect of the GCC slowdown on the North African
l How Chinese production and demand will affect the
world market
l Government regulation and the future of Eastern
European and Turkish exports
l How construction across North Africa is driving the
demand for steel
l Technological advances: reducing business costs and
increasing efficiency
l Examining the potential to increase trade amongst
North African countries, including a discussion on
the opportunities and risks of doing business in Libya
and Algeria
...with the largest steel producers across North Africa
...the hot issues affecting the market
...the strength of industry demand
Develop... opportunities in Libya and Algeria
Analyse... expansion plans across the region will affect
your business
Where did the 2009 delegates come from?
Regional Spread
Delegate Job Titles
CEO / Chairman / President
North Africa &
Middle East
Southern Africa
Managing Director /
Director / Executive
Director / Vice-President
Manager /
General Manager
Trader / Sales Manager /
Marketing Manager
3rd Annual North African Steel Conference
Tuesday 8th June 2010
Pre-conference field trip to the Ezz Steel
Ain Sokhna hot strip mill
Session III: OCTG and construction: The
driving forces of steel demand across
North Africa
A pioneering facility in HRC production, the Ezz
Steel Ain Sukhna hot strip mill is situated on the
western coast of the Red Sea, less than 30
kilometres from Suez and its international ports.
Recently transformed, Ezz Steel began
operations in Ain Sokhna in October 2002 with
an annual capacity of 1.2 million tons of HRC.
The plant houses Danieli Thin Slab Casting
technology that is only utilized by a handful of
other mills worldwide.
Duncan Pell, Commercial Director, Interpipe, Ukraine
Construction focus: how the major players see their demand for steel in
the future
• The domestic supply vs. import balance feeding construction in Egypt
• How far do plans for real estate construction go?
• Energy and infrastructure projects in Morocco: how they will define the
demand for steel?
• How regional construction giants view North African markets
Day One:
Wednesday 9th June 2010
Registration and morning refreshments
Chairperson’s opening remarks
Session I: Industry keynotes – The future
of North African steel production
An overview of the opportunities and challenges in the North African
market from the producers’ perspectives
• How resilience to the crisis has turned into opportunities for growth
• A review of a challenging year: is there light at the end of the tunnel?
• Price determination: are supply and demand driving the market or the
price of raw materials?
• Is there a reluctance to stock?
• The difficulty in engineering long-term contracts
• The changing reliance on scrap & billet and implications for suppliers
and producers
• Planned expansions of production capacity of the region’s major players
• Are producers focusing their production to the export market due to weak
domestic demand?
George Matta, Corporate Marketing Director, Ezz Steel, Egypt
Ammar Chaib, Director General, Elfouladh, Tunisia
Noura Laroussie, Directrice Générale des Industries
Manufacturières, Ministère Industrie Tunisa, Tunisia
Vincent Le Gouic, CEO, Arcelor Mittal Annaba, Algeria
The North African region recovering from the global crisis: The
availability of finance and improving competitiveness
• Competitive advantage in Egypt and the MENA region: how attractive is
North Africa for foreign investment?
• The North African recovery compared with the global picture
• Ramping-up production and the prospects for further licensing of
steel facilities
• The cost of energy: how the region’s natural resources will drive growth
• Government’s plans to meet the housing shortage in Egypt: how
investment in real estate is driving the market and the response of
domestic suppliers
Dr. Sherine El-Shawarby, Senior Country Economist,
The World Bank, Egypt
Amr Assal, Chairman, Industrial Development Authority, Egypt
M. Abdelilah Kouider, Commercial and Strategy Manager,
Delattre Levivier Maroc, Morocco
Eng Sherif Habib, Director of Purchasing, The Arab
Contractors, Egypt
Afternoon refreshments and networking break
Session IV: An overview of the
opportunities and risks of doing business
in Libya and Algeria
• Unlocking Libya’s resource potential: opportunities for investment and trade
• The domestic construction boom: a review of the housing shortage in
Libya and the government’s plans for development.
• The domestic supply deficit: how rapid growth in Algeria will be satiated
by heightened demand for steel
• A discussion on how to do business in Algeria within the framework of a
complex financing system
Omar Pianetti, Area Manager for North Africa, Celsa Group,
Yusuf Sönmez, Area Sales Manager, Kaptan Metal Foreign
Trade & Transport Inc, Turkey
Rajniesh Mehra, Manager, Stemcor, UK
Chairperson’s closing remarks followed by evening
networking reception hosted by EZZ Steel
Morning refreshments and extended networking break
Session II: Can the region remain
competitive in the face of a double crisis?
The outlook for the Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG) market and steel
seamless pipes in North Africa
• The OCTG market and the future demand for pipe across North Africa
• The derived demand for steel that the oil and gas industries in the region
creates including recent history and forecasts
• Major oil and gas developments in the region: exploration and
Networking lunch
Day Two:
Thursday 10th June 2010
Morning refreshments
Chairperson’s opening remarks
Session V: The Chinese influence on
North African steel markets
Chinese supply and demand and the implications for the North Africa region
• Forecast of Chinese demand for iron ore and implications for global
steel prices
• Will the Chinese construction boom be sustained?
• Possibilities for increased ties with North Africa
Siddhartha Sengupta, Managing Consultant, Hatch
Beddows, UK
Ralph Leszczynski, Research Manager, Banchero Costa &
C. Spa, China
Session VI: Raw materials and freight
The outlook for global iron ore
• Price and supply forecasts for raw materials
• Overview of iron ore sourcing: who can meet the MENA regions demand
• A review of infrastructure and production capacity in the mining countries
and trade into North Africa
Richard White, CEO, ISSB – Iron & Steel Statistics
Bureau, UK
Logistics and freight outlook: Trends in pricing and availability
• Forecast of freight prices in the medium to long-term
• How the freight market will impact billet price in the coming year
Ahmed Ashry, Chartering Manager, Arab Shipping and
Trading Group, Egypt
Morning refreshments and networking break
Session VII: Analysing relationships with
trading partners outside the region
Turkish and Central and Eastern European exporters: A focus on tariffs,
steel production and trade with the MENA region
• The future of Turkish exports under new government regulations
• Will supply remain competitive in a more regulated market?
• Is the price of energy a factor in market competitiveness?
• Where major producers see the future of exports
Görkem Bolaca, Flat Steel Division Head, Promeks Steel,
How demand from Saudi and the GCC has affected the export
relationship with Egypt and North Africa as a whole
• Will there be a rebound in demand from the Gulf region?
• Who is best placed to supply the market?
• How developments in the GCC will affect the North African market
Joachim Schröder, CEO, Rcg-ag, Austria
Examining the relationship with Southern Europe and North Africa
• A review of the current and potential ties between North Africa and the
Southern European market
• Possibilities for increased trade and diversification across North Africa
• Is there a difference in quality of products across the region?
Sponsorship &
Exhibition Opportunities
Sponsorship gets your brand in front of a senior audience.
It associates your company with the leading event in the
region for the steel sector right through our pre and postevent marketing campaigns. As we have an unparalleled
international reach and attract large audiences of high-level
executives, this is a unique chance to raise your company’s
profile, stay ahead of the competition and to be seen as a
leading player in the industry with maximum exposure both
prior to and at the event. There are also opportunities for
exhibition stands in the refreshment area alongside the
conference. This gives you the platform to meet face-to-face
with key industry figures and discuss the products and
services your company has to offer. Stands are located in a
prominent position visible to every attendee.
For further details of sponsorship or exhibition
opportunities or for a tailored proposal to meet
your marketing objectives please contact:
Charlie Shelley-Smith
T: +44 (0) 20 7779 8106
E: [email protected]
Ricard Hugas, Corporate Commercial Director,
Celsa Group, Spain
Chairperson’s summary remarks and end of conference
Networking lunch
Forthcoming Events
16th International Iron Ore Symposium
4-6 May 2010, Prague
5th Steel Tube & Pipe Conference
17-18 May 2010, Istanbul
5th Asian Stainless Steel Conference
31 May - 2 June 2010, Tianjin
9th International Stainless & Special
Steel Summit
7-9 September 2010, Rome
14th Middle East Iron & Steel Conference
13-15 December 2010, Dubai
For more information please visit
Note: This programme is provisional only and both timings and content may be subject to change. ©Metal Bulletin Ltd.
Conférence sur l’acier
en Afrique du Nord
Hôtel Marriott et Casino Omar
Khayyam, Caire, Égypte
Conférence du 9 au 10 juin 2010
Visite sur le terrain le 8 juin 2010
orth African Steel Conference
(Conférence 2010 sur l’acier en
Afrique du Nord), l’événement annuel
organisé par Metal Bulletin, est la
principale manifestation internationale
regroupant les acteurs majeurs de
l’industrie de l’acier en Afrique du Nord et attire chaque année les
principaux dirigeants du monde entier.
Réunissant les acteurs clés sur le marché de l’acier, la conférence
est le lieu idéal pour discuter et analyser les opportunités et les
défis à relever dans tous les secteurs du marché.
Dans un contexte incontestablement mondial, la conférence
regroupe les représentants clés des industries de l’acier du
Maroc, de l’Égypte, de la Tunisie, de l’Algérie et de la Libye et
Les sujets couverts
sont les suivants:
en resérvant
en ligne avant
le 23 Avril
offre aux participants une vue d’ensemble précise des différents
marchés de la région. L’événement représente pour les
participants une opportunité idéale d’entrer en contact avec les
partenaires commerciaux et de tisser des liens avec les acteurs
clés qui seront, dans la prochaine décennie, à la tête du
développement de la région.
À l’image des deux éditions précédentes, la version 2010 de cette
conférence attire les principaux dirigeants du monde entier,
incluant les usines de traitement, les producteurs d'actifs, les
négociants, les professionnels du fret, les entreprises de
construction et les sociétés spécialisées dans la technologie.
La conférence fournit un service d’interprétation simultanée en
français afin de garantir une représentation intégrale du marché.
Session I:
Thèmes centraux de l’industrie, la production
nord africaine
l Minerais mondiaux de fer : Perspectives d’avenir en termes
de prix et d’approvisionnement
Session II:
Est-ce que la région peut rester compétitive
face à une double crise ?
l Comment l’offre et la demande du marché chinois dominent
le marché mondial
Session III:
Aperçu du marché du matériel tubulaire
pétrolier (OCTG). Pleins feux sur la
construction; l’élément moteur du marché de
la demande d’acier en Afrique du Nord
Session IV:
l La réglementation gouvernementale et l’avenir des
exportations des marchés des pays d’Europe de l’est et turcs
Les marchés inconnus; aperçu des
opportunités et des risques d'entreprendre en
Libye et en Algérie
Session V:
l Comment le marché de la construction en Afrique du Nord
stimule la demande d’acier
L’influence chinoise sur les marchés
d’Afrique du Nord
Session VI:
Matières premières et les prévisions des
coûts de transport
l Aperçu et perspectives des principaux producteurs d’acier
de la région
l Les effets du ralentissement économique du Golfe sur le
marche d’Afrique du Nord
l Avancées technologiques : Réduire le coût de l’activité
l Étudier le potentiel du développement commercial des pays
d’Afrique du Nord
Session VII: Liens établis, bilan des partenaires externes
à la région
3rd Annual
North African
8-10 June 2010
Please register me for the 3rd Annual North African Steel Conference
Registration Rates
Before 23rd April 2010
q US$1,999
q US$2,199
q Please send me information about sponsoring and
exhibiting at this event
SAVE US$100 off the above prices if you book online
If your details above are incorrect please amend them here
Methods of Payments
(Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr) ____________________________________________
Family Name: __________________________________________________
First/Given Name: ______________________________________________
*Delegate Email: _______________________________________________
*Administrator Email: ___________________________________________
Position in Company: ____________________________________________
Company Name: _______________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________
Postal/Zip Code: ________________________________________________
Country: _____________________________________________________
Tel: _________________________________________________________
Fax: _________________________________________________________
Please indicate your minerals interest in order of preference:
1 __________________ 2 __________________ 3 __________________
What is your company’s main business activity:
*Delegates must provide their email address in order to receive booking confirmation and access to the
delegate messenger system.
If your organisation is tax registered within the European Union please
provide your company VAT number
Signature: _____________________________ Date: _______________
q To make a payment by credit card, please call
+44 (0) 20 7779 7999 or visit to book and
pay online
q I would like to pay by bank transfer.
Option only available before 10th May 2010.
Note: Full bank details will be emailed to you with your booking confirmation. When
paying by bank transfer, please ensure that you transfer enough funds to cover the
full price of your purchase, plus any bank charges you may incur.
IMPORTANT: Please make sure you quote your full invoice number, details
can be found on your invoice.
Metal Bulletin standard terms and conditions apply.
Our VAT Number is GB 243 31 57 84
q Please tick if you are not registered for sales tax
Visas are the responsibility of delegates
Fees: The seminar fee includes attendance at all sessions, refreshments, welcome reception, lunch and
seminar documentation.
Accommodation: The fee does not include accommodation. A limited allocation of rooms has been
reserved at the conference hotel. Delegates will be sent an accommodation booking form along with
confirmation of registration. This form should be completed and returned to the hotel.
Cairo Marriott Hotel and Omar Khayyam Casino
Phone: 20 2 27283000 Fax: 20 2 27283001
Booking your accommodation: Upon registration,
delegates will be emailed an accommodation booking form
along with their confirmation to be completed and returned
to the hotel.
Easy ways to register
Metal Bulletin Events
Tel: + 44 (0) 20 7779 8989
Fax: + 44 (0) 20 7779 8294
Email: [email protected]
CC Booking Hotline: + 44 (0) 20 7779 7999 Address: Metal Bulletin Events, Nestor House, Playhouse Yard,London, EC4V 5EX, UK
The information you provide will be safeguarded by Metal Bulletin, part of the Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC group,
whose subsidiaries may use it to keep you informed of relevant products and services. We occasionally allow reputable
companies outside the Euromoney Institutional Investor group to contact you with details of products that may be of
interest to you. As an international group, we may transfer your data on a global basis for the purposes indicated above. If
you object to being contacted by telephone o fax o or email o please tick the box. If you do not want us to share your
information with other reputable companies please tick this box o.
Registrations can only be confirmed upon receipt of payment or proof of payment and discounted fees will only apply
when payment is received within the offer period. If you are not able to attend, a substitute delegate will be accepted.
Cancellations must be received in writing prior to 10 May 2010 to qualify for a full refund less US$135 administration fee.
It may be necessary for reasons beyond the control of the organisers to alter the content, timing and venue. In the
unlikely event of the conference being cancelled or curtailed due to any reason beyond the control of Metal Bulletin Ltd.,
or it being necessary or advisable to relocate or change the date and/or location of the event, neither Metal Bulletin Ltd.,
nor its employees will be held liable for refunds, damages and/or additional expenses which may be incurred by
delegates. We therefore recommend prospective delegates arrange appropriate insurance cover.