From: "Eady, Ray"> To


From: "Eady, Ray"> To
"Eady, Ray" <[email protected]>
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>,
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
01/19/2015 09:28 AM
Hi Carilyne.
Please find attached a Proclamation for The Kinsmen Club of Cornwall and Kin Canada.
I would request that this proclamation be presented to the City Council for the next council meeting if
What we would like is that the City of Cornwall along with all city’s in Canada that have an active
Kinsmen, Kinette or Kin club in them to proclaim that the week of February 15-21, 2015 be known as
Kinsmen and Kinettes Week.
If you would be so kind as to present this to the council at your next meeting we would be very grateful.
If you need or wish to have further info regarding this please visit our national website
or you can always call me at anytime.
Thank you for your assistance.
Yours in Kin.
Ray Eady
Vice President, Kinsmen club of Cornwall.
Ray Eady
Allstate Insurance Company of Canada
525 Ninth St E
Cornwall, ON K6H 0A3
Tel: 613-933-3512, ext 5011
Fax: 613-933-4541
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Proclamation for Cirty of Cornwall.pdf