Un nouveau Rendez-vous d`été à Vancouver A new Summer


Un nouveau Rendez-vous d`été à Vancouver A new Summer
Visions Ouest Productions
Présente/ Presents
Un nouveau
Rendez-vous d’été
à Vancouver
A new Summer Rendez-vous
du 55 juillet
juillet au
au 15
15 août
août 2010
Auditorium Jules-Verne, 5445 Baillie,
Vancouver (coin 37e, entre Oak & Cambie)
Juillet-Août 2010 / July-August Program
Visions Ouest Productions annonce la tenue d’un nouveau rendez-vous culturel estival
qui célébrera les arts médiatiques, les arts visuels et les arts scéniques.
Visions Ouest Productions announces the launch of a new summer cultural event that will
celebrate media arts, visual arts and stage performance.
Cinéma - Musique - Cabaret - Cirque -Théâtre - Arts visuels
à l’Auditorium Jules-Verne, 5445 Baillie,
Vancouver (coin 37e, entre Oak & Cambie)
Nous allons afficher les changements de dernière minute sur wwww.rendez-vousvancouver.com
Last minute changes will be posted online at wwww.rendez-vousvancouver.com
Camp de cirque
Du 5 au 9 Juillet 2010:
Ateliers des arts du cirque avec Benoit Ranger et Catherine
From the 5th to the 9th of July 2010:
Circus arts workshops with Benoit Ranger and Catherine
Youth Circus.
604-876-2294 / [email protected]
Samedi 10 juillet 2010 /Sat. July 10
Les invités seront accueillis par Madame Rouge
et ses bouffons et assisteront à une performance, un extrait du spectacle Polaris, avec Benoit
Ranger et Catherine Joly des Transporteurs de
Guests will be welcomed at the pre-show celebration & wine reception by Madame Rouge and her
bouffons. During the reception, Benoit Ranger and
Catherine Joly of the ‘’Dream Circus’’ will perform an
excerpt of their show Polaris.
avec Pascal DesGranges, Jacques Rochon & Agnes
Sam /Sat. July 10, 8 pm
16$ en prevente/18$ à la porte
Le TRIO BORIS. Avec les textes et les chansons de Boris Vian, le Trio
Boris plonge avec délices dans un univers insolite et familier tout à la
fois. Passant de l’absurde au drame, de la poésie à l’érotisme et de
l’angoisse de vivre à la bestialité de la guerre, le Trio Boris nous captive, nous émeut et nous séduit. Avec Pascal Desgranges, concepteur,
réalisateur et interprète de Cocktail Vian et Cuvée Prévert, accompagné au piano par Jacques Rochon ainsi que par Agnès Falquet,
comédienne issue du cirque, chanteuse de rue à l’orgue de Barbarie. Nous entrons dans l’univers de
Vian et de Prévert avec un plaisir communicatif.
TRIO BORIS will revive the great songs of Boris Vian and Jacques Prévert in their concert Cocktail Vian
and Cuvée Prévert. Creator, director and performer Pascal Desgranges will be accompanied on piano
by Jacques Rochon, a Vian-Prévert specialist who fell in love with this repertoire when he was in his
early twenties, and by Agnès Falquet, an actress who began with the circus and as a street singer with
a hurdy-gurdy. Her delight in the music of Vian and Prévert is contagious.
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Mercredi 14 juillet 2010 /Wed. July 14
avec Vyvian Cayol et Jean-Yves Liévaux
Mer /Wed. July 14, 8 pm
16$ en prevente/18$ à la porte
Le DUO ALCAZ , Mercredi 14 Juillet. ALCAZ c’est un gars, une fille; Vyvian Cayol et Jean-Yves Liévaux,
deux guitares et deux voix. Un duo de Marseille qui adore le Québec ! Entre le blues et la balade, entre
l’énergie et l’émotion, ALCAZ c’est une véritable bouffée d’amour aux accents du Midi…Une représentation supplémentaire sera offerte au jeune public dans le cadre de leur tournée nationale. Ce spectacle
a reçu le prix de la FONDATION NICOLAS HULOT et est présenté avec le soutien du Consulat général
de France à Vancouver.
The DUO ALCAZ hails from Marseille, two voices and two guitars, a guy and a girl who perform blues
and ballads with energy and emotion. Jean-Yves Liévaux and Vyvian Cayol have a special place in
their hearts for Quebec and their show is a real outpouring of love with a southern French accent! An
additional show will be given for the youth audience as part of their national tour. This show was awarded
the FONDATION NICOLAS HULOT prize and is presented with the support of the Consulate General
of France in Vancouver.
Samedi 17 juillet 2010 /Sat. July 17
un film de Dominic Desjardins
Sam /Sat. July 17, 7:30 pm /Show at 9 pm
16$ en prevente/18$ à la porte
LE FILM LE DIVAN DU MONDE, Écrit et réalisé par Dominic Desjardins,
le film met en vedette Antoine Gratton et la comédienne acadienne
Mélanie LeBlanc. Road-movie romantique et gagnant du Prix TV5 de la
meilleure œuvre de la francophonie canadienne, la projection sera suivie
par le spectacle du multi-instrumentiste de talent Antoine Gratton et de
la chanteuse Geneviève Toupin sélectionnée comme artiste du Mai de
la Chanson d’ici. De plus, Dominic Desjardins offrira un atelier intensif
de trois jours intitulé DE LA PLUME À L’ÉCRAN, atelier à l’intention de
réalisateurs et de comédiens. Geneviève Perron est directrice de la photographie et accompagnera le
réalisateur lors de la formation. Projection à 19:30, spectacle à 21:00.
LE DIVAN DU MONDE Written and directed by Dominic Desjardins, this film features talented multiinstrumentalist Antoine Gratton and the Acadian actress Mélanie LeBlanc in a romantic road movie
that won the Prix TV5 for the best Canadian francophone work. The screening will be followed by a
performance by Antoine Gratton and singer
Geneviève Toupin, the artist selected for
Mai de la Chanson. In addition, director
Dominic Desjardins will offer an intensive
three-day workshop for directors and actors entitled DE LA PLUME À L’ÉCRAN
(From Pen to Screen). Geneviève Perron,
director of photography, will join him for
the workshop. Screening at 7:30 p.m., live
performance at 9:00 p.m.
Mercredi 21 juillet 2010 /Wed. July 21
avec Michel Bordeleau, Michel Faubert,
André Marchand, Jean-Claude Mirandette et Normand Miron.
Mer /Wed. July 21, 8 pm
18$ en prevente/22$ à la porte
LES CHARBONNIERS DE L’ENFER l’Orchestre des chanteurs. Cinq belles voix et le parti-pris a cappella.
La podorythmie du quintette : un véritable feu d’artifice avec Michel Bordeleau, Jean-Claude Mirandette,
Michel Faubert, Normand Miron et André Marchand. Mercredi 21 Juillet 20 heures. Le spectacle est
présenté en collaboration avec le Festival du Bois de Maillardville et Le Folk Fest de Mission.
LES CHARBONNIERS DE L’ENFER l’Orchestre des chanteurs. Five beautiful voices and a penchant for
a cappella, accompanied by the foot tapping (podorhythmia) of the five performers, Michel Bordeleau,
Jean-Claude Mirandette, Michel Faubert, Normand Miron and André Marchand. The show is presented
in collaboration with the Maillardville Festival du Bois and the Mission Folk Fest.
Vendredi 23 juillet 2010 /Fri. July 23
Ven /Fri. July 23, 8 pm
16$ en prevente/18$ à la porte
LECLERC. Avec sa voix de basse
classique, Claud Michaud nous ramène aux sources même de l’œuvre
de Félix. Il partage avec lui cette immense voix d’homme qui ne peut faire
autrement que de propulser le texte
en avant. Une soirée inoubliable de
chaleur et de tendresse.
LECLERC. Claud Michaud takes us
back to the very origins of the repertoire of Félix, with whom he shares a
virile classic bass voice that drives the
lyrics forward with passionate energy.
An unforgettable evening of warm and
tender emotions.
Jeudi 29 juillet 2010 /Thurs. July 29
avec Rémi Leclerc, Simon Dolan & Guillaume Bourque
Jeudi /Thurs. July 29, 8 pm
16$ en prevente/18$ à la porte
EVE COURNOYER. “ Ses idoles sont Clémence Desrochers, Pauline Julien,
Françoise Hardy... Elle fait tout: elle chante, joue les instruments, conçoit les
harmonies et les arrangements. Musicalement, elle mélange les genres; il en
ressort des pièces très urbaines et atypiques. Éclectique et envoûtante! Eve
Cournoyer, un esprit rock au-delà de ses velléités chansonnières… Je suis
plus chansonnière que chanteuse. Mes chansons je les gosse ! Je n’interprète
pas celle des autres, sauf exception - sur scène, j’ai fait une adaptation de
Bird on the Wire, de Leonard Cohen.” …
EVE COURNOYER. Her idols are Clémence Desrochers, Pauline Julien, Françoise Hardy... She does
it all: she sings, plays the instruments, composes the melodies and arrangements. Musically, she mixes
genres and the result is a very unusual trendy style, eclectic and seductive. Eve Cournoyer spikes her
dreamy songs with a rock flavour.”I am more of a chansonniere, a song writer, than a singer. I bring my
own songs into the world. I almost never sing other people’s songs - although once I did an adaptation
on stage of Bird on the Wire, by Leonard Cohen.” …
Vendredi 30 juillet 2010 /Fri. July 30
accompagné de Rémi Leclerc, Stéphanie Simard,
Patrick Hamilton & Bernard Falaise
Ven /Fri. July 30, 8 pm
16$ en prevente/18$ à la porte
ANDRÉ DUCHESNE & CO. Guitariste et compositeur autodidacte, il est
reconnu pour avoir contribué à la libération de l’expression musicale.
Côtoyant des passionnés de cinéma et de musique, c’est au cœur des
ensembles Conventum, Les 4 Guitaristes de l’Apocalypso Bar et Locomotive qu’il affirme ses convictions musicales.
ANDRÉ DUCHESNE & CO. He is a guitarist and self-taught composer, known for his contribution to
liberating musical expression from constraints. Always surrounded by film and music lovers, he really
made his musical statement as part of several groups: Conventum, Les 4 Guitaristes de l’Apocalypso
Bar and Locomotive.
1551, 7e Avenue Ouest
Vancouver (Colombie-Britannique) V6J 1S1
Téléphone : 604-630-0316
Site Internet : www.vivreencolombiebritannique.ca
[email protected]
Jeudi 5 août 2010 /Thurs. August 5
August 5, 2010, 8 pm:
L’enfant prodige
(The Child Prodigy)
by Luc Dionne
Admission: $10
(V.O.F. with English subt.)
100 min.
Patrick Drolet, Guillaume LeBon,
Marc Labrèche, Macha Grenon,
Marie-Félixe Allard, Benoît Brière,
Karine Vanasse, Lothaire Bluteau, François Papineau, Isabel
Richer, Catherine Trudeau, André
Robitaille, Mitsou Gélinas.
Le jeune André Mathieu, fils du
compositeur Rodolphe Mathieu,
développe dès son jeune âge un talent exceptionnel pour le piano. Reconnu par
les plus grands chefs du monde, il s’installe à Paris avec sa famille où il suit des
cours de composition et d’interprétation. Mais la guerre le force à rentrer au Québec et à New York, où il poursuit son apprentissage. À l’âge adulte, il n’est plus
le phénomène qu’il était étant enfant. Pianiste émérite, il souhaite pourtant être
reconnu comme compositeur. Mais sa musique moderne ne plaît pas à tous, et sa
dépendance à l’alcool et sa mère possessive lui rendent la vie difficile.
On the keyboard, the young hands fly rapidly and the melody rises. For the child,
nothing is easier; he hears the sounds in his head. These hands belong to 6 years
old André Mathieu. He won his audiences and fired up concerts halls in London,
New York, Paris and around the world. Adulated, hailed, praised, the child prodigy
seemed to have everything to succeed. From the top of his vertiginous successes,
to depths of torment, the life of the “Little Canadian Mozart” blends into his music.
A romantic and passionate composer wishing for happiness, his story is nevertheless played on tragic notes.
Buy tickets online at www.rendez-vousvancouver.com
Vendredi 6 août 2010 /Fri. August 6
August 6, 2010, 8 pm:
entre ciel et terre
by Sylvain Archambault
Admission: $10
(V.O.F. with English subt.)
107 min.
Michel Côté, Isabelle Guérard,
Sophie Prégent, Frédéric Pierre.
Le commandant Robert Piché,
qui a piloté un avion en panne
d’essence jusqu’à l’île de Terceira, aux Açores, doit faire face à
son passé trouble lorsque les médias, au lendemain de son exploit,
exposent son passé tumultueux
dans les journaux. Incapable d’affronter la pression médiatique et d’accepter ses
erreurs passées, Piché, considéré par de nombreux Québécois comme un héros,
accepte de se soumettre à une thérapie dans une clinique de désintoxication.
Aidé par un psychologue plutôt diplomate, le pilote de ligne parvient à assumer
ses années en prison et ses déboires du passé de manière à envisager l’avenir
avec sagesse et à faire preuve d’altruisme envers ceux qui ont vécu des épreuves
semblables aux siennes.
With his instincts and his tumultuous past, Robert Piche finds the strength and
composure necessary to land his plane, which has run out of fuel and thus save
the lives of the 304 people on board. While in treatment in rehab for a drinking
problem following this heroic act, he must relive not only that moment but also his
time in prison.
Piché : entre ciel et terre, released in theatres across Quebec on July 7, grossed
its first $2 million at the box office this past Wednesday after just two weeks in
theatres.Written by Ian Lauzon and directed by Sylvain Archambault, this Telefilmsupported film is the highest grossing French-language Canadian film so far this
Samedi 7 août 2010 / Sat. August 7
$ 16
Absinthe Ensemble: Born of the fortuitous encounter of a violin, a viola and a contrabass, the
Absinthe Ensemble was formed in 2003. It features
Edgar Bridwell on the violin, Martina Smazal on
the viola, and Anne Duranceau on the contrabass.
All three musicians have had extensive experience in chamber music throughout the years. Ensemble plays mostly arrangements. Its repertoire
is vast and varied, and new arrangements, often
written by the musicians of the trio themselves,
are constantly added to the existing repertoire.
Linda Lee Thomas: Linda Lee Thomas has
1972. As “Chamber Musician Supreme”,
she was Artistic Director of Masterpiece Music, the Vancouver East Cultural Centre¹s
hugely successful chamber music series for
17 years. In 2000, she was inducted into
the B.C. Entertainment Hall of Fame for her
outstanding contributions to the industry.
Jeudi 12 août 2010 /Thur. August 12
Jeudi le 12 août / Thurs. August 12, 8 pm
Admission: $16
(Tickets online at www.rendez-vousvancouver.com)
Paul Plimley, Tommy Babin,
Phil Emerson,
Victoria Gibson & guests
Paul Plimley plays the piano, vibes, marimba, guitar and synthesizer. He has released over 30 CDs, LPs and TV music documentaries which have been well received by many who show a
passion for music beyond disco. His hundreds of compositions
cover all media: orchestra, jazz bands, solo piano/marimba/guitar,
CD ROM, electronic music, music for modern dance, and movie
soundtracks. Plimley has toured extensively throughout Europe,
North America (and now China) since the late 1970’s.
COLLABORATIONS will usher in a series of projects directed by
PAUL PLIMLEY with musicians TOMMY BABIN, VICTORIA GIBSON and PHIL EMERSON, who comments: I've been playing guitar
since the surf band days, California mid 60's, then Fillmore days, SF,
Ca.(memory is a bit fuzzy, there). Moved to Hawaii, c68, played with all
the now legends of Hawaiian music. Moved to the NW 15 years ago…
been playing jazz guitar the whole time and running a vintage guitar
shop called "Phil's guitars" for 30 years. My motto has always been
"We rip off the other guy, and pass the savings on to you!"...(kidding) I
am closing the shop soon, and returning to being a full-time musician...
Paul and Tommy, are the first "band" I have been a part of in 28 years...
and those two maniacs, are WAY too much fun...What have I done?!?!.
Bassist and composer Tommy Babin grew up in rural Nova Scotia
and arrived in Vancouver in 2005 after a decade in Montreal. He
can be heard on over 30 albums and has performed worldwide with
a wide range of artists in a wide array of musical styles including
Montreal-based Jorane, Ramachandra Borcar, Les Projectionnistes,
Jeszcze Raz, Thomas Hellman, Rainer Weins and Joel Miller, international figures such as Hamid Drake, Kudsi Egerner, Harris Eisenstadt, Fred Ljungkvist, and Mats Gustaffson, and Vancouver - based
ensembles and musicians such as Paul Plimley, Francois Houle,
Gord Grdina, The NOW Orchestra, Jim Byrnes, The Music on Main
All-Stars and Paul Pigat. His most recent album of compositions is
the critically acclaimed 2010 Drip Audio release “Your Body Is Your
Prison”, and a new set of works under the name “Sendero Luminoso”
was premiered at the 2010 Vancouver International Jazz Festival.
Victoria Gibson is an Integrated Media Artist who has worked
with Pauline Oliveros, Anthony Braxton, Phil Minton, Karen Jamieson and I Dewa Ketut Alit. Her work emerges from the nexus
of technology and the arts to perform with sound, light and motion.
Visions Ouest Productions
Présente/ Presents
July 28 - August 15, 2010
Un nouveau Rendez-vous d’été à Vancouver
A new Summer Rendez-vous
du 5 juillet au 15 août 2010
Auditorium Jules-Verne, 5445 Baillie,
Vancouver (at 37e, between Oak & Cambie)
mises à jour sur le site/ Updates & tickets online
www.rendez-vousvancouver.com / 604-876-2294
Les exposants à L’ÉTHÉÂTRE:
Martine Bilodeau
Linn Bouchard
Lina Cutnam
Jean-Guy Dallaire
John Deasy
Rose Eysmond
Lorraine Fortin
Michel Gascon
Sylvie Godin
Lucie Lambert
Josette Martinet
Nelly Roy
Jesse Rubin
Pierre Ruiz
Alexander Schick
Exhibition: July 28-August 15, 2010
(Free admission to the exhibition)
Opening hours: July 28-30, August 5, 6, 7 & 12 from 6-9 pm
Les exposants à L’ÉTHÉÂTRE:
Martine Bilodeau, Linn Bouchard, Lina Cutnam, Jean-Guy Dallaire, John Deasy,
Rose Eysmond, Lorraine Fortin, Michel Gascon, Sylvie Godin, Lucie Lambert, Josette Martinet,
Nelly Roy, Jesse Rubin, Pierre Ruiz & Alexander Schick.
Martine Bilodeau (peinture): Martine Bilodeau grew up in Quebec. In her
early 20s, while living in the Black Forest area of Germany, she became inspired by the
first and second generation abstract expressionists, particularly Richter. Her working
career began in 3D design and production for TV and commercial venues, as well as
the theatre. After moving to the west coast, she earned a Business Degree from SFU
and then entered the movie industry as a scenic artist. She has worked on numerous
notable productions. Martine’s paintings, inspired by her love of nature, have been
widely exhibited locally as well as in the US, Germany and Thailand.
Linn Bouchard (peinture): LINN was born in Lac St Jean, Quebec and developed her passion for art at a very young age, growing up
under the artistic influence of her mother’s weaving. She studied fashion
design in the Arts and Crafts department at the Université du Quebec in
St. Felicien. In 1993, she moved to the West Cost and joined a group of
artists, and began to work with acrylics, papier maché and oil painting.
She belongs to the South Surrey and White Rock group of artists.
Lina Cutnam
(design textile):
Lina Cutnam specialises
in designing coats, accessories and jewellery. All her
creations are hand-made in
luxurious fabrics like cashmere, mohair, wool, silk,
linen and cotton. For each
coat, and bag or stole she
designs, Lina adds a personal touch, with embroidery
or a pretty stone… and the
result is surprising. Her creations are very elegant and give us something
to dream about.
Jean-Guy Dallaire (photographie & sculpture): Jean-
Guy Dallaire studied photography
at the Northen Alberta Institute of
Technology in Edmonton. After a
long career as a photographer, he
moved to Vancouver and began a
career in sculpture. Self taught, his
numerous exhibitions include those
at Madison Square Gardens and
ArtExpo’84 in New York. In 1986, he began to teach
in Vancouver schools and colleges and later organized
some international workshops. In the past years, the
artist discovered a new passion: the study of forms
and of images, sometimes surprising, which appear
in the clouds that grace our skies. (www.angelfire.
John Deasy (sculpture): The piece in this exhibit is called Upstream. I was looking at old weather vanes, blowing in the wind and of
old advertising signs turning from bright to rust. I was thinking of other
life cycles turning to rust- leaves, fish. I studied sculpture at Capilano
College and have been involved with some large public stone carving
commissions. Currently I work as a carpenter and cabinetmaker and live
in Langley B.C.
Rose Eysmond (peinture):
In Russia, the decades of totalitarian
regime had been cruelly restraining of
creative freedom, however, the countrymanaged to preserve the great
school of painting that has been
practically lost in the liberal West.
Rose went through this school’s
gauntlet. The steady hand of this
fragile lady and outstanding talent
for conveying her ideas to canvas brings a quiver to the
hearts of everyone who sees her paintings for the first
time, the effect of which could only be surpassed by
Stalin’s iron will! (www.artstacy.com)
Lorraine Fortin
(design bijoux):
I moved to Vancouver
from a town called StJean-Port-Joli in Quebec,
a major centre of woodworking and sculpture. I
made the transition from communications to
graphic arts and then from print colours to coloured beads. Every piece of jewellery carries
in its own way the history of time, of beauty,
of forgetting and above all, the ecstasy of
wonder. (www.lorrainefortin.com)
Michel Gascon (photographie): Michel Gascon has been a photographer
for 20 years. He had a studio in Old Montreal, travelled throughout Canada on
commissioned photographic shoots, and built an extensive image bank. His awardwinning work has appeared in exhibitions, travel magazines, publicity material, on
posters and postcards, and in calendars. Michel’s portfolio was published in Photo
Life and in the prestigious French magazine, Zoom. One of his winter scenes was
chosen for the cover of Bell Canada directory for Québec. In the late 80s, he was
seduced into high-tech multi-media circles in Vancouver. But nature’s diversity
and the magic of natural light have always fascinated him and now, he is having
a love-affair with flower close-ups. (arts.alegria.ca/gascon)
Sylvie Godin (sculpture): Originally from Acadia
(N.B.), Sylvie Godin studied in
Visual Arts at Moncton University
and moved to Vancouver during
the summer 1988. She studied
“Make-up artistry” and was later
awarded the “Cable Ace Award”
for best make-up category presented in Los Angeles in 1994.
She was introduced to stone sculpting in 2005. Her
passion is revealing the secret of the stone. It somehow finds it’s own form and shape as the work and
the inspiration progresses. She has so far worked with
alabaster, serpentine, pyrophyllite, chlorite and marble
to name a few, but there is still much more to discover.
Josette Martinet
When I came to Vancouver
in 1992. I saw a lot of totem
poles and masks, and I loved
it. I loved it so much that I
took a woodcarving class to
be able to do my own. Since
then, I have been inspired by
the human body, by some
simple, elegante lines that I
draw on paper or by a photograph that talk to
me. (http://ssbc.ca/josettemartinet)
Lucie Lambert
livres d’art):
Lucie Lambert was born
in Shawinigan, Québec.
She received a BA in
1968 from Laval University and a BFA, printmaking major, in 1975
from the University of Québec in Montréal. In
1973 she received practical training in etching
techniques at the Lacourière Frélaut Studio in
Paris. In 1983, she established her residence
in Vancouver and studied jewellery-making with
Bill Reid. She is known most widely as a publisher of 10 livres d’artiste*, collaborative works
between a poet and herself as printmaker.
Nelly Roy (peinture):
Nelly, a talented painter, is well
known in Eastern Canada. A native
of Chandler on the Gaspé Peninsula,
she has developed her own art. Nelly
uses a paintbrush to accomplish her
mission.Her works have been shown
in many galleries in the east. She has
illustrated books and backdrops for
theatre stages. Her career output is
prolific. Her professors in graphic arts in Montreal
repeatedly told her to get back to her drawing. (www.
Jesse Rubin (sculpture): Jesse is a self taught sculptor who
is a member of the Sculptors’ Society of BC. “Since 2006, I prefer
working in small scale and focus on bringing a level of realism that I
hope makes each piece believable”.
Pierre Ruiz (peinture):
Pierre is an international artist, now living in Vancouver, BC. Born in Algeria,
he grew up in France. A skilled mapmaker and graphic designer by trade,
he took up art late in life. Formally
educated in Aix en Provence after few
lessons with the artist Georges Carr, he
was well on his way to winning numerous awards and prizes for his pastels both in France and
Canada. Once his skill surpassed that of his mentor, he
branched out into oils. His major works at the moment are
a series of horses-”Equine Art” that were done after photographs taken by his wife Lori. (www.pierreruizart.com)
Alexander Schick
The art of romance of
carving in stone and the
adrenaline rush of pouring
2300 degree Farhenheit
bronze into a steaming
mold, have taken over
my life and held me captive since my days
in the Vancouver School of Art. The challenge of working in the wildlife genre gave
me the outlet for these two passions. The
most important thing to me is that others are
touched by my work.