Identity and stereotypes Jews and Poles


Identity and stereotypes Jews and Poles
International Scientific Conference
Identity and stereotypes
Jews and Poles
October 4, 2012 r. Jan Długosz Univeristy in Czestochowa
Institute of Political Sciences Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa
The World Association of Czestochowa Jews and Their Descendants
Honorary Citizen of Czestochowa, Zygmunt Rolat
The Scientific Committee of the Conference
Organizing Committee of the Conference:
dr hab. prof. AJD Danuta Marzec
Institute of Pedagogy, Jan Dlugosz University in
dr hab. prof. AJD Jerzy Mizgalski
Institute of Political Sciences, Jan Dlugosz
University in Czestochowa
dr hab. prof. AJD Adam Regiewicz
Institute of Polish Philology, Jan Dlugosz
University in Czestochowa
dr hab. prof. AJD Jerzy Sielski
Institute of Political Sciences, Jan Dlugosz
University in Czestochowa
dr hab. prof. UŚ Sylwester Wróbel
The Institute of Political Science and Journalism,
University of Silesia in Katowice
dr Jadwiga Hajduk
Institute of Political Sciences, Jan Dlugosz
University in Czestochowa
mgr Dorota Kawka
head of The Department of Education
Organization of The City of Czestochowa
dr Małgorzata Soja
Institute of Political Sciences, Jan Dlugosz
University in Czestochowa
dr Ryszard Stefaniak
chief of The Faculty of Education of The City of
dr Magdalena Szwed
Institute of Political Sciences, Jan Dlugosz
University in Czestochowa
mgr Cezary Kazimierz Szymański TV Orion
dr Anna Zasuń
Institute of Political Sciences, Jan Dlugosz
University in Czestochowa
Chairman of the Scientific and Organizing Committee of Conference
dr hab. prof. AJD Jerzy Mizgalski [email protected]
Conference Secretary
dr Małgorzata Soja [email protected]
Conference working languages: Polish, English
The issues of deliberations at the conference
1) The tradition and the stereotype - a reference to stereotypes learned from the
experience of generations before the Holocaust and the “survivors” of the Holocaust
2) The post-war relations between the two nations and their impact on mutual
perceptions image
3) The impact of global processes of cultural change and development of social
communication resources for mutual understanding and building “new bridges”
between the generations of Jews and Poles born after the Holocaust
4) The place of the family histories in shaping attitudes towards other nations
5) National identity of the contemporary Pole and the contemporary Jew
6) Korczak concept of the education in tolerance and respect for the Other /Alien/ in
the educational programs after the Holocaust.
The main objective
The concept of the nation has a cultural dimension and is associated with each
content specific to the nation, and thus determines its identity. This means, that the
national community consolidates itself in its unity around a certain type of values,
which are combine and create a specific spirituality of the group (feeling and the
experience of values). This values contribute to ethnos, therefore, appropriate for
some community, due to which it can be distinguished by others and, in their own
belief, differs from the others. In creating the national identity are involved virtually
all, according to the circumstances, the areas of culture, thus creating a situation in
which one of these areas could be the focus of consolidation in the values system is
adopted. The nationality issue in terms of subjective, can be expressed by own will,
choice, sympathy, etc., to the particular nation. The concept of the nation, including
the national identity, is subject to mythologization persisted in the collective memory
and shaped by the creations of art, literature, journalism, and the history passed
down from generation to generation. In the face of globalization processes, we are
increasingly asking themselves, or expect others to answer the question: I’m Pole
because...., I’m a Jew because.... The identity of individual nations have the
dimension of both subjective and objective. Both of these dimensions are important
in shaping the relationships, of these internal and also international. The elements of
tradition and passed on through generations judgments about people and nations,
which, often unconsciously, shape their current views about themselves, impact
significantly on cooperation between nations.
The tendency for simplified perception of people is universal. The observation
is a subjective view of reality. In the buzzing chaos of the outside world, we can
distinguish, what our culture has formulated and we are willing to receive, what we
chose from among the forms which are made the stereotypes by it. We often talk
about the world, before we see it. We can imagine a lot of things, before we
experience them. A stereotype is an image colored by the values and emotions,
which make difficult the formation objectified assessment of reality. It leads to
exaggerations of defects or advantages of the other nations. The stereotypes can take
the form of hard and persistent cognitive patterns, particularly if they are inculcated
to the individuals in early childhood.
Understanding the positive and negative function of the stereotypes in social
life, can neutralize our possible prejudice to other nations, and even the self-irony of
our own nation. On the other hand, this understanding can help to neutralize the
conflicts, that often arise in our minds due to lack of sufficient knowledge about the
problem, man or nation.
This Scientific Conference is intended to show the processes of the evolution
of the stereotypes occurring among successive generations of people born after
World War II. The approximation of subjective and objective conditions, that affect
these processes, is very important and worthy of consideration an issue. Therefore,
the main theme of this year’s deliberations will be: the time factor, intensify mutual
contacts, mutual intensify of knowledge of the history and culture of both nations,
the experience acquired own experiences and assessment of the processes taking
place in the mutual perceptions of each other by both nations.
Conference schedule
Part I (Plenary) inaugurating the Conference 9.00 – 11.30
9.00 – 9.15 Opening of the Conference - Rector of the Academy of Jan Dlugosz,
dr hab. inż prof. AJD Zygmunt Bąk
Leading Part I: Honorary Citizen of Czestochowa, Zygmunt Rolat
dr hab. prof. AJD Jerzy Mizgalski
9.15–9.30 Honorary Citizen of Czestochowa, Zygmunt Rolat
9.30–9.45 mgr inż. Krzysztof Matyjaszczyk, Mayor of Czestochowa
9.45–10.00 Alan Silberstein, President Allston Associates
10.05–11.00 Youth of Czestochowa Schools – presentations of their schools projects
on: learn Jews, their history, culture, tradition and contribution to the development
of culture and science in Poland, participation in Czestochowa, the tragedy of the
Holocaust, the postwar fate of survivors, etc.
 Jacek Malczewski School of Fine Arts in Czestochowa
 Jarosław Dabrowski VI High School in Czestochowa
 Schools in Krzepice
 Schools in Czestochowa
 Mikolaj Kopernik VII High School in Czestochowa
 Kazimierz Pulaski Schools in Czestochowa
 Stefan Zeromski Technical and High Schools in Czestochowa
 Juliusz Slowacki I High School in Czestochowa
11.00 – 11. 15 Representatives of the third postwar generation – Henry Rolat, USA;
Marta i Bartosz Stefaniak, Poland
11.15 – 11.45 Coffee break
Part II (Plenary) 11.45 – 14.00
11.45 – 12.05 Ewa Junczyk – Ziomecka – General Consul of Poland in New York
12.05 - 12.20 Prof. Szewach Weiss - former Israeli Ambassador to Poland
12.20 – 12.40 The movie
13.00 – 15.00 Lunch break
Part III (Plenary) 15.00 – 18.00 (Three Sessions)
Session I - Stereotypes of mutual perceptions
in the generation awareness of Jew Pole, Pole Jew
Moderator - dr hab. prof. AJD Jerzy Sielski
1. Samanta Rolat - Asulin, USA, The Formation of awareness. My dad - a Polish Jew?
2. dr hab. prof. AJD Jerzy Mizgalski, National identity. Today's challenges
3. dr hab. prof. AJD Adam Regiewicz, Playing a Jew, that is shaping the image of a
medieval heretic
4. dr hab. prof. AJD Lucyna Rożek, AJD, The stereotype of a Jewish family in the works
of Amos Oz
5. dr Julia Dziwoki, AJD, Jewish metrical books in the collections of the National Archives
in Czestochowa
6. dr Andrzej Szczypka, Jews in the first years after World War II of Czestochowa region
7. dr Beata Urbanowicz AJD, “Stranger Among their” – Jewish issues in the pages of
Polish textbooks (1918 - 2010)
8. dr Edyta Widawska AJD, Intercultural education and the policy of equality for
9. dr Zbigniew Wieczorek, AJD, Communication without violence as a practical method
of reducing stereotypes and prejudice
10. mgr Małgorzata Łącka-Małecka, AJD, Jews in the “Annals” of Jan Dlugosz - the
stereotype alive forever
11. mgr Cezary Szymański, Perceptions of Jews by young Poles using an example of high
school youth of Czestochowa
12. Discussion
Session II of Korczak - Concept of education in tolerance and respect for
the Other /Stranger/ in educational programs after the Holocaust
Moderator - dr hab. prof. AJD Danuta Marzec/ dr Ryszard Stefaniak
1. dr hab. prof. AJD Ireneusz Świtała, ,,Old Doctor”, the father of someone else's
children - understanding the phenomenon of Janusz Korczak
2. dr hab. prof. AJD Iwona Wagner, Janusz Korczak and the assumptions of pedagogy of
3. dr hab. prof. nadzw. WSEZiNS w Łodzi, Stanisław Lipiński, Inclusion-modern
concepts and ideas of Janusz Korczak
4. dr hab. prof. nadzw. Urszula Anna Domżał i dr hab. prof. nadzw. Zbigniew
Domżał, WSEZiNS w Łodzi, Alternative forms of care of neglected child
5. dr hab. prof. AJD Danuta Marzec, Child's right to respect and dignity-the demands
and realities of the Polish school
6. dr hab. prof. AJD Arkadiusz Marzec, Timeliness of Korczak responsibility for the child
as a fundamental right and duty of parents
7. dr Ryszard Stefaniak, Rights of the Child-anachronism or the need for modern
8. mgr Agnieszka Kawka-Olejnik, Janusz Korczak literary as a therapeutic inspiration
for children
9. mgr Anna Kościańska, Korczak love education and understanding children as a premise
of teachers training
10. mgr Jan Randak, Korczak dialogue concept as a basis of the effective education in the
modern school
11. mgr Mirosław Skowroński, Contemporary family issues and ideas of Janusz Korczak
12. Discussion
Session III The national identity of the contemporary Pole,
the contemporary Jew
Moderator - dr hab. prof. UŚ, Sylwester Wróbel
1. Geoffrey Rolat, USA, My identity
2. dr hab. prof. AJD Eligiusz Małolepszy, dr Teresa Małolepsza, The state of research
on the history of the Jewish minority sport in Poland in the interwar period
3. dr hab. prof. AJD Jerzy Sielski, Jewish minority in Poland after 1945 as part of the
political game
4. dr hab. prof. UŚ, Sylwester Wróbel, The identity of Silesians. Selected issues
5. dr Jadwiga Hajduk, AJD, The Jews of Częstochowa - memories and their means of
expression as a carrier of collective memory
6. dr Małgorzata Kuś, AJD, Language as an element of national identity
7. dr Aleksandra Siedlaczek-Szwed, AJD, Teaching and education concepts of Jewish
cultural-educational societies in the Vilnius region in the interwar period
8. dr Juliusz Sętowski ,The role of Jewish entrepreneurs in the process of industrialization
of Czestochowa in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth
9. dr Małgorzata Soja, AJD, Responsibility for the Holocaust in contemporary politics
10. dr Anna Zasuń, AJD, The difficult history - religious and cultural dimensions of
11. dr Wiesław Pięta, The history of Jewish sports. The table tennis
12. mgr Wiesław Paszkowski, AJD, Language as a declaration and an expression of
identity. Based on inscriptions from the Jewish cemetery in Czestochowa
13. Discussion
18.00 End of the Conference