Das Theodor Bilharz Research Institute, Ministry of High


Das Theodor Bilharz Research Institute, Ministry of High
Das Theodor Bilharz Research Institute, Ministry of High Education and Scientific Research,
Cairo ist die führende klinische wie wissenschaftliche Einrichtung in Afrika und dem Nahen
Osten. Das TBRI ist seit Februar 2010 akademischer Partner des DZITM. Ziel ist ein
akademischer Austausch und die Schaffung einer internationalen Plattform unter Nutzung der
gemeinsamen Kompetenznetzwerke. Die europäischen Interessen des TBRI werden über Ihren
Koordinator Prof. Dr. Mohamed Wishahi (Mitglied des DZITM) offiziell vertreten.
Letter of Intent
Parties to this Agreement
The two parties to this agreement are: „Deutsches Zentrum zur Entwicklung und Prüfung
innovativer Techniken in der Medizin“ and „Städtische Kliniken Neuss Lukaskrankenhaus
GmbH, Germany“, represented by Prof. Dr. Thomas Otto and Sigurd Rüsken
In the following referred to as “DITM”
Theodor Bilharz Research Institute, Ministry of High Education and Scientific Research Cairo,
Egypt represented by Prof. Dr. Mohamed M. Wishahi
In the following referred to as “TBRI”
Together (DITM & TBRI), in the following referred to as “The Parties”
TBRI is the leading Institute on the field of innovative techniques in medicine in Middle East
and Africa. They focus on a) the best possible treatments b) active research into better methods
c)benchmarking its activities with the best d) strict ethics and acting as a scientifically
responsible business e) creating a network on this field of clinical research.
DITM is one of the leading centers for innovative techniques in Germany including regenerative
medicine. They focus on a) the best possible treatments b) active research into better methods c)
benchmarking its activities within a European network (ITERA) based on d) European
pharmaceutical law.
Scope of the Agreement
Both parties are seriously interested to co-operate in the field of medicine.
This letter of intent (LOI) describes this joint interest.
The co-operation covers:
a. Selecting the clinical focus areas within the scope of clinical research, e.g. controlled
studies on pharmacokinetics and phase I/II studies on efficacy, side effects and
mutogenic effects of drugs and herbal plants supporting the efforts of each other.
b. Selecting the focus areas within the scope of basic research, including controlled clinical
trials on innovative techniques, material, drugs and herbal plants supporting the efforts of
each other.
c. Selecting the focus areas within the scope of animal experiments.
d. Selecting the focus areas within the scope of diagnostics, e.g. immunohistochemistry,
biotechnology, nanotechnology, electronmcicroscopy and cell culture.
e. Supporting companies/associated companies of each other in Middle East/Africa and
f. Building a European platform for physicians of TBRI
g. Building a African/Middle East platform for physicians of DITM
h. Supporting clinical studies
i. DITM will become a non commercial , non profit partner of TBRI and will get the status
of Joint Institute of TBRI .
j. Representatives of DITM will get the title associated Professor of TBRI
Written communications with respect to confidential information and process under this
agreement shall only be addressed to the following persons:
Name: Prof. Dr. Thomas Otto
Adress: Clinic for Urology, Preussenstr.84, 41464 Neuss, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2131 888 2401
Fax: +49 (0) 2131 888 2499
E-mail : [email protected]
Name: Prof. Dr. Mohamed Wishahi
Adress: Theodor Bilharz Research Institute, Kornish El-Nile
Embaba POB 30-Giza, Cairo, Egypt
Phone: +2 0122247437
+2 0222907423
E-mail: [email protected]