PPG et LAMBORGHINI : Précurseurs d`une nouvelle


PPG et LAMBORGHINI : Précurseurs d`une nouvelle


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AUTO PAINT LANCE LA GAMME PPG DELFLEET Formation avec la nouvelle gamme PPG DELFLEET, mais également de faire quelques démonstrations chez certains de nos clients. Le partenariat mis en place avec PPG en RDC nous permet de bénéficier d’un support...

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Hyundai Motor Company has named PPG Industries

Hyundai Motor Company has named PPG Industries "We have worked with PPG to develop this dedicated technical training program, which will increase the quality and efficiency of our body and paint operations worldwide," said Chang-Seok Im, direct...

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PPG a ultérieurement souligné son statut de

PPG a ultérieurement souligné son statut de Chaque année, nous produisons une « PPG Global Color Exhibition » pour Audi dans laquelle nous présentons une gamme de couleurs que nous avons développée basée sur notre recherche de dernière mode ...

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Mercedes continue sa collaboration avec PPG

Mercedes continue sa collaboration avec PPG parts, said, “We are pleased to continue the collaboration with PPG in aftermarket sales as we are convinced of their premium product quality as well as their worldwide service capabilities that ad...

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General Motors Boeing 787 flies with PPG Aerospace

General Motors Boeing 787 flies with PPG Aerospace working with NATM on the Paint Processes Special Project and also approached NATM about co-sponsoring a “Green Manufacturing” award for trailer manufacturers. In addition, Yarnell has been an NATM ...

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