ENDOMETRIOMA: How it occurs?
ENDOMETRIOMA: How it occurs?
21/01/2016 ALCOOLISATION DES ENDOMETRIOMES ETHANOL SCLEROTHERAPY (EST) Diplôme d’endoscopie en Gynécologie Janvier 2015 Dr Anne Sophie GREMEAU, Pr Jean‐Luc POULY, Dr DEJOU BOUILLET lydie, Pr CANIS, Dr COMPAN Clara, Dr CHAUFFFOUR Candice. OVARIAN ENDOMETRIOMA (OE): How it occurs? 3 theories – HUGHESTON (1957)/ BROSENS (1994) The OE have their origin in superficial peritoneal implants of ovarian fossas. An accumulation of cyclic micro‐ haemorrhages is responsible for the accumulation of blood and debris with progressive invagination al inside the ovary. – NISOLLE ET DONNEZ (1996) OE are due to an invagination of the mesothelium to the surface of the ovaries followed by coeliomic metaplasia of the invaginated tissue. This explains the OE having no contact with the fossa and OE multilocular formation – JAIN 1999 et VERCELLINI (2009) Colonization of functional ovarian cyst by endometriosis implants. Medulla Internal layer Cortex and follicules Chocolate fluid ENDOMETRIOMA: How it occurs? 1 21/01/2016 ENDOMETRIOMA And FERTILITY: Current Trends • Negative impact of endometriosis on fertility: if> 2‐3 cm – Shubert B et al, Human reprod, 2005: histological evaluation of ovarian cortex surrounding the EO shows a – Benaglia et al 2009: The physiological mechanisms leading to ovulation are deranged in ovaries with OE. direct negative effect of the cyst on the on the follicular adjacent capital • Improving spontaneous conception rates after surgery: VERCELLINI et al, 2009 But cystectomy can also be deleterious to ovarian reserve • Cystectomy negative effect on fertility: – Alteration of ovarian Reserve (decrease in l’AMH level, poor response to COH) – Especially if second surgeries, multiple or large endometriomas. MORE OVER NO NEGATIVE IMPACT OF EO ON IVF RESULTS No cyctectomy if ART required Laparoscopic excision of OE Recognizable ovarian tissue adjacent to OC wall Oma cyst wall: no follicule OMAs 14/26 (54%) Non OMAs 1/16 (6%) Serous Oma cyst wall: Scanty primordial follicule < 0.005 0/7 (0%) Dermoid 1/6 (17%) Mucinous 0/3 (0%) Muzii et al., Fertil Steril (2002) Oma cyst wall: Two primordial follicule 2 21/01/2016 OE SURGERY and AMH Streuli et al, Human Reprod 2012 In women with endometriosus AMH levels are decreased only in those with previous endometrioma surgery Raffi et al., JCEM (2012) Negatif impact of excision of OE on ovarian reserve But new study VIGNALI 2015 showing that AMH level increase One year after cystectomy Medulla Cortex et follicules Paroi du kyste The crucial question with the use of the surgical treatment of OE THE CLEAVAGE PLANE Liquide chocolat Cystectomy: YES but, GOOD WRONG 2 MAJORS RISK for THE FERTILITY ‐A part of normal cortex is removed in 59% of the cases vs 5 % for other cyst. ‐Risk of ovarian devascularization due to intensive coagulation for hemostasis. No negative impact of endometrioma on IVF results To treat or not to treat? 2 SITUATIONS: NO ART or ART REQUIRED 3 21/01/2016 Sociétés Savantes (1)…. • 2006 L’endométriose peut être responsable d’une hypofertilité, la chirurgie première est possible avec un délai de 6 à 12 mois derrière pour obtenir une grossesse spontanée • – La ponction écho‐guidée n’est pas le traitement de première intention – Le drainage percoelioscopique n’est pas recommandé car il conduit à une récidive immédiate – KIP coelio si > 3cm (infertilité, douleur ou masse annexielle) – Traitement médical en préopératoire non recommandé. Les endométriomes n’ont pas d’impact sur les résultats de l’AMP – . Ne pas interrompre une FIV si découverte d’un EO en cours de traitement – Pour les EO < 6cm, ni le traitement chirurgical, ni la ponction des EO ne sont recommandés avant la FIV. Sociétés Savantes (2)…. • 2012 Laparoscopic cystectomy for OE greater than 4 cm improved fertility compared to cyst drainage and coagulation which is associated with a high risk of recurrence. • A possible adverse consequence is the loss of viable ovarian cortex. • After the first infertility operation, additional surgery has only rarely increased fecundability, and these patients may be better servec by using ART. • Ovarian endometrioma and IVF – For women who are found to have an asymptomatic OE ans who are planning to undergo IVF there is insufficient evidence to suggest that removal of the endometrioma will improve IVF success rate. – But if the OE is large > 4cm, surgery should be considered to confirm the diagnosis histollogically, to improve – The patient should be made aware that extensive ovarian surgery could compromise ovarian function and access to follicle during OCR, and possibly to improve ovarian response. diminish the response to ovarian stimulation. Sociétés Savantes (3)…. • 2014 Surgery for infertility and pain. – Cyctectomy instead of drainage and coagulation or laser vaporization: less pain (Hart 2011), less recurrence rate (Carmona et al 2011) In women with OE receiving surgery for infertility or pain, – Excision of the endometrioma capsule increases the spontaneous post operative pregnancy rate when compared with drainage and electrocoagulation of the OE wall – The GDG recommand that clinicians counselled women with OE regarding the risks of reduced ovarian – THE DECISION TO PROCEED SURGERY SHOULD BE CONSIDERED CAREFULLY IF THE WOMAN HAS function after surgery and the possible loss of the ovary. HAD PREVIOUS SURGERY. • Endometrioma and ART – Several studies have evaluated the usefullness of cystectomy prior to ART to improve reproductive outcome in women with OE, but there is limited consistency in the interpretation of the results. 4 21/01/2016 Les sociétés savantes conclusions OPERER LES ENDOMETRIOMES SI DOULEURS, HYPOFERTILITE sans autres causes ASSOCIEES PREFERER LA KYSTECTOMIE LAPAROSCOPIQUE EXCLURE LE DRAINAGE DE L’ENDOMETRIOME 4CM 3CM 3CM ART AND ENDOMETRIOMA No surgery if endometrioma < 6cm Surgery possible if 4cm but risque of ovarian failure No recommandation NOTHING ABOUT ENDOMETRIOMA RECURRENCE And MULTIPLES ENDOMETRIOMA OE TREATMENTS: Goals and Methods • GOALS OF ENDOMETRIOMA TREATMENT – – – – – – • To permit a spontaneous pregnancy if there is no others causes of infertility To remove the internal layer of the cyst As much as possible to limit the risk of recurrence Without destroying the surounding tissue and mainly the oocytes Without impairing the ovarian vascularization Without missing an hypothetical cancer AVAILABLE TREATMENT – – – Medical treatment : not for infertility Cystectomy: still the gold standard Destruction of the internal layer of the cyst • • Laser or plasma jet vaporization Sclerotherapy KYSTECTOMIE: Gold standard Revue COCHRANE HART 2011 Comparaison of cystectomy versus excision Less recurrence of endometrioma Less requirement for further surgery Less requirement of pelvic pain Most subsequent spontaneous conception BUT TWO MAJOR RISKS ‐Risk of removed normal ovarian cortex ‐Risk of ovarian devascularization due to intensive coagulation for hemostasis. ALTERNATIVES METHODS ‐ Ablative surgery: CO2, plasmajet ‐ Ethanol sclerotherapy 5 21/01/2016 Endometrioma: The optimal strategy Surgery: EXCISIONAL or ABLATIVE ‐To Remove endometrioma, check the pelvis (tube adhesion), and to dicrease recurrence rate. (Hart 2011) ‐To get a specimen ‐To expect a natural pregnancy : 40 % deliveries (Hart 2011) ‐Knowledge of the surgeons (Matzuzaki 2009) No Surgery ‐Low ovarian reserve : AFC and AMH (Somigliani 2012) ‐Multiple endometriomas (busacca 2009: IOP x2,4) ‐Recurrence of endometrioma (Streuli 2012, ferrero 2015) ‐Another pemanent indication of IVF (ASRM, ESHRE) PLACE OF ETHANOL SCLEROTHERAPY OE and IVF: The optimal strategy • What is proven • – No impact of endometrioma on IVF results (Benaglia 2013) – No benefits to remove the endometrioma before Ivf PLACE OF ETHANOL SCLEROTHERAPY But – Pains – Less matures oocytes obtained (Yazbeck 2006, Busacca 2009) – Difficulty for ovum pick‐up – Risk of ovarian abscess (Padila 1997, Younis 1993) IVF must be the option When endometrioma < 3 cm ‐ Direct IVF without OE treatment When endometrioma > 3 cm or multiple or recurrence ‐ Ultralong protocole + sclerotherapy ETHANOL SCLEROTHERAPY • ADVANTAGES: – Simple, fast – Cheep – Efficient on pain – Recurrence rate <15 % – Can be repeated – No histological sample – No evidence of alteration of the ovarian reserve Garcia Tejedor 2015 EJOG 6 21/01/2016 History • Initial development in pulmonary tuberculosis and in the treatment of malignant pleural oncology. Then in various types of cysts (thyroid, heart, liver, kidney ..) • The simple echo‐guided aspiration has been promoted first, but the high rate of recurrence restricted its application (Giorlandino 1993, Chan 2003) and those of other sclerotic agents (Chang 1997) • It was in Japan that has developed in the ethanol sclerotherapy of endometriomas, which led to a clear reduction of the recurrence rate (Okagaki et al, 1999, Noma and Yoshida 2001, Koide and Al 2002) • Investigate and test the efficacity of Ethanol sclerotherapy for recurrent endometrioma before COH in infertile patients. – Cases: n=31 patients with positive histological diagnosis at previous surgery, recurrent OE between 2 and 6 cm. – Controls n=26, patients with an history of moderate to severe endometriosis including one conventional laparoscopic cystectomy for recurrent OE. YAZBECK 2009: Endometrioma EST Recurrence rate = 12.9% 7 21/01/2016 3 groups ‐Cystectomy ‐EST ‐Abstention Same results in term of Livebirth rate per cycle in the 3 groups But place for EST If huge endometrioma And place to abstention If small endometrioma How we do? • In the AMP unit, we offer ethanol sclerotherapy for women requiring ART when: – Previous surgery of endometriosis and recurrence of OE > 3cm – Bilateral endometrioma – Huge endometrioma if ART is indicated for another indication (MRI necessary) – In extensive stage IV endometriosis with endometrioma when infertility is the main symptom (no or moderate pain) – Abstention is offered if small recurrent endometrioma. • Sclerotherapy was done during ultra long GNRH agonist suppression protocol – Just before the second injection – US control of cysts was done before the controlled ovarian stimulation Before IVF: Ethanol Sclerotherapy during ultralong agonist protocols GNRH ANALOGUE DEPOT GNRH ANALOGUE DEPOT GNRH ANALOGUE DEPOT FSH‐HMG 30 DAYS 30 DAYS 20 DAYS CONTROL Before COH SCLEROTHERAPY 8 21/01/2016 TECHNIQUE: Materiel ‐ Paracervical block and Sedation ‐ US with Endovaginal probe ‐ Transvaginal Needle 17 or 18G ‐ Nacl and Ethanol EST: TECHNIQUE • ‐Outpatient, oral sedation • ‐Vagina sterilized with povidone iodine • ‐Transvaginal US guidance and 18 gauge 30 cm single lumen needle • ‐Cyst aspirated and Flushed with normal saline. Aspirate send for pathological review • ‐Injection of pure sterile ethanol in an amount equal To 60% of the aspirated volume • ‐Ethanol was lef 10min n the cyst and removed in case of important quantity (more than 30cc) and left in situ in case of small quantity (<30cc) 9 21/01/2016 Our Experience: 2010‐2013 PARAMETRES n=27 Age FSH (J3) 32,02 (27‐41) 8,5 (2,1‐11,8) INDICATIONS ‐Endometriomes recidivants apres KIP ‐Endometrioses de stade IV avec mauvais pronostic chirurgical 16 (55,2%) 13 (44.8%) NOMBRES DE KYSTES ‐ Patientes avec 1 Kyste ‐ Patientes avec 2 kystes ‐ Patientes > 3 kystes ‐ Endometriomes bilatéraux 57 14 (48.3%) 10 (34.5%) 5 (17.2%) 16 (59,3%) CARACTERISTIQUES DES KYSTES ‐Diametre (mm) ‐Volume aspiré (ml) ‐Volume d’ethanol injecté (ml) ‐% volume/alcool 42,5 (10‐90) 50,7 (5‐170) 31,9 (2‐150) 63% RESULTATS AMPS ‐ Protocoles ultralong ‐ Grossesses débutantes par cycles ‐ Grossesses evolutives 21 11 (35,5%) 7 (22,5%) AMP Results after EST 2010‐2015 CASES n=40 Sclerotherapy CONTROLS n=411 p Endometriosis Age moyen 32,03 34,28 Nombres de ponctions ‐ Blanches ‐ déprogrammées 51 2 (3.70%) 3 (5.70%) 685 11 (1.52%) 40 (5.52%) Résultats ponction ‐Nombre ovocytes matures taux de fecondation FIV taux de fecondation ICSI ‐Nombre d’Embryons obtenus ‐Nombre d’embryons transférés ‐moyenne d’emb congelés 4.92 (251) 69.7% 75,58% 3.53 (180) 1.31 (59) 0.76 (39) 7.63 (5225) 61.34% 65.67% 4.74 (3250) 1.46 (872) 1.11 (762) 0.001 Grossesses cliniques ‐FCS ‐GEU ‐FCT et ITG Accouchement attendus 15 (29.41%) 2 (13,33%) 1 (6.67%) 0 (0%) 12 (21,57%) 208 (30.36%) 45 (21.63) 6 (2.88%) 5 (2.40%) 152 (19.27%) ns (0.9) ns ns ns ns (0.3) ns (0.4) ns (0.9) 0.001 LIVEBIRTH after EST p GROSSESSES Sclerotherapy n= 40 patients GROSSESSES All Endometriosis n=425 Nb de grossesse Accouchements faits 15 11 (27.5%) 208 132 (31.05%) ns TYPE DE GROSSESSE ‐Singletons ‐Jumeaux ‐Triplets 11 (100%) 0 0 116 (87,9%) 15 (11,3%) 1 (0,6%) ns ns ns A TERME >37SA ‐<32SA ‐32 à 37SA CESARIENNES 8 (72%) 1 2 6 (54.55%) 112 (75%) 4 16 48 (36.36%) ns ENFANTS nombre ‐Terme moyen ‐poids moyen 11 35+7SA 2965 grammes 149 36+5SA 2868 grammes ns ns ns 10 21/01/2016 COMPLICATIONS after EST (1) • PELVIC ABCESS (Younis 1997, J Assist Reprod genetic) – Prevention with strict aspesie and the use of sterile equipment. – Unsystematic Antibiotic prophylaxis unsystematic (OH = bacteriostatic) unless history of pelvic infection • ADHERENCES POST EST – OKAGAKI R et al 1999, Human Reprod Oxf England; Severe and unusual discoveries adhesions around the ovaries during laparoscopy post EST (peritoneal diffusion of ethanol?) – MUZZI et al 2002: Same adhesions after simple EO punctures COMPLICATIONS after EST (2) • DO NOT KNOW A MALIGNANT HISTOLOGY – • 0.7% estimated risk of malignant disease in women with endometriosis of reproductive age (Nishida et al 2000) – Endometriosis disease often known before EST: Histology on previous surgery – Ultrasound imaging or MRI has excellent sensitivity specificity for benin or malignant ovarian tumor. PERFORATIONS INTESTINALES, ALCOOLISATION SYSTEMIQUE – Perforations: non relevée après EST d’endometriome dans la littérature. Précautions d’injection de l’ethanol. – Alcoolisation systemique (Tei et al 1996, Masui) • Risque faible, lié a une diffusion sanguine de l’ethanol. Mais précaution systématique, surveillance 6h post ponction et test d’alcoolémie au moindre doute AUTRES DONNEES SUR la SCLEROTHERAPIE • HSIEH and al, fertil steril 2009: Ethanol left in situ – Group 1: n=78: 10 minutes sclerotherapy – Group 2: n=30 Ethanol left in situ – Same AFC and pain score in two groups, less recurrence in group 2 (13,3% vs 32,1%, p<0.005) • ZHANG and al, AJOG 2014: sclerotherapy of hydrosalpinx prior IVF – US sclerotherapy on women with hydrosalpinx could improve the outcomes of IVF by improving the blood flow of uterine arcuate artery. No adverse effect on perinatal outcomes was seen • FURMAN et al, 2007 Ulstrasound Obstet gynecol: case report – Alcohol sclerotherapy for successful treatment of Focal adenomyosis 11 21/01/2016 EST and Fertility PRESERVATION • EST can offer a preservation of mature oocyte by vitrification for patient with severe endometriosis, before of potentiel important surgery with risk for their ovarian reserve. • EST makes oocyte pick up easier ans could increase the number of mature oocyte obtained. Long GNRH AGONIST SUPPRESSION ETHANOL SCLERO THERAPY OVOCYTE RETRIEVAL And VITRIFICATION CONTROLLED OVARIAN STIMULATION EXTENSIVE SURGERY Conclusion 1: OE and ART Therpeutic options before an ART SURGERY EST ABSTENTION NO YES YES LOW Hystory of endometriosis surgery Ovarian reserve NORMAL LOW Pain YES YES/NO NO Bilateral OE NO YES YES >6CM >3CM <3 CM NO YES YES Growth FAST STABLE STABLE Histological doubt YES NO NO Size Recurrence os OE Conclusion 2: EO without ART • GOLD STANDARD = CYSTECTOMY. – Hormonal suppression if no pregnancy desire – 6 to 12 months for spontaneous conception • EST CAN BE OFFERED – In fertility preservation before an extensive surgery (stade IV avec OE bilat) – Recurrence of pain – Recurrences of endometrioma with multiples previous surgery – Complex abdominal surgical history 12 21/01/2016 • • No more than one surgery • Cystectomy +++ • Laser or plasma jet : expensive but valuable technologies Sclerotherapy : multiple endometriomas and recurrence mainly before IVF Symptômes Désir de grossesse Iconographie RCP Radiologue Chirurgiens Médecin PMA 13
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