Super Mario
Super Mario
_a^Ë[T BD?4A<0A8> Mario Lepage est un père de famille énergique qui a une passion égale pour le courtage hypothécaire et les voyages <PaX^;T_PVTXbP]T]TaVTcXRUP\X[h\P]fW^WPbP]T`dP[_PbbX^]U^aQa^ZTaX]VP]ScaPeT[[X]V ;M epage his biggest in life is ariosays Lepage dit quepassion sa plus grande passion dans la vieThe est Multi-Prets simple : être simple: to be happy. heureux. Lebroker courtier de Gatineau, Multi-Prêts Hypotheques from Hypothèques de Gatineau, dit qu’il Quebec, says there are threeQuébec, important y a trois composantes importantes dans components in one’s life that need to bela vie pour être équilibré dans le but d’atteindre le balanced in order to reach true happiness. vrai bonheur. “Avant tout, il s’agit de votre “First all isvos your family, second is business famille,ofpuis affaires et troisièmement, votre and third is your ego,” he says. ego” dit-il. orders’assurer to ensure ego partdeofl’ego InPour quethe la portion the pris equation is taken careseof,réveille Lepage soit en compte, Mario tous les jours travail à 4h00 at afin d’avoir le wakes updeevery weekday 4:00am temps sa time séance – so that pour he has tod'entraînement workout – et continuer d’avoir une allure jeune and continues to foster a healthy, et en santé – avant d'arriver youthful appearance – au bureau à 5h30. before arriving at the Passer les fins office at 5:30am. de semaine avec sa Spending femme Francine et weekends sa fille Maude est le grand with hismoment wife, de sa vie. Ilsand Francine, préfèrent faire des his daughter, petites promenades Maude, is the ensemble plutôt highlight of his life. que rester pantelants They prefer to go devant le téléviseur. on leisurelyetstrolls .....Mario Francine together rather than ont atteint récemment un nouveau : vegging out incap front de mariage. of20.ans the TV. Pour célébrer, Lepage and ils ont loué un chalet y Francine recentlypour reached accueillir 50.membres a milestone: 20 years of de leur famille les plus marriage. In importants et celebration, faire la fête. they rented chalet forun Chaque hiver,a ils louent 50 ofau their closest family ou chalet Mont-Tremblant aumembers Mont-Sainte-Anne à Québec and had a party. et toute famille Each la winter, they rent a va skier. chalet in Mont Tremblant or 50 Mont-Sainte-Anne, and travaille the wholejusqu'à family20h00 goes skiing. Du lundi au Quebec, jeudi, Mario chaque soir. From une Monday through Thursday, works until each Mais, fois arrivé le vendredi soir,Lepage il est responsable des8:00 repas à la maison. Une autre de sesnight passions de cuisiner il a de multiples evening. But, once Friday rollsest around, he is et responsible for recettes la main pour le every meal.sous Another passion of prouver. his is cooking, and he has multiple Sa est bien heureuse recipes at femme his disposal to prove it. de cet arrangement parce que, comme agent ses fins as de asemaine sontagent, occupées This suits his immobilier, wife well because, real estate her par de longues heures de visites de maisons. weekends include long hours showing houses. Mario profite de huit semaines de vacances chaque année avec Lepage enjoys weeks of year with his family. sa famille. Danseight le domaine de vacation courtage each hypothécaire depuis l'été In the brokering business since the summer of 2001, Lepage and his 2001, Mario et sa famille ont pris part à plus de 40 excursions family havedupartaken thanà 40 trips around the world –en from autour monde –indemore la Grèce la République Dominicaine passant parDominican la Chine. Republic to China. Greece to the ThisCette son grand voyage avec sa famille est une year,année, his family’s big trip is an Alaskan cruise. Thecroisière bonus is, en Alaska. Bien sûr, dit-il en riant, le boni c’est qu’il ne he never pays for his vacations – lenders do. Of course, hepaie saysjamais with pour “You ses vacances, sont first. les prêteurs qui le font. « Il faut finir en a laugh, have toce finish Not second, but first.” premier. Pas deuxième, mais premier. » 0[cTa]PcXeT[T]SX]VPRR^[PSTb Reconnaissance pour les prêts alternatifs When won ilthe Alternative Mortgage Broker the he Quand a gagné le prix Lending The Home Trust Award for of Alternative YearLending at the CMP Canadian Mortgage Awards in February, Lepage Mortgage Broker de l’année 2008, décerné par le CMP insisted that his wife join him on stage and hedernier, asked attendees (Canadian Mortgage Professional) en février Mario a to pourwhile que sahe femme joigne à lui sur et ilhe’d a demandé waitinsisté patiently calledsehis daughter to scène tell her won. au d’attendre patiemment téléphonait Hepublic says that winning the awardpendant means qu’il he has a good à sa fille pour lui in dire avait gagné. reputation thequ’il business. It also acts as confirmation that he is in Il dit que gagner cette reconnaissance signifie qu’il a une the right business and must continue on his brokering path. bonne réputation dans son domaine d’affaires. Cela lui confirme Lepage’s alternative lending began in doit 2003, when à également qu’il est dans le bonawards domaine et qu’il continuer he won first place with FirstLine for the lender’s B program. travailler comme courtier hypothécaire. Unfortunately, company cancelled itsàprogram Quebec Les prix etthe reconnaissances attribués Mario ontincommencé shortly after.quand il a gagné le premier prix de la FirstLine pour en 2003, le programme « lender’s Malheureusement, la –compagnie a Three consecutive yearsB ». – 2004 through 2006 Lepage took annulé son programme au Québec peu après. home top prize from Xceed. “When Trois Ians consécutifs – 2004 à 2006 – Mario that Lepage reçu le began brokering in 2001, I realized thea banks premier prix de Xceed. gave referral fees to real estate agents,” he says. “I realized that it “Quand j’ai commencé comme courtier en 2001, j’ai réalisé que wasles impossible for me to beat them in this market.” banques donnaient des ristournes aux agents immobiliers quand As a result, Lepage decided go outdit-il. on his own and qu’il ensure ces derniers leur référaient des to clients”, “J’ai réalisé était he took care ofpour his customers. He could beat the banks with this impossible moi de les battre dans ce marché.” personal because banks the andetresources Enapproach, conséquence, Mariothe décide delack partir entime affaires d’être soucieux ses clients. Il peutatrivaliser avec les banques grâce à son to take care de of their customers a higher level. approche personnelle, parce mortgage que les banques manquent de temps The competition between brokers and banks in et de ressources à prendre soin de leurs clients à un niveau plus haut. _a^Ë[T Francine and Mario Lepage _a^Ë[T La rivalité entre courtiers hypothécaires et les banques au Québec Quebec a bit different. Since estateimmobiliers agents receive referral est un peuis différente. Depuis que real les agents reçoivent fees from the banks, the banks have some leverage. If a real estate des ristournes des banques, les banques ont les moyens pour s’assurer agent even passes a bank’s turndowns to Lepage, the bank will d’obtenir des prêts hypothécaires. Si un agent immobilier réfère des cut the realà Mario, estate agent off. “This is a very big battle, don’t want clients les banques couperont l’agent. “C’est but une Itrès grande bataille, maisgame,” je ne veux pas jouer à ce jeu”, dit-il. to play this he says. L’attitude Mario and Lepage son amour duhave courtage Lepage’s positive positive de attitude loveetof brokering helped hypothécaire lui ont toujours permis de prendre la meilleure pour him always take the high road. He is convinced that he’s route not out atteindre son but. Il est convaincu qu’il ne vend pas des hypothèques selling mortgages, because people need them anyway. Instead, his à outrance parce que, de toute façon, les gens en ont besoin. Au focus is on offering great service, and the constant flow of business lieu de cela, son centre d’intérêt est d’offrir un excellent service et le is a product the relationships he has forged. flux constant of d’activités est le produit de toutes les relations qu’il a construites. 5^afPaScWX]ZX]V Avancer le futur In 2006 and vers 2007, Lepage spent between $100,000 and $150,000 a yearEn et 2007,–Mario a dépensé $100,000 et $150,000ads. par on2006 advertising including radio,entre television and newspaper an en publicité – comprenant radio, la télévision et les annonces dans But the results of a recentlaconsumer survey that Lepage les journaux.revealed that he had a good consumer presence in his undertook Mais les résultats d’un récent sondage de consommateurs révèlent region. As such, he realized he could trim back his advertising qu’il a une bonne présence auprès des consommateurs dans sa région. budgetà and up funds spend on his existing customers. Grâce cela,free il a réalisé qu’iltopouvait diminuer son budget publicitaire This year, he reduced his advertising budget toses$40,000 forses et utiliser les fonds ainsi disponibles pour renforcer liens avec newspaper and local TV ads, and his business is continuing to clients existants. increase Cettethanks année, iltoahis réduit budget publicitaire à $40,000 pour pastson clients – an astounding 95% of his des annonces dans les journaux et à la télévision locale et ses affaires business comes from repeat business or direct referrals from his continuent database. à augmenter grâce à ses clients existants – 95% de ses transactions de relations Lepage isproviennent gearing updes forrenouvellement a new contest venture this existantes fall. Fromet de références faites de clients actuels. October 2008 to October 2009, every time he receives a referral, the Mario Lepage se prépare pour un nouveau concours cet automne. À referrer will be entered into a draw for2009, a tripàworth $3,000. partir d’octobre 2008 jusqu’en octobre chaqueabout fois qu’un client Each quarter, he will also give away smaller prizes – such actuel lui en réfère un nouveau, le référant participera à un tirageasd’un $500 gift certificates – through a draw, as another means to reward voyage valant environ $3,000. his À tous les trimestres, il donnera également des petits prix – tel que customers. des certificats-cadeaux – par tirage, pour récompenser He’s still working de out$500 the details, but he believes this is a great sa clientèle. _a^Ë[T _a^Ë[T An excited Mario Lepage calls his daughter from the podium at the CMP Canadian Mortgage Awards 2008 C’est un Mario Lepage comblé de bonheur 7d[nY_j[ZCWh_eB[fW][YWbbi^_i qui appelle sa fille à partir du podium au ZWk]^j[h\hecj^[feZ_kcWjj^[9CF CMP Canadian Mortgage Awards 2008. 529WdWZ_WdCehj]W][7mWhZi(&&. <hWdY_d[WdZCWh_eB[fW][ et Quebec is a bit different. Since real esta fees from the banks, the banks have som Il travaille encore les détails, mais il croit que c’est un bon incitatif agent 2 even passes pour que ses clients – qui sont actuellement d’environ 000 – luia bank’s turndowns to the real estate agent off. “This is a very b incentive customer base – which currently consists of about envoient plusfordehis références. to play this game,” he says. to send more referrals hismême way. 2,000 Cettecontacts clientèle –remarquable communique avec lui pour Lepage’s positive attitude and love o Francine and Lepage obtenirThis desdevoted références pour d’autres services professionnels tels que customer base even goes so far asalways toMario call him him take the high road. He is co plombiers et avocats ; également, ils parlent de lui and comme mortgages, because people need for referrals to other professional servicesaimablement such selling as plumbers focus iscourtier on Mario’. offering « Oncle Mario ». “Pour mes clients,refers je ne suis pas as qu’un – great je“To faisservice, and th lawyers, and also often amiably to him ‘Uncle Quebec is a bit different. Since real estate agents referral is areceive product of the relationships he has f partie de leur famille”, déclare-t-il fièrement. myfrom customers, I’m not brokerhave – I’msome a part of theirIffamily,” he theaparticulière banks a real trois estate feesMario athe unebanks, attention pour sesleverage. clients au moins proudly declares. 5^afPaScWX]ZX]V agent passes bank’s personnellement turndowns to Lepage, bank fois pareven année : 1) Ilaappelle chaque the client pourwill cut Intimes 2006 and 2007, Lepage Lepage his customers at chaque least aIetyear: He spent between son ; 2) Iloff. loue un cinéma printemps invite1) the anniversaire real estatetouches agent “This is a very bigthree battle, don’t want year but on advertising – including radio, tel calls each customer on hisIl or her birthday; 2) He rents ses clients, environ 300 et 3) coordonne un But barbecue theofresults topersonally play this game,” he personnes says. incentive for his customer base – which currently consists aboutof a recent consumer a cinema each spring and invites his customers, with a of he had a good co d’appréciation de sa clientèle à chaque automne, pour quelques undertook revealed that attitude and lovehisofway. brokering haveturnout helped 2,000Lepage’s contactspositive – to send more referrals region. Asappreciation such, he realized he could trim 250-300 invités. about 300 people; and 3) He coordinates a customer himThis always takecustomer the highbase road. Hegoes is convinced devoted even so far asbudget tothat callhe’s himnot up out funds barbecue À chaqueeach fois fall, qu’ilwith conclut une250-300 transaction, il envoie and unefree lettre de to spend on his about attendees. for referrals to other professional services such as anyway. plumbers and selling mortgages, because people need them Instead, his his This year, he reduced remerciements, comme lorsqu’il reçoit une référence. De plus, il envoie à advertising Each time he closes aservice, deal, heand sends a constant thank you letter, as well newspaper and local TV ads, and his bus lawyers, and also often amiably refers to him as ‘Uncle Mario’. “To focus is on offering great the flow of business ses clients passés un petit cadeau lorsqu’ils lui font increase référence. thanks toa his past clients – an as when he of receives aa referral. sends hisune past clients my I’m broker – He I’m ahas part of their family,” he small isasacustomers, product thenot relationships healso forged. business comes from repeat business or d gift when they pass a referral his way. proudly Droit declares. devant database. Lepage touches his customers at least three times Lepage a year:is1) He40upans gearing for a new conte 5^afPaScWX]ZX]V Le fait que le financement à 100% avec un amortissement sur CWTa^PSPWTPS October 2008rents to October personally calls each customer on his or her birthday; 2) He se sont réalisés au cours des deux dernières années – changements que In 2006 and 2007, Lepage spent between $100,000 and $150,000 a 2009, every tim referrer will be entered into Theon fact thatspring 100% financing and amortizations have neadvertising pouvait pas–and prévoir quand il40-year atelevision commencé comme courtier – lea draw for a aLepage cinema each invites his customers, with a turnout of come year including radio, and newspaper ads. Each quarter, he will also give away s rendent optimiste y recent aura également des changements significatifs to But fruition over qu’il the two years –changes that Lepage could not about 300 people; and He coordinates asurvey customer appreciation $500 gift certificates – through a draw, a the results of last a3) consumer that Lepage dans lespredicted prochaines années. have – makes him optimistic barbecue each fall,when with about 250-300 hispresence customers. undertook revealed thathe hestarted had a brokering goodattendees. consumer in his that Il a aussi bon espoir que le marché deachanges la sub-prime hypothécaire He’s still there will be equally significant over the next few out the details, but Each time he closes a deal, he sends thank you letter, asworking well region. As such, he realized he could trim back his advertising reviendra dans un futur proche. « Je ne sais pas quand, mais je suis asbudget when he referral. alsoon sends his past clients a smallsûr years. 52 andreceives free upa funds to He spend his existing customers. qui les prêts alternatifs reviendront », précise-t-il en ajoutant que la crise gift when they a referral his way. He’syear, alsopass hopeful that the sub-primebudget business will return in This reduced his advertising to $40,000 de confiance desheCanadiens dans ces produits doit être réparée. for the near future. “I don’t know when, but I’m sure the alternative newspaper « Quandand vouslocal jouezTV au ads, hockey vousissavez où se trouve andsur hisglace, business continuing to la CWTa^PSPWTPS lendersmais will come back,” sayspas adding that Canadian rondelle, vous connaissez ira. the Dans ce domaine, increase thanks to ne his pasthe clients – où an elle astounding 95% of his c’est The fact that 100% financing and 40-year amortizations have come confidence crisis to be repaired. labusiness même chose » de needs direrepeat Mario Lepage. comes from business or direct referrals from his to fruition over thefinancement last two years –changes that laLepage could database. Il croit queyou le électronique sera voiepuck du futur. Sayou seule “When play hockey, you know where the is, not but have predicted when started brokering –contact makes himis optimistic inquiétude, c’est qu’ilhe aura un manque de personnel entre way,” les don’t know where the puck will go. This business the same Lepage is gearing up for a new contest venture this fall. From courtiers etwill leurs that there be clients. equally significant changes over the next few says Lepage. 2008 to October every he receives a referral, the October Mais peu importe que2009, le futur noustime réserve, continuera years. Hewill believes thatceelectronic financing will beMario the way of the à referrer be entered into a draw for a trip worth about $3,000. mettre autant d’ardeur et d’amour à conclure chaque He’s also hopeful that the sub-prime business will return in future. His only he concern is agive lackaway of personal contact Eachfuture. quarter, will also smaller prizes –between such as nouvelle transaction. the near “I don’t know when, but I’m sure the alternative brokers and their customers. $500 gift certificates – through a draw,that as another means to reward lenders willno come back,” hethe saysfuture adding the Canadian But matter what holds,D’UN Lepage will continue to TRADUCTION TEXTE DE LA CMP his customers. confidence crisis needs to be repaired. putHe’s his still heartworking into each deal that comes his way. CMP out the but hethe believes thisbut is you a great “When you play hockey, youdetails, know where puck is, don’t know where the puck will go. This business is the same way,” says Lepage.