

Newsletter of the Canadian Neuroethics Interest Group
Bulletin du Groupe canadien d’intérêt en neuroéthique
Prepared by the Neuroethics Research Unit of the IRCM
Préparé par l’Unité de recherche en neuroéthique de l’IRCM
Sept. 1, 2008
1er Sept. 2008
Dear colleagues,
We hope that your summer has been both enyoyable
and productive.
Much happened in the world of neuroethics in the past
weeks and we have decided to focus our
September issue on the literature published
during August.
Sincerely yours.
Eric, Nicole, and Emily.
Neuroethics literature
Chers collègues,
Editorial team
Équipe éditoriale
Emily Bell PhD, Co-editor
Nicole Palmour, Co-editor
Nous espérons que votre été fut à la fois agréable et
Beaucoup de choses sont arrivées dans le monde de la
neuroéthique ces dernières semaines et c'est
pourquoi nous avons décidé de rapporter
particulièrement les publications du mois d'août
dans ce numéro de septembre.
Bien à vous,
Eric, Nicole et Emily.
Eric Racine PhD, Editor
Volume 1 No.7 - Sept/Sept 2008
Page 1
Newsletter of the Canadian Neuroethics Interest Group
Bulletin du Groupe canadien d’intérêt en neuroéthique
“The brain is a
monstrous, beautiful
mess. Its billions of
nerve cells - called
neurons - lie in a
tangled web that
displays cognitive
powers far
exceeding any of the
silicon machines we
have built to mimic it.”
William F. Allman,
The human brain,
then, is the most
organization of
matter that we know.
September 3-8, 2008 4th International Conference on
Clinical Ethics with the 9th World Congress of
Bioethics (other satellite congresses)
Rijeka, Croatia
September 4-7, 2008 The Canadian Psychiatric
Association’s Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC
September 5, 2008 3rd Canadian Congress on Mental Health
and Addiction in the Workplace
Québec City, Canada
September 8-10, 2008 1st Global Conference: Madness:
Probing the Boundaries
Oxford, United Kingdom
September 11, 2008 Inauguraiton of the National Core for
Vancouver, British Columbia
September 28-October 5 2008 First Interdisciplinary
NeuroSchool of the European Neuroscience and
Society Network
Monterotondo (Rome),
Isaac Asimov, 1986
Volume 1 No. 7- Sept/Sept 2008
Page 2
Newsletter of the Canadian Neuroethics Interest Group
Bulletin du Groupe canadien d’intérêt en neuroéthique
September 25, 2008, 7 pm 2008 John Hans-Beer Memorial lecture, The Mental Health
Commission of Canada Former Senator, The Honourable Michael Kirby Chair,
Mental Health Commission of Canada Oscar Peterson Concert Hall
7141 Sherbrooke West, Montreal
October 3-4, 2008 JEMH Conference on Ethics in Mental Health, Lakefield, ON
October 6-8, 2008 Psychiatry & Freedom: 11th International Conference for Philosophy
and Mental Health, Dallas, TX
October 17th, 2008 Ethically Speaking – The Moral Dilemmas of Nursing Leadership
and Practice, Montreal, QC
November 5-7, 2008 International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social
Studies of Biology, Kobe, Japan
November 6th, 2008 Neuroethics: East and West (Organizer: Osamu Sakura) Speakers:
Eric Racine (IRCM, University of Montreal, McGill University) Koji Ishihara
(University of Tokyo) Mayu Yamaguchi (University of Tokyo) Taichi Isobe
(University of Tokyo)
November 13-14th, 2008 Neuroethics Society, First Annual Meeting, Washington DC
Volume 1 No. 7- Sept/Sept 2008
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Newsletter of the Canadian Neuroethics Interest Group
Bulletin du Groupe canadien d’intérêt en neuroéthique
Volume 1 No. 7- Sept/Sept 2008
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Newsletter of the Canadian Neuroethics Interest Group
Bulletin du Groupe canadien d’intérêt en neuroéthique
Call for Papers: Special issue of Bioethics.
2008 Neuroethics Society 1st Annual Meeting - Abstracts due
Sept 1st 2008
Washington, DC, November 13-14, 2008
Published bi-monthly by
the Canadian Psychiatric
Association, Canadian
Psychiatry Aujourd’hui
highlights topics of
interest to psychiatrists
and mental health
professionals. Features
include news items and
opinion pieces, and
special topics about
clinical care for mental
health. The journal has
also contained
neuroethics related items
over the past years,
including pieces on the
ethics of cognitive
enhancement, of
psychiatric advance
directives and of deep
brain stimulation.
January 7, 2008 (rolling thereafter)
Discussions of Science and Technology Policy and emerging
Volume 1 No. 7- Sept/Sept 2008
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Newsletter of the Canadian Neuroethics Interest Group
Bulletin du Groupe canadien d’intérêt en neuroéthique
Neuroethics Research Unit
Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal,
With the support of the:
States of Mind NET, Canadian Institutes of
Health Research (CIHR)
First Annual Meeting of
the Neuroethics Society
AAAS Headquarters,
Washington D.C.
Conference program includes
sessions on:
“The Science of DecisionMaking and Free Will ”
“Discussion of the Ethics of
Deep Brain Stimulation”
“National Intelligence and
November 13-14, 2008
September 1, 2008
September 1, 2008.
We are seeking a Postdoctoral Fellow to join the
Neuroethics Research Unit
( to contribute to a
national qualitative study on the ethical use of
neurotechnology with a focus on deep brain stimulation.
This study, funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health
Research, will provide an exciting opportunity to examine
issues at the intersection of neuroscience, research ethics,
and governance. This is a ten month position with possible
Interest in pursuing empirical research in neuroethics
Good communication and interpersonal skills
Ph.D. training in bioethics or social science or neuroscience
Publication and scientific communication experience
Interdisciplinary teamwork experience an asset
Clinical training an asset
Position remains open until filled.
Start date: as soon as July 1, 2008.
Submit by email a CV, a cover letter and two reference
letters to: Eric Racine, Ph.D., Director, Neuroethics Research
Unit ([email protected]). Only those selected for an
interview will be contacted.
Volume 1 No. 7- Sept/Sept 2008
Page 6
Newsletter of the Canadian Neuroethics Interest Group
Bulletin du Groupe canadien d’intérêt en neuroéthique
Unité de recherche en neuroéthique
Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal, IRCM
Avec l’appui du réseau
States of Mind, Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC)
Nous sommes à la recherche d’un stagiaire postdoctoral souhaitant se joindre à
l’Unité de recherche en neuroéthique (
afin de contribuer à une étude qualitative sur l’usage éthique des
neurotechnologies en particulier de la neurostimulation (deep brain stimulation).
Cette étude, financée par les Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada, fournira
au candidat une occasion exceptionnelle d’examiner les enjeux à l’intersection
des neurosciences, de l’éthique de la recherche et de la gouvernance. Il s’agit d’un
poste de dix mois avec possibilité de renouvellement.
Intérêt à poursuivre des travaux de recherche empirique en neuroéthique
Bonnes habiletés interpersonnelles et de communication
Études doctorales en bioéthique ou en sciences sociales ou en neurosciences
Expérience de publication et de communication scientifiques
Expérience de travail dans le cadre d’une équipe interdisciplinaire un atout
Formation clinique un atout
Dates limites
Le poste demeure ouvert jusqu’à ce qu’il soit comblé.
Date d’embauche : aussi tôt que le 1er juillet 2008.
Faites parvenir par courriel votre CV, une lettre de motivation et deux lettres de
référence à l’attention d’Eric Racine, Ph.D., Directeur, Unité de recherche en
neuroéthique, à [email protected]. Nous ne communiquerons qu’avec les
personnes dont la candidature aura été retenue.
Volume 1 No. 7- Sept/Sept 2008
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Newsletter of the Canadian Neuroethics Interest Group
Bulletin du Groupe canadien d’intérêt en neuroéthique
Magnetic Appeal: MRI and the Myth of Transparency
Joyce KA. Cornell University Press; 2008, 208 pages.
The neurocognitive enhancement of surgeons: an ethical perspective
Warren OJ, Leff DR, Athanasiou T, Kennard C, Darzi A. J Surg Res. 2008 Jan 14.
The impact of neuroscience on health law
Stacey A. Tovino. Neuroethics 2008;2(1): 101-117
Media coverage of the persistent vegetative state and end-of-life decision-making
Racine E, Amaram R, Seidler M, Karczewska M, Illes J. Neurology. 2008 Aug 6; [Epub ahead of print]
Theresa Schiavo's tragedy and ours, too
Bernat JL. Neurology 2008 [Epub ahead of print]
Empirically supported treatments improve care of adolescents with depression
Lynne Lamberg. JAMA. 2008;300:269-270.
Schiavo on the cutting edge: functional brain imaging and its impact on surrogate end-of-life
Jon B. Eisenberg. Neuroethics 2008;2(1): 75-83.
Gambling treatment options: a roll of the dice
Collier R. CMAJ 2008;179 127-128
Voices of people who have received ECT
Rajkumar AP, Saravanan B, Jacob KS. Indian J Med Ethics. 2007;4(4):157-64.
Ethical questions in addiction treatment
Touzet P. Soins Psychiatr. 2008;(256):8. French.
Volume 1 No. 7- Sept/Sept 2008
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Newsletter of the Canadian Neuroethics Interest Group
Bulletin du Groupe canadien d’intérêt en neuroéthique
Grand challenges for psychiatric drug discovery: a perspective
Brady LS, Giffin RB, Woodcock J, Cassell GH, Holmes EW. Neuropsychopharmacology 2008 33: 2047.
The promises of deep brain stimulation in psychiatry
Emily Bell, Ghislaine Mathieu, Eric Racine. Canadian Psychiatry Aujourd’hui 2008;4(4): 14.
The normativity of memory modification
Liao SM, Sandberg A. Neuroethics 2008;2(1): 85-99.
The boundaries of organ donation after circulatory death
Bernat JL. N Engl J Med 2008;359; 669-71.
Donating hearts after cardiac death-reversing the irreversible
Veatch RM. N Engl J Med 2008; 59; 672-3.
Extending our view on using BCIs for locked-in syndrome
Andrew Fenton and Sheri Alpert. Neuroethics 2008; 2(1): 119-132.
The actor–observer bias and moral intuitions: adding fuel to Sinnott-Armstrong’s fire
Thomas Nadelhoffer and Adam Feltz. Neuroethics 2008; 2(1): 133-144.
Freedom of memory today
Kolber A. Neuroethics 2008; 2(1):145-148.
Direct-to-consumer advertising: end of the compromise
Hébert PC. CMAJ 2008;179: 119.
La publicité directe au consommateur : fini les compromis
Hébert PC. CMAJ 2008;179: 121.
Elucidating the neural correlates of egoistic and moralistic self-enhancement
Barrios V, Kwan VS, Ganis G, Gorman J, Romanowski J, Keenan JP. Conscious Cogn 2008;17(2):4516. Epub 2008 Apr 15.
[Ethical questions in addiction treatment]
Touzet P. Soins Psychiatr. 2008 May-Jun;(256):8. French.
Volume 1 No. 7- Sept/Sept 2008
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Newsletter of the Canadian Neuroethics Interest Group
Bulletin du Groupe canadien d’intérêt en neuroéthique
Technology and confidentiality
Gauthier M. Nurs BC. 2008 Apr;40(2):11-2.
Ethics consultation in dual diagnosis of mental illness and mental retardation: medical
Decision making for community-dwelling persons
Artnak KE. Camb Q Healthc Ethics. 2008 Spring;17(2):239-46.
The molecules of social recognition memory: implications for social cognition, extended
mind, and neuroethics
Bickle J. Conscious Cogn. 2008 Jun;17(2):468-74. Epub 2008 Apr 29.
Patient registries in cognitive neuroscience research: advantages, challenges, and practical
Fellows LK, Stark M, Berg A, Chatterjee A. J Cogn Neurosci. 2008;20(6):1107-13.
A review of the ethics in research on child abuse
Veena AS, Chandra PS. Indian J Med Ethics. 2007;4(3):113-5.
The role of the orbitofrontal cortex in the pursuit of happiness and more specific rewards
Burke KA, Franz TM, Miller DN, Schoenbaum G. Nature 2008; 454, 340-344.
Effects of poverty on cognitive function: a hidden neurologic epidemic
Bergen DC. Neurology 2008;71 447-451
When the boss turns pusher: a proposal for employee protections in the age of cosmetic
Appel JM. J Med Ethics. 2008 Aug;34(8):616-8.
National trends in psychotherapy by office based psychiatrists
Mojtabai R, Olfson M. Archives of general psychiatry 2008; 65(8), 962-970.
Neurological caricatures since the 15th century
Lorusso L. J Hist Neurosci. 2008;17(3):314-34.
Art as a portal into the minds of those with mental illness
Fujimoto A, Douglas-Fujimoto M. Am J Psychiatry. 2008 Jul;165(7):819.
Volume 1 No. 7- Sept/Sept 2008
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Newsletter of the Canadian Neuroethics Interest Group
Bulletin du Groupe canadien d’intérêt en neuroéthique
Children and terrorism-related news: training parents in coping and media literacy
Comer JS, Furr JM, Beidas RS, Weiner CL, Kendall PC. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2008
Research malpractice and the issue of incidental findings
Milstein AC. J Law Med Ethics. 2008;36(2):356-60, 214.
The risks and benefits of searching for incidental findings in MRI research scans
Royal JM, Peterson BS. J Law Med Ethics. 2008;36(2):305-14, 212.
Investigating emotion in moral cognition: a review of evidence from functional neuroimaging
and neuropsychology
Young L, Koenigs M. Br Med Bull. 2007;84:69-79. Epub 2007 Nov 20.
Professionals' attitudes toward reducing restraint: the case of seclusion in the Netherlands
van Doeselaar M, Sleegers P, Hutschemaekers G. Psychiatr Q. 2008 Jun;79(2):97-109.
To know or not to know
Ballantyne C. Nat Med. 2008 Aug;14(8):797.
Brain lesion volume and capacity for consent in stroke trials: potential regulatory barriers to
the use of surrogate markers
Dani KA, McCormick MT, Muir KW. Stroke. 2008 Aug;39(8):2336-40
Standard operating procedures, ethical and legal regulations in BTB (Brain/Tissue/Bio)
banking: what is still missing?
Ravid R. Cell Tissue Bank. 2008;9(2):121-37.
The unseen mind
Wilson TD, Bar-Anan Y. Science 2008;321: 1046-1047
Consensus statement on genetic research in dementia
Olde Rikkert MG, van der Vorm A, Burns A, Dekkers W, Robert P, Sartorius N, Selmes J, Stoppe G,
Vernooij-Dassen M, Waldemar G. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2008;23(3):262-6.
Volume 1 No. 7- Sept/Sept 2008
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Newsletter of the Canadian Neuroethics Interest Group
Bulletin du Groupe canadien d’intérêt en neuroéthique
Nursing implications in the application of conversion therapies on gay, lesbian, bisexual, and
transgender clients
Blackwell CW. Issues Ment Health Nurs. 2008;29(6):651-65
Tobacco control policies, social inequality and mental health populations: time for a
comprehensive treatment response
Lawn S. Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2008;42(5):353-6.
Does HIV-1/AIDS-associated frontotemporal neuropathology following perinatal infection
influence the development of moral behaviour?
Gericke GS. Med Hypotheses. 2008;70(6):1139-46.
Applications of real-time fMRI
deCharms RC. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 2008; 9: 720-729
Neural systems underlying voluntary and automatic emotion regulation: toward a neural
model of bipolar disorder
Phillips ML, Ladouceur CD, Drevets WC. Mol Psychiatry 2008; 13: 829.
Assessing the impact of the requirement for explicit consent in a hospital-based stroke study
Jackson C, Crossland L, Dennis M, Wardlaw J, Sudlow C.
QJM. 2008;101(4):281-9.
Presurgical functional MR imaging of language and motor functions: validation with
intraoperative electrocortical mapping
Bizzi A, Blasi V, Falini A, Ferroli P, Cadioli M, Danesi U, Aquino D, Marras C, Caldiroli D, Broggi G.
Radiology. 2008;248(2):579-89.
Substitute decision-making for adults with intellectual disabilities living in residential care:
learning through experience
Dunn MC, Clare IC, Holland AJ. Health Care Anal. 2008 Mar;16(1):52-64.
Quality of web-based information on social phobia: a cross-sectional study.
Khazaal Y, Fernandez S, Cochand S, Reboh I, Zullino D. Depress Anxiety. 2008;25(5):461-5.
Volume 1 No. 7- Sept/Sept 2008
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Newsletter of the Canadian Neuroethics Interest Group
Bulletin du Groupe canadien d’intérêt en neuroéthique
How much? Who pays? Who benefits? A look at ethics in mental health
Smoyak SA. J Psychosoc Nurs Ment Health Serv 2008;46(7):8-9.
Quality of life in patients with right- or left-sided brain tumours: literature review
Palese A, Lamanna F, Di Monte C, Calligaris S, Doretto M, Criveller M. J Clin Nurs.
Towards clinical trials of lie detection with fMRI
Hakun JG, Ruparel K, Seelig D, Busch E, Loughead JW, Gur RC, Langleben DD. Soc Neurosci.
Experts urge smart thinking on cognitive enhancers
Morris K. Lancet Neurol. 2008;7(6):476-7.
Mechanisms underlying an ability to behave ethically
Pfaff DW, Kavaliers M, Choleris E. Am J Bioeth. 2008;8(5):10-9.
Stem cell transplantation in India: tall claims, questionable ethics
Pandya SK. Indian J Med Ethics. 2008;5(1):15-7.
Review launched after Harvard psychiatrist failed to disclose industry funding
Lenzer J. BMJ. 2008;336(7657):1327.
How can we realize the promise of personalized antidepressant medicines?
Holsboer F. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 2008; 9: 646-654.
Culture-sensitive neural substrates of human cognition: a transcultural neuroimaging
Han S, Northoff G.. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 2008; 9: 646-654
Access to medical records for research purposes: varying perceptions across research
ethics boards
Willison DJ, Emerson C, Szala-Meneok KV, Gibson E, Schwartz L, Weisbaum KM, Fournier F, Brazil
K, Coughlin MD. J Med Ethics. 2008;34(4):308-14.
Volume 1 No. 7- Sept/Sept 2008
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Newsletter of the Canadian Neuroethics Interest Group
Bulletin du Groupe canadien d’intérêt en neuroéthique
Ethical use of cogniceuticals in the militaries of democratic nations
Russo MB, Arnett MV, Thomas ML, Caldwell JA. Am J Bioeth. 2008;8(2):39-41; discussion W4-6.
How do you know unless you look?” Brain imaging, biopower and practical neuroscience
Johnson D, Journal of Medical Humanities 2008; 29:147-161.
How should clinical psychologists approach complementary and alternative medicine?
Empirical, epistemological, and ethical considerations
Hughes BM. Clin Psychol Rev. 2008 Apr;28(4):657-75
Investigating emotion in moral cognition: a review of evidence from functional neuroimaging
and neuropsychology
Young L, Koenigs M. Br Med Bull. 2007;84:69-79. Epub 2007 Nov 20.
Stroke genetic research and adults with impaired decision-making capacity. A survey of IRB
and investigator practices
Chen DT, Meschia JF, Brott TG, Brown RD, Worrall BB; for the SWISS investigators. Stroke. 2008
Jul 24; [Epub ahead of print]
The placebo treatments in neurosciences: New insights from clinical and neuroimaging
Diederich NJ, Goetz CG. Neurology 2008;71: 677-684.
Transcranial direct current stimulation improves recognition memory in Alzheimer disease
Ferrucci R, Mameli F, Guidi I, Mrakic-Sposta S, Vergari M, Marceglia S, Cogiamanian F, Barbieri S,
Scarpini E, Priori A. Neurology 2008;71 493-498.
Volume 1 No. 7- Sept/Sept 2008
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Newsletter of the Canadian Neuroethics Interest Group
Bulletin du Groupe canadien d’intérêt en neuroéthique
Doctors debate when to declare organ donors dead
The Associated Press Updated Thu. Aug. 14 2008 8:20 AM ET
Les erreurs de la presse
Radio-Canada, le 7 août 2008,
Psychiatrists strive to help children heal mental wounds from war and disasters
Lamberg L. JAMA. 2008; 300:642-643.
Internet drug sales
Mitka M. JAMA. 2008; 300:645-b.
Autism genes
Kuehn BM. JAMA. 2008; 300:891.
Contrasts across the 49th parallel
Stephen Randall S. Science 2008; 321:1159-1160.
Volume 1 No. 7- Sept/Sept 2008
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Newsletter of the Canadian Neuroethics Interest Group
Bulletin du Groupe canadien d’intérêt en neuroéthique
Neuroethics at the University of Pennsylvania
University of British Columbia, National Core for Neuroethics
If you would like to
post any events,
letters, articles or
news of interest
please contact us at
Si vous souhaitez
afficher un
événement, une lettre,
un article ou une
nouvelle d’intérêt,
veuillez nous
contacter à l’adresse
[email protected].
Canadian Neuroethics Network
Neuroethics Society
Neuroethics Research Unit / L’Unité de recherche en
Journal of Ethics in Mental Health
Novel Techethics
Centre for Neurosciences, Johannes Gutenberg-University of
Neuroethics at the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics
If you would like to be removed from our newsletter
list please e-mail [email protected] with
“Newsletter-Remove” in the subject line.
Si vous souhaitez ne plus recevoir ce bulletin, veuillez
écrire un courriel avec le titre « Enlever Bulletin»
comme sujet.
Volume 1 No. 7- Sept/Sept 2008
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